Current issues related to the Election Commission of India

This article is written by Dhananjai Singh Rana, a student pursuing BBA LLB(H) from Amity Law School, Noida. This article deals with the analysis of the reforms needed in the Election Commission of India.


Election Commission of India (ECI), an intrinsically commanded body was set up in 1950, to encourage following a just procedure during elections. It is headquartered in New Delhi. 

The Election Commission worked as a solitary organ consisting of the Chief Election Commissioner from its origin in 1950 until October 1989. In October 1989, the President selected two extra quasi-judicial magistrates to adapt to the election commission expanded work due to the decrease in the age criteria of casting vote from 21 to 18 years. From that point, the Election Commission worked as a multi-organ body comprising three election Commissioners. However, the two posts of election Commissioner were annulled in January 1990 and the Election Commission was returned to the prior position. 

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The President again delegated two more political decision chiefs in October 1993. The Election Commission has worked as a multi-organ body comprising three officials of election Commissioner from that point forward and until today. The Central election commissioner and the two other officials of the election commission have equivalent powers and get equivalent pay, recompenses, and different perquisites, which are like those of an appointed authority of the Supreme Court.


Organization of the Election Commission is provided under Article 324 of the Indian Constitution

  • The election commission shall comprise of the Election Commissioner and, assuming any, such several other officials of election Commissioner as might be fixed now and again by the president. 
  • The President shall select the main election Commissioner and other officials of the Election Commissioner. 
  • At the point when some other political decision official is so named, the main political decision magistrate will go about as the executive of the political race commission. 
  • The President may likewise delegate such local officials as he may esteem important to help the political decision commission after counsel with the political race commission. 
  • The President will decide the states of administration and residency of office of the political decision magistrates and the territorial chiefs.

Issues in Election Commission

Launch of NaMo TV (alongside Biopic and web arrangement) without a permit: Section 126 of the Representation of the People Act “precludes” show of any “political race matter” by methods for “cinematograph, TV or another comparable mechanical assembly”, 48 hours before the hour fixed for the decision of survey in a specific supporter. 

This stage is known as the ‘quiet period’ as it permits a voter to make up their psyche on whom to cast a ballot without being impacted by political battling. 

Besides, these free exposure crusades were excluded from political race consumption. Note that Section 126 isn’t pertinent on the print media. Loathe discourse by different pioneers like Mayawati, Yogi Adityanath was just banished after the mediation of the Supreme Court. Political decision commission in all the above cases fought that it is an innocuous tiger. Simply after notification and warning, it can make any move against any government official. 

Aside from numerous issues like chauvinist comments by Azam Khan, move and arrangement of Chief Electoral Officer, obvious paper review trail (VVPAT) reviews, infringement of the Model code of conduct (MCC), are bringing up an issue over institutional self-sufficiency.


Analysis of the stand of Election Commission

In all the above cases the Election commission was reluctant to make a quick move. The statement by the Election Commission in the Supreme Court that it is currently mindful of its forces after the court requested the commission to act conclusively against guilty parties, diminishes the status of the survey board to that of a minor needing guardianship. It took about 24 hours for the commission to change from stubbornness [stubbornly declining to compromise] into unequivocal activity after the SC address. This implies the issue was not with the commission or its forces, yet with the individuals who were responsible for its undertakings. The Constitution has given the commission all the forces that it requires for the smooth release of its duties. The issue lies just in the activity of such powers.

A Case for Resurrection

The Election Commissioners are appointed by the current government and they might feel obliged to the government or the government might feel that they should be beholden. In any case, public perception is that if they have been appointed by a particular government, they will be soft towards it. A collegium system of appointment (as suggested by Tarkunde Committee, 1975 and the Goswami Committee, 1990) should be considered. This will weaken the influence of the government over the President’s choice of Election Commissioners.

Additionally, removal of the other two ECs does not require such a process of impeachment and can be removed simply by the government in power, making them vulnerable, and affecting their ability to act independently.

The issue of fanatic impact over arrangements rose in a blast of debate in January 2009, when the Chief Election Commissioner Gopalaswami composed a letter to the President suggesting the evacuation of Election Commissioner Navin Chawla. 

Gopalaswami blamed Chawla for partisanship. The President, Pratibha Patil, declined to follow up on the suggestion. 

The contention featured two institutional shortcomings in the structure of the Election Commission The potential for fanatic arrangements by a legislature; Distinction in the security of residency for the Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioners.

A Missed opportunity

The overall shortcoming of residency for Election Commissioners, who lawfully could be believed to serve at the command of the Chief Election Commissioner, had been raised by the Election Commission in 2004 when a proposition was made to settle in the Election Commissioners similarly as the Chief Election Commissioner. Be that as it may, no move was made over it. 

Best practices from different nations in designating of Election Commissions 

  • South Africa: Election Commissioners are designated by the President on the suggestions of the National Assembly, following assignments by a National Assembly between the party board of trustees, which gets a rundown of at any rate eight applicants. 
  • Canada: The Chief Electoral Officer of “Races Canada” is named by a House of Commons goal for a non-inexhaustible ten-year term, and to shield their freedom from the administration, he/she reports straight to Parliament. 
  • US: The six Federal Election Commissioners are delegated by the President with the counsel and assent of the Senate.

The legality of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC)

Questions are being raised on the viability of the present MCC including recommendations to make it an authoritative report to make it increasingly viable. Be that as it may, specialists are of the view that MCC has been a complete arrangement of rules and has been viable before.

