This article is written by Ashutosh. In this article, the author has discussed in depth the remote work opportunities available for women. This article also covers various other information related to women and their careers in AI, such as scope, opportunities, types of jobs, contributions, etc.

Table of Contents


Artificial intelligence is currently the most booming sector, almost all the companies all around the World are using AI to enhance the productivity of their product. Other than the benefits to companies, AI has also benefited various individuals in landing job opportunities. The evolution of AI has given birth to numerous job opportunities, and people all around the world are grabbing these opportunities.

Women have special chances in AI jobs because all companies now need diverse minds to help their developers develop solutions that benefit all people. AI has also given special opportunities to all those women who were on a career break for personal reasons; those women can now easily get work opportunities from their homes and make a living. 

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What is AI

AI has become a part of everyone’s life nowadays. It not only makes life easier but can also help people in earning. If you are someone who would like to make a career in AI, you should first understand what AI is and how it works. 

In simple terms, artificial intelligence is a field of computer science that enables computers to solve problems by stimulating human intelligence. Thus, AI can perform tasks that require human intelligence or human intervention. Some of the few examples of AI include digital assistants, GPS guidance, and generative AI tools like Chat GPT, Claude AI, etc. 

Also, work through machine learning and deep learning which means that AI tools make their decisions like human brains and how it makes the decision by learning from the available data and subsequently increasing the accuracy of the decision through predictions over time. 

⁠How AI has evolved in the past few years

Although AI has become very popular these days, it has its roots way back in history and in order to understand the evolution of AI over the years, one must first understand the roots. 

Early roots

Although, it can be said that the inception of AI had started with the invention of Computers, but it was the great philosophers and thinkers like Aristotle who developed the concept of deductive reasoning system. During the 4th century BC, Aristotle gave the syllogistic system. This system helped in laying the foundation of logical thinking and critical reasoning. These two aspects are the basis of artificial intelligence. 


The introduction for the basis of artificial intelligence had taken place way back in history but the genesis or foundation of the AI itself had started in the mid-20th century. This century marked the development of a possibility under which machines could generate human-like intelligence. The 1950s decade was one of the landmark years for the development of AI as it was the first time that an AI program was made that was capable of playing checkers and solving mathematical algebra problems. 

Experimentation period

During the 1960s and 1970s, people had realised the power of AI and how it had the power to revolutionise the world. Thus, this period saw significant funding for the research and development of AI. This time also marked the innovations of a few most important fundamental algorithms. It is important to mention here that although women could not be a significant or major part of AI development during this time, however with time their contributions in the field had started to become more and more significant. 

Dark period: first AI winter

Just like every great innovation, AI had also had its dark phase when there were many sceptics of AI, and spreading it to a large scale only used to look like a dream. In the late 1970s and 1980s, the world witnessed the first AI winter. This period marked scepticism towards AI, reduction in funding, etc. due to the limitations of the field. The major limitations included its heavy building and usage costs, limited capabilities, and hindrances in scaling. Due to such hindrances in the development of AI, the developers started focusing on the development of AI in a way that would ensure realistic expectations and usage of AI. 

Revival of AI

In the late dark period, the AI developers had started focusing on the realistic development of AI, and the 1990s marked to be a turning point for artificial intelligence due to the developments that were made. This could only be achieved due to the invention of highly efficient algorithms, an increase in databases, and the development of computers. The basis of AI i.e. deep learning was majorly developed during this period which in turn led to setting the stage for the modern AI era. 

Modern AI era

The 21st century has become the modern AI era because it is in this era that AI has become a part and parcel of everyday human life. Some groundbreaking developments have been made in the field of AI and it can be said that AI has become fully developed in this era and is capable of assisting humans with various tasks. At the same time, it is also open to new changes to be made in it. 

Is AI a good career option for women

We have already discussed what AI is and how it has grown over the centuries. As far as women’s career in AI is concerned, it is important to point out first that just like AI, the role of women in various fields has also evolved over the centuries. Although men have historically been a part of the development of AI, there have been efforts to increase participation and encourage women to work in AI. There was a time when women were not even given voting rights, but we have come a long way today where not only do women actively participate in voting, but they have also become a significant part of every field, from law, medical, administrative services or now even AI for that matter. 

The main basis of AI is that it includes the component of inclusion and diversity which means that the greater the number of viewpoints, opinions, and diverse creativity it would be fed with, the better it would develop. And women have distinctive opinions that are unique to each one of them. Moreover, their thought process and creative abilities are very different from those of men. Thus, the inclusion of such a wide range of opinions, thoughts, etc. would help the AI to make biassed free judgments and decisions. 

Thus, the participation of women in the field of AI is not an option but rather a requirement. 

Now coming to the question, of whether the AI career is good for women or not. For women who are interested in AI and computer science, AI is definitely a very lucrative and comfortable career option. Also, women in the AI field will have a variety of career options in this field like engineering related to AI, experts in data, advisory for ethical AI, product manager in AI, etc. 

Although a high rise in the percentage of women in AI has been seen in the recent decade, still the proportion is not 50:50 in any AI related field. However, we can be assured that over time this ratio is going to rise and soon the ratio of women to men in the workforce will be equal. In order to achieve an equal ratio, women must upgrade their skills to fulfil the demands of AI companies. AI has given an opportunity to women to fill the gender disparities in the AI field as it does not require any gender specific role. Women have the chance to upskill and reskill themselves as per the requirements of the AI roles that they seek to get. 

The AI field, not only has created a number of jobs for women in the field but it has also led to the development of unlimited possible jobs for future technology roles.  

