Artificial Intelligence

This article has been written by Manasa Raghuvaran pursuing a Diploma in Business English Communication for International Professionals and Remote Workers course from Skill Arbitrage.

This article has been edited and published by Shashwat Kaushik.


Artificial intelligence is reconstructing multiple aspects of human life, specifically in education, behaviour change, life enhancements, and decision making. This article explores how AI is being used in human learning and behaviour, providing insights into its applications and future potential. 

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The shock of AI on 90’s learners

Think back to our school days in the 90’s, learning was a journey of tenacity and sometimes frustration. We had textbooks, notebooks, and maybe a trustworthy encyclopaedia for research. When we struggled with a tough math problem or did not understand a historical event, our options were limited. We must rely on our own perseverance and handy notes; maybe ask a parent or wait until the next day to ask a teacher for help. It was a more solitary learning experience, where understanding or the solution often came after hours of struggling through concepts on our own. Also, it requires a lot of patience.

Fast forward to today’s students. They have AI at their fingertips. Today’s students have the advantage of AI-powered tools that provide immediate support not only for learning but also for helping students in their career path.

Imagine a high schooler working on a challenging physics concept. With a few taps on their smartphone, they can access interactive simulations, watch educational videos tailored to their learning style, and even get personalised feedback from AI tutors.

This accessibility has transformed the learning process into a more interesting, knowledgeable and engaging journey. It is evident how technology has developed to enrich educational experiences, offering students resources and assistance that previous generations could only dream of.

Mastermind tutoring systems

Intelligent tutoring systems are another groundbreaking application of AI. These AI-driven tools mimic human tutors to generate interactions and engage with the student in real time on demand. Specifically, they help with the homework, explain difficult concepts, provide additional practice exercises and provide feedback. This instant support can be crucial in subjects where students typically struggle, such as mathematics and science.

Moreover, AI excels in data analytics, tracking students’ data to identify performance trends and areas for improvement. Predictive analytics can flag at-risk students early, allowing educators to intervene before problems escalate. By harnessing data, schools can make informed decisions that boost educational outcomes and support student access.

Example: An educational institution in Taiwan used precision education analytics and reported a significant reduction in dropout rates among identified at-risk students. The ability of AI to detect trends and patterns and recommend interventions tailored to student needs enhances students’ success. How awesome it is! 

How AI helps in career development

This is the most common question that is trending among all students and working professionals. While the students are using AI as their career pathway assistant, the working professionals are using it for their skill enhancement to reach greater heights.

The good thing is that AI extends its benefits beyond formal education to lifelong learning and skill development. AI tools facilitate continuous learning by providing suggestions for courses, books, and other educational resources based on individual interests and their learning history.

Platforms like LinkedIn AI use AI to suggest courses that align with the user’s career goals and skill levels. By utilising users’ data, these platforms ensure that learners receive relevant content that helps them advance in their professional lives. 

Is AI Secretly Rewiring Our Brains? The Surprising Impact On Human Behaviour!

AI’s capability to analyse vast amounts of data allows it to understand and predict human behaviour with accuracy. This is specifically useful in developing behaviour change programs.

Decision support

From financial planning to health care diagnosis and customer service, AI-powered decision support systems are affecting human behaviour by giving insights, recommendations and predictions that direct decision making processes.

AI’s takeover: streamlining everyday tasks with automation

This is a piece of cake for all humans. Who will say no to it while the AI is saving humans’ time?

Yes, AI is automating routine tasks by freeing up human time and resources for more complex and creative attempts.

Automation influences human behaviour by changing work patterns and job roles and allowing individuals to adjust to new tasks, workflows and ways of working in AI-enabled environments.

AI’s role in redefining social interactions

AI-powered chatbots and social robots are engaging in conversational interactions with humans, simulating empathy, understanding and emotional support.

These influence human behaviour through companionship, assistance, and entertainment, specifically in contexts where social interaction with humans is limited or unavailable.

How amazing it is to think that AI could be a friend for people who suffer from human loneliness. These AI-driven chatbots or tools help to improve social skills and bring mental peace. Also, this may help those people to come back to their self-love and their lives.

AI’s impact on human behaviour: key insights from CISRO’s experiment

Researchers at CISRO have conducted an experiment on “how an artificial intelligence can influence human decision-making processes.” They have used an AI system called “recurrent neural networks coupled with deep reinforcement learning” and observed susceptibility in human choices in a series of designed experiments. The experiments were designed in such a way as to impact or manipulate human decision making.

In the first experiment, participants were engaged in a game where they were allowed to click the coloured boxes to win the fake currencies. Naturally, people could not resist the chance to win those currencies. Of course, it is a human fantasy to come true.

