
Eklavya Malvai is a final year law student majoring in Intellectual Property Rights at Amity Law School, Noida and he has interned with few of the best law firms, like J Sagar associates and Trilegal. Apart from his corporate law career he is passionate about social causes in the past he has trained school and college kids in debating and has volunteered with NGOs.

He completed the NUJS diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business laws in 2015. Over here he talks about his experience with the NUJS diploma course, and how it has enhanced his knowledge. Over to Eklavya.

I joined the NUJS diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws while I was in the 2nd year of my law school. I came to know about this course through an acquaintance of mine and when I researched further I found the course content to be very good, the modules were very in-depth and informative.  So I decided to join the course. I’m very much satisfied with the course and my expectations from the course are totally fulfilled.

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My approach to internships changed after this course, earlier I used to go with a mindset to only learn something but after this course, I already had an acquired knowledge of certain things and could participate in discussions etc I was not just learning but participating. This was an empowering feeling; I would say, this course empowered me for the next level. Once at my internship we were working on a case and I could suggest few things about director’s liability etc and it really impressed everyone around.

The drafting exercises in the course helped me develop my drafting skills. At the end of our internship we had to draft memos and thanks to the drafting skills acquired through this course, I drafted my memo really well. If I ever have to draft a partnership agreement or an LLP agreement, I would be referring the course material. I have a resource to fall back on.

The modules on Labour laws and structuring business were very informative and beneficial. As it’s very difficult to get labour law details online as most of this information is available on govt websites which are not very user-friendly.

After this course I’m already in a position to guide people about starting up businesses, lot of people come to me for advice. Once my uncle had to start a business and wanted to start it as an HUF business, but I suggested him to start it as Pvt Ltd or an LLP. Later he consulted his CAs and they also gave him the same advice which I gave and ultimately he started his business as a Pvt Ltd.

This course is also helping me excel in my studies, we were having our internals a few weeks back and I scored the highest marks in the class in our IPR test. I had covered notices, takedown notices, cybercrime injunctions etc which were not taught by our teachers and I learnt all this through the diploma course only. I even got a letter of recommendation from our corporate law professor.

I have mentioned this diploma in my CV and my LinkedIn profile rather I would say this is the highlight of my CV. Although I have not had questions around this diploma course for my internship interviews. I’m sure this leaves a positive impact on my profile and gives me an edge over others. Even while interning I’m not just learning things, I’m able to give creative feedbacks and sometimes people do tell me that they are surprised to see that I know all this while still in law school.

I plan to have a career in corporate law, I was always clear about it from the very first year of my law school and this is why I chose to specialize in IPR.  I feel the knowledge gained through this course would help me in my career .The practical knowledge gained through this diploma course would certainly help me.

I would be happy to recommend the NUJS diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws to anyone. I have already recommended it to few of my friends and they have also enrolled for this. I even discuss this course and the value it has added to my knowledge in almost all my internships.

I feel this course is immensely helpful for entrepreneurs, people into the business, youngsters who are gearing up to take charge of their family business or anyone wanting to invest. Almost everyone can benefit from this course as it deals with basics of law and it’s good for everyone to have the basic understanding of the law.


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