
This article has been written by Debasis Rath pursuing a Startup Generalist & Virtual Assistant Training Program from Skill Arbitrage.

This article has been edited and published by Shashwat Kaushik.


Personal branding enables a content writer to put a pin on the large virtual map of digital freelancers. Establishing a strong online presence lets you have a unique digital fingerprint and sets you apart in the new age of digital and remote workplaces. It is convenient for your clients and potential customers to reach out to you.

Social media plays a significant role in showcasing your skills and letting you establish your own brand amidst the crowded world of freelancers. Currently, the mix of social media platforms can be overwhelming owing to the vast set of features available for your perusal. Additionally, social media trends are evolving every day. As such, it is important to educate yourself about the latest trends so that you can maximise the power of social media.

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Role of personal branding for a freelance content writer

Personal branding enables a content writer to put a pin on the large virtual map of digital freelancers. Establishing a strong online presence lets you have a unique digital fingerprint and sets you apart in the new age of digital and remote workplaces. It is convenient for your clients and potential customers to reach out to you.

Most manufacturers of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) try to rejuvenate their brand image by launching new products and building bridges with local customers by localising their marketing strategy. Likewise, personal branding helps writers showcase their expertise and build a relationship with potential clients. It acts as a God-like secret key that holds the power to turn your dreams into reality.

Once established, your personal brand acts as Jack Sparrow’s compass for your clients, leading them to your doorstep. Active presence across digital platforms lets you create a personal brand showcasing your skills, services, availability, and persona. Creating a brand around yourself will enable you to shine and attract the companies that are looking for an expert to resolve their million-dollar query.

More benefits:

  • Increase visibility: A well-defined personal brand can help you become more visible to potential clients and employers. When people search for freelancers with your skills and expertise, they’re more likely to find you if you have a strong online presence.
  • Build credibility: A strong personal brand can help you build credibility and trust with potential clients. When people see that you’re an expert in your field and that you’re passionate about your work, they’re more likely to hire you.
  • Attract new clients: A strong personal brand can help you attract new clients who are looking for freelancers with your skills and expertise. When potential clients see that you’re an expert in your field and that you’re passionate about your work, they’re more likely to reach out to you.
  • Command higher rates: Freelancers with strong personal brands can often command higher rates for their work. When clients know that you’re an expert in your field and that you’re passionate about your work, they’re more willing to pay you a premium for your services.
  • Build a network of relationships: A strong personal brand can help you build a network of relationships with other freelancers, clients, and industry professionals. These relationships can be valuable for finding new work, getting referrals, and staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends.

Identifying your unique selling proposition (USP)

For becoming a top-notch freelance content writer, the most important asset is your writing style. Creating a personal brand requires answers to some of the key questions related to your writing style,

  • What is the niche area of research you are an expert at?
  • What kind of research skills are you expert at?
  • What is your tone of writing?
  • Does storytelling and creative writing intrigue your interests in your future plans to be a freelancer?

Power of personal branding : building your digital footprint

In today’s era, we have become part of the digital ecosystem, where we interact with others via online messaging apps. It is not only present in our work hours when sending emails or meeting remote clients via “Zoom” call but also in our personal time. With a few finger taps, we can travel, eat, and even watch movies. Without this digital wave, you and I would not be on this page, reading through the success blueprint (of personal branding) while sitting miles apart!

Personal branding is the answer to the client’s question when they meet you for the first time: “Who are you?” Instantaneously, they will run a search on Google or Bing. Your presence on social media platforms and your own website will provide the answers. The tweets, LinkedIn posts, Instagram stories, etc. will leave an impression about you. Your website and social media profiles act as digital addresses; the information presented in them will showcase your skills and answer the question, “Why should one hire you?”

Building your digital brand is a gradual process, not an overnight workout. Here are a few strategies to build your digital footprint:

  1. Active engagement in social media: YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter are the major platforms that let you connect with your target audience.
    1. YouTube and Instagram can be the major channels to showcase your brand image. Posting content about your writing skills and case studies will not only attract fellow writers but also create an image for potential clients.

Interviewing other writers, setting up profiles on freelance platforms, and discussing the role of SEO in content writing—such content will highlight your expertise in the “content writing” niche. Considering live Q&A is trending in everyone’s life, your Q&A sessions can help you connect with the audience and get an understanding of their expectations.