Payment gap for women in AI

 As per the statistics of the USA, women earn 82 cents for every dollar which is earned by the men. However, when it comes to AI specific roles, it can be said that the younger women have come to parity in earnings with their male counterparts. Thus, as a woman in AI, one should not worry about payment disparity. 

How has AI created more opportunities for women

As mentioned above, AI has given an opportunity to women to have more and more career opportunities. Moreover, it has also helped women in overcoming the gender barriers, gender specific roles, pay parity, and bias towards men. AI has helped women in achieving their dream roles and jobs in the following ways:

Creating equal opportunities

AI has helped a great deal in creating equal opportunities for men and women in the workplace. This has been done by letting AI to recruit employees at certain levels of the recruitment process. Although the AI cannot carry out all the processes without human intervention. It cannot be used to carry out all the tasks but it can only be used to assist the humans in carrying out such tasks. Since AI is free from any kind of gender based bias unlike humans, its assistance can be taken in the starting point of recruitment where it can recruit without any gender bias and further the task can be completed by the humans based on the candidates’ skills. 

Taking on gender specific ‘office housework’

There are certain office related tasks like scheduling and organising events and conferences, taking notes of the meetings, ordering food, etc., which although essential for the smooth functioning of the office are still usually regarded as mere clerical and thankless tasks. And it has been noticed in various studies that either the corporation does not hire any specific person for such tasks and they approach some women from their team to carry out these tasks or if they hire anyone for the position, it is usually women. There is no courses or specific skills required to carry out such tasks except for the basic corporate skills that are required for any job, still, women are chosen for such jobs because of the gender stereotype that women are supposed to be good at household work and thus it is assumed that the women in the workforce must also be good at such office housework. 

Nowadays, corporations have started using AI to complete such office housework tasks or any such housework that cannot be done with the help of AI is now being given to people who are selected by AI for the role. Thus, AI has taken off the extra load from women’s shoulders which has in turn helped them to focus more on work. 

Diverse workforce

AI has helped women in achieving jobs without gender bias. AI is the kind of artificial intelligence that requires human input and the more diverse the input is, it can lead to better results and decisions from the AI. Thus, AI has empowered women by giving value to their opinions, thoughts and reasonings, equally to that of women. And similarly, AI shall also help to diversify the workforce to third genders in the future. 

Opportunities in healthcare

There are a lot of women working in the healthcare sector, and now most of the organisations prefer hiring women members to develop advanced AI solutions for their patient care. There are various female therapists and psychologists that are creating advanced AI therapy applications and chatbots. 

Opportunities in beauty and fashion

There are various women out in the fashion and beauty industry who are creating innovations such as enhanced styling, custom product creation, etc. women know a lot about beauty and fashion there is no other gender on earth who can teach beauty and fashion more appropriately than women. Thus, varios beauty and fashion companies are hiring women for creating easy AI enhanced solutions for their customers.

Gender neutral roles

Unlike other industries which specifically include on-field works like sales, factory related works etc. used to hire only men for their work as they  considered women as physically weak to carry out such tasks. However, changes have been seen in these industries as they started to hire women also in the recent past but the ratio is still far less than 50-50. But when it comes to the AI industry, it has never required gender specific roles except during the time of its development when the overall development of women in any workforce used to be far less than that of men’s. In the AI field, anyone who has the requisite qualifications, skills and experience can easily apply for the job and if she or he is found to be good enough for the job, they will get it irrespective of the gender. Thus, AI has helped women in securing jobs without any gender bias. And many AI based corporations today hire equal men and women. 

Scope for women in AI remote jobs

Due to the stereotypical roles given to women in the society, many women have often ended up giving up their jobs and careers to fulfil their responsibilities. The same is never expected from men as their role in the society is to be the breadwinner for the family. Though these roles have changed over the years and women have started taking part in building and prioritising their careers, there are still studies and surveys that show otherwise. 

The concept of remote jobs or work from home jobs has mainly developed during the covid period and it has proved to be a boon for women ever since. Remote jobs are especially beneficial for women as it gives them the opportunity to balance professional and personal life. They do not need to give up their jobs for any personal responsibility. Time and location does not matter in remote jobs rather factors like hours spent and quality work matter. A survey done by LinkedIn showed that women are more inclined towards applying for remote jobs in comparison to men. 

When it comes to AI related remote jobs, there are definitely more options available than in any other field as AI jobs can easily be done from home. There is little to no requirement for fieldwork in this sector except for a few posts. 

How can women advance their careers by embracing AI

AI is being implemented across all the industries during the current time and every manual role is being transformed in some way or another. As of now, there is a huge opportunity for all women to give themselves the benefit of reskilling and upskilling with all the latest future AI-driven roles.

By doing so they will not only increase their job potential but they can also create unlimited possibilities with the evolving AI technology to take on all the highly in-demand future roles. 

All the underrepresented groups, especially women, can boost their career and job opportunities by developing the best and highly demanding AI skills now to make sure that they are ready to embrace these new tools that are going to become more widespread and integrated. AI can be extremely helpful for everyone who wants to take his/her career to the next level. It is not going to replace any job but eventually, it will replace those people who don’t learn to use these AI tools. 

Organisations all around the world are looking for employees who know how to use AI tools to enhance the creative process and improve work facets and other problem-solving needs. 

As AI is going to have an impact on each and every job, women can easily advance their careers by upskilling or reskilling. Women and all other underrepresented people can embrace their careers by developing extraordinary AI skills, by learning how they can use those skills in their work, by staying updated with all the latest AI trends, and by using and learning those trends before anyone in their field.  

