This article has been written by Santoshi Singh pursuing a Startup Generalist & Virtual Assistant Training Program from Skill Arbitrage.

This article has been edited and published by Shashwat Kaushik.


Social media is the most widely used means of communication that has transformed how we connect online and share information with others; it has also reduced the world into a compact global village where people with diverse backgrounds/interests interact and engage across a wide range of platforms and applications like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. to name a few. Trends are prevailing patterns that depict consumer behaviour at a certain point in time, and its key indicators are popularity, shift in interest or search activity for events, issues or various topics. In social media, such trends, determined by algorithms, accurately analyse user activity and engagement (likes, shares, searches, etc.). These trends reflect the changing interests of social media users across platforms and boost trending.

Advantages of social media trends to businesses

Social media has the potential to provide instant access to loads of information within a fraction of a second. It takes planning, consistent engagement and focus on business goals to devise an effective social media marketing strategy that drives results. Both users and businesses can stay updated about current topics, arrange live lectures/sessions, and facilitate awareness and fundraising efforts by bridging geographical distances. Businesses of all sizes (small, medium and large-scale enterprises) should tap social media to leverage it for maximum outreach, increased brand visibility online, data analysis, market research, advertising, and customer engagement. Let us see how various social media trends evolve and continue to shape the digital world.

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Platform-specific trends

Social media comprises various platforms, each catering to a specific type of content and audience. For example, Twitter encourages real-time relevant conversations, engagement and news sharing through retweets, likes and replies, along with occasional promoted content. The LinkedIn algorithm, on the other hand, prioritises professional content. It fosters professional networking, job searches and B2B interactions wherein users engage through comments, shares and profile views. Its feed features job updates, industry news and professional insights. Another popular platform is TikTok, which curates content based on user interests and delivers it through its ‘For You’ page. TikTok excels in user engagement by adapting to emerging trends and viral challenges. Instagram shows content from users you follow and suggests influencers through its ‘Explore’ page as its algorithm emphasises engagement and relevance. Keeping this in mind, one must be aware of the emerging trends on different social media platforms and choose these platforms based on their requirements, as that would be instrumental to helping creators and marketers thrive because each platform serves a different purpose.

Influencer marketing

As the name suggests, this form of marketing involves collaboration between influencers and brands to promote products or services. Influencers are social media experts within a niche with a noticeable online presence and engaged audiences. Hence, collaboration with influencers enables brands to reach potential customers effectively on various social media platforms by driving brand awareness and sales through authentic connections. The only word of caution is that brands must respect influencers’ voices, while influencers must maintain integrity. Influencer Marketing has emerged as one of the most in-demand strategies and has gained remarkable popularity in recent years owing to the amount of strategic planning, transparency and creativity involved, making it a win-win deal for both brands and influencers as it continues to shape consumer behaviour and brand perception.

Video content dominance

Gone are the days when the audience spent an average of 10-15 minutes online browsing various available content to look for relevant information. Today, social media is full of all sorts of content like blogs, images, text, etc., and the attention span of an individual has decreased to approximately 8 seconds. It has led to the emergence of videos as a powerful medium of communication of fresh and engaging content that has revolutionised storytelling in the most engaging way in under a minute. A recent study revealed that social media posts with videos had far more views and engagement than traditional text and image-based content combined. Businesses have already identified and started tapping into this opportunity, offering a more engaging and immersive experience through short-form videos on platforms like Instagram to drive sales.

Niche communities and subcultures

In the digital world, when a group of people sharing a common interest gather to connect, share, discuss and engage in their passions, they form a niche community. Such niche communities and subcultures add immense value by allowing meaningful and personalised interactions for active engagement and fostering a sense of belonging. Every member of the niche community is encouraged to share their ideas and insights through thought-provoking discussion threads, user-generated content like a how-to video or a blog post, etc. The idea behind this is to get to know you and also harness what you are passionate about.

Privacy and data concerns

Now, let us discuss privacy and data concerns surrounding social media trends. Social media is like a coin with two sides to it. On the one hand, it offers a platform for self-expression and virtual connections, and on the other hand, it carries the risk of profiling, targeted advertising and mass surveillance. For example, the excessive sharing of personally identifiable information on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., has raised privacy risks of user data collected, analysed and monetised by such companies. Hence, there is a need for Data and information privacy to be applied to ensure that digitally collected data is processed ethically and lawfully. Social media platforms must ensure transparency and give users more control over their data so that they can make informed choices about their privacy.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are two other social media trends driving waves. With the help of evolving technology and VR platforms, companies have started hosting virtual conferences, trade shows, product launches, etc., which act as a more accessible and cost-effective alternative to outreach to audiences worldwide than physical events limited to a specific geographical location. AR filters and effects like Spark AR create interactive experiences during live events or marketing campaigns that make it an instant hit and resonate with the target audience. Businesses must work on feasible ways to integrate VR and AR into social media trends to reap benefits and generate desired outcomes.

Ephemeral content

The term ‘Ephemeral Content’, commonly known as disappearing content, refers to content that is available only for a short duration (typically 24 hours) and disappears later. The most common example of ephemeral content is ‘Stories’ on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. If you are wondering about its use, let me explain. The popularity of ephemeral content lies in the sense of urgency it creates through polls and Q&As for users to view, engage, and share before it vanishes. Businesses can showcase behind-the-scenes content, offer limited-period discounts, etc., to create a buzz around a product, service, or event and leverage it. In short, ephemeral content is a game-changer from a brand marketing perspective.

Social commerce

We are aware of e-commerce. Social commerce is nothing but an extension of e-commerce. When e-commerce fuses with social media, it becomes social commerce. Social media, once a passive browsing activity until some time ago, has transformed ever since platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. have introduced ‘Shop now’ buttons and shoppable posts, turning it into an interactive shopping journey. Consumers benefit from this shift towards social commerce as they prefer to explore options, make well-informed decisions based on product reviews and shop at their own pace. Businesses benefit as social commerce allows brands to reach a wider audience, engage with prospective clients and convert them into customers effectively.


E-books are primarily used for upskilling purposes, besides marketing. The shift from paperback books to e-books can be attributed to their versatility, cost, accessibility, etc., as they cater to avid readers who wish to read e-books of their interest on the go. E-books offer detailed information on a particular topic in an easy-to-understand format and are accessible to everyone across different devices. The mere presence of e-books has benefited readers who want a portable version of content accessible on tablets, laptops, smartphones, etc., as well as writers who can write on a topic of interest and self-publish their e-books on well-known platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing.


Social media trends have a short life span, i.e., they vary with time due to constant changes in user preferences and behaviour. However, since these trends are ever-evolving due to technological advancements, consumers and brands must remain updated with the latest social media trends to leverage their full potential. Consumers can keep tabs on the latest product launches, compare products from different brands, and seek recommendations from their social networks before investing in a product or service. Businesses can use social media trends to create relevant content to generate brand awareness, deliver personalised product recommendations and improve customer service. So, irrespective of whether you are a consumer or a brand looking to make a mark in the digital world, it’s time to explore the exciting opportunities these social media trends have to offer and make your pick based on feasibility and your requirements! And remember, just as one size does not fit all, similarly, one platform does not work for all. If you have any doubts/questions and need assistance, feel free to approach a social media expert:



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