This article has been written by Nazia kauser S, pursuing a Personal Branding Program for Corporate Leaders from SkillArbitrage.

This article has been edited by Shashwat Kaushik.


This article explores the nature of education, highlighting its role as a lifelong pursuit aimed at acquiring the knowledge and skills essential for success. Traditional teaching methods, often referring to memorization, present challenges for students to truly understand concepts. This introduces the potential for new technologies to enact a complete change in teaching and learning methods, utilising digital tools to engage students, enhance understanding, and create a more enjoyable learning environment.

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The adoption of new technology in education is recognised as a process of change that requires- trained professionals and the overcoming of challenges faced by teachers, such as digital literacy and limited access to resources. The benefits of incorporating and using digital tools in the classroom are emphasised, drawing attention to the power of virtual learning, the effectiveness of animated videos, and the overall improvement in understanding complex topics.

The article further delves into varying applications of digital technology across different stages of education, from interactive learning in kindergarten to the use of videos and PowerPoint presentations in higher education. Various types of digital education technologies, including smart boards, gamification, and asynchronous learning platforms, are introduced as innovative approaches to teaching.

The importance of distinguishing between different learning resources, such as graphics and animation, interactive quizzes and games, simulations and models, as well as e-books and e-notes, is underscored by their role in making education more accessible, engaging, and practical. In conclusion, the article advocates for a holistic approach to education, combining traditional and digital methods to create a dynamic and effective learning experience.

Basic understanding of education

What is education

Education is a process of learning and a way to acquire knowledge to become successful in life. It is not only about learning, it is a step-by-step process of gaining knowledge and skills. Education has the power to make you stand up against the wrong habits, behaviours, and nature of society.

Education improves skill and knowledge development and also improves lifestyle. Quality education leads to higher income sources, allows for a comfortable lifestyle, maintains good health, and makes people independent in their own lives. Education is a never-ending lifetime pursuit. It is a lifelong activity where people can interact with different types of people, understand their behaviour and increase socialism among them. Education is not just learning the facts but also training the mind to think, according to Albert Einstein.

Real-time method of teaching

Learning is a process that can encompass multiple approaches and be achieved through methods. Commonly in schools, we have a systematic teaching method that involves a blackboard and a chalk-piece to write on the blackboard and explanation by the teacher (depending on them) according to his/her knowledge. Most of the schools in rural and urban areas follow the same strategy for teaching. They prepare a model of the syllabus and stick to that particular page of the textbook.

Problems faced by students

Students didn’t understand what the actual concept was and they simply ‘mug up’ the concept written in the textbook without getting any knowledge of what they were learning in the concept.

Education through digital technology and courts

Education through digital technology and courses has become a pervasive and transformative force, reshaping the learning landscape in profound ways.

  1. Enhanced accessibility: Digital technology has democratised access to education by breaking geographical barriers. Learners from remote areas, who may have limited opportunities for formal education, can now tap into a vast repository of online courses and resources. This inclusivity ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds have equal opportunities for educational advancement.
  2. Personalised learning: Digital education platforms employ adaptive learning technologies that tailor educational content to the individual needs, learning pace, and preferences of each student. This customisation enhances the learning process by providing targeted support and ensuring that learners grasp concepts effectively.
  3. Interactive and engaging content: Digital technology has enabled the creation of interactive and engaging learning materials that captivate students’ attention and promote active participation. Multimedia elements such as videos, animations, simulations, and interactive quizzes make learning more immersive and enjoyable.
  4. Global collaboration: Digital platforms facilitate seamless collaboration between learners and educators across geographical boundaries. Students can engage in discussions, share ideas, and work on projects with peers from different cultures, fostering cross-cultural understanding and global citizenship.
  5. Real-time feedback and assessment: Digital technology allows for real-time feedback and assessment, providing learners with immediate insights into their progress and areas for improvement. This timely feedback loop enables students to adjust their learning strategies and seek additional support when needed.
  6. Flexible learning options: Digital education offers flexible learning options, allowing learners to choose their own pace, time, and location for studying. This flexibility accommodates the diverse needs of learners with busy schedules or those who prefer self-paced learning.
  7. Access to experts and thought leaders: Digital platforms provide access to a pool of experts and thought leaders in various fields. Learners can engage with these professionals through live webinars, online discussions, and virtual office hours, gaining valuable insights and perspectives from industry leaders.
  8. Continuous learning and upskilling: The digital learning environment facilitates continuous learning and upskilling throughout one’s career. Professionals can easily access short courses, certifications, and micro-credentials to stay updated with the latest industry trends and enhance their skill set.

Introduction to new technology

New technology, specifically digital technology, can significantly enhance teaching methods and simplify the learning process, making concepts easier to understand. It encourages student engagement and interaction and creates more enjoyable learning through interactive whiteboards, learning management systems, educational apps, or virtual reality.

