This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, iPleaders.
Recently a big media company came to us and offered a lot of money to create infotainment content for anti-sexual harassment training for their 6000 employees. This is some work we have done before.
We said no to them.
Why did we refuse a sum which at that point was 60-70% of our monthly revenue?
The answer is that we did not see such course creation to be aligned with our long-term growth plans.
On the other hand, there is another kind of work we have been actively seeking out. We are even ready to travel to another city multiple times to get that kind of work.
We want to identify and solve the hardest problems of education and training for the large and mid-sized law firms, in-house legal departments and practicing lawyers.
This started in the most strange way. Originally, I was approaching law firms to see if they will be interested in content marketing, branding exercises and promotion through iPleaders blog, just as it is done on Mondaq or Bar and Bench. Law firms pay to publish viewpoints and opinions on these platforms. I was interested in seeing if we can get a share of this pie given that iPleaders blog has a much bigger reach than those.
I got a very lukewarm response. It didn’t look like law firms are looking to do much marketing. I spoke to dozens of partners from different kind of law firms at various levels. I was soon quite clear that it is not a big problem for these law firms to get new business.
However, there is a far bigger problem.
It is to retain those clients and satisfy them with great service. In most firms, the junior most lawyers are making terrible mistakes, forgetting important steps in the processes and struggling to keep their heads above water.
Most firms have tried various in-house training and knowledge management programs. While those programs have satisfied various other needs, the juniors continue to struggle and make mistakes. The situation is such that firms end up paying big penalties on behalf of clients or even lose clients every once in a while.
Firms of all sizes across different metropolitan cities seemed to be facing this problem. They wouldn’t always talk about it openly, or officially, but if you talk to the salaried partners responsible for delivering the end result to the client, they tell you the same story again and again.
Then I spoke to some general counsels at big in-house legal departments. Their problem is not as acute, but even they have the need for advanced legal training. In fact, several companies are engaging with us at an institutional level to solve requirements for legal training.
And that’s when I decided to make this problem our primary focus area. We have made steady progress in this over the last 3 months. I will share the names of some of our top clients in these areas when the time is right.
Why am I telling you all these things?
I want you to know that we are trusted by the industry, and we are working on the hardest training problems they want to solve urgently.
This process, engagement and our deep understanding of the industry’s needs make our courses the best option for you to learn the practical aspects of the law that will prepare you for the careers you seek and help you to get ahead faster.
Those mistakes that people make slow them down in their career. It’s entirely avoidable.
Let us help you.
Here are a few courses starting in the next 30 days that can set you apart in the legal industry. Even non-lawyers are welcome to join. You can understand and learn the law, it’s not rocket science.
Diploma courses
- Diploma in Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment laws
- Diploma in Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
- Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment Laws (PE and VC transactions)
- Diploma in Cyber Law, Fintech Regulations and Technology contracts
- Diploma in Entrepreneurship, Administration and Business Laws
- Diploma in Industrial and Labour Laws
- Diploma in Companies Act, Corporate Governance and SEBI Regulations
Executive Certificate Courses
- Certificate course in Advanced Criminal Litigation & Trial Advocacy
- Certificate course in Real Estate Laws
- Certificate course in Advanced Corporate Taxation
- Certificate course in Companies Act
- Certificate course in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
- Certificate course in Arbitration: Strategy, Procedure and Drafting