
In this article, Rajdeep Singh Rao pursuing M.A, in Business Law from NUJS, Kolkata discusses the Different Parts of the Indian Constitution and what do they deal with.


I feel that the constitution is workable, it is flexible and it is strong enough to hold the country together both in peacetime and in wartime. Indeed, if I may say so, if things go wrong under the new Constitution, the reason will not be that we had a bad Constitution. What we will have to say is that Man was vile.” (Dr. B. R. Ambedkar – Principal Architect of the Constitution of India)

“So far as the government is concerned, there is only one holy book, which is the Constitution of India.” (Narendra Modi – Prime Minister of India)

The former quote by Dr. Ambedkar after the Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th January 1950. The longest written Constitution of any sovereign country of the world came into effect on 26th January, 1950 which is celebrated as the Republic Day every year. The latter quote, however, highlights the Constitution’s importance 67 years hence after it has been amended 101 times.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It lays down the framework to make laws, govern the country, establish a structure of policies, procedures, powers and duties of the Union and State governments. It states out the Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Duties of citizens.  

It all began with the constituent assembly setting up a Drafting Committee on 29th August 1947 to frame the Indian Constitution. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar along with six other members while the constitutional adviser was B. N. Rau. Inspired majorly by the British Constitution. However there was a lot of framework taken from other countries like the idea of preamble taken from United States which says:

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“We, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a [SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR, DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLIC] and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY, of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY, of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY, assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;


Originally the Constitution had 395 Articles, 8 Schedules and 22 Parts; currently it has 448 Articles, 12 Schedules and 25 Parts. The Constitution has been amended 101 times till date. The power of amending the Constitution and making laws lies with the Parliament. The most important amendment being the 42nd Amendment in 1976 which was so elaborate that it is called the Mini-Constitution.  The latest 101st Amendment being the Goods and Service Tax which is by far the biggest Tax reform after the Indian Independence.

The Twelve Schedules

  1. First Schedule: Territorial Demarcations of States and Union territories.
  2. Second Schedule: Provisions for the President, Governor and Senior Executives.
  3. Third Schedule: Affirmations and Oaths.
  4. Fourth Schedule: Allocation of Seats in the Rajya Sabha.
  5. Fifth Schedule: Administration and Control of Scheduled Areas.
  6. Sixth Schedule: Administration of Tribal areas of North-East.
  7. Seventh Schedule: Union, State and Concurrent Lists.
  8. Eighth Schedule: Languages (22).
  9. Ninth Schedule: Laws immune to Judicial Review.
  10. Tenth Schedule: Disqualification on grounds of Defection.
  11. Eleventh Schedule: Provisions for Panchayats.
  12. Twelfth Schedule: Provisions for Municipalities.

Parts of the Constitution

There are a total of 25 parts of the Indian Constitution from Part I to Part XXII explained individually below. Originally there were only 22 parts but more were added through amendments.


Article (1 to 4)

The Union and Its Territory

The first part of our Constitution deals with the States and Union territories of India. It starts by describing the country “India that is Bharat, Shall be a Union of States” and then frames the laws under which the States can be divided or merged with a simple Parliamentary Majority. The boundaries can be altered and the names of states can be changed. It also gives a clause in which territories can be annexed into the Union. Currently there are 28 States in India and 7 Union Territories.

This part itself is a part of the Basic structure of the Constitution and hence cannot be amended via article 368. However small amendments can be made like the Constitution (40th amendment) act, 1976, substituted a new Article 297 so as to vest in Union of India all lands, minerals, and other things of value underlying the ocean within the territorial waters or continental shelf or exclusive economic zone of India. Sikkim was admitted as a state in India on 26 April 1975. The latest effect of this law can be seen in Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014 where Telangana was formed as a new state.


Article (5 to 11)


This Article decides whether a person can carry the Blue Indian passport or not. It has 7 articles which are given below:

  1. Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution.
  2. Rights of Citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan.
  3. Rights of Citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan.
  4. Rights of Citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside India.
  5. Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign State not to be citizens.
  6. Continuance of the rights of citizenship.
  7. Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law.

