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This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho.

Have you seen how toddlers learn to walk? Or little birds learn to fly?

Birds have a nest. Toddlers have their parents lap, or shoulder to sit upon.

The safe space.

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When they learn to walk or fly, they first venture a little bit from the safe space. They check if it is OK to take such risk. Then they go back to the safe space.

When they see that nothing bad happened, they come out of the safe space again, and this time venture a little more. They walk a few more steps away from safe space, or a few more flaps of wings before they come back again to the safe space.
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They keep doing this again and again until they are ready to walk or fly on their own.

The safe space plays a critical role in developing important skills. Without it, the toddler or the bird baby will never ever take the risk.

It’s not much different from lawyering. You need to learn a bunch of critical skills: drafting contracts, strategizing, negotiation, research, building your own brand as a lawyer. Your law college should act as a safe space to learn these things.

The only problem is that your law college probably does not teach these skills effectively. The law teachers who teach you are most likely academics who don’t have these skills themselves, and the screwed up BCI syllabus don’t even have space for such things. Most law students, therefore, graduate without employable skills and are forced to work as juniors for a pittance that doesn’t even cover survival costs.

But that’s only because they don’t have the skills they need. There is a great demand for those skills, but the only question is where do they learn it?

They are thrown into the sea and asked to swim.

That’s not fair, is it?

They need a safe space to learn how to be a lawyer, how to do the tasks that lawyers do systematically, properly.

Not only law students, but all lawyers also need that safe space, so that they can learn new skills over time, without having to be judged or questioned.

That is the safe space we have created in LawSikho. We give you a couple of exercises every week. We give you material that will help you to solve those problems. You do what you can, and submit to us. Then we give feedback to you on what you could do better. No judgement, just how to get better.

And then there is a class where we discuss different ideas. This is where learnings get cemented. This is a safe space to brainstorm, to share your creative ideas, to ask even the silliest questions and get a serious, well-considered answer – that’s what our classes are like.

You need that safe space to build yourself and strengthen yourself. We know how judgmental the legal profession is, and that stifles growth and creativity. You need a safe space to let your imagination and ideas grow, away from harsh professional glare and judgments.

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