  1. LinkedIn is a unique platform that not only lets you publish content (with audio-visual content compared to video-exclusive YouTube) but also connect directly with potential clients. Optimising your profile and content using SEO can help you find the right people looking for assistance in their content creation. To start with, it can help you find and connect with alma maters, subject matter experts (SMEs), and job providers. Consistently posting about a certain topic will gradually attract an audience, and some of them would like to “follow” you, so that they do not miss out on your posts from the daily feed.
  2. Creating a personal service website: The website acts as a digital business card and investing effort and time in curating the website will create the highest return for you in the long term. Some of the key line items on the website include a portfolio and a contact page. Portfolio pages can include samples of your previous projects (with consent from the client) and the types of writing services that you intend to offer. Your unique style of writing and innovative presentation of the services can allow you to stand out among the tens of websites visited by your potential clients.

Embracing your unique writing style : a path to authenticity

Authenticity is important for building trust with clients. Being transparent and truthful with yourself will let your writing style shine among millions. Currently, the online writing community is highly vibrant, with a large number of freelance writers running their own brands in specific niches. A birthday cake recipe may be found on thousands of blog pages; however, your voice will stand out when it is authentic and connects right with the audience.

Putting on a mask to pretend to fit in can be a costly affair. Once your writing output lacks the vigor to attract an audience, you probably risk losing the client! Also, you are putting yourself in a strenuous situation every day as you struggle to pretend to be someone else. In the long term, this can be highly taxing, and you might lose your passion to write. The key lies in staying authentic with your values while adapting your writing style based on the project’s needs.

First, understand the client’s requirements. This can be achieved by leveraging your personal experiences and doing a deep dive into their requirements. Being authentic is not only about having good research techniques but also requires you to keep the conversation flowing. After all, the client is not dealing with a robot but with a writer who is intrigued to understand the requirement, ask questions, seek feedback, and ensure that all parties are on the same page. Such a kind of collaboration makes you shine above all other freelancers that the client is currently engaged with.

Networking in the digital age : making connections in a remote world

Networking is about forming genuine connections and collaborating on projects. It is your gateway to potential clients and job opportunities through referrals and recommendations. Finding potential partners in your niche is highly important. But how do you find such partners in the whole wide world? Networking is not about virtually connecting with thousands of writers within a month; rather, the focus should be on being authentic and building individual relationships with like-minded writers.

Feel free to search for and join online communities, which are avenues for extending your reach as a writer. Connecting with fellow freelancers in the local community will be the next step when stepping into a real world full of networking events. Once you have identified the potential partners, the next step is to reach out to these connections by introducing yourself and sharing your story. Such initiatives will be your baby steps to building a valuable connection.

Now that you have found potential partners or clients, it is time to solidify these relationships and broaden your horizons. Look out for key events such as webinars, seminars, exhibitions, conventions, workshops, business summits, and retreats. Such events can help you strengthen existing relationships and potentially build new ones.

At first, networking seems sceptical, as though collaborating would lead to the sharing of someone’s work with other unknown remote freelancers. However, there really isn’t much competition, as there are plenty of projects across the world. Being a digital freelancer opens a world of opportunities for content writers, as there are several types of writing projects ranging from three to thousands of dollars in all 150+ countries.

Clients often evolve in their businesses, expanding their product / service portfolio. As such, they would require their existing freelance writers to broaden their bandwidth. This is when these writers would desire to bag this opportunity and look out for partners who are willing to collaborate on such projects. They not only reach out to fellow partners but also post their requirements in community groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, and freelance platforms. In essence, collaboration isn’t just a strategy for success; it’s the heartbeat of a thriving freelance community.

Showcasing client success stories : building trust through reviews

Your experience and skill sets enable you to execute a project flawlessly. Now what? It’s time to get feedback and a testimonial from the client. Although money matters and your invoices will be cleared on time, getting testimonials, ratings, and feedback is equally important. This conversation with your client will help you establish a strong connection over the long term. Online reviews help potential clients have a better understanding of your persona.

