This article has been written by Parashar Banerjee pursuing a Remote freelancing and profile building program from LawSikho.

This article has been edited and published by Shashwat Kaushik.


CIPT stands for Certified Information Privacy Technologist. It is a certification that is provided by the IAPP, or International Association of Privacy Professionals. Around the globe, Data Protection Authorities are enforcing regulatory mechanisms to direct how data can be used, stored and accessed. Professionals in data and technology are essential components and key cogs in the machine for nearly any organisation to ensure privacy risks are minimised and data protection goals are met, since they have dual literacy in privacy and technology. Organisations that do not comply with data privacy regulations run the risk of losses in the form of penalties that may amount to millions of dollars, along with a loss of customer trust. This is why companies employ CIPT professionals that enable them to apply strategies, policies, processes and techniques to manage cybersecurity risks while allowing for prudent data use for business purposes.

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Certified Information Privacy Technologist certification : roles and responsibilities

A CIPT has various responsibilities and tasks. First and foremost, an IAPP Certified Information Privacy Technologist has to ensure that data is protected from various forms of interference. He has to design software and systems to ensure privacy regulations are met. Employing minimization, encryption and limited access, he has to establish privacy practices for data security and control. He has to collaborate with management, legal, marketing and development departments in order to audit infrastructure and communication privacy issues and find solutions to them. Another important task is to build privacy-friendly products, processes and services and to ensure data protection is embedded in every stage of development. While respecting customer privacy, he has to recognise the benefits and challenges of emerging technologies and how to use them effectively.

  1. Developing and implementing privacy-enhancing technologies and solutions:
    CIPTs are responsible for developing and implementing privacy-enhancing technologies and solutions that help organisations protect the personal information of their customers and employees. This may include deploying encryption technologies, implementing access controls, and developing privacy-aware software applications.
  2. Conducting privacy risk assessments:
    CIPTs conduct privacy risk assessments to identify and evaluate the potential risks to an organization’s privacy. This involves identifying sensitive personal information, assessing the likelihood of a privacy breach, and evaluating the potential impact of a privacy breach.
  3. Advising organisations on privacy laws and regulations:
    CIPTs are often responsible for advising organizations on privacy laws and regulations. This may include providing guidance on how to comply with privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  4. Developing and implementing privacy policies and procedures:
    CIPTs develop and implement privacy policies and procedures that govern how an organization collects, uses, and discloses personal information. This includes creating policies that are compliant with privacy laws and regulations, as well as procedures that ensure that personal information is handled securely and ethically.
  5. Training employees on privacy best practices:
    CIPTs are responsible for training employees on privacy best practices. This may include providing training on how to identify and avoid privacy risks, how to handle personal information securely, and how to respond to privacy incidents.
  6. Responding to privacy incidents:
    CIPTs are responsible for responding to privacy incidents, such as data breaches and security breaches. This may involve containing the incident, investigating the cause of the incident, and taking steps to mitigate the impact of the incident.
  7. Working with law enforcement and regulatory agencies on privacy matters:
    CIPTs often work with law enforcement and regulatory agencies on privacy matters. This may include providing assistance with privacy investigations, responding to subpoenas, and providing expert testimony in court cases.
  8. Staying up-to-date on privacy trends and developments:
    CIPTs are responsible for staying up-to-date on privacy trends and developments. This includes monitoring changes in privacy laws and regulations, as well as emerging privacy technologies and threats.
  9. Promoting privacy awareness and education:
    CIPTs play a role in promoting privacy awareness and education. This may include speaking at conferences and events, writing articles and blog posts, and providing privacy training to organisations and individuals.

Benefits of Certified Information Privacy Technologist certification

The Certified Information Privacy Technologist Certification is the preeminent designation in the world of data privacy certification. It is a great investment for employers and it is the ideal way for data privacy workers to stay competitive. For individuals, becoming CIPT certified enables them to find more opportunities. For employers, it is a huge benefit to hire those with this certification or to get present staff certified, since it ensures that the tech team is trained and has the requisite skill set. This certification is also ideal for those technology professionals who want to accelerate their data privacy careers. It is a designation that sets one apart and may help one earn a promotion or get a new job. By having talent that is well trained in the latest data privacy protocols, many companies can benefit greatly as well.