Requirements to introduce new technology for teaching

Adopting new technology can be a time-consuming process. If a school decides to implement new technologies, teachers must be provided with professional training. Teachers need to become comfortable and confident in their ability to use these technologies effectively. Once they fully understand the overall concept, it becomes easier for them to utilise the technologies to their maximum potential.

Challenges faced by teachers

Teachers encounter many challenges while using new digital technology, some of which are discussed below.

Usage of tools

The first challenge faced by teachers involves the tools used in digital technology. The lack of digital literacy can make it difficult for teachers to effectively use these tools.

Limited access to resources

Some of the schools may lack the necessary resources, such as up-to-date software, sufficient devices, etc. Additionally, issues like connectivity problems and hardware limitations further complicate the situation, preventing teachers from fully leveraging digital technology.

Benefit of using new technology in a class

Power of virtual learning

Engaging in virtual learning fosters students’ self-assurance and enhances their academic performance.

Enhancing conceptual knowledge

Digital learning makes students understand the concept effectively, facilitating easier adoption of new technological techniques.

Using animation videos

Using animated video clips helps the students learn more entertainingly. They promote a better understanding of concepts. It improves the knowledge and imagination capabilities of the students.

How does digital technology facilitate learning at different stages of development

The development of intelligence takes place throughout life and varies across different stages. We can categorise these into three main stages: kindergarten, primary and higher education.

Digital technology in kindergarten

Digital technology can be used in Interactive learning. At this age, children enjoy playing and engaging in different activities. Interacting with students through engaging and entertaining learning methods not only brings them joy but also facilitates better understanding and retention of information. Rhymes combined with physical actions simplify the learning process, providing benefits to both students and teachers.

Digital technology use in primary classes

At this stage of age, children are more active and creative. They constantly have a question “❓” in their minds for every answer, asking “how” or “what”. They are quick learners and grasp concepts very well. They seek greater clarity on what they learn. Using digital technology makes it simple for both students and teachers to grasp concepts effectively.

Digital technology using in higher education

At this stage, the students seek practical application of their knowledge. They are more crucial about what they learn and have to implement.

Using videos and PowerPoint presentations

Teachers can assign topics to students and ask them to explain them using PowerPoint presentations, images, and videos saved on the computer. Using short animated videos for experiments helps students understand better and boosts their confidence. Utilising images provides clarity on topics, making it easier for students to grasp concepts and learn effectively. This approach is particularly beneficial for understanding complex science topics in depth.

Different types of digital education technology

Smart boards

  • A smart board is an interactive whiteboard that uses touch detection for user input.
  • It is used in the same way as a computer, instead of a mouse using a finger as a pointer to edit, write, open, close, share files, etc.
  • A smart board improves teaching and increases clarity between teachers and students.


  • Learning through game based themes makes students motivated by using video game design and game elements to learn the concepts.
  • Gamification in education is receiving a lot of traction as it is effective at increasing student engagement and motivation.
  • The goal is usually to make learning more engaging.

Asynchronous learning platform

  •  Allows them to learn on their schedule within a certain timeframe.
  •  Access to the complete lectures, readings, homework and other learning materials at any time during a period.

Different types of learning resources

Graphics and animations

It enables students to visualise and understand complex subjects in an easy way to help them develop their imagination. When watching animations, children rely on a variety of senses.

Quizzer and games

Interactive quizzes and games can be a creative way to test the learner’s knowledge. To get an idea of how much they understand the topic, knowing is one of the best ways.

Simulation and models

Models or simulations enable students to perform activities and involve them, where it is easier to understand these processes and discover the essential properties of a system. They can see real-time changes in the output. 

E-Book and E-notes

The importance of e-books in online education includes offline access; they are easily shareable and can be accessed from anywhere. It also saves on printing costs and is easier to carry around than carrying a bag full of books.


In simple terms, education is a way of learning that helps us gain knowledge and skills to succeed in life. It’s not just about memorising facts but training our minds to think, as Albert Einstein said. Traditionally, teachers used a blackboard and chalk to teach, but many students faced a problem they memorised without understanding.

However, being introduced to new technology helps both students and teachers learn and understand easily and simply.

Adopting new technology is not easy because the teacher should have trained professionals, get comfortable and confident about their ability to use it, and effectively and creatively utilise all the resources available. Teachers face many challenges while using new digital technology, such as the usage of different tools to understand them, a lack of resources, etc.

There are many benefits of using digital education in classes that make students understand the concept effectively, learn easier to approach and adopt new technology techniques.

By using virtual learning, they can build self-confidence and perform well in academic studies. To understand topics very well in the different stages, students in kindergarten use interactive learning; in primary classes, they use videos and PowerPoint presentations to understand concepts easily and effectively; and in higher studies, they use videos and PowerPoint presentations.


Students of Lawsikho courses regularly produce writing assignments and work on practical exercises as a part of their coursework and develop themselves in real-life practical skills.

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