This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho.
Nobody wakes up in the morning and says you know what, I need to enrol in a course today.
LawSikho courses are not impulse buying courses. There are other companies that cater to that market. However, we offer serious courses, that require serious commitments. Of both time, money and efforts.
Only those with a purpose and ambition on their mind will find our courses useful.
Only if your willingness and desire to succeed is superior to your fear of the unknown and discomfort, you will enroll with us.
I am going to give you 7 solid reasons why people join our courses that really work. See if any of these resonate with you.
You don’t have a strategy to become a great lawyer
Everyone wants to be a great lawyer. However, it is tough. There are not too many ways to get there. Most paths are uncertain, and direction is vague at best. We give you a clear path to follow in order to get specific skills that will help you to achieve your goals of becoming an amazing lawyer.

What an average lawyer will learn over 2-3 years, you will learn in a matter of months with us.
There is no magic, we have simply invested a lot of time and money in discovering these paths, and perfected the technique of leading people down the path of success as a learner of the law.
We figured out the strategy part, we have material and classes and coaches lined up for you, we have thousands of assignments and questions for you to practice from – you just need to do the work. Get to it, get started.
You have interviews or internships coming up and you want to put your best foot forward
Imagine, you had your best friend’s wedding day coming up. You will prepare ahead. You will pick out a great dress. You will get a nice haircut in time. Maybe take some dance lessons.
What about your upcoming interviews? What about internships?
People who go to internships to learn something are squandering their opportunities. They need to wake up and realise that internships are a place to perform. No one has time to teach you anything. You need to go with the mindset of contribution. What will you bring to the table at your internship? What will make you stand out?
And don’t say hard work. Hard work without the requisite skills is pathetic and useless. Otherwise, daily wage labourers will the richest people in the world for who works harder than them?
What skills will you bring on the table?
Those who want to prepare well and prepare ahead should take a LawSikho course. The only alternative is finding a senior or relative who is a lawyer and will take out the time from their schedule to personally teach you. Even that will be only 2nd best to LawSikho, albeit perhaps cheaper.
You want results fast
A lot of time of the average lawyer goes into figuring things out. What is the right way to draft? What is the right way to speak? What am I supposed to do in X situation and Y situation? And people make tons of mistakes. Imagine having the guidance you need so you do not need to make those mistakes.
How does Hrithik Roshan go from fat to shredded, sculpted body in 3-6 months when he is getting ready for a movie? He doesn’t make mistakes. He doesn’t do trial and errors. He has a team of nutritionists, trainers and coaches who plan every meal, every workout and even the rest.
Imagine us as your personal trainer. The goal is to get the dream job, to become a great lawyer, or to just learn the area of law you always wanted to learn.
You can’t wait for success
You are so close to it. The life you wanted, it is almost in your grasp. There is a small gap to bridge. No marksheet, no moots, no debate will bridge that gap.
Only and only way is to learn what your clients want from you. For different practice areas, it is different.
Law is vast. You cannot possibly learn everything. But you can certainly learn how to serve one set of clients. It will take a few months if you have proper guidance. If you don’t, it could take years. It takes years for most lawyers anyway. Nothing else is expected.
When they say it takes 5-10 years to establish yourself as a lawyer, what do they mean? They mean that law school taught you nothing that will help you to survive in this cut throat world of legal practice. You will take another 5-10 years to learn those skills to survive.
You need that practical skill set. We short circuit the learning process. We make you learn 100 times faster. We are great at it.
This enables you to get success faster. The opportunities that would have come 5 years down the line, will come next year because you have taken our course and put in the time, effort and the money.
That’s a promise. Don’t wait for success for too long, let’s get to it right away.
You do not feel ready
You have spent years in law school. Maybe a few years in the court also. You are still not ready. You are making mistakes. You are getting shouted at. You are not getting the responsibilities you expected to get. You are underpaid. You are not learning fast enough. When are you going to be ready? When will your time in the sun come?
Let us work with you. Let us figure out where you are falling short. Let us identify and deal with every chink in your armour. Let us make you fighting fit so that when you hit the market you will be a dazzling success.
You do not want to leave things to chances.
Everyone needs practice and training
Maybe you are damn good at what you do. Maybe you already bagged the jobs you wanted. Maybe it’s going great. But what’s the next level? Are you learning new skills? Are you staying sharp? Are you arming yourself for the next level?
You need to keep adding new skills! Never stop learning, never stop growing. That’s our mantra in LawSikho. Want to engage with new and challenging legal problems in simulation mode? Want to learn about new areas of law that you have not had to opportunity to learn yet?
The best advice lawyers can come up with is read one judgment a day, it will increase your knowledge. That’s pathetic. It’s good, but not as good as training consciously every day for the next level of skills. If you think one judgment a day is great, wait till you try and learn one new legal skill every week.
Cut all the nonsense, get the professional help you need to really grow in your career.
You are tired of cheap and pathetic courses
By now you probably tried some of our competitor’s courses. They sold such courses for a thousand rupees, or two thousand or three thousand. They provided no value. You were probably disappointed, and now you think the online training industry is junk.
No sir. You get monkeys if you pay peanuts. We charge a fair amount for our amazing courses. It costs good money to deliver good services and create high-quality content. I have a team of 30 full-time people at your service, apart from a dozen successful lawyers who are passionate about teaching who work part-time to offer live classes. And we give a money back guarantee. If you try our course for a month and don’t like it, take a 100% refund. No questions asked. Read the full policy here.
Diploma in Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment laws
Diploma in Cyber Law, Fintech Regulations and Technology contracts
Diploma in Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment Laws (PE and VC transactions)
Diploma in Entrepreneurship, Administration and Business Laws
Executive Certificate Courses
Certificate in Labour, Employment and Industrial Laws for HR Managers
Certificate Course in Advanced Criminal Litigation & Trial Advocacy
Certificate course in Companies Act
Certificate course in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
Certificate course in Advanced Corporate Taxation
Certificate course in Advanced Civil Litigation: Practice, Procedure and Drafting
Test Preparation
Judgement writing and Drafting Course for Judicial Services

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