Other benefits of Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) certification are:

  1. Enhanced career opportunities:
    • CIPT certification demonstrates your expertise in information privacy technologies and positions you as a highly sought-after professional.
    • It opens doors to various job opportunities in privacy-focused roles within organisations across industries.
  2. Increased salary potential:
    • CIPT certification can significantly increase your earning potential.
    • On average, CIPT holders command higher salaries compared to their non-certified peers.
  3. Professional recognition:
    • CIPT certification is a globally recognised credential that sets you apart as a respected professional in the field of information privacy.
    • It enhances your credibility and showcases your commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data protection.
  4. Stay current with industry trends:
    • The CIPT certification ensures you remain up-to-date with the latest advancements and best practices in information privacy technologies.
    • It equips you with the knowledge and skills to effectively address evolving privacy challenges.
  5. Improved job performance:
    • CIPT certification provides a comprehensive understanding of privacy-enhancing technologies, enabling you to make informed decisions and implement effective privacy controls.
    • It enhances your ability to identify and mitigate privacy risks, leading to improved job performance.
  6. Enhanced compliance:
    • CIPT certification demonstrates your proficiency in adhering to privacy regulations and standards, such as GDPR and CCPA.
    • It helps organisations strengthen their compliance posture and minimise the risk of data breaches and regulatory penalties.
  7. Professional development:
    • The CIPT certification process involves continuous learning and development.
    • It encourages you to stay updated on emerging technologies, privacy laws, and best practices, fostering your personal and professional growth.
  8. Global recognition:
    • CIPT certification is recognised worldwide, making it an asset for professionals seeking international career opportunities.
    • It enables you to work with organisations and clients across borders, expanding your professional reach.
  9. Collaboration and networking:
    • CIPT certification connects you to a community of privacy professionals, including experts, peers, and mentors.
    • It provides opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking, enhancing your professional development.
  10. Personal satisfaction:
  • Achieving CIPT certification demonstrates your dedication to protecting individuals’ privacy and safeguarding sensitive information.
  • It fosters a sense of personal accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that you are contributing to the responsible use of technology and the preservation of privacy rights.

Prerequisites for CIPT certification

The Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) certification is a globally recognized credential that validates an individual’s expertise in privacy management and technology. While there are no strict prerequisites for CIPT certification, candidates are expected to have a solid foundation in privacy management, networking, and IT.

Privacy management experience

Candidates should have some prior experience in privacy management, including developing and implementing privacy policies, conducting privacy impact assessments, and managing privacy risks. This experience can be gained through various roles such as privacy officer, data protection officer, or privacy consultant.

Advanced networking and IT knowledge

A strong understanding of networking and IT technologies is essential for CIPT certification. Candidates should be familiar with network architectures, protocols, and security mechanisms. They should also have experience in managing and securing IT systems and applications.

Ability to develop and manage privacy requirements

CIPT certification requires candidates to be able to develop and manage privacy requirements for IT systems and applications. This includes identifying privacy risks, defining privacy controls, and implementing appropriate measures to protect personal data.

Understanding of different technology areas

Privacy is an integral part of various technology areas, including information security, IT, and software engineering. Candidates should have a general understanding of these areas and how they relate to privacy management.

Benefits for professionals in specific fields

Professionals in information security, IT, and software engineering would greatly benefit from CIPT certification. By earning the CIPT credential, these professionals can demonstrate their expertise in privacy management and technology, enhancing their career prospects and marketability.

Continuous learning and professional development

To maintain CIPT certification, individuals must commit to continuous learning and professional development. They are required to earn continuing education credits and stay up-to-date on the latest privacy trends and regulations. This ensures that certified professionals remain knowledgeable and competent in their field.

By meeting these prerequisites and successfully passing the CIPT certification exam, candidates can demonstrate their proficiency in privacy management and technology, positioning themselves for success in an increasingly privacy-focused business environment.

CIPT versus other privacy certifications

In the realm of data protection and privacy management, a diverse range of certifications empowers professionals to excel in their respective fields. Among them, the CIPT (Certified Information Privacy Technologist) certification, introduced by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) in 2014, stands as a testament to the IAPP’s commitment to advancing data protection practices.

Alongside the CIPT, other notable certifications include the CIPP (Certified Information Privacy Professional) and CIPM (Certified Information Privacy Manager). The CIPP certification equips practitioners with comprehensive strategies to navigate compliance requirements and implement effective risk mitigation measures. It provides a solid foundation for professionals seeking to enhance their understanding of privacy laws, regulations, and best practices.

Furthermore, the CIPM certification caters to individuals responsible for administering privacy programs within their organisations. It focuses on developing the essential skills required to lead and manage privacy teams effectively. CIPM holders gain valuable insights into designing, implementing, and maintaining robust privacy management frameworks that align with industry standards and legal obligations.

These certifications collectively address the diverse needs of professionals across various sectors and industries. By earning these credentials, individuals demonstrate their dedication to upholding data protection principles and safeguarding sensitive information. The IAPP’s commitment to delivering rigorous and globally recognised certifications empowers professionals to excel in their careers and contribute to building a more privacy-conscious world.

CIPT examination

The IAPP offers all certification based exams at over 6,000 testing centres across the world. However, one can even attempt the exam from the comforts of his or her home through a remote online proctoring platform with PearsonVue. First, you have to log on to the IAPP website and purchase the exam in the IAPP storefront. The cost for the exam is 550 Dollars.

