I know you are sceptic about whatever I have to say. You should be.
You should question everything everyone tells you – if people asked questions, the right ones, and truly tried to appreciate the answers, we’d live in a different world. People would not accept religious or political rhetoric, politicians who make a career out of misleading people’s sentiments would be looking for more productive jobs, companies will spend less money on advertising and more on making great products at lower costs.
However, being sceptic should not stop you from listening. If you are not listening for the new, you are missing out. It is easy to be sceptic about the latest invention of science, but it is nevertheless real. It is difficult to be sceptic about something that has been accepted by everyone else, something that no one questioned for a long time – but usually that is where scepticism is most useful and apt.
Your scepticism is a weapon, use it to destroy long-established myths, not to nip the buds of fresh ideas and new voices.