Now the AI came into the picture. AI has observed and learnt from participants choice patterns and guided them towards a specific choice. Humans have followed the recommendations of the AI to win those fake currencies. Thereby, AI has successfully won by showcasing its ability to influence human decisions.

In the second experiment, the task for the participants is to press a button upon seeing the specific symbol (ex: an orange triangle) and refrain from pressing it for another symbol (ex: a blue circle). Here, AI has preset the symbols to confuse and prompt humans for more errors, resulting in an increase of nearly 25% in error rates. This showcased how AI can take advantage of our cognitive weaknesses in decision making processes.

The third experiment is more like an investment game where participants act as investors, allocating funds to a trustee represented by AI. Different modes of play are involved; one is maximising the AI’s gains and the other is aiming for fair distribution. AI has manipulated the participants’ investment decisions across both modes and achieved its objectives.

The derivations of these experiments are profound. Hence, researchers suggest that AI not only has the ability to understand human behaviour but also to influence it in targeted ways. Such capabilities could potentially be harnessed for various applications, from optimising user experiences on digital platforms to improving decision-making processes in complex environments.

What the research means for the future of AI

Like any technology, AI can be used for good or bad. Proper governance is critical to ensuring that it is applied and used in the right way.It is evident that AI and machine learning systems are often data-hungry. Hence, it is essential to have an adequate ethical framework, data protection, and access protocols in place.

Corporations that use and develop AI must ensure that they understand what these technologies can do and cannot do, as well as the potential risks and advantages.

Ethical concerns surrounding AI

The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in the education and skill development sectors holds tremendous promise for revolutionising learning experiences and enhancing skill acquisition. However, the integration of AI into these domains also presents several challenges that need to be carefully navigated, particularly in the realm of ethical considerations.

One of the primary ethical concerns surrounding AI in education and skill development revolves around privacy and data security. AI-powered educational platforms and tools often collect and analyse vast amounts of personal information about learners, including their academic performance, behavioural patterns, and individual preferences. While this data can be valuable for personalising learning experiences and identifying skill gaps, it also raises concerns about the protection and responsible use of this sensitive information.

First and foremost, there is the issue of data privacy. AI algorithms require access to large amounts of data to learn and make predictions. This data can include personal information such as students’ names, addresses, and test scores. It is crucial that this data is collected and used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Second, there is the issue of bias. AI algorithms can be biassed if they are trained on data that is not representative of the population they are intended to serve. This can lead to unfair or inaccurate results. For example, an AI algorithm that is used to predict student performance may be biassed against students from certain demographic groups.

Third, there is the issue of transparency. AI algorithms can be complex and difficult to understand. This can make it difficult for users to understand how the algorithm works and to identify any potential biases. It is important that AI algorithms are transparent and accountable.

Finally, there is the issue of control. AI algorithms can be used to make decisions that have a significant impact on people’s lives. For example, an AI algorithm may be used to decide whether a student is admitted to a particular school or whether they are eligible for a particular scholarship.

To address these ethical challenges, robust measures need to be implemented to ensure that AI tools are developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner. This includes ensuring that individuals have control over their personal data, that data is collected and used transparently, and that AI systems are free from bias and discrimination.

Furthermore, it is crucial to establish clear guidelines and regulations for the development and deployment of AI in education and skill development. These guidelines should outline the ethical principles that AI developers and users must adhere to, as well as the mechanisms for ensuring accountability and oversight.

By addressing these ethical challenges and implementing appropriate safeguards, we can harness the potential of AI to transform education and skill development while upholding the principles of privacy, data security, and fairness.

Example: Organisations must adhere to strict data protection regulations, such as GDPR compliance, to safeguard user data and maintain trust in AI-driven educational technologies.

Implementation challenges like funding, technological infrastructure, and educator training obstruct widespread adoption of AI education and professional development.

To overcome these challenges, we need strategic investment in technology, professional development programs and collaboration among all the stakeholders.


Artificial intelligence is reshaping education, behaviour change and skill development by providing personalised learning experiences, fostering positive behaviours, and supporting career growth. As AI keeps evolving – educators, employers and stakeholders need to address ethical concerns and tackle implementation challenges to fully unlock its transformative potential. By embracing AI’s capabilities and learning from real-world examples, we can build a more inclusive and effective learning and work environment, preparing individuals for success in our rapidly changing world.


Can AI influence human behaviour?

Yes, AI can shape our actions through personalised recommendations, behavioural nudges and predictive analytics, all aimed at encouraging positive changes like healthier habits and better decision-making.

How can AI help me in daily life?

AI can help humans automate their daily tasks. Also, AI can be used as voice assistants, virtual companions and helps in machine learning financial and fraud detection. 



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