The Digital India campaign launched by the Modi government has created a buzz in cyberspace. But how is this campaign an opportunity for lawyers to grow in the field? Read to know the answer.
The Digital India campaign focuses on digitization of government-citizen interface by improving online infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity. Apart from technological grey areas that the campaign needs to work on, lawyers can develop themselves by working and developing themselves in the regulatory and legal challenges that campaign is opening up.
According to a study conducted by Google and A.T. Kearney, the online commerce will drive 25% of organised retail and will be of GMV of $60 billion by 2020. Also, foreign investors like Japan’s Soft Bank and China’s Alibaba are looking forward to invest in 50 start-ups, majority being e-commerce. This is a massive opportunity for lawyers to consult these companies.
The knowledge of the following will be extremely helpful for consulting-
- How will you help your ecommerce client raise foreign funding?
- How will you draft contractual clauses of this investment?
- Do you know the regulations of e-commerce in India?
- Do you know about stamp duty on e-contracts?
- How will you ensure enforcement of e-contracts when parties are at different locations?
In the Digital India campaign, the Government has created DigiLocker, a digital safe which enables citizens to digitally store their important documents like PAN card, passport, mark sheets and degree certificates. Digital Locker will provide secure access to Government issued documents. The opportunity for lawyers here is to help their client secure digital signatures and help them to use it to authenticate contracts. Apart from this, the lawyers will also have to ensure that they protect their clients from all possible data theft and leakage of confidential information.
To know more about Digital signatures please visit
- Do you know the process of getting a digital signature?
- Do you understand the difference between electronic signature and digital signature?
- How can you handle a data theft case?
- How will you get relief for a start-up facing data security issues?
- What is the legal recourse for victims of email and phishing scams in India?
The study of cyber law in law schools are meant to train you for these aspects for you to be an extra-ordinary cyber consultant and/or an amazing lawyer but they end up teaching us Information Technology Act, 2000.
National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata is running a short certificate course in Cyber law which gives you practical training and understanding of how cyber law is integrated with business.
Why should you do this course?
The course trains you to deal with practical aspects of IT business.
If you want to practice in this area, it is imperative to acquire a range of skills and industry perspectives. This course has been created to fulfil this need. You will learn to negotiate, draft and conduct IT due diligences.
You will learn to draft various e-contracts like Master Services Agreement, End-User License Agreement, a payment gateway agreement or a cloud computing agreement among other things.
The course gives you flexibility to study along with your professional commitments.
Please click here to know more about the course.
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