
A lot of people ask us how can we help to get a job or internship. Many even ask if the industry will recognise certificates awarded by iPleaders and

Nobody wakes up in the morning and feels, hey, today I will really like to enroll in an online course, and then spend hours and hours over the next few months studying, doing exercises, attending classes.

But sometimes you have to do exactly that because you have a problem and the course is a solution to that problem.

The problem could be that you quickly need to learn a new area of law that you do not know much about but need at work. Or it could be that you did several internships but were unable to convert even one of them into a PPO. Or maybe you are not even getting internships.

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Maybe you feel stuck in the current job. You recognize that learning practical legal skills in a certain area of law is going to make a big difference, maybe you can jump into a better job if you learn that.

And there are those rare people who actually love to learn and they take a course for a more pure reason – to enhance their knowledge and skills. Such people rarely have problem in finding jobs or getting where they want to get in their lives. This article or our career support may not be very relevant for them. If any such person is reading this I will suggest that you skip to something else.

However, the majority of learners of our online courses are taking our courses to solve a problem, and usually it is something to do with getting a job. Or getting a better job.

Today, I am going to talk about this and tell you how exactly we help our students and alumni with jobs, internships and career support.

First of all, we don’t give any guarantee to anyone that we will get you a job, or an internship for that matter. Such a guarantee will be meaningless. We have no magic wand to make you a better lawyer. In fact, we believe giving such a guarantee is counter-productive and is not in student interest. Students must be told that they have to focus on learning and development, which will result in superior expertise, which then leads to jobs and independently winning clients.

Therefore, our goal is to create extraordinary lawyers in India, and each of our courses are geared towards that goal. If you become a good lawyer, and can demonstrate the same, you will be in an amazing position in your career. You will experience being in demand.

Lawyers and people with legal skills are in high demand in India. The only problem is that many law graduates do not learn the practical skills and applied knowledge quickly enough to take advantage of the opportunities that exist around them. Our courses change that equation very powerfully.

The caveat of course is that becoming a good lawyer is a lot of work. It is not easy. You are not going to become a terrific lawyer just because you bought our course and paid us INR 23,600. The game begins right at this point.

Doing the course successfully requires you to work week after week, according to a plan that we create for you. You have to read the material we give you. You have to watch the videos. You will have to do the two exercises we give you every week, submit them on time, attend classes every week, get feedback that you may not like, implement the same next time, and keep improving various legal skills incrementally.

Every week there will be progress. Some people will see massive difference while others will struggle to move forward even an inch. But if you keep it up for a year, by the end you will realise what a great distance you have covered.

Think of it like swimming classes. Or singing classes.

If you want to learn swimming, you have to get into water frequently. It really helps if you have a good coach. It may even feel hopeless in the first few classes, but if you keep going to the swimming class over a month or two, you will end up learning to swim in a crude way at least. Some people learn fast, some learn slow, but everybody can learn by showing up to the class often enough. After learning to just float, there is still a lot to learn in swimming to really master it, but we will come to that in a bit.

When I was a little kid, my parents would take me to swimming class. They would take me there almost every morning. The water was chilly, chlorinated, and unpleasant according to me. There we had to hold the side rails and splash our legs imitating the movements of freestyle swimming. Day after day we were made to do just that, splash around in the water. Then one day the coach came and held our hands and took us into deep water while we kept splashing our legs behind us, trying to stay afloat. Then suddenly he left our hands in the middle on the pool and we tried to float desperately trying to catch hold of him again. After a few breathless moments, the coach grabbed me again and I managed to keep my head above the water again.

This went on like that for weeks, till one day I was able to float on my own. At one point, I even learned to do backstrokes. Then I learnt breast strokes.

I wasn’t really a fast swimmer though. I couldn’t win any races to save my life. That’s because after 2-3 months I just quit. If I had stuck to it for a year, I probably would have become really amazing and would have swam very fast too! If I had practiced and practiced, one day I may have been winning competitions as well, especially if I had a coach to guide me through it.

That’s how skills work. You keep doing it, ideally under the supervision of a coach who knows how to turn your weaknesses into strengths, and how to develop your strengths into deadly weapons that deliver your knockout wins. But the most important factor is that you must spend enough time doing it, over a long period. Consistency is the key here.

Legal skills are no different. Drafting, negotiation, due diligence, compliance, cross examination, research – all these are important skills to learn when you are a lawyer, depending on what exactly you do. You can practice these skills. You need to practice them in specific situations too. Just because you know how to draft a shareholders’ agreement doesn’t mean you can also draft a power purchase agreement. There are a lot of different things to learn.

However, in a controlled environment, through exercises and live classes, we teach you practical legal skills. This is a training that only courses offer in the entire country. Because of such personal training and coaching, our courses are much more than just expensive courses that just give you some study material to read and videos to watch, and let it be at that.

More than money, we just need 8-10 hours of your time every week. But those hours that you put in require solid work. If you do that, and follow our instructions, we can assure you that you will find yourself spoilt for choice.

Now let us tell you apart from giving great practical training on legal work, how we help our students and alumni to find jobs.

Many students have received their dream jobs through our courses. However, I think it is mystifying for most law students and young lawyers as to how their high and mighty law schools are not able to help much with recruitment while we promise to help not only our students but even our alumni with jobs and internships!

