Image Source: https://bit.ly/33Db7oX

This article is written by Suman Chatterjee, Team LawSikho

Do you know that in a City & Guilds survey87% of florists said they are happy as compared to 64% of lawyers? Aren’t rich and successful lawyers supposed to be happier than mere florists? 

Apparently not.

It’s because we don’t understand the true concept of Happiness.

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Society has conditioned us into thinking that following the ‘success’ narrative is the key to happiness. Get a good job, earn good money, get married and have kids… and you will be happy.


If only life was so simple. 

People would not be working 100 hours a week and end up gaining high blood pressure and diabetes as “job perquisites”. (Investment bankers and lawyers, I am looking at you.)

People would not be earning over a lakh per month and still can’t save their marriages, ending in divorce.

People would not be following what everyone else does and yet in the end, they feel they could have done more. 

Regrets, regrets and more regrets.

Not what we, LawSikho rebels, believe in.

We believe and act on a particular philosophy that goes like:

“Be different always, and create your own path to happiness.”

It shows in how we do our daily work, whether lying down on the sofa or sitting at the dinner table or wherever and however the heck we want to. (I am writing this letter from the comfort of my own bed, in my pyjamas.)

It shows in how we spend our leisure time, even when we are living together in our South Delhi official co-living facility. While someone is dancing to an old Hindi movie tune in the middle of the night, someone else writes short stories after a day’s toil. 

It shows even in what we eat and drink. Our blog’s editor and manager, Uzair, prefers only eggs and banana shakes for breakfast while I am a big fan of green tea, whether it is 12 in the afternoon or 9 at night. 

Our CEO is a fitness enthusiast and has a completely different diet altogether. (No comments on that.)

But tell you what…

It shows the best in how we run LawSikho day to day. If you think we just sell online legal courses, you are so, so wrong. We never sell a course, ever to anyone. Our motto behind every course we create, behind every call we make and every chat we take is… helping someone find what they are truly looking for.

We have been doing it for 1 crore readers that read our blog annually, and over 200 students who subscribe to our courses every month.

And we are doing it every day.

It’s never about learning a bunch of statutes or procedures or mastering the drafting of complex documents. What really matters is, how is it going to get you the results you seek? 

How are you going to fulfil your dream, my friend?

Every member of LawSikho is working day in and day out to make that possible for you.

We always ask our students and readers to stop following the herd and find your path to happiness. To get different results, you got to do something different, right?


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So, ask yourself, “Are you really happy with where you are?” 

If you are a law student, what do you really want from your life?

If you are a practising lawyer, I ask you—what do you really want from your life?

If you are a corporate professional, where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

Are you happy with where you are or with who you are right now? At this very moment? 

If yes, great. We congratulate you.

If not, my next question will be, “What are you going to do about it? Do you have any strategy to make your dream a reality?”

Figure out your strengths and weaknesses, and most importantly, try to visualize where and how you would like to see yourself in the next 10 years. 

Working in a top-tier law firm like SAM, AZB & Partners or DSK Legal?

Joining the in-house legal team of a Fortune 500 company?

Becoming a bright and talented litigator at the Supreme Court?

Don’t be afraid to dream big. You can achieve only what you dare to dream.

Need help with that? Talk with our career counsellors at 011 4084 5203 or simply comment below. You are always welcome.

But whatever you do, I have one suggestion.

Don’t blindly follow what others are doing.

Dare to be different. Don’t be a slave to societal conditioning.

Don’t follow the same, old “success” narrative.

And understand what happiness really is.

“It’s not about reaching a goal. It’s about the journey towards the goal.”

I would like to wish you loads of happiness on this International Happiness Day, and end this letter with a few lines that I wrote on the pursuit of happiness.

Deep inside, you reside;

Still I see you not, 

I know you not.

I pursue you,

till the end of time: 

Everywhere, and there you’re,

Amid everything I got;

The way I am.

Be happy and keep working towards your dream. LawSikho is always with you.

Happily ever after,

P. S. Till 31st March 2020, you can enrol in your favourite course at its current pricing. From 1st April, the fees of all LawSikho courses are due to increase by 20-50% without further delay. Do note that we have enrolment for ALL courses available on our portal for the next few days, so that anyone who wants to enrol at the current pricing may do so. Even if you want to join a future batch, it will make sense to pay now at the lower price and book your slot for the future. Enrol in a course right now >>>

P. P. S. Confused about where your career is heading? Want to talk to a career counselling expert who can answer your questions and guide you to take your career to the next level? Give us a call at +91 11 4084 5203 and we will get back to you ASAP.

P. P. P. S. All our premium courses are covered by a 30-days full money-back guarantee. Don’t hesitate and try our courses 100% risk-free!

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