This article has been written by Barnali Ghosh pursuing a Diploma in Business English Communication for International Professionals and Remote Workers from Skill Arbitrage.

This article has been edited and published by Shashwat Kaushik.


The life of the earliest man was simple, wherein he lived based on agriculture and hunting for survival. As life progressed and man advanced, simple machines were introduced, and life started simplifying automatically as a result of those wonder machines. Gradually, with the passage of time, industrial revolutions took place at various phases in the history of mankind. In each phase, different machines came into existence, changing the life of man bit by bit.

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The central hub: AI and creativity

Today, mankind has entered the fourth industrial revolution phase, which is a revolution of different kinds. In this revolutionary phase, machines have become smarter and are directing commands that are as good as human commands and performing work akin to humans. We are now dealing with artificial intelligence, which was never heard of before. It is a trend that is shaping human life differently and sculpting newer trends.

Here, some may say that AI is good, while others may speak against the trend. It, in reality, has taken a huge toll on humanity, with many losing their jobs, generating colossal unemployment and corrupting, hardening, degrading and desensitising humanity. However, analysing and looking at the brighter side of the newest trend called AI, there is some hope, after all for mankind. Different job scopes are created with this evolving technology. Here, it might be wise to inform others that the real challenge does not lie in the new technology itself but in recreating and adapting oneself to this new technology called AI.

Let us now delve deep into the realms of this new technology and how it has either affected or benefited various sectors of human life as far as creativity is concerned.

AI in writing

AI in writing has definitely created ripples where man is left with the ominous and ever-lingering doubt in their mind whether AI will ultimately replace human writing. Today, AI is slowly and very stealthily creeping bit by bit into every nook and cranny of human life. For some, it is threatening their very existence. Say, for instance, that the consummate and hardcore writer or the greenhorn aspiring to make a mark in the field are constantly afraid of their future. However, it is pointless to live in constant fear of getting ousted by this new kid on the block—AI. Instead, you can make it your constant companion and move forward into an exciting future hand-in-glove with AI.

For that, instead of delving deep into the dark crevices and fearing their mighty depths, look at the brighter side of this tool. This is a tool that is here to help you advance properly, provided you can train it as per your requirements. From there on, your journey with AI becomes an absolutely  fresh experience that is awesome and wholly exciting.

It helps you to streamline the flow of the work that you want done by helping you improve your writing skills. This allows you to deliver work that is far superior than ever before. In a span of just some time, like magic, you have in front of you a tapestry of finely crafted words that hook your audience. Of course, this is the aim of every seasoned or aspiring writer. So go forward, embrace the new and see what your future holds for you.

The content can be crafted to personal likings and tastes. This comes with enhanced and perfectly crafted writing, making the content even more eye-catching and captivating. Now comes the dilemma of the authenticity of AI generated writing. It is for the user to strike the perfect balance between AI and voicing his or her own opinion. A piece of writing is marked as unique by the voice of the writer. So it is up to you as a writer to train your AI tool to voice your opinions and thoughts and pour your heart out into the writing. Therein, you can say that AI maintains the originality of the writer.

AI in music

AI has come a long way since its inception. It has made a deep impact on music today. By now everyone is aware that Paul McCartney used AI to isolate a vocal track by his bandmate, the late John Lennon, to segregate the instruments from his voice. This not only becomes exciting when you think of it as being able to clearly hear the maestro’s voice once again, but at the same time, it also becomes frightening when you realise what AI can do to music. If you analyse it carefully, you will definitely realise that this does not even scratch the surface. Here, we will dig deeper into the crevices of AI in music.

Music can be tailored to one’s needs with AI apps in music. So also, once your app detects and understands the kind of music that you listen to, it will automatically suggest music that is similar to your taste. You need not search whole libraries of music for the kind that you prefer. This is good news for music lovers – music according to your liking all day without you having to move your fingers too much. This software is capable of creating music in conformity with the listener’s choices, biometric data and mood. A day might come in the history of music where this app is capable of reading the heart rate and thus adjusting and suggesting music accordingly!

Song composition with AI has made the task relatively easier and cheaper. Music can now be whipped up with just a simple prompt. Today, it has become easier for budding musicians to train and learn music by training such apps based on voluminous databases. He can even create new music by trying it out and experimenting with it. This now gives rise to copyright and ownership issues. It comes to such a pass because when the apps create music, it will do so from an existing database, which is music that has already been created. So you are definitely bound to find subtle similarities that might come to your attention if you listen carefully. Those issues aside, if such apps could create the right algorithms, then human musicians are in for quite some trouble. And this also means all the money generated from such music will go to the companies creating the apps and humans will go out of employment and lose their livelihoods on a mass scale. 

AI in visual arts

Now, what is visual art? It includes paintings, sculptures, & design concepts. And AI in art is a freshman in this form of art, though AI in itself is not so new, having been present on the horizon since the 1950s, with more prevalence and dominance being gained in the 1990s. You could allude to AI in art as any kind of creative canvas generated by AI.

If you talk about the domain that has to do with visual arts, AI today is playing up and revolutionising the whole thing. With AI in tow, traditional visual art forms have undergone massive upheavals by transcending conventional boundaries and coming up with awe-inspiring and hugely innovative ideas that have the capability of firing up the imagination and goading aspiring young artists to climb new heights.

