Hettich group job opportunity.Hettich group is hiring for ‘Sr. legal Executive’ at Delhi.

Details are as follows:

Job At A Glance

  • Designation-Sr.Legal Executive
  • Qualification-llb
  • Salary-not disclosed
  • Location-Delhi
  • Keyskills-Legal,Regulatory
  • Company name-Hettich India Pvt Ltd
  • Company website-www.hettichindia.com

Company profile

HETTICH – a well known German multinational with operations in 110 countries worldwide has a turnover in excess of US$ 1.2 billion and an expertise in precision engineering of over 125 years, known across the world for its high quality furniture fittings and hardware. Hettich India Pvt. Ltd. a Joint Venture between Hettich Group, Germany and the Adventz Group, set up in 2000-01 is a well established market leader by a wide margin with a sustained profitable growth year after year, having an AGCR of 30% plus.

Hettich India has also set up a factory at Baroda in the year 2013 to service local as well as its global market. A few more manufacturing units are in the pipeline as part of its growth plan. Company values human resources as the key differentiating factor and offers excellent career growth, opportunities exist both locally and in other foreign markets where it operates. To support the growth plans, we are looking for key personnel in the following disciplines:

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