file online police complaint

In this blog post, Anubhav Pandey illustrates how a Person can file Police Complaint Online

Technically speaking, there are two types of complaint which can be registered with the police.

  • One is First information report of cognizable cases.
  • The other is the criminal complaint.

Often people with informal complaint also go to the police and these are not registered anywhere. But to initiate a complaint formally one needs to make either a criminal complaint with the magistrate or file an FIR with the police.

In this technocrat world, everything is shifting gears. Today’s age is digital. Everything is at a touch of you finger, so why not the police complaint and the FIRs? This is a detailed blog post on how to file police complaint or FIR online.

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File Police Complaint Online in Delhi

In Case You Lost Some Goods –

Delhi Police Shanti Sewa Nyaya

Delhi police online portal for reporting lost goods

  • This is only in the case of “Goods Lost” and not theft.
  • In the case of Theft, Contact nearest police station.
  • Steps: Fulfilling of credentials such as –
  • Name of the complainant.
  • complainants’ mobile number.
  • Place where the good was lost.
  • Date.
  • Description of the lost article.


Filing FIR Online in Delhi

Delhi police online portal for FIR


Delhi police online portal for FIR- step 2


E-FIR Covers the Delhi police online FIR (first information report) registration  or you can lodge e-FIR against the loss of following articles-

  1. Wallet/Purse
  2. Passport
  3. PAN card
  4. Aadhar card
  5. Driving License
  6. School or college mark-sheet etc.

Register Online FIR in MUMBAI

Before filing for FIR ensure this notice by the MUMBAI police– As per the prevailing laws, FIR of a major crime (‘cognizable crimes like theft, burglary, motor vehicle theft, accident, chain-snatching, assault, rape, murder, attempt to commit murder, robbery, dacoity, extortion etc.) can only be registered at a Police Station.
Please contact your nearest Police Station for the same.

Step2: Visit the following link-  Lodge Police Complaint with Mumbai Police

Mumbai Police online portal


File Police Complaint online in PUNJAB

Punjab police online portal


Step 2: Fill the following credentials -Name, Date, Area of complaint  and other such details.

Punjab police online portal- step 2


File Police Complaint Online in Haryana

Step 1: Visit the following link Haryana Police
(Filing of informant details), UID, Name, Contact information, Email.

Haryana police online portal

Step 2: (Suspect details)

Haryana police online portal - suspect details

Step 3: (Information)

Haryana police online portal - information


File Police Complaint Online in PUNE

  • As per the prevailing laws, FIR of a major crime (‘cognizable crimes like theft, burglary, motor vehicle theft, accident, chain-snatching, assault, rape, murder, attempt to commit murder, robbery, dacoity, extortion etc) can only be registered at a Police Station. Please contact your nearest Police Station for the same.
  • This site shall only entertain complaints about minor crimes (‘non-cognizable crimes’).

Your complaint shall be referred to the concerned Police Station where you may be called for further clarification and/or to give the statement.

Step1: Visit the Link- Pune Police

Pune police online portal


Lodging online FIR in Bangalore

Step 1: Visit the Link- Bangaluru Police

In cases of lost and found police complaint

  • This application is for lodging report of Article/Document lost in Bengaluru City only.
  • Report lodged under this application is not a subject matter for enquiry/investigation.
  • In case loss is due to theft or any other crime, contact nearest Police Station.

Bangalore police online portal


Filing Police Complaint of  “Lost & Found Objects” in Hyderabad

Visit the Link- Hyderabad City Police

Hyderabad city police online portal

Hyderabad City Police will issue Police Reports in case the following document(s)/article(s) are lost/missed:

  1. Aadhar Card
  2. Bank Pass Book
  3. Bank Cheque Books
  4. Bond Certificate Camera
  5. Cell Phones
  6. Computer
  7. Debit Card
  8. Credit Card
  9. Driving License
  10. ID Card Government Organisation
  11. ID Card Private Sector
  12. ID Card College
  13. ID Card School
  14. I-Pad
  15. Laptop
  16. Marks Memo
  17. Pan Card
  18. Postal Pass Book
  19. Share Certificate
  20. SIM Card.
  21. Tablet (TAB)
  22. Transfer Certificate
  23. Vehicle Fitness Certificate
  24. Vehicle Insurance
  25. Vehicle RC Voter ID

File Police Complaint Online in Jharkhand

Jharkhand Police online portal for FIR


Online FIR registration in Chhattisgarh

Chattishgarh police online portal


Online Police complaint in Patna

Patna police online portal


Online police complaint of lost articles in Chandigarh

Chandigarh police online portal


Online police complaint in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Gandhinagar police online portal


Online police Complaint in Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Paradesh police online portal


What to Do in the Case Where a Police Officer Refuses to Register the FIR?

●     In such case, a person may send the substance of such information, in writing and by post to the concerned S.P (Superintendent of police).

●     When S.P receives such information it is his duty to either investigate such matter or pass the matter and order an investigation by the concerned authority.

That’s all about how one can file a Police Complaint Online. In case of any query, feel free to contact the grievance cells available in the above mentioned links.

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