After purchasing the exam, you have to decide whether you wish to give the exam in-person at a testing centre or through the remote online proctoring platform. You will then receive an email with step by step instructions. Testing takes place all around the year and you must schedule your exam 24 hours in advance. The exam consists of 90 multiple-choice questions and has an allotted time of 2.5 hours with a 15-minute break, and it must be completed within one year of purchase. The scoring for the exam is done in a different way. All raw scores are converted into a common scale ranging from 100-500. In order to pass, one must score at least 300, which does not represent 60%. The Certification Candidate Handbook has more information on this. Professionals are deemed certified and will have a global credential upon passing this exam. There are continuing privacy education (CPE) requirements to maintain the certification. Every 2 years, the holder of the designation must complete 20 CPEs. Participating in certain things like trade shows or webinars can help you earn CPEs. 

Privacy in technology training

Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) training covers privacy and data protection practices in the development, engineering, deployment and auditing of IT products and services. Aligned with the ANAB-accredited CIPT certification programme, the IAPP Privacy in Technology training will equip you with the requisite knowledge to recognise privacy threats, and skills to apply technical strategies to mitigate privacy risks throughout the software and systems development lifecycles. Training helps with career advancement and preparing for the CIPT certification, and will benefit information security professionals, privacy engineers, software developers, data architects and cloud engineers responsible for incorporating privacy controls into technology operations and product development. Technology and data professionals learn how to understand and integrate strategies and techniques to minimise privacy threats through Privacy in Technology training. The curriculum includes implementing data- and process-oriented strategies to support privacy policies; privacy by design principles; managing threats from AI; location tracking; and so on. There are various training options available on the IAPP website. You can train online with the help of a computer and media resources, and you can do this at your own pace and on your own schedule. You can also take live online classes with virtual interaction with your trainers. You can take in-person classes with direct and live interactions. This also gives you the opportunity to network with your classmates. Finally, you can take Group training – this is in-depth training for all key decision makers and with this, you can build your own privacy culture.

Communication strategies

The first step is to know your audience. You need to understand who you are communicating with and what their data privacy needs and concerns are. Customers may want to know how you protect their data and the choices they have, while employees may need regular training on how to handle personal data ethically and securely. Contractors and suppliers may need to comply with your data privacy standards and sign data processing agreements. Videos, infographics, FAQs, webinars, feedback forms and surveys may be used depending on your audience. Next, after identifying your audience, you need to define what you wish to achieve from your data privacy communication. Your goals will shape the content and tone of your data privacy messages. You may want to engage, persuade or inform your stakeholders and partners. You may also want to increase trust, improve compliance or raise awareness. For instance, you may want to use a clear pop-up notification on your website, or a concise email if you want to inform your customers about a new data privacy policy. You should avoid confusing your partners and stakeholders with inconsistent information. Your data privacy communication should be aligned with your data privacy practices, policies and values. Having a layered approach to data privacy communication is key. For example, what you might need in the background to satisfy regulators that you have appropriate policies in place, won’t be the same as the higher level policies you will need to have to ensure your staff understand the main points, and that they know where to find more detail as required. Tailor communication strategies to the specific needs and preferences of different stakeholders and partners, taking into account their level of expertise, cultural background, and language proficiency. Clearly communicate data privacy expectations, policies, and practices in plain language that is easy for all stakeholders and partners to understand. Provide examples and practical guidance where possible. 

You should adapt your data privacy messages according to the expectations and preferences of your stakeholders and partners. For different regions and markets, you should use different formats, languages and channels. Your data privacy communication should be a two-way dialogue and not a one-way street. This is how you will measure the impact of your communication. You should listen to and learn from your stakeholders and partners and use the feedback to improve and work on your future communication. Additionally, positive feedback and trust from customers, clients, and other stakeholders can indicate the effectiveness of the data privacy policy. Your data privacy communication should be dynamic and evolving. Privacy is continuously evolving and messaging should too. Whenever there are changes in your data privacy policies, regulations or practices, you should update your data privacy messages regularly to reflect the said changes. In order to ensure that your data privacy communication strategies and plans are aligned with your data privacy values and goals, you should revise and review them periodically. You should also learn from the examples and experiences of other organisations and keep up with the latest developments and trends in data privacy communication. 


Almost every organisation has certain data protection needs. The CIPT credential shows you’ve got the knowledge to build your organisation’s privacy structures from the ground up. The job market for privacy trained IT professionals has never been stronger, with regulators from all over the world calling for technology professionals to factor data protection into their services and products. Data privacy skills are quickly becoming a must-have, whether you work in the public or private sector. While a CIPT Data Privacy Certificate is not always required by employers, it’s a nice accreditation to accompany your resume. Your income will likely increase, and your desirability among recruiters will as well after obtaining your certification.



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