Opportunities for women in AI remote work jobs

There was a common confusion in the minds of all the individuals that in the coming future they are going to lose their jobs to AI. However, that is not the case, in fact, AI has created a lot of job opportunities for people all around the World, these are not only job opportunities but these flexible remote job work opportunities that people can do from their homes. One category of people that have been immensely happy because of this is the category of Women, Women all around the World who are in their motherhood phase, or had to lose their job because of some or other reason and have got an opportunity to kick start their career, and this is all because of job opportunities created by AI.

Here, in this article, we will be exhaustively discussing some of the highly demanding remote job work opportunities for women, we will also discuss its job responsibilities and the skills required to get that job opportunity. 

The list of job opportunities that we will be discussing are listed below:

  • Data scientist and analyst
  • AI and machine learning expert
  • AI subject matter expert
  • AI engineer 
  • AI architect

Data scientist and analyst

Data scientists are the people who have a responsibility to simplify all the complex data puzzles that are capable of changing the way a company functions. Basically, the data scientist is an individual who is responsible for finding all the insights and hidden patterns in datasets. Data scientists are also required to handle massive tabular data on LLMs (large language models), they play an extremely crucial role in leveraging their expertise in tabular data analysis to extract the insights, drive decisions that are data driven, and also in building predictive models. 

Recently there has been a lot of opportunity for women in this field, though the field is dominated by males still women are making a decent attempt to set their foot in this field. Women who have upskilled their AI skills and who know how to use AI tools to make their work more effective as a data analyst and scientists are getting fair opportunities and a decent salary. 

Responsibilities of a data scientist/ analyst

Here are the main responsibilities of a data scientist/analyst

  • Knowing how to utilise LLMs (large language models)- Data scientists are required to harness the power of LLMS to analyse all the massive volumes of data tables effectively and efficiently.
  • Analysing various tabular data – All the data scientists are required to use the advanced statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to uncover all the trends, patterns, and anomalies in complex data tables.
  • Predictive modelling– They are also required to deploy and develop predictive models using the large language models to forecast all the future trends, and identify all the potential risks, and optimise all the business outcomes that are based on large scale data tables.
  • Pre-processing and data handling– Data scientists are required to make lead efforts in pre processing, cleaning, and transforming all the raw tables of data to make sure that their scalability, quality, and consistency are up to the mark for the purpose of analysis. 
  • Product enhancement- Data scientists work closely with the product managers for the purpose of identifying all the market trends and customer needs, they also provide data driven recommendations to improve the features of the product to provide overall customer satisfaction. 

How can women get these job opportunities

There are various online websites such as Naukri, Indeed, LinkedIn etc that have various job opportunities for data scientists and data analysts for women. 

Here is a live example of such a job opportunity. 

This is a screenshot showing a similar job opportunity of a senior data scientist being listed on a website. 

Women who are interested in working as senior data scientists can simply click on this link, or visit the website of Glassdoor and apply directly from their website. 

How can women make a comeback in this field

There are various women who have to leave their job for some personal reasons or because of pregnancy. AI has come up with enormous opportunities for all those women who have a career interruption because of their motherhood or any other reason. Here we have mentioned a few things that all women must follow in order to make a successful comeback in the field of data scientist/analyst.

  • Portfolio creation– One of the most important things every woman can do to make a comeback is to create their own profile or portfolio highlighting all their skills and past experiences. 
  • Taking online courses and attending webinars– Currently, a lot of emphasis is being laid upon increasing the women workforce and bringing equality of opportunity among men and women, there are various online courses and webinars available on the internet that teach how to land a remote AI driven job. Click here to check out one such course.
  • Attend returnship programs– There are a lot of professional women in India who have taken a pause from their work, keeping this in mind a lot of companies in India are providing returnship programs for those women to restart their careers. In these returnship programmes they provide mentorship, training, and various other networking opportunities to women. Companies that offer returnship programmes in India are Deloitte IndiaAmazon IndiaGoldman Sachs IndiaSAP India, etc. 

AI and machine learning expert

There are a lot of opportunities for women when it comes to artificial intelligence and machine learning, this is because they need diverse minds to create AI software that can work for everyone, other than this women are generally better than men in having soft skills, thus explaining all the difficult AI stuff to non technical members becomes a lot more easier. 

There are various companies that are looking for an AI and machine learning expert who also knows how to handle ML operations and data pipeline engineering.

Responsibilities of AI and machine learning expert

These are the main responsibilities of an AI and machine learning expert.

  • The most important responsibility is to develop, design, and deploy various models of machine learning for various applications.
  • Driving the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle, including model development, data processing, evaluation, and monitoring. 
  • Ensuring reliable creation of machine learning models and monitoring their performance in the production environment.
  • Designing and implementing data pipeline to support analytics workload and machine learning. 
  • Working closely with the data scientists, data engineers, and software engineers to make sure that there is seamless integration of ML models into applications.

How to apply

These are the steps that are required to be followed to successfully apply for these remote jobs.

  • The first thing that you need to do is go to any search engine and type remote AI and machine learning opportunities. Or you can simply go on any online website such as Indeed, LinkedIn, or,  and search for AI and machine learning expert jobs.
  • After that, you will get to see a lot of work opportunities available for AI and machine learning experts.

Image showing job opportunities available at Indeed.

  • Once you get to see all the job opportunities that are available, you can tap on the apply now button on any of the jobs that you find fit for yourself.
  • After you tap on the apply now button, you are required to fill all the necessary details about yourself and your experiences,
  • After filling in all the necessary details, tap on the submit button and your online application will be submitted. 