If MCC is made a legal document

  • The MCC will be detracted from the EC’s circumspection and it should be given to the legal executive, which much of the time work at an agonizingly slow clip, and consequently would be against the remedial ethos of MCC. 
  • The MCC’s ethical code ought not to be disparaged regardless of whether a definitive discipline under the model code is counsel, cautioning, reproach, or censure. 
  • The ethical authority of the MCC code is exceptionally solid and guilty parties by and large prefer not to be on an inappropriate side of it. 
  • The reason for a model law, a sub-law, is to guarantee expedient consistency, not at all like significant laws whose object is to suggest corrective measures.

The origin of MCC

A model code of conduct for parties and candidates contesting in elections was first utilized in Kerala before the Assembly Elections of February 1960 and flowed broadly in 1968 just before State Assembly races. 

  • It gave general guidelines to appointive direct; setting standards concerning the notice and lead of open gatherings, gauges of tolerability and propriety in political discussion, and sentencing crusading dependent on claims to viciousness or public aggression. 
  • The code was pitched by the Election Commission before the Lok Sabha decisions in 1971, and throughout the years has been overhauled and expanded. [An endeavor to give such a code an authoritative premise was made after the Goswami Committee Report when it was remembered for the Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill of 1990] Be that as it may, the National Front government fell before the Bill could be passed.

The historic development of MCC

The Chief Election Commissioner, T.N. Seshan, utilized the model set of accepted rules as a weapon in his campaign against discretionary negligence, upheld up by the danger of deferment of decisions and the reversing of results. Such a measure was viewed as patent maltreatment of intensity, however, it guaranteed reasonable surveys. 

The Election Commission under Seshan likewise braced down on the utilization of unnecessary cash for decisions, putting an enforceable fix on the sum gatherings and applicants can spend in every voting public. 

  • It put the dread of law in the brain of legislators and ideological groups. 
  • This implies when the EC arrangement was under scrupulous officials, the law followed all the way through and everybody took care of business. In any case, on different occasions, things returned to the starting point, and that is possibly risky.

Transfer and appointment

The Chief Election Commissioner, T.N. Seshan, used the model arrangement of acknowledged principles as a weapon in his battle against optional carelessness, maintained up by the threat of delay of choices, and the switching of results. Such a measure was seen as patent abuse of force, anyway, it ensured sensible studies. 

The Election Commission under Seshan in a like manner supported down on the usage of pointless money for choices, putting an enforceable fixing on the aggregate get-togethers and candidates can spend in each casting a ballot open. 

It put the fear of law in the mind of lawmakers and ideological gatherings. This infers when the EC course of action was under trustworthy authorities, the law finished as far as possible and everyone put everything in order. Regardless, at various events, things came back to the beginning stage, and that is conceivably hazardous.

The limitations of Election Commission

  • The EC’s notoriety endures when it can’t tame hard-headed ideological groups, particularly the decision party. 
  • This is because despite being the enrolling authority under Section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, it cannot deregister them in any event, for the gravest of infringement. 
  • The EC has been looking for the ability to de-register ideological groups, among numerous different changes, which the EC has been needing. 
  • This change was first proposed by the CEC in 1998 and emphasized a few times. 
  • The EC had presented a sworn statement to the Supreme Court last February saying it needed to be engaged “to de-register an ideological group, especially considering its protected order”.

Way Forward

  • Re-developing reliably 

EC ought to constantly rehash its forces given to it under the Indian Constitution as done by numerous past CECs like T. N. Seshan. 

  • Perceive the expansion of battle media 

Perceiving the expansion of battle media is the initial move towards tending to the uncontrolled mocking of the MCC. The system for comprehension and tending to the different types of voter control must be generally rethought by the ECI. 

  • Voters Awareness

Voter Awareness is an extreme and viable arrangement, which makes applicants increasingly responsible to their voters and stops the spurning the MCC sometimes. The EC has propelled voter mindfulness battles like SVEEP (Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation program). 

It has likewise helped transform individuals into political decision members who stay cautious in surveying forms through the cVigil App where anybody can report political race acts of neglect.

Amending the appointment and removal process of ECs

The government ought to consider the proposals by Administrative Reform Commission-II and Law Commission reports concerning the progressions required in the arrangement and expulsion of ECs and make the organization more grounded.

  • Deficiencies in the present system of appointment processes need to be removed. And adequate safeguards must be put into place to ensure that ethical and capable people head the concerned positions.
  • Independence: There must be similar election and removal procedures for CEC and ECs, and they must exercise the same powers unless specifically prescribed by law. Also, the expenses of ECI must be charged on the Consolidated Fund of India.
  • Transparency: Appointments through collegium or any other system as discussed in the constitutional debate can bring more transparency in the appointment process.
  • Autonomy: Even, the Law Commission in its 255th report on electoral reforms (2015) for ensuring greater autonomy to the ECI, recommended for the constitution of a selection committee.
  • Legislation: There is a need for debate and discussions in the Parliament on the issue of independence of ECI and consequently passing of required legislation.


  • The current position can’t continue itself for long as the administrations now and then will attempt to impact the established office of the Election Commission. 
  • It is time that rather than a minor manner of speaking over the autonomy of the EC some significant change is presented for insurance of the sacred body. 
  • Also, the Commission needs to reexamine its methodology with the goal that the bedrock of vote based system doesn’t shake at its establishments.



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