Our biggest advantage is that our curriculum is always tailormade for practice of law. Law schools teach you sections from statutes and case laws around those sections. We don’t teach that. We teach you law from a more practical perspective – how to draft agreements, how to negotiate in specific situations, how to  perform due diligence, how to structure transactions, how to prepare a compliance checklist and then track compliance progress every month, how to advice clients in tricky situations, how to liaison with a government regulator on behalf of your client, how to handle a raid by an inspector and such other very practical things.

We have relationships with law firms and other recruiters

These are the things that law firms and companies need young lawyers they hire to know. But in most cases, lawyers come untrained and unprepared. This imposes a big training cost on the employer. This is why a large number of recruiters avoid hiring freshers. However, if you come pre-trained in these skills, you are a very attractive hire for most legal recruiters. We teach you these skills, so that makes a very important strategic partner lawyers and law firms want to associate with.

We have a relationship with a large number of tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 law firms, lawyers’ chambers and in some cases with in-house legal teams too, where these organisations want us to recommend our high performing students to them. These internships could be assessment internships too, where a law firm will make a job offer provided that your performance matches the required standards. As more of our students impress these law firms and lawyers, we are told, again and again: “Do you have more students like these? Please send them to us”.

That’s the relationship we have with the industry. Currently, I have too many requests for interns from all over India, and too few students to fulfill all those requests!

And this is just the beginning for LawSikho. As we are setting a new standard in practical legal education, and the word is spreading, there is a massive respect for these courses in the industry.

We help you to build a great profile which gets shortlisted

A lot of the exercises are geared towards building an impressive CV. For example, if you are doing an M&A course and want to work with law firms, some of the exercises you do in the diploma course will be writing relevant articles and publishing them, and we guide you throughout this process. We also help you to finetune your CV so that it is well received. We even prepare you for interviews! We have modules related to this that we will give you free of cost if and when you need them. When you land an internship, we guide you about how you can perform amazingly in these internships so that you can stand out amongst all interns and be considered for a PPO.

We train you to build your professional network

Getting the dream job usually depends on networking. The best jobs don’t get advertised, nor can you get them by randomly sending emails. For that you need to know people, and already successful lawyers need to recommend you. A big part of doing well in that front is building your own network where people are ready to refer you, because they are already impressed by you and they like you. This is useful not only for landing a job, but even to begin your practice or grow your practice as a lawyer too. As a lawyer, a lot of success depends on your networking skills. We help you to develop these skills through exercises, under our coaching. Not only that, by the end of the program, you will have a reliable professional network in which there are many successful people who trust you and are willing to vouch for you.

This will be a gamechanger.

Why complain about how some law students and lawyers get advantage in the legal industry thanks to family contacts? Make your own contacts! That’s the road to success.

Do you prefer this kind of a program, or a guaranteed placement as many mediocre institutions offers? If you learn everything we offer, take all the actions you need to take, I do not see why you will even need such a guarantee. Such thing is wanted by lazy people who have no confidence in themselves and do not want to work. We do not want to attract the wrong crowd after all.

Learn to catch a fish rather than relying on someone else to catch one for you, and you are sorted for life.

If you have any other specific questions about our career support program that is available with all our diploma programs, feel free to call me directly on +91 11 40845203. If I can’t pick up, just leave me a message.

Here are some courses we offer, along with last date of enrollment:

  • LawSikho Diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws | Fee: INR 20,000 plus GST | Course Duration: 1 Year | Seats: 20 | Enroll By: 31st July 2018 | Commencement Date: 1st August  2018 | To enroll: click here.
  • LawSikho Diploma in Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Laws | Fee: INR 20,000 plus GST | Course Duration: 1 Year | Seats: 20 | Enroll By: 31st July 2018 | Commencement Date: 1st August  2018 | To enroll: click here.
  • LawSikho Diploma in Cyber Law, Fintech and Technology Contracts | Fee: INR 20,000 plus GST | Course Duration: 1 Year | Seats: 20 | Enroll By: 31st July 2018 | Commencement Date: 1st August  2018 | To enroll: click here.
  • LawSikho Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance & Investment Laws (Including PE and VC Transactions) | Fee: INR 20,000 plus GST | Course Duration: 1 Year | Seats: 20 | Enroll By: 31st August 2018 | Commencement Date: 1st September 2018 | To enroll: click here.
  • LawSikho Diploma in Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation & Dispute Resolution | Fee: INR 20,000 plus GST | Course Duration: 1 Year | Seats: 20 | Enroll By: 31st August 2018 | Commencement Date: 1st September 2018 | To enroll: click here.
  • LawSikho Diploma in Industrial and Labour Laws | Fee: INR 20,000 plus GST | Course Duration: 1 Year | Seats: 20 | Enroll By: 15th September 2018 | Commencement Date: 16th September 2018 | To enroll: click here.
  • LawSikho Diploma in Companies Act, Corporate Governance and SEBI Regulations | Fee: INR 20,000 plus GST | Course Duration: 1 Year | Seats: 20 | Enroll By: 15th September 2018 | Commencement Date: 16th September 2018 | To enroll: click here.



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