Other than these steps, you can also apply for these jobs by writing an email directly to the recruiter, explaining and convincing him why you would be the best pick for the opportunity. 

Can women who have taken career breaks make a comeback as AI and machine learning expert

Yes, for sure all the women who were on a career back can make a comeback and get remote AI driven job opportunities such as AI and machine learning. These are a few things that will help them in getting back on track.

  • Upskilling- One of the most important things that every woman who went on a career break needs to do is to upskill themself. There are various online courses available online through which they can easily acquire new skills. Websites such as Skill ArbitrageCoursera, edX, etc have some excellent online courses on AI, click here to check out one such course.
  • Portfolio creation- Yes, once again. This is the most important thing that an individual needs to do in order to get remote jobs, no matter whether you are on a break or anything else. You must have a portfolio. Write blogs, complete your courses, do freelancing work, develop new skills, and create a profile for yourself.
  • Networking- Networking is also extremely essential to get remote work opportunities, and now the best part of networking is that you can do it from your home through LinkedIn or various other websites. Make sure to connect with women who are experts in AI and machine learning, attend virtual conferences and follow all the leaders, and make sure to engage in the posts of your favourite ones. 
  • Returnship programmes– Returnship programs are other great initiatives taken by big companies such as IBM to kick start the stagnant life of a woman. You can get good guidance and mentorship through these returnship programmes which will help you a lot in landing a remote AI work opportunity. 

AI subject matter expert

Subject matter experts are those individuals that bridge the gap between real world applications and AI technology. They are the experts who know how to utilise AI in various domains and industries. Subject matter experts are those individuals who have deep knowledge about the AI models, their main responsibility is to work along with the AI and tech teams to develop solutions that work for the betterment of people. 

Women professionals who are in this field have a great opportunity, women who have previously worked in Healthcare, finance or education industry are highly demanded for this job. This is because they know the needs of the people and can help in delivering a perfect solution helping in fulfilling the needs of the people. 

One of the biggest advantages of this field is that in order to become an AI subject matter expert you don’t need to be a coding pro. All you need to have is the knowledge of your field and a basic understanding of the workings of AI, and the brains to put both the fields together. 

Women who are looking for remote jobs can easily get an opportunity here, this is because the main purpose of this job is to bridge the gap between the business and technology teams, and this can be done from any place in the World. This can be an amazing opportunity for all women as it provides flexibility and thus, they can easily do it.

Responsibilities of an AI subject matter expert

These are the main job responsibilities of an AI subject matter expert.

  • Their main duty is to bridge the gap between the technological teams and business units, they are required to have a basic knowledge of both these things.  
  • They are required to review the AI models created by the data science team.
  • They are required to do extensive research on their field and provide ideas for solutions that can be used for the betterment of the public by delivering exceptional solutions.
  • Evaluating, researching, and making recommendations on all the latest and emerging technologies.
  • Providing strategic advice and support to advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts, initiatives, and system technologies.

How to apply for these jobs

Applying for these jobs is extremely easy, here below we have mentioned all the steps that you need to follow in order to apply for these jobs.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to go to any online website that puts job posts.
  • Here, for example, we have selected a website named Indeed for reference.
  • As you can clearly see that on top there is a search bar asking for a job title, simply click there and write AI subject matter expert.
  • Once you search for it, you will get to see various options like this.
  • Tap on the job post in which you want to apply, and you will get to see an apply now option.
  • Click on the apply now option, and then a separate page will open in which you will have to fill in all your personal details along with your CV. 
  • Once you successfully submit all the details, click on the submit now button, and your application will be submitted.
  • You will receive an email after a few days about the status of your application.

How can women on career breaks resume their careers in this field

All the women who want to make a career in this field and want to resume their work can easily do it by learning AI skills and complementing it with their knowledge. Make sure that you attend a few courses and webinars that teach how to use AI and other aspects of machine learning. 

One of the best things about being an AI subject matter expert is that it gives value to the life experiences of an individual. Your previous years of work and the knowledge that you have gained in your field are not wasted, in fact, that is the most important ingredient that will help you in getting that remote job. You can get various remote work opportunities through reference so make sure that you connect with influential people in your field. 

Companies are looking for women from different perspectives. There are various healthcare, financial and educational companies who are looking for women with past experiences to help them build AI solutions for their fields. So, make sure that you keep an eye on all the job posting websites and grab the opportunity.

AI engineer

These engineers are the individuals who are responsible for building the AI world. In other words, we can also say that they are the architects of the AI World. AI Engineers are the persons who are responsible for creating all the amazing AI concepts that make them function in the real world. 

AI engineers are the ones who are responsible for building, developing, and designing the various AI systems. They are the ones who create machine learning models, chatbots, and other AI functions. They have a sound understanding of data science, software engineering, and programming, they are also experts in using various AI tools and techniques. 

Traditionally the field of AI engineering is dominated by males, but in the past few years that has changed rapidly. This is because there are various companies that want to build a diverse team to develop better AI. Because of that, they are actively hiring women engineers who will bring different approaches and perspectives toward problem solving. There are various paths through which women are getting AI driven remote work opportunities. One of the main reasons that women are becoming AI engineers is that the tasks that are done in AI engineering can be easily done from any place, all you need is a good and stable internet. 

Responsibilities of an AI engineer

These are some of the main responsibilities of an AI engineer.

  • Converting the machine learning products into application program interfaces so that they can be used by other applications.
  • Building various AI models from scratch and helping different components of the organisation such as the stakeholders and product managers to understand what outcome they are going to get from the model. 
  • Automate the structure that will be used by the data science team
  • Develop data ingestion and data transformation infrastructure
  • Manage and set up the product infrastructure as well as AI development
  • Coordinate with all the other members of the team and act like a good team player.

