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This article is written by Dhananjai Singh Rana, from Amity Law School, Noida. This article elaborates extensively on the concept of abortion and all the conditions we need to know as per the law.


A significant bit of enactment addressing India about abortions has gone to a great extent unacknowledged. In late January 2020, the Union Cabinet amended the 1971 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act permitting women to look for premature births as a major aspect of fundamental rights and gender equality. The alteration additionally puts India in the top association of nations serving women who wish to settle on singular decisions from their points of view and quandaries. 

The alteration has been raised from 20 to 24 weeks for women including assault survivors, casualties of interbreeding, differently-abled women, and minors. The abortion of pregnancy is additionally recognized and MTP is presently accessible to “any woman or her accomplice” substituting the old provision for “just wedded woman or her better half.” The new law is forward-looking, sympathetic, and takes a gander at an exceptionally delicate issue with a human face. 

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As demoralizing as this may sound, there are statements in the demonstration which have helped women to opt for the premature birth of a child. On the occasion that you are yet not considerate of how the capital L bolsters women’s entitlement to look for fetus removal, you should know the accompanying conditions which must be met.

Condition in which it is permissible to Abort

The idea of terminating your pregnancy cannot originate by choice and is purely circumstantial. There are four situations under which legal abortion is performed:

  1. In continuation of the pregnancy poses any risks to the life of the mother or her physical or mental health
  2. If the fetus has any severe abnormalities
  3. If pregnancy occurred as a result of a failure of contraception (but this is only applicable to married women)
  4. If pregnancy is a result of sexual assault or rape

Other Conditions

Premature birth has been legal in India since 1971 when the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act was passed. The law is very liberal, as it expects to decrease illicit fetus removal and maternal mortality. Premature birth can be acted in India until the twentieth seven day stretch of pregnancy. The assessment of a subsequent specialist is required if the pregnancy is past its twelfth week. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act was revised which intended to permit specialists to give mifepristone and misoprostol (otherwise called a “next day contraceptive”) as remedy up until the seventh seven day stretch of pregnancy. Premature birth is allowed in the accompanying cases: 

  • A woman has a genuine ailment and the pregnancy would jeopardize her life. 
  • A woman’s physical or psychological wellness is jeopardized by pregnancy. 
  • The baby has a generous danger of physical or mental impairment. 
  • A woman contracts rubella (German measles) during the initial three months of pregnancy. 
  • Any of a woman’s past children had intrinsic irregularities. 
  • The hatchling is experiencing RH illness. 
  • The hatchling has been presented to light. 
  • The pregnancy is the aftereffect of assault. 
  • A woman’s financial status may hamper a sound pregnancy. 
  • A preventative gadget fizzled

The explanations appended to Section 3 in the act, state that the anguish caused by a pregnancy alleged to have been caused by rape shall be presumed to cause grave mental injury to the pregnant woman.

Further, unwanted pregnancy of a married woman may be presumed to cause grave injury to her mental health, if it is caused as a result of the failure of a contraceptive method. In determining the injury caused to a woman, the Act considers the actual and foreseeable environment of the woman. The consent of the pregnant woman is required for termination of pregnancy and in case of a woman below 18 years or above but mentally ill, the consent of a guardian in writing is needed.

Section 4 of the Act states where the pregnancy can be ended. It incorporates an emergency clinic set up or kept up by the administration, or a spot endorsed by the legislature or a locale level board by the legislature for the reasons for the Act. 

Section 5 gives unwinding of provisions referenced in sections 3 and 4, on the occasion that an enrolled gynaecologist shapes a supposition following some basic honesty, that the end is promptly important to spare the life of a woman. 

The clarifications added to Section 3 in the demonstration, express that the anguish brought about by a pregnancy asserted to have been brought about by assault will be dared to make grave mental injury to the pregnant woman. 

Further, the undesirable pregnancy of a wedded woman might be ventured to gravely injure her psychological wellness, if it is caused because of the disappointment of a prophylactic technique. In deciding the injury caused to a woman, the Act thinks about the real and predictable condition of the woman. The assent of the pregnant woman is required for the end of pregnancy and if there should arise an occurrence of a woman under 18 years or over 18 years yet intellectually sick, the assent of a gatekeeper recorded as a hard copy is required.