Using the power vested in Parliament by Article 11 of the Constitution of India, a comprehensive law “The Citizenship Act, 1955” was passed by the Parliament. This act has been amended from time to time to make space for provisions as and when required. Primarily India was a country which only allowed Single citizenship, but the Citizenship Bill 2003 allows people of Indian origin lining in 16 specific countries to acquire dual citizenship. Citizenship can also be acquired by the following ways:

(a) Person who was born in the territory of India or

(b) Either of whose parents was born in the territory of India or

(c) Who has been ordinarily resident in the territory of India for not less than five years.


Article (12 to 35)

Fundamental Rights

The most important part of the Constitution. The Fundamental Rights are the core rights citizens enjoy and all laws are made around them to either protect them directly or indirectly. Although this part has been prone to various contraventions, amendments and political debates, it was settled in the Kesavananda Bharti case that this Part is included in the “Basic Structure” of the Constitution and can be only amended positively and progressively. However these rights are subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by law e.g. Like some Rights can be taken away in case of Emergency.

14. Equality before Law

Everyone Including a Non Citizen is equal in the eyes of law. The State ensures equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.

15. Prohibition of Discrimination on grounds of Religion, Race, Caste, Sex or Place of Birth

The makers of our Constitution wanted an egalitarian society. Hence, they ensured that the State did not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them. But then nothing shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally Backward Class of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes as also given in Part 29 (2) holds good.

16. Equality of Opportunity in matters of Public Employment

Much similar to Article 15 which prohibits discrimination, in this case from public employment. Hence a person can very much be from Bihar and work in Mumbai.

17. Abolition of Untouchability

The social abuse of untouchability practiced in ancient India which was prevalent in many parts of the country was totally abolished under this article.

18. Abolition of Titles

Only Military or Academic distinctions can be held as Titles. No citizen of India shall accept any title from any foreign State either.

19. Right to Freedom of Speech

A much debated article especially with the ongoing clamor and barrage of news channels and the unregulated Social Media. We ought to remember that this freedom is not absolute and no one can stop the State from making any law which imposes reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right conferred by the said sub-clause in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence.

20.  Protection in Respect of Conviction for Offences

A person cannot be convicted of any offence except for violation of a law in force at the time of the commission of the Act, nor be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once. No person accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.

21. Protection of Life and Personal Liberty

The ambit of this law is the largest among all Fundamental Rights. It says that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.  Article 21(A) added by the Right to Education 2005 makes it compulsory for the State to provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six to fourteen years.

22. Protection against Arrest and Detention in certain Cases

Every person who is arrested and detained in custody shall be produced before the nearest Magistrate within a period of twenty-four hours of such arrest. The writ of Habeas Corpus enumerates from this article.

23. Prohibition of Traffic in Human Beings and Forced Labor
24. Prohibition of Employment of Children in factories

Children below the age of fourteen years cannot be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment.

25. Right to Freedom of Religion

Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.

26. Freedom to Manage Religious Affairs

This right is Subject to public order, morality and health.

27. Freedom as to Payment of Taxes for Promotion of any Particular Religion
28. Freedom as to Attendance at Religious Instruction or Religious Worship in certain Educational Institutions.
29. Cultural and Educational Rights

Protection of interests of minorities. Any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same. No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them.

30. Right of Minorities to establish and Administer Educational institutions.
31. Right of Compulsory Acquisition of Property was repealed by the Constitution (Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978 and is now only a legal right in Article 300A.
32. Right to Constitutional Remedies

Also describes by Dr. Ambedkar as the “Heart & Soul of Indian Constitution” Remedies for enforcement of rights are conferred by this Part. A person can move to the High court or Supreme Court to ensure his rights. The Court shall have power to issue directions or orders or writs, including writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari, whichever may be appropriate, for the enforcement of any of the rights conferred by this Part.

33. Power of Parliament to modify the rights conferred by this Part in their application to Forces.
34.  Restriction on Rights conferred by this Part while Martial Law is in force in any area.
35. Legislation to give Effect to the Provisions of this Part.


Article (36 to 51)

Directive Principles of State Policy

These are Directives to the Union and state governments to make laws for a more healthy, law abiding and idealistic society. These were inspired by the Irish Constitution. They promote general welfare of people but cannot be enforced by the means of Writs in the Courts of law.