An appealing website and a highly optimised LinkedIn profile might bring in new customers. However, the reviews allow a positive closure to your recently completed project and open a pathway to a new one with your existing client. From the client’s end, representatives change departments often. And sometimes the newly hired representative provides different styled feedback compared to previous ones. For example, Japanese in general have a stringent nature towards giving high ratings; as such, he/she might rate your deliverable a 7 out of 10, while a similar project brought you a 9/10 from a US company.

Firstly, approach satisfied clients professionally and request honest feedback. As a next step, display these testimonials on your website or portfolio. This strategy lets you establish yourself as a trusted and reliable content writer. Testimonials act as powerful marketing tools in the highly competitive freelance industry.

Apart from displaying testimonials on social media networks, acknowledging the client’s feedback is equally important. Some clients may provide a low rating on freelance platforms, thereby jeopardising potential collaborations and conversions in the future. It should not discourage you from your daily work routine. Managing negative reviews is also part of the freelance job.

Some more strategies to effectively build your personal brand as a content writer

Building a personal brand as a content writer is crucial for recognition, credibility, and career growth. By establishing a strong personal brand, you can differentiate yourself from other writers, attract potential clients, and create lasting relationships with your audience. Here are some more strategies to effectively build your personal brand as a content writer:

  1. Define your niche:
    • Identify your unique strengths, interests, and areas of expertise.
    • Specialise in a specific niche, such as technology, healthcare, fashion, or travel.
    • Focus on creating content that resonates with your target audience.
  2. Create high-quality content:
    • Consistently produce well-written, informative, and engaging content.
    • Use storytelling techniques to make your content relatable and memorable.
    • Incorporate multimedia elements, such as images, videos, and infographics, to enhance visual appeal.
  3. Develop a unique voice and tone:
    • Cultivate a distinct writing style that reflects your personality and perspective.
    • Use humour, wit, or a conversational tone to make your content more engaging.
    • Ensure consistency in your voice and tone across all platforms.
  4. Build a content portfolio:
    • Create a portfolio showcasing your best work.
    • Include a variety of content formats, such as blog posts, articles, whitepapers, and case studies.
    • Regularly update your portfolio to demonstrate your growth and skills.
  5. Establish an online presence:
    • Create a professional website or blog as a central hub for your content.
    • Use social media platforms to connect with your audience and share your work.
    • Engage with your followers through comments, likes, and shares.
  6. Network with industry peers:
    • Attend industry events, workshops, and conferences to meet other content writers.
    • Connect with peers on social media and join online communities.
    • Collaborate on projects to expand your network and showcase your skills.
  7. Offer guest posting opportunities:
    • Reach out to other websites and publications to contribute guest posts.
    • Guest posting helps expand your reach and introduces your work to new audiences.
    • Include a link to your website or blog in your author bio.
  8. Engage in thought leadership:
    • Share your insights and expertise through blog posts, articles, and social media posts.
    • Position yourself as a thought leader in your niche by offering valuable information.
    • Host webinars and workshops to further establish your authority.
  9. Use SEO techniques:
    • Optimise your content for search engines to increase visibility and drive organic traffic.
    • Use relevant keywords and phrases in your titles, headings, and meta descriptions.
    • Create backlinks to your content from high-quality websites.
  10. Track your progress:
    • Set specific goals for your personal brand, such as increasing website traffic, social media followers, or client conversions.
    • Regularly track your progress using analytics tools to measure your success.
    • Make adjustments to your strategies based on your results.

By implementing these strategies and continuously refining your approach, you can build a strong personal brand as a content writer and position yourself for success in the digital landscape.


All in all, personal branding plays a key role in seeking success in today’s highly competitive market. It not only allows you to differentiate yourself from the crowd but also lets you command higher rates. Building your personal brand is an ongoing journey, not an overnight deal. 

Assessing your brand image regularly can help you sustain your success over the long term. Staying on top of industry trends is important, and so is socialising your brand. Identify your USP and fully embrace your writing style. Being authentic keeps you on their radar so they think about your personal qualities and writing skills.

Personal branding is the powerhouse of the most successful freelancers. Treat it like an investment, and watch the seeds of success reap in your freelancing garden. Consistently putting effort into building your own brand lets you showcase your unique skills, both hard and soft. Establishing your brand can significantly influence your career trajectory, as it sets you on the path to becoming the most sought-after freelancer in today’s world.



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