This, in turn, has aided collaboration between artists and AI to create energising and exhilarating art forms that are totally new. Here we witness the seamless blending of artificial intelligence with human creativity. However, this in turn has given rise to questions about copyright implications and ownership. The debate surrounding this is complex and electrifying at times. Thus, it is imperative that the artist strike the right balance to overcome all the challenges and hurdles that stand in the way of creating new art forms that are fired up with enthusiasm. This has also given rise to legal issues that are an ongoing matter.

Merits of AI in creativity

AI comes with numerous benefits that will definitely take mankind one step ahead in time. It leaves little to almost no room for fallacies and oversight. It is because here a set of algorithms are at play that help reduce flaws. AI is available to humanity 24×7, making it available at all times, unlike humans. It helps to increase the efficiency of the work, leaving space for men to do other work that requires their attention. Tedious work can be overcome with little effort. The best part of AI is that creativity soars to its best with new innovations and hurdles overcome seamlessly. It is accessible to a wider audience, which is its goal. Day by day, newer tools are being used, which is giving rise to technology and science advancing at a fast pace. AI is doing wonders in the world of medicine and medical science, with diseases and symptoms being detected accurately. Where man cannot be sent or do a certain task, AI is coming to the forefront and conducting it with high precision and efficiency. These are just a few of the many wonders that AI has brought with its advent.

Challenges posed by AI

The biggest and by far the worst challenge that AI poses to humanity is the loss of livelihood. With its advent, many people have already lost their jobs and many more are yet to lose theirs. This is a setback for the ever-increasing human population, whose global count has already crossed the “8-billion” mark. So when more people are set to go out of employment, it is going to spell doom for the human race in general.

AI, as you know by now, is a set of algorithms which are used to complete a certain task at hand. Therefore, you cannot expect the human touch to be there. It has to be devoid of any feelings, making the job bereft of any human feelings that can prompt something different. Another fly in the ointment is bias when AI is at work. There have been cases of bias in AI. Facial recognition is one such big impediment to operation and success. Many AI systems have been trained to recognise mostly Caucasian male faces. Some recognise only US and Western faces. Non- Caucasians namely the dark-skinned, have to bear the brunt of this. The success rate of dark-skin tones is lower as compared to white ones.

Ethics of AI

First things first, you must know what ethics is actually about. It simply tells you right from wrong by using a set of moral principles to guide you. The same applies to AI, too. It guides the user on how to use AI in the right way without causing any social disturbances or discrimination. This can begin with considerations of disclosure and transparency. Tagging an AI generated piece gives the audience the right to know the origin of the piece, which further enhances their respect for creativity, which has amalgamated with technology. Now comes the million dollar question, “Who owns the ownership rights and copyright?” Who should be credited for a piece of creation—the artist or the machine? Ethics can strike that balance. It is a partnership between technology and human creativity.

Future of AI and what you can expect

The future of AI looks amazingly bright. It is moving at such break-neck speed that sometimes it is difficult to keep up with it. It is constantly changing the scenario but it is here to change and shape the future of humanity into something that has never been known to the human race. One of the most captivating aspects of AI’s future is its potential to enhance human capabilities. AI-powered tools and technologies are poised to augment our cognitive abilities, enabling us to make better decisions, solve complex problems, and create innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Imagine a world where AI assistants can provide real-time information, analyse vast amounts of data, and offer personalised recommendations, empowering individuals to achieve their full potential.

The fusion of AI with other cutting-edge technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and 5G networks, is further amplifying its impact. This convergence is creating a hyper-connected, intelligent ecosystem where devices, machines, and systems can communicate seamlessly, automating tasks, optimising processes, and enhancing efficiency. The result is a world that is more responsive, intuitive, and assistive.

In healthcare, AI is revolutionising diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. AI-driven algorithms can analyse medical images, identify patterns, and predict outcomes with remarkable accuracy. This has led to the development of personalised medicine, where treatments are tailored to an individual’s unique genetic makeup and health history. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are providing 24/7 support to patients, answering questions, scheduling appointments, and offering guidance on managing chronic conditions.

Transportation is another sector poised for transformation by AI. Self-driving cars, powered by AI, are already a reality, offering safer, more efficient, and more accessible transportation options. AI is also revolutionising traffic management, optimising signal timing, reducing congestion, and improving overall mobility. In the future, AI-powered transportation systems may integrate various modes of transportation, such as cars, trains, and buses, creating a seamless and multimodal transportation network.

Education is another realm where AI is making significant strides. AI-driven personalised learning platforms can adapt to each student’s individual needs, providing tailored lessons, assessments, and feedback. AI-powered tutoring systems can offer real-time assistance, clarifying concepts, answering questions, and providing additional resources. AI can also analyse student data, identify areas for improvement, and provide insights to educators, enabling them to tailor their teaching strategies and interventions accordingly.

The future of AI is indeed bright and holds the potential to usher in a new era of human progress and prosperity. As we embrace the advent of AI, it is essential to navigate its ethical implications, mitigate potential risks, and ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a responsible and equitable manner. The future of AI is in our hands, and it is up to us to shape it into a force for good that benefits all of humanity.


AI is going to change the façade of every industry on this earth. It is gaining that all-important status wherein, you can say, approximately 44% of companies worldwide are delving deep into AI and toying with the idea of incorporating it into their business. Its importance can be gauged by the fact that of the 9130 patents that IBM received in 2021, 2300 were associated with AI. So now, do you have any doubts about the future of AI and what you can expect from it in the near future.



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