Skills required to become an AI engineer

These are some of the most useful skills that every AI engineer must possess.

  • programming skills– The first and the most important skill that every AI engineer must possess is programming. To become experienced in using AI tools it is very important to learn programming languages, such as Java, Python, C++, etc.
  • Problem solving skills– In order to become a successful AI engineer you must have the capacity to think creatively and solve problems. This is because artificial intelligence seeks to address all the problems that emerge in the real-time and it necessitates the development of problem solving skills that are both creative as well as critical.
  • Business intelligence– Most of the issues that are related to the management of an organisation may be fixed with the help of successful AI initiatives. If you possess business intelligence, you will be able to easily transform your technological ideas into a productive commercial venture. You must try to develop a fundamental knowledge of how companies work, the audience they serve, and their rivalries in the industry regardless of the industry in which you currently work.

How to apply for these jobs

You can easily apply for these AI driven remote jobs from your laptop from anywhere, below we have mentioned all the essential steps that you must follow in order to apply for these jobs.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to go to any of the job posting websites, such as LinkedIn,, etc.
  • Next, you need to type the job opportunity in the search bar of the website that you have selected.
  • Once you type the job that you are looking for, you will get to see various opportunities that are being posted on that website. 
  • Go through all the job options and select the one that you like the most. 
  • Tap on the job post in which you want to apply, and you will get to see an apply now option.
  • Click on the apply now option, and then a separate page will open in which you will have to fill in all your personal details along with your CV. 
  • Once you successfully submit all the details, click on the submit now button, and your application will be submitted.
  • You will receive an email after a few days about the status of your application.

How can women on career breaks resume their careers in this field

The field of AI is evolving very rapidly and it is expanding, and because of this new opportunities are also coming up. Women can take this advantage and set foot in this field, even the women who have taken career breaks can get remote work opportunities if they do the right thing. There are a few things a woman needs to do in order to successfully land such a job opportunity, and they are as follows:

  • Portfolio creation- Creating a portfolio is one of the most important things that you need to do in order to get a job. Your portfolio plays a great role when applying for jobs. Especially in such situations when you were on a work break. Slowly start your work and try to do some small freelance projects or any other personal project. This will help you showcase your work and your potential to the employers and they will think of you as an eligible person for the job.
  • Do online courses– Another most important thing that you must do before getting back into work is to do some online courses. There are various online teaching websites that have online courses on profile building and freelancing, make sure you check out those courses and get yourself enrolled in any of those. Click here to see one such course that is highly demanded as of now.
  • Networking- Yes, networking can also help you in various ways, you can land a remote job through reference. For that make sure that you will connect with people and engage with them.

AI architect

AI architects are those individuals who are responsible for developing solutions that challenge the usage of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. These architects work with the IT teams, software developers, and machine language engineers to identify those areas within technical systems and data modules that need improvement to enhance the functionality of the computer and the software. They are the ones who sketch the blueprint for an organisation’s whole AI strategy. 

There is a lot of scope for women in this field and this is mainly because in this field other than the technical skills, various other skills such as strategic thinking, communication, and the ability to collaborate with other teams are also required and women are usually better in this field thus, there are companies who want to hire women employees. 

One of the greatest advantages of working as an AI architect is that they can work remotely, and this thing is a game changer, especially for all the women. It provides greater flexibility, so, women who are stuck at their home or are on breaks can also get a fair opportunity. Women can easily take up the role of AI architects without having to shift to some other place.  

Responsibilities of an AI architect

These are some of the main responsibilities of an AI architect.

  • Developing AI solutions to solve all the complex and difficult problems across various domains.
  • Collaborating with the cross-functional teams in order to design, deploy, and build AI powered applications using programming languages.
  • Auditing AI tools and practices across various models, data, and software engineering.
  • Working closely in collaboration with the risk and security leaders to overturn and foresee all the risks and challenges. 
  • Collaborating with data scientists and other AI professionals to augment all the digital transformation efforts by piloting and identifying use cases.

Skills required to become an AI architect

These are the skills that an individual needs to possess in order to become an AI architect.

  • Pipeline planning and AI architect– It is very important for an AI architect to understand the pipeline architecture and workflow of machine learning. They need to have an in-depth knowledge of all the components of architectural trade-offs that are involved across the data management.
  • Software engineering- AI architecture must have the knowledge of various AI tools and DevOps such as Git and Kubernotes.
  • Advanced analytics and data science- They must also have knowledge of all the advanced analytical tools such as Python, along with machine learning.

How to apply for these jobs

You can easily apply for these AI driven remote jobs from your laptop from anywhere, below we have mentioned all the essential steps that you must follow in order to apply for these jobs.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to go to any of the job posting websites, such as LinkedIn,, etc.
  • Next, you need to type the job opportunity in the search bar of the website that you have selected.
  • Once you type the job that you are looking for, you will get to see various opportunities that are being posted on that website. 
  • Go through all the job options and select the one that you like the most. 
  • Tap on the job post in which you want to apply, and you will get to see an apply now option.
  • Click on the apply now option, and then a separate page will open in which you will have to fill in all your personal details along with your CV. 
  • Once you successfully submit all the details, click on the submit now button, and your application will be submitted.
  • You will receive an email after a few days about the status of your application.

How can women on career breaks resume their careers in this field

If you are a woman who was on a career break and now you want to resume your career as an AI architect, then don’t worry because you can do it by just doing a few simple things. Do not panic because of your career gap, the AI field is still in its evolving phase and everyone in this field is still learning and there is a lot more to learn for everyone out there.

