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The Speaker: Brigadier Harminder Singh Madan is a retired Indian army officer. He was at the 17th Batallion Jat Regiment. Brigadier Harminder Singh Madan has a large experience in the operational field. He is a Kargil War veteran. He has interviewed more than three thousand students in army recruitment. 

The Moderator: Ms. Sammanika Rawat is an alumnus of West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences. She is an Internationally Accredited Civil Commercial Mediator. Ms. Sammanika Rawat has previously worked as an Associate at HSA Advocates. Currently, she is the head of Placements and Career Coach at LawSikho, an online learning platform.

How did the Speaker start his journey in the army?

The Speaker has had a great passion for joining the army since his childhood. He was the first army officer from his family. Moreover, he was at Dehradun where there is a Military Academy. Since his career in the army, the Speaker has served under several feet heights such as almost 4875 metres and in extremely cold weather.

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How is life in the Indian army?

Indian army is the world’s third-largest army. To a person, joining the Indian army enables him or her to sacrifice life for the entire nation. Sacrificing life for our nation is a golden opportunity for every citizen of India. Indian army gives pride, honour and prestige. It enhances the spirit of brotherhood, loyalty, courage, comprehension, etc. Joining the Indian army allows the persons to adapt to any changing circumstances and climate. Indian army allows it’s staff and officers to get 50% of their salary as pension after retirement to make them happy in the olden ages. Also, there is a high remuneration and extra allowances. Moreover, the Indian army provides job security to its staff as well as protection to the martyred army officers in the way of help.

How does a Court Martial take place?

The proceedings of a Court Martial are kept in confidentiality. In a Court Martial, there exists five JAG Bench in which one of them will be a JAG officer and four others as a normal officer. There shall be a Prosecutor and Defence Counsel in Court proceedings to represent the victim or military and the accused.

What are the requirements to appear for the Service Selection Board (SSB) interview apart from legal qualification?

The requirements to appear for SSB interview are:

  • Physical fitness:- To be an army officer, one needs to be physically fit. At the SSB interview, a person’s physical fitness is measured through various tasks.
  • High level of reasoning:– In an SSB interview, there are questions about checking the IQ level of the candidate. One needs to have a high level of IQ to pass such questions.
  • Verbal and written communication skills:– A person who appears in an SSB interview needs to have good verbal and written communication skills in the English language.
  • Teamwork:– Indian army conducts its operations in teamwork. Teamwork is the most crucial part of an SSB interview. He or she needs to be a good team working individual in all capacity.
  • General awareness:– An SSB candidate needs to have a high level of general awareness. He or she needs to be aware of what is happening in this society.
  • Ability to adapt to any environment:– Becoming an army officer is not easy. One needs to be ready to face a challenge under any circumstances. One among them is the ability to adjust to the environment even though the climate is extremely hot or cold.
  • Above-average academics:– To become a Judge Advocate General, one needs to have passed LL.B with 50% above marks.

How to tackle psychological questions in an SSB interview?

In an SSB interview, the interviewer asks certain questions which are used to test the candidate’s psychological level. One needs to answer the questions properly. The method to crack this type of interview questions are:

  • Be a good listener.
  • Catch the points in the questions asked by the interviewer.
  • Be very much attentive.
  • Have a fresh mind and body.
  • Be ready to hear the questions.
  • Be ready to ask for repetition if you do not understand the question. Such questions must be reduced to the maximum extent to increase the chance for passing the interview.

Who can apply for Judge Advocate General (JAG)?

Judge Advocate General (JAG) is the legal branch of the Indian army. Any person who studied LL.B and passed with above 50% of marks can apply for Judge Advocate General. He or she needs to be a registered advocate in any of the Bar Council and unmarried at the time of application.

What does the Army Act is all about?

Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the book manual to punish the ordinary citizens for their wrongdoings. Likewise, an army officer is punished according to the Army Act. This Act covers all the aspects of crime and the nature of punishment for such crimes.

What is the prescribed age limit to apply for Judge Advocate General?

The prescribed age limit for the application to the Indian army for joining the Judge Advocate General is 21 to 27 years of age.

When does the notification for Judge Advocate General usually appear?

The notifications for the application to Judge Advocate General (JAG) appears in two slots on the Indian army website. The first notification will be issued in July or August. The second and last notification is issued in January or February of the next year.

What are the roles of a Judge Advocate General (JAG) in the Indian Army?

The roles of a Judge Advocate General in the Indian army are:

  • Giving legal advice on all matters of the army.
  • To scrutinize all the Court Martials, a summary of the evidence, drafting, etc.
  • To present army cases in Civil Courts.
  • To function according to the legal affairs of the army according to Army Rules.
  • To represent as prosecutor in the Court Martial.
  • To represent the accused as defense counsel in the particular case.

Can a person apply for normal entry in the Indian army?

Yes. A person can apply for normal entry under the Union Public Service Commission Exam (UPSC). The entry can be in either the Indian Military Academy Permanent Commission or the Officers Training Academy Short Service Commission.

What is the tenure of a Judge Advocate General?

If a person qualifies as a Judge Advocate General, one serves in the army for ten years. After this tenure, the person can apply for Permanent Commission if he or she qualifies for the same. Moreover, if a person fails to qualify for Permanent Commission, he or she can apply for an extension for four years. But such extension shall not be again renewed until new laws are made.

Can Judge Advocate General officers switch to normal army officers?

No. A Judge Advocate General cannot switch from his or her position to a normal army officer. Furthermore, there is only less chance to switch from the Judge Advocate General to another position.

How many weeks do the JAG officers train? 

The selected JAG officers will go for a training period of 49 weeks at the Officers Training Academy situated in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. No mobile phones and electronic devices are allowed inside the premises of the Officers Training Academy.

What rank is given to the Cadets after the training period?

To qualify as a JAG officer one needs to complete the 49 weeks of training. After this period or its successful completion, one gets the rank of Lieutenant at the Indian army.

Does Sports Certificate add value in the interview?

Yes. Sports Certificate of a candidate shows the recruiters and the interviewers that the person is sports enthusiastic and engaged in such activities.

Is a tattoo allowed for the interview?

No. A candidate for Judge Advocate General needs to remove all the symbols and punch marks from his body. Such candidates shall not be interviewed on the day of selection. However, tattoos or symbols as a part of religion are exempted from this rule subject to certain prerequisites.

How many students appear for a single Service Selection Board (SSB)?

There is no cap upon the number of candidates that can apply. An infinite number of candidates can apply for the position in JAG branch of Indian Army. The number of applications varies from one year to another year.

Is coaching required for the SSB?

No, coaching is not required for SSB. But having coaching under the certified institutes or academy will help or increase the potential candidate’s ability to pass the Service Selection Board (SSB).

What is the age limit for normal entry under the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)?

The age limit for the application to Indian Military Academy Permanent Commission and the Officer Training Academy Short Service Commission is 19 to 24 years of age. One needs to pass the written exam to get into these premises.

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