Relation with the other provisions


  1. The Government of India authorized the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act, 2012 (POCSO) to forestall and address kid sexual maltreatment. Under Section 19(1) of the POCSO Act commands detailing of an instance of a sexual offense on a minor female to a fitting power like the nearby police or unique adolescent police unit or kid insurance advisory group or any individual in an association who would then be able to report the subsequent pregnancy to the suitable position like the Chief Medical Officer. This detailing should be done paying little mind to the minor young women who agree to proceed with the end as indicated by the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act. The Act doesn’t underscore the conjugal status of the minor. 
  2. In a nation where child marriage is as yet common, and conjugal assault isn’t mulled over wrongdoing, the reason for the enactment could be crushed if a minor is misused inside the limits of her wedlock. A detainment term of a half-year alongside a fine will follow if there should arise an occurrence of a purposeful inability to report such an offence. This is following the Criminal Procedure Code. 
  3. Very clashing to the enactment as referenced above (POCSO), the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 demands ensuring the personality of the young woman who is the person in question. It additionally doesn’t command any detailing when a casualty looks for premature birth. In this way, the logical inconsistencies in the two enactments are exceptionally urgent at the most essential level, and a similar should be revised to acquire lucidity and down to earth ease executing touchy issues concerning a woman and her real honesty and picture in the general public.


The Indian Penal Code 1860 condemns reformatory fetus removal to direct the activities of premature birth in India, a portion of the significant provisions of the demonstration are expressed beneath. 

Section 312 of the act condemns the individuals who intentionally cause unsuccessful labour to women. Section 313 makes it culpable to cause an unnatural birth cycle without the assent of the women. Section 314 convicts the individuals who expect to make just an unnatural birth cycle a woman with a child causes her demise. Under Section 316 an individual is blameworthy when he does a demonstration prone to cause its demise however neither expected nor wanted.

Some landmark cases

In KS Puttaswamy v. Union of India, the SC categorically held the exercise of reproductive choices is rooted within the constitutionally protected right of life and personal liberty under Article 21 of the Constitution.

In Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India, the court highlighted the role that sexual autonomy plays and stated that sexuality could not be reduced to its function as a mere means of procreation.

In Joseph Shine v. Union of India, in the idea of a free individual, the court stated that the right to sexual autonomy and privacy has the stature of a constitutional right.

Shortcomings in Bill of 2014

While the Bill proposes some much-needed developments as far as extending the specialist organization base to improve get to, it does little to move the focal point of dynamic from the specialist co-op to women. women will, in any case, be compulsorily subject to the assessment of the specialist co-op. The term ‘considerable fetal irregularity’ is equipped for abstract translation, along these lines resting an official conclusion on clinical experts. Further, it never really perceives the predicament of casualties of sexual offences and they have been exposed to similar guidelines of an unintended pregnancy caused because of prophylactic disappointment. Survivors of sexual offences are normally exposed to an assortment of legal and down to earth boundaries causing a postponement in getting to premature birth administrations. The law must join components to perceive and give quick alleviation in such cases. 

Conclusion and a way forward

The choice to not give birth to a child is a decision of a mother. Pregnancy isn’t simply expanding however includes a lot of feelings. In any case, if a woman settles on the hard decision of ending her pregnancy, she should not be left defenceless against any kind of pressure by anyone. The tough provisions of the MTP Act mingle with the legal right of women. That the option to settle on regenerative decisions is a segment of the individual freedom of women has been very much perceived by the Supreme Court of India. 

It is time that the focal point of enactment shifts from the assessment of a gynaecologist co-op to available resources of engaging and empowering women to settle on educated regenerative decisions. There is more than one explanation that rolls out this improvement convincingly. 

A woman has self-rule over her body and can settle on issues concerning in essence honesty. The right of life and individual freedom under Article 21 of the constitution of India envelops the option to settle on regenerative decisions. Consequently, a law hindering the activity of this right is separate from Article 21. 

Furthermore, time is of the quintessence in fetus removal cases. The out of line limit on the length of pregnancy for a lawful end doesn’t review the worries of a woman who has crossed such a cutoff. This deserts a huge section of women who are left with no alternative however to thump on the entryways of Courts, which is an expensive and time taking issue. Procedural postponements frequently expand the length of pregnancy making it dangerous to end. It is inhumane toward subject a woman who is over 20 weeks pregnant, to legal deferrals. Not all choose the legal highway, various women resort to undercover and perilous premature births, in this way taking a chance with their lives. 

Thirdly, the law on premature birth must target getting rid of the reasons for risky fetus removal, along these lines securing and improving women’s wellbeing. All women, notwithstanding class, position, and locale, ought to have an equivalent chance to practice their legal right. The law must concentrate on making premature births progressively open, powerful, protected, and reasonable. 

In conclusion, the administrators must endeavour to determine fetus removal not so much contingent but rather more subject to the desire of the pregnant woman. The job of a gynaecologist must be restricted to recording assent and embracing a protected methodology. It’s an ideal opportunity to reestablish self-rule to a woman with the goal that she can be an autonomous judge on issues highlighting with her real respectability. Thereby making her more empowered


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