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This article is written by Harsh Jain, Senior Associate, LawSikho.

All of us have our struggles and aspirations in our life, no matter how successful or not so successful we are.

And all of us wonder, kya apna time ayega?

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I am also one of the strugglers. Even I have some dreams and I want to transform them into a reality.

The best way to make your dreams come true is to align yourself with people who have similar dreams.

Thankfully, I found people who share my dreams or are at least aligned with my dreams. Those people are my colleagues at LawSikho. It started with Ramanuj sir and Abhyuday sir, but then, one by one, an amazing team assembled to work on a vision we all now share. We have some crazy ideas through which we want to change the current situation in the legal education sector of India. We are just getting started, and we are far, far, far away from our destination. We do not even know what we will encounter in our way or how long will it take. However, we believe that “Apna time ayega”. And that’s all we need to keep our faith in the work.

There are various categories of people who think “Apna time ayega”. Yes, you read it correctly. Various categories. All of us have a different kind of approach towards this phrase.
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There are some who think “Kya Apna time ayega”, while others pray to god “Apna Time Kab Ayega”, some others just dream about this and say “Ek Din Apna Time Ayega”, others struggle and say “Apna Time Kabhi Nahi Ayega”, some say “If I get these facilities and opportunities, then Apna Time Ayega”, and few others just blame that “Because of so and so person, because of my birth in a poor or a middle-class family or because of not getting exposure to a good college or because of the system of India, I lost all hope, but maybe Apna Time Ayega”.

But there is another category. They say, “Apun Apna Time Layega”.

The “Kya Apna Time Ayega?” types

Those who think “Kya Apna Time Ayega?” that is “Will my time come someday” have a doubt on their capabilities or don’t have any. They can’t achieve anything until either they themselves start building confidence in themselves or find some good mentor who can give some confidence to them but also keep them focussed on the goal. During mentoring students in Dream Job Boot Camp and while coaching Judiciary and legal competitive exam aspirants, I found that these kinds of people have very unstable and fluctuating confidence. Sometimes they are very confident that they can do anything in life, while within some hours they are into some kind of depression that they can’t do anything in life. They need regular (sometimes daily and sometimes multiple times daily) confidence building, coaching and management. They need to build a very positive environment around them that can keep reinforcing their positive thought patterns and discourage negativity.

The “Apna Time Kab Ayega?” types

Those who think “Apna Time Kab Ayega?” i.e. “When my time will come?”, are just sitting idle and think that one day their time will come running to them by itself. They are living on the hope of a miracle. They don’t do anything. They don’t even want to do anything. But, they think that one day, their time will also come. I feel very sorry for these people. Even I believe in luck. But luck also works for those who make some efforts for themselves. These kinds of people rarely achieve anything in life. They need a huge push to get where they want to reach. Mentoring them is also a difficult task. No matter how much you push them, they’ll rarely make any efforts.

These kinds of people can further be divided into two categories. First are those who are privileged. They have all the comforts in life. They never had to struggle for anything they wanted. Their parents provided everything to them. Whenever they get scolded from their parents, they think “One day even my time will come”. They only take any initiative when they get some shock. It is usually stoppage of support from the parents or some mishap that moves them into some kind of action.

The second category is those who don’t have anything. No money, no family support, no background of a great college or big city, lack of resources etc. They basically blame lack of resources every time for their situation in life. These kinds of people need a mentor who can bring their inner strength out of them. Once they realize that even they are capable of achieving something, they can do wonders.

Same is the situation of other categories. Most of them wait for god or luck to do something in their life. They blame situations, city, parents, poverty, college, background etc. for all that is happening with them.

I remember one of my Judiciary students. He always blamed his father for not giving him money and support to study in a good coaching centre. Another student was one step ahead. She never sat in the real exam. Why? Just because she thought that she was not prepared enough. However, she always wanted that she gets selected miraculously in the judiciary exam.

The “Aapun Apna Time Layega” types

This is the last category. The probability of success of this category of people is highest. They are self-motivated. They are determined to do anything for success. They do not only taste success themselves, but they help others like them to achieve it.

Are there such people in your environment? That’s good because their enthusiasm and spirit are infectious. Catch the bug yourself if you haven’t already.

They never wait for an opportunity to come to them. They create an opportunity. Even I am from a small city and from a non-NLU background. But I never blamed my background for that. Now I am mentoring people from NLUs all over India during their internships at Lawsikho as well as during our Dream Job Boot Camp. I am trusted at my work, I excel in all criteria and keep improving my standards continuously.

Technically I should have applied for a job. Any normal and sensible person will do that only. People look for job and salary. I looked for my dream. The result was that now our students are getting great jobs because of the mentoring provided by our team of which I am a part.

It’s started with a shift in my mindset. I just came out of my comfort zone of blaming the situation. Instead of applying for a job, I applied as an intern at Lawsikho where I could see my dreams getting successful in future. I worked hard at the right place and at the right time. I have not achieved my dreams yet. But now we are working as a team together to achieve that.

We are in the process of launching our super 12 programs, where we will select 12 candidates from India and will convert them into a super lawyer. They will be taught how to write, how to build their CV, how to draft, how to market themselves, how to build connections, how to get good jobs, how to build their own practice and reputation, how to choose what  they should do in their life, how to research, how to speak in courts or at some seminar or conference, where, what and how to learn when they get new matters or tasks or situations during their jobs or practice or in life, how to manage their juniors and teams, how to manage their clients, how to live a healthy life, how to manage their stress, how to spread legal education to others, and much more.

Generally, in small colleges, there are no regular classes, teachers don’t have the knowledge, and even if they have the knowledge, they don’t prefer to take classes. Even students are not interested in studies. They just want a degree. I utilized this time to study and teach my fellow students and juniors. Slowly I became popular and not only the seniors but also my lecturers started coming to me for studying. One of my lecturers later became a Judicial officer and got married to my other student.

I didn’t stop here. I never waited to get perfect and do something. I created my own facebook page and WhatsApp group and started connecting with students for teaching them. Now, I have a reputation all over India and people from all over the country started shooting random questions from random laws to me. This helped me to revise everything every day without even studying specifically.

I was not satisfied with this also. I knew that in many judiciaries there is judgement writing paper. The problem is that there is no coaching available for preparation of judgement writing. Even if the coaching is available, they call some good judges to take a few sessions who tell them all the complicated things which must be included while legal drafting. However, they don’t know the academic side of this exam. As a result, students don’t know how to deal with such questions in exams. People tell them what are the major things which they should include in a judgement. But they don’t give them proper exercises and feedback on the solutions of the submissions. As a result, they are blank about how to attempt these questions in the actual examination.

I knew this is a big problem to deal with. I wanted to do something in this regard, but I needed a big platform for this. A platform where I can help a large number of students. What could be better than Lawsikho?

So we launched a judgement writing course. In the course, we teach all the legal drafting which comes in the legal competitive exams through practical exercises similar to those which we get in exams, concept sessions and personal feedback to every student. In my next article, I will write about what are the major problems faced by a student while attempting legal drafting questions in competitive exams and how to deal with them. Although you will be well equipped to attempt your exams after that, if you want similar exercises and proper feedback on those exercises in addition to a detailed concept session on each topic with exam perspective, you can take our Judgment Writing and Drafting Course for Judicial Services.

You can also contact me at 7568795773 for personal guidance regarding these exams.

Take action. You got to bring in your good days with your dedication, vision and hard work.

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