The directives are,
  1. State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people.
  2. Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State are,

a) that the citizens, men and women equally, have the right to an adequate means of livelihood;

b) that the ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so distributed as best to subserve the common good;

c) that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of wealth and means of production to the common detriment;

d) that there is equal pay for equal work for both men and women;

e) that the health and strength of workers, men and women, and the tender age of children are not abused and that citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age or strength;fs

f) That children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment.

g) Equal justice and free legal aid to be provided by state (39A) .

(Articles 40 – 51)

  • Organization of village Panchayats as units of self-government.
  • Right to work, to education and to public assistance in certain cases.
  • Provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief.
  • Living wage for workers and 43A. Participation of workers in management of industries.
  • Uniform Civil Code for the citizens.
  • Provision for early childhood care and education to children below the age of six years.
  • Promotion of educational and economic interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections.
  • Raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health.
  • Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry.
  • Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance.
  • Separation of Judiciary from Executive.
  • Promotion of International peace and security


Article (51A)

Fundamental Duties

Inspired by the Russian Constitution the Fundamental Duties are the responsibilities of a citizen towards the nation. Though the duties cannot be enforced in a court of law but the Constitution expects the people of India to follow them duly. These were not part of the original Constitution they were added on the recommendations of Swarn Singh Committee by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976. These are,

  • To abide by the constitution and respect its ideal and institutions
  • To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom
  • To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India
  • To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so
  • To promote the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India
  • To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture
  • To protect and improve the natural environment
  • To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry
  • To safeguard public property
  • To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity

Further under 86th Amendment of the Constitution in 2002 one more Fundamental Duty has been added to the Indian Constitution which is Right to Education which says it is the duty of parent or guardian, to provide opportunities for education to his child.


Article (52 to 151)

Government at the Union Level

This part deals with duties and functions of the President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Attorney General, Parliament, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Comptroller and Auditor General.

Articles 52 to 62 outline the Powers of the President and the Executive. The election, re-election, eligibility, manner, qualifications and also the procedure of impeachment of the President. Articles 63 to 71 in the same manner talk and regulate the position of the Vice President. Article 72 lays down the power of the President to grant pardons in certain cases. Article 73 gives the extent of Executive powers of the Union. Article 74 tells how the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers is binding on the president.

Article 75 says that the Prime Minister is to be appointed by the President and also the other ministers to be appointed by him on the advice of the Prime Minister. It also lays down some other provisions as to the Ministers.

Article 76 lays down the appointment and duties of the Attorney General of India. Articles 77-78 regulate the conduct of Government Business.

Articles 79 to 122 lay down details of the Parliament. The Constitution and Composition of both the houses, duration, sessions, prorogation of these houses. Further the qualifications and appointment of members, their salaries, the appointment of speakers and deputy speakers. The legislative procedure of the Parliament is also described in these articles. Article 123 lays down the power of President to promulgate Ordinances.

Articles 124 to 147 details the Union Judiciary. The establishment of Supreme Court, The appointment of Judges, their salaries and powers. It also lays down the procedures of the working, powers, jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India.

Articles 148 to 151 describe the role, powers, procedures and duties of the Comptroller and Auditor general of India.


Article (152 to 237)

Government at the State Level

This part of the Constitution deals with the duties, functions of a Chief Minister and his Ministers, Governor, State Legislature, High courts and the Advocate General of the State.

Article 152 to 164 details the Governor of the State. It describes the executive powers, appointment, term of office, qualifications and the methodology and procedure to discharge the powers of the Governor. It describes how the advice of the council of minister is binding to the Governor. Article 165 lays down the duties of advocate general of the state.

Article 168 to 195 details the state legislature, the formation, composition, duration and desolation of legislative assemblies and councils. It also talks about the qualifications, nominations and disqualifications of the members of these houses. The appointment of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, their powers and their salaries are also detailed in these Articles.

Articles 196 to 212 detail the legislative procedure of the State Legislature. These Articles define bills, money bills, appropriation bills and how these bills are tabled to become law. Article 213 talks about the power of Governor to promulgate ordinances during the recess of legislature.