  • Online courses– Start with the basics, learn about AI and machine learning, and make sure that you enrol in some high quality online courses. Make sure that you highlight a course in which you learn multiple things related to AI.
  • Build your portfolio– Creating a portfolio is one of the most important things that you need to do in order to get a job. Your portfolio plays a great role when applying for jobs. Especially in such situations when you were on a work break. Slowly start your work and try to do some small freelance projects or any other personal project. This will help you showcase your work and your potential to the employers and they will think of you as an eligible person for the job.

How can businesses get more women in AI, remote work jobs

AI has the power to increase the percentage of women in AI industries, but as per various reports, women are still not represented adequately in these fields. As per a 2020 World Economic Forum Report on gender parity, only 26% of the data and AI positions have been held by women. Thus there is a need to get more women in the AI industry and many companies are taking steps towards incorporating steps to add more and more women in the workforce. Here are a few steps that the companies can take to promote gender diversity in their companies. 

Flexible work environment

Just like any other industry, the AI industry should also make its work environment and culture flexible. This shall include offering remote employment to employees, part- time work, or flexible working hours. This is even more significant for women because they have concerns about their safety when working late at night. Thus, incorporating such flexible working hours and remote working days would be beneficial for women in the industry as they would be able to take part in the work without any other apprehensions regarding their safety. 

Equal pay for equal roles

There has been a constant fight for equal pay ever since women have started working. There was a time when women were not even paid half of what men were being paid for the same work. But times have changed now, and there has been a great development in the payment parity. Although there are still many industries where payment parity has not been achieved, yet women have come a lot closer to men’s payment as compared to earlier times. The AI companies that want to hire women in their team must offer equal pay to them from the beginning. These companies should also conduct regular pay audits to ensure that there are no pay gaps in the company. 

Equal opportunities

Many companies still have implicit gender biases when it comes to recruiting employees. These biases act as a hindrance for the women who are qualified enough for the job but are still rejected due to their gender. Sometimes, instead of rejecting women, the companies apply bias by creating job titles and descriptions specifically for men. 

Such bias in the hiring process should be done with and companies should aim for at least 50% women in their companies rather than making positions for men because AI algorithms cannot work without the valuable inputs of women. 

Mentorship from successful women in the industries

In order to achieve the best possible outcome in any career field, mentorship is very important since it helps the people to understand the intricacies related to work and various other practical aspects that are not taught in schools and colleges. When the mentorship comes from someone who has gone through the same hurdles and obstacles as the mentors, it is like the cherry on top. 

Earlier only academic institutions or some associations used to offer mentorship programmes and not from companies. However, this has changed and nowadays many companies offer mentorship to the new employees when they start their work. The AI companies can also inculcate these programs and provide mentorship to their employees from the successful female leaders of their company only. Many AI companies have already started such programmes through AI based apps where the app is used to connect and provide mentorship to the entry level and mid-level workers. 

Education and training

Though the employees who have been selected for the jobs, already have degrees and qualifications. However, in order to instil practical problem solving methods in the female employees, the companies can hold online training programs, courses, and even workshops. Many companies hold workshops for women in AI where they are taught not only the practical aspects of AI but also how to overcome gender based biases and hurdles. Companies can also hold conferences and industry events where they can call the top female leaders from the AI industry to motivate and encourage the female employees. 

Role models

There must be women in top positions in the AI industries, the companies should promote such women and encourage them so that it would boost their confidence and give them self assurance. These women in turn could act as role models for the new female employees and give them encouragement and hope to work harder so that they can also achieve such positions in their team. 

Work life balance

Although work life balance should be promoted in every industry and for all employees irrespective of their gender. But due to the gender norms and stereotypes, women still have some extra roles and duties to fulfil when it comes to house chores and especially taking care of the kids. Many working women end up giving up their careers after their babies are born. This norm needs to be changed and companies can bring a change in this field by offering certain benefits to pregnant women like, on-site childcare, and parental leaves both to men and women because only providing maternal leave would signify that taking care of the child is the sole responsibility of women. By providing a significant number of leaves to fathers if not equal to that given to mothers, companies can take a step ahead in promoting gender equality in house chores. Moreover, AI companies can also give the work from home option to women after the maternity leave is over so that they can keep a healthy balance between personal and professional lives. 

AI driven remote job posts for women

These are some of the most popular remote AI jobs available on the internet.

AI developer trainee

There are various organisations that are looking for a remote AI developer trainee who can design and develop a state of the art AI chatbot and can utilise the natural language processing techniques and machine learning algorithms to increase the capabilities of the chatbot. 

Image showing an AI developer trainee job opportunity available on the  indeed website

About this job

This is a remote work opportunity at Dezy It organisation. They are offering a full time job opportunity with a salary of 30-35 thousand rupees per month. They are a team of designers and creators who have come together to create a creative community with a common vision of innovation and growth. They are looking for an AI developer trainee for their team who can help them develop chatbots and provide technical support and guidance to other team members.

Click here, to get the full details of this job opportunity.

Senior technical architect

There is a high demand for AI architects at the current time. Many of the companies are looking for senior technical AI and ML architects who are proficient in machine learning and know how to develop complex AI solutions.

Image showing a senior technical AI architect job opportunity available at the indeed website.

About the job

This particular job opportunity is posted on the Indeed website, by an organisation named Bookit Digital Technologie Pvt Ltd., they are looking for a senior technical AI architect for remote work. The job of the architect will be to develop and implement cutting edge, to develop solutions to solve complex problems related to AI, they are looking for a candidate who has a deep understanding of programming language and of machine learning algorithms. They are offering a package of 25 lakhs to 32 lakhs per year for this job. 

