Demystify corporate law career for yourself: NUJS & iPleaders event in Delhi

Do you want to understand how to make a trail blazing corporate career for yourself? How to find your own area of expertise that you will be valued as a lawyer for and perform at an altogether different level at internships? Want to learn more about how you can train and develop yourself for a fast paced career in top law firms or in house departments? Do you want to develop your own arguing counsel practice in the court on the back of a thriving advisory practice? Here is your opportunity to demystify high profile business lawyering.

This Thursday, if you are quick to book your free seat, you may get to interact with some industry stalwarts, educators who have been creating high performing legal eagles and mentors who are sought after in the legal industry.  National University of Juridical Sciences and iPleaders are celebrating 5 years of efforts to bridge the gap between industry and academia and make practical legal education available.

A wider audience acknowledging industry experts for their contribution and giving a platform to students who have benefited out of the “NUJS Diploma Course on Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws” to share their experience.

What can you expect out your participation at the event:

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  • Get a clarity on the scope of corporate law as a career
  • What are the actions that you need to take in order to prepare for a corporate law firm interview?
  • How does a corporate law firm function?- An insider perspective
  • How to build necessary skillsets to excel in a corporate law job
  • Alternate career opportunities after learning corporate law

What to do if you want to participate:

Participation in the event, will be on first come first serve basis. If you want to participate in the event, reserve your seat by calling 011-33138901 OR click on the following link:


Here are the event details:

WHEN: Thursday, February 25, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (IST)

WHERE: India International Centre,  40, Max Mueller Marg New Delhi, DL 110003

Location Map:

India International Centre, Max Muellar Marg, New Delhi

Event itinerary

The entire day is immersive and packed with activities that are designed to give  you a fresh view of your career, and pathways to becoming an extraordinary lawyer or a business leader, through a career in corporate law.

The event includes a panel discussion with practicing lawyers from different law firms and practice areas from whose discussion you would get an opportunity to develop an understanding of what it takes to be an effective and high performing lawyer and how can you train yourself to put your career on the trajectory of greatness. The panel discussion focuses on “Future of Legal Education and E-Learning”.  The opportunity is to learn how you can acquire powerful skills that will transform your career through online learning. You will also learn about free resources available at your disposal.     

Our panelists include:

  • Dr. P. Ishwara Bhat, Vice-Chancellor, NUJS
  • Gautam Saha,  Senior Partner, AZB & Partners
  • Sunil Agarwal, Senior Partner, AZB & Partners
  • Praveen Sharma,  Business & Marketing Head,  Interactive Media (,
  • Tanuj Kalia, Founder of Lawctopus
  • Anuroop Omkar, Principal Associate, Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan


Over the course of the day, you will also get to meet and hear from successful lawyers as to how they have taken powerful actions in their career to elevate what was so far possible for them. You will also have the opportunity to interact with industry-experts, who are contributing to the future of legal education in India. Those who have confirmed their presence are:  

  • Sameer Jain, Partner at PAMASIS Law Chambers
  • Anirudh Rastogi, Partner, Tanikella Rastogi Associates
  • Anupam Pandey, Independent litigator
  • Arjun Natarajan, Advocate
  • Jayantika Ganguly, Principal Associate, Khaitan  & Co.
  • Sandeep Chilana, Principal Associate, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas

Apart from this, there is also a specific session on: “Demystifying a career in business laws”, to dispel myths about a career in corporate law, create possible career paths that inspire you and a pathway to fulfil on them.   


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