Articles 214 to 231 detail the establishment of High Courts of States. The appointment of Judges, their salaries, their transfers, appointment of Chief Justice and acting Judges, jurisdiction of High Courts, their power to issue writs, their extension to some Union Territories and/or States is also provided in these Articles. Articles 233 to 237 describe the procedures and application of Sub-ordinate Courts and its Judges.


Article (238)

This part dealt with States and was repealed by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956.


Article (239 to 242)

Union Territories

Articles 239 to 242 lays down the procedures of administration and provisions in Union Territories and special character of Delhi as National capital Territory. It details the power of the Lieutenant Governor. Article 242 was repealed by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956


Article (243 to 243 O)

The Panchayats

Articles 243 to 243O describes the Constitution of Panchayats and Gram Sabha, their working duration, qualifications and disqualifications of memberships, powers, authority and responsibilities of a Panchayat. This part also gives procedures of financial management, audits and applications of the Panchayats. Schedule 11 was added by the Seventy Third Amendment in 1992.


Article (243P to 243 ZG)

The Municipalities

Articles 243P to 243ZG describes the Constitution of Municipalities their working duration, qualifications and disqualifications of memberships, powers, authority and responsibilities of the Municipality. This part also gives procedures of financial management, composition of committee for metropolitan planning, audits and its applications. Schedule 12 was added by the Seventy Fourth Amendment in 1992.


Article (244 to 244A)

Scheduled and Tribal Areas

Article 244 and 244A describes the procedures of administration for Scheduled and Tribal areas. The provisions of the Fifth Schedule control the Scheduled areas and Tribes with the exception of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram where the provision of Sixth Schedule shall apply.


Article (245 to 263)

Relations between the Union and States

Articles 245 to 261 details the distribution of Legislative powers between the Centre and the States. They describe the extent of laws which can be made by the Parliament and by the Legislatures of States. The power of Parliament to legislate in the State list for national interest, in proclamation of emergency is prescribed in this part. The obligation of States and Union towards each other and the control of the Union over States in certain cases is also provided. Article 262 provides for adjudication of disputes relating to waters and interstate rivers while Article 263 gives provisions with respect to an interstate Council.

The 101st Amendment Act, GST inserted two important articles to this Part,
Article 246 (A)

It states that (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in articles 246 and 254, Parliament, and, subject to clause (2, the Legislature of every State, have power to make laws with respect to goods and services tax imposed by the Union or by such State. (2) Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to goods and services tax where the supply of goods, or of services, or both takes place in the course of inter-State trade or commerce.


Article (264 to 300A)

Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits

This part deals with the distribution of revenue between Union and States, appointment of the Finance Commission (under Article 280), contracts, liability, taxes, consolidated funds, public accounts and grants etc.

Here also the GST has made a few important amendments,

Article 269A

This article says that in case of the inter-state trade, the tax will be levied and collected by the Government of India and shared between the Union and States as per recommendation of the GST Council. The article also makes it clear that the proceeds such collected will not be credited to the Consolidated Fund of India or state but respective share shall be assigned to that state or centre. The reason for the same is that under GST, where centre collects the tax, it assigns state’s share to state, while where state collects tax, it assigns centre’s share to centre. If that proceed is deposited in Consolidated Fund of India or State, then, every time there will be a need to pass an appropriation tax. Thus, under GST, the apportionment of the tax revenue will take place outside the Consolidated Funds.

Article 279A

This Article provides for Constitution of a GST Council by President within sixty days from this act coming into force.

The GST Council will constitute the following members,

  • Union Finance Minister as Chairman of the council
  • Union Minister of State in charge of Revenue or Finance
  • One nominated member from each State who is in charge of Finance or Taxation.


Article (301 to 307)

Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India

This part talks about freedom of Trade, Commerce and Intercourse throughout the territory of India. It also mentions the power of the Parliament to impose restrictions and also the power of States to do the same. Article 307 appoints an authority for carrying out Trade and Commerce for the purposes of Article 301 to 304. Article 306 was repealed by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act 1956.


Article (308 to 323)

Services under the Union and the States

Article 308 to 314 details the Union Public Service Commission and its appointments, tenures, dismissals and reduction in ranks. Articles 315 to 323 detail the State Public Service Commission and its functions, appointments, tenures, dismissals, and reduction in ranks.