Click here to learn more about this job post.

AI content writer

There are several companies who specialise in providing artificial intelligence solutions, these companies often look for talented content writers to help them in marketing and promoting their products. They need a content writer who has enough knowledge of AI and its tools and knows how to market and promote their products.

Image showing an AI content writer job opportunity available at the Indeed website.

About this job

This content writing job is posted by TEROBOTS ENTERPRISES AI PVT LTD, they are a cutting edge technology company that specialises in AI solutions. They are looking for a talented content writer who can create compelling content across all the formats, they want to hire someone who has a deep understanding of all the latest AI and technology trends. They want their employees to create high quality, informative and engaging content for all the platforms and websites including social media, newsletters, etc., they are offering a salary of 20-50 thousand rupees per month. 

Click here, to learn more about this job opportunity.

Skills for women to get AI remote jobs

As more and more AI related remote jobs are getting created, it is also increasing the number of opportunities for women in this field. However, in order to get the dream remote AI job, women must adapt and upskill themselves for the upcoming best chances. This field requires specific skills and knowledge so not anyone with some degree can land a job in this field. Here is a list of the most important skills that women must have to get AI related remote jobs:


While this may come as a very basic skill that is required for any AI related jobs, it still remains as one of the most important ones. Be it any AI related job, any candidate must ensure to have a strong knowledge of the programming languages. There are many different AI based career options that involve a strong programming language knowledge, such as Machine Learning engineering, Algorithm developer, SLAM engineering, etc. The interested AI candidates must learn how to implement and test the programs and must also have practical programming knowledge or experience. The most important programming languages include Python, Java, Apache Spark, Pandas, and Python 3. 

Machine learning and deep learning

As mentioned before Artificial intelligence works on machine learning which means that it is fed data and using the data it gives its results and decisions. Machine learning involves feeding data into the computers so that the computer can learn from the data and improve the accuracy of its outcomes. Deep learning is also a subset of machine learning which involves using neural networks with layers so that the computer can analyse data factors. These skills are important for various applications like speech recognition, image processing tasks, and predictive modelling. 

Natural language processing

It is the technology that helps computers to understand and interpret human language. In order to develop and learn this skill, the candidates must learn and understand linguistics and computer algorithms and learning libraries like NLTK. Natural language processing is mainly used in chatbots, apps for translations, and social media analysis apps. 

AI ethics

AI systems give their output after learning from the data that is fed to it. But sometimes, the data have inherent biases which might affect the interpretations and decisions given by the AI. Thus, the AI professionals must have the requisite skills to recognise such problems in the data and address them accordingly. AI ethics is the learning of this skill which would help in data auditing and using tools to detect such biases in the data. This skill is used in AI deployments, loan approvals, and law enforcement. 

Future of women in AI 

The future of the tech world is definitely dominated by AI. All the big companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, etc. all claim again and again that the daily lives of the common people are going to be majorly transformed by Artificial Intelligence and this future is not far. These companies have recognised the power that AI is going to hold in the near future and thus they have started working on the future AI products and requirements. The job field in AI is getting bigger and bigger and soon there are going to be an endless number of opportunities in this field. Thus, it can be said that the future of AI is very bright and there are many opportunities for people in this field. 

If we talk about the current statistics, it is rather unfortunate to see that women do not have the adequate representation that they deserve. A recent survey done at Google Company showed that only 21 percent of the technical roles in the company are filled by women. Facebook had also released its company figures which showed that 22 percent of the technical workers in the company are women. The AI research group of the company consisted of 115 people, out of which 15 percent were women.

According to a report of the World Economic Forum, women make up only 22% of the AI professionals in the world. These numbers show the disparity in the number of women and men in the AI field in the leading companies. However, the future of women in AI holds a different view than the one depicted in the current numbers. 

Contributions of women towards AI 

In order to understand what the future holds for women in the field of AI, we must first have a look at the contributions made by women towards the development of AI in the past. 

Though it might seem as if women never took part in the development of AI, especially in the past because none of the textbooks, papers, or publishings talk about their contributions, we still cannot keep ignoring their contributions however tiny they might seem. It is most definitely true that there was a time when the world did not consider women to be capable of anything except for doing house chores. Especially when it comes to more complex topics like science, and maths, people could never digest if a brilliant idea came from a woman. This was the reason that many of the contributions made by women towards the development of AI have never been recognised by this world. 

One such woman was Ada Lovelace, a 19th-century mathematician whose brilliant work inspired Alan Turing to give his foundational concepts related to AI. Most people in AI must have heard of Alan Turing but there must be only a handful of men who would have heard of Ada Lovelace.

The New York Times had recently released a ‘Who’s Who list’ which consisted of the names of the AI leaders whose contributions have significantly impacted the development of AI. The list consisted of 12 names, all 12 of which were men. It is rather appalling to see that the writers could not find the name of a single woman who has made noteworthy contributions to the field of AI. 

As a reply to the report, Sephora Bemba, who is an engineer in data and AI product development, prepared a list of her own in which she included the names of 12 women leaders in AI. Some of the names in the list included the name of Fei Fei Li who has done some recommendable work in AI. She is a computer scientist and Stanford professor. The list also included the name of  Joy Buolamwini who is a creative science communicator, a bestselling author, etc. 

Top AI companies hiring for remote jobs

Here are some top AI companies that are hiring employees for remote jobs.