Article (323A and 323B)


This part deals with administrative tribunals, their composition, working, jurisdiction, procedures, powers and exceptions exercised by Tribunals in different States. It was introduced to hear disputes and complaints regarding the Union, States or Local Government employees in the year 1976 by the 42nd Amendment.


Article (324 to 329A)

This part deals with the conduct of Elections and the Election Commission. It gives the right of Superintendence, Direction and Control of Elections to be vested in the Election Commission. Three Election Commissioners are to be appointed with one of them as the Chief Election Commissioner who will be responsible for the conduct of Elections. Article 329A was repealed by the Constitution 44th Amendment Act 1978.


Article (330 to 342)

Special Provisions relating to Certain Classes

This part deals with certain provisions for Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes and Anglo-Indian representation. Article 330 and 332 reserve seats for Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes in the house of people and Legislative Assemblies respectively while Article 331 and 333 reserve them for Anglo-Indian community. Article 338 details the establishment of a national commission of a Schedule Caste while Article 339 to 342 lay procedures to investigate the conditions of Backward Classes.


Article (343 to 351)

Official Language

Article 343 of this part says that the Official Language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devnagri script. Article 344 provides for a commission and a committee of Parliament on Official Language. Article 345 to 347 describes the roles of regional languages while Articles 348 to 351 lay down Languages to be used in Supreme Court, High Court, in Acts and Bills. These Articles also contain some directives of development for Hindi and other languages.


Article (352 to 360)

Emergency Provisions

The provisions of Emergency have been borrowed from the German Constitution. Article 352 describes the procedure and other details of procurement of Emergency while Article 353 describes the effect of Emergency. Article 354 to 359 detail the application, the duties, provisions and the exercise of the legislative powers during Emergency. Article 360 provides provisions for a Financial Emergency.


Article (361 to 367)


Article 361 provides for the protection of the President and other Legislators. Article 362 which was repealed by the Constitution (Twenty Sixth Amendment) Act 1971 had rights and privileges of rulers of Indian States. Similarly Article 363A abolishes any recognition granted to rulers and cessation of their privy purses. Article 366 gives some common definitions of words used in the Constitution.


Article (368)

Amendment of the Constitution

One of the most important Articles of the Constitution provides the power to the Parliament to amend the Constitution and procedure thereof. Here we must take into consideration the famous case of Kesavananda Bharati v/s State of Kerala in which the Supreme Court stated that the basic structure of Constitution cannot be amended.


Article (369 to 392)

Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions

Article 369 gives temporary power to the Parliament to make laws with respect to certain matters in the state list and concurrent list. The much debated and controversial Article 370 gives special but temporary status to provisions with respect to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This Article does not permit the state to make matters given in the State list. The Article also gives special powers to the State Legislature.

Article 371 and 371A gives special privileges and provisions to the state of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Nagaland respectively. Article 371B for Assam, 371C for Manipur, 371D and E for Andhra Pradesh, 371F for Sikkim, 371G for Mizoram, 371H for Arunachal Pradesh and 371I for Goa.


Article (393 to 395)

Short Title, Commencement, Authoritative Text in Hindi and Repeals

The Constitution in its “short title” form may be called the Constitution of India. Article 394 says that the Constitution shall come into force on 26th January 1950. Article 394A talks of authoritative text in Hindi language. Article 395 repeals the Indian Independence Act 1947 and the Government of India Act 1935 together with all enactments supporting the same.


I have tried to give a concise analysis of all parts contained in the Constitution and what aspects they deal with. The Indian Constitution is a comprehensive draft of framework a sovereign country needs to administer and run with. Though it is 67 years old it still supports and gives a great foundation for any modern laws the Parliament wants to enact with upcoming challenges.



  1. “The former quote by Dr. Ambedkar after the Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November 1950. The longest written Constitution of any sovereign country of the world came into effect on 26th January, 1950 which is celebrated as the Republic Day every year. The latter quote, however, highlights the Constitution’s importance 67 years hence after it has been amended 101 times.”

    How can Constitution be adopted on 26th November 1950, if it came in to effect from 26th January, 1950.


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