Zeta Global

It is a data powered marketing cloud that is said to leverage advanced artificial intelligence and trillions of customer signals in order to make it easier for all the marketers to retain, acquire, and grow customers more efficiently.

Zeta Global wants to transform the current sophisticated market into a simple one with the help of Zeta Marketing Platform by unifying the intelligence, identity, and omnichannel activation into one single platform. Some of the recent jobs that they have posted include senior account manager, data science manager, database architect, etc.

How to get a job in Zeta Global

Here are the steps that you need to follow in order to get a job at Zeta Global.

  • Make sure that you follow their official pages and keep yourself updated with all their job openings, and apply directly from there, or
  • You can directly visit their website and check for Job openings
  • They are offering both remote and on site job opportunities, they are offering remote jobs for the post of principal solutions engineer and program manager.
  • Apply for the job that you like the most and submit your application, you will receive an email either confirming or rejecting your application.


OpenAI is a research based organisation that is dedicated to advancing the usage of AI in a beneficial and safe manner. This organisation was founded in the year 2015 by a group of huge tech industry people, including people like Sam Altman and Elon Musk. Recently OpenAI created huge headlines for its innovative language model, namely ChatGPT. This model created by them can create amazing human-like responses and give answers to all the queries. Their current company size is 200-500 members, and they are still actively hiring employees for the positions of sales, legal, engineering, and operations. They are offering hybrid work opportunities with flexible hours.

How to get a job in OpenAI

These are the steps that you need to follow in order to get a job in OpenAI.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to go to their official page.
  • Tap on the careers option, once you tap on the career option you will get a long list of job opportunities.
  • Check out all the career options that are listed there, and select the one you like the most.
  • Tap on the apply now option, fill all the necessary details and submit your application.
  • After you submit your application, you will receive an email after a few days either confirming or rejecting your application.


Grammarly is also a very renowned tech startup that provides an online writing tool that helps its users to correct all their grammatical errors and spelling mistakes while working on a document. They have an AI-powered assistant that is designed for the purpose of providing reliable suggestions for improving the overall quality of their content. Recently Grammarly has achieved a milestone, they have crossed the amount of 30 million active users per month. To accommodate its growing customer base and expand its services, Grammarly is looking for employees for various roles. They have positions in engineering, operations, marketing, design, and as well as sales. They are also offering remote work with flexible working hours.

How to get a job in Grammarly

These are the steps that you need to follow in order to get a job in Grammarly.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to go to their official page.
  • Tap on the careers option, once you tap on the career option you will get a long list of job opportunities.
  • Check out all the career options that are listed there, and select the one you like the most.
  • Tap on the apply now option, fill in all the necessary details, and submit your application.
  • After you submit your application, you will receive an email after a few days either confirming or rejecting your application.


It is also an AI startup that mainly focuses on developing the next generation of intelligent automation solutions. They are known for offering cloud based AI solutions for understanding the content and for providing developers with a profile of best-in-class and already trained AI models. They have recently collected a fund of 120 million dollars from their investing investors such as 8VC, Glynn Catalyst, etc, and they are looking for employees for dozens of roles to support them in growing and expanding their business. They have openings for engineering, product, operations, design, sales, and legal fields. 

How to get a job in Hive

These are the steps that you need to follow in order to get a job in Grammarly.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to go to their official page.
  • Tap on the careers option, once you tap on the career option you will get a long list of job opportunities.
  • Check out all the career options that are listed there, and select the one you like the most.
  • Tap on the apply now option, fill in all the necessary details, and submit your application.
  • After you submit your application, you will receive an email after a few days either confirming or rejecting your application.


In this article, we have exhaustively discussed the AI-driven remote work opportunities for women. We have also tried to understand the role and contributions of women in AI and what is their future in AI. 

The evolution of AI has opened several doors for women, even the women who are in their motherhood phase and have taken career breaks due to some or other reasons have got an opportunity to resume their work with various AI job opportunities available on the internet. Thus, AI is helping a lot in the upliftment of women who were devastated because of their career breaks.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Is it necessary to have a degree in computer science in order to get an AI job?

No, it is not at all necessary to have a degree in computer science to get an AI job. There are various professionals working in the field of AI who are not from the technology field. There are various companies as well that hire individuals who work in different fields such as healthcare, education, and finance. However, having a technical background can help you in understanding things more quickly.

Is it possible for women who have been on a career break for a very long time to start a career in AI?

Yes, it is extremely possible. All those women who were on a career break can kick-start their careers in the field of AI. Not only that but they can get a remote work opportunity in which they can work from any corner of the world. However, there are a few things that they must do in order to increase their chances of getting jobs. Make sure that when you make up your mind to start a career in AI, you do a few courses and attend webinars on AI and how to use it. Various big companies such as IBM and Deloitte conduct returnship programmes for women who want to return to work after a career break, make sure that you attend those too. 

How to build a portfolio to get a remote AI job opportunity?

Start working on personal projects, make sure that you also check freelancing websites and look for small works. Try to collaborate with local businesses and help them with AI-related tasks. If you are having difficulty in finding work, start working for free, complete a few projects for free, and add them to your portfolio. Mentions all your results and progress and represents your problem solving attitude and skills.

What are the most important skills to get an AI job?

There are a few skills that you must master in order to get a job in AI. you should know how to use AI tools, you should know how to interact and communicate with team members and most importantly you must possess a problem solving ability so that you can easily develop solutions to help others.

Are there any specific challenges that women face in the field of AI? And how can they overcome it?

Yes, there are a few challenges that women face in this field, some common challenges that women face in this field are underrepresentation and bias. However, the situations are changing with time, and companies all around the world are understanding the importance of women in employment. 


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