This article has been republished from A First Taste of Law. The most popular posts from the old blog that is now closed are being reshared here on popular request.
This is legal gk round up 1, and there are 3 more round-ups on this blog so far. You can access them by clicking on the links given on the column on the right. Find some super important legal gk for CLAT 2010 here.
There is no end to preparing GK, but the wise students know where to concentrate for the best results. The people who set questions for competitive exams are influenced by the things happening around us right now. Some GK topics are brought into prominence by recent developments. The trait of a successful CLAT cracker includes an ability to identify these developments and follow them. Also, remember that paper setters of the CLAT are people who are lawyers and law teachers, and they have certain interests that others may not be enthusiastic about. I shall tell you in this post what the legal world is abuzz with so that you can take a cue and start working on some issues.I shall not be framing exact questions here, but tell you the topics you need to read up on. Look them on google, or Wikipedia or wherever else it suits you. Those of you who have attended my legal GK workshops will already know why I prefer preparing broad topics as opposed to mugging up specific questions (I shall explain my approach in another post sometimes, for now it suffices to say that rather than reading thousands of individual questions, it is better to understand which areas or topics these questions are aiming at, and to read up on those topics as this exercise has better long-term benefits, primarily in terms of better recall and conclusive understanding.)
Firstly, International Legal Developments – Questions have been coming from this area ever since the beginning of law entrances. In last years CLAT, it was conspicuously absent. It is slated to make a big comeback this year if I am reading the signs right. Make sure you are updated with this area, otherwise you would be taking a big risk. Also, certain national events become important and noteworthy because of international developments, I shall include them here itself.
- Lisbon Treaty becomes law in December, changing the structure of EU.
Other issues it brings back in prominence: Rome Treaty, Strasbourg, Pirate Party (related to IP), European Commission, European Constitution (it was proposed, and rejected by EU citizens), Euro (currency) - New Constitutions around the world: Nepal, Latin American Countries
Other issues it brings back in prominence: American constitution, similarity with Indian constitution - Climate Change: Bali roadmap, Copenhagen, proposal for climate change law in India
Other issues it brings back in prominence: Bt Brinjal, Bt Cotton, El Nino, La Nina, Kyoto Protocol, other conventions on climate change, Rajendra Pachauri, UNFCCC and the list can go on 🙂
- Establishment of Supreme Court of UK
Other issues it brings back in prominence: highest courts in other countries, court structure in India, Lord Denning, Indians who are members of House of Lords, British Parliamentary System, casino online the Commonwealth, Common law system, Privy Council - Nobel Prize in Economics: for work to do with economic analysis of law
Brings back in prominence: Sir John Nash, Game Theory, Antitrust Law, Competition Commission of India, other Nobel prize questions, Amartya Sen and “The Idea of Justice” – his recent book - USA National Health Services reforms
Brings to prominence: Indian counterpart National Health Bill, Obama and his agenda, democrat party and republican party - Financial Crisis and legal developments with respect to that: Credit rating agencies, SEBI, SEC (US), RBI, banking regulations, banking terminology (such as capital adequacy, repo rate etc), economic concepts such as recession, deflation, inflation, hyperinflation, depression, Adam Smith, Keynes, law and economics, stimulus packages
And finally, Legal developments in India:
- Naz foundation v. UoI: decision of Delhi High Court
other issues it brings back to prominence: sec. 377, lawyers collective, gay rights movement around the world. Anti-discrimination laws in our country, including domestic violence act, protection of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, women’s right movements - Ambani feud over Gas, and involvement of NTPC
Other issues it brings back in prominence: PSU, Public sector, Justice Raveendran and Katju recusing themselves from hearing, conflict of interest, natural justice principles, MoU and its enforceability, energy security of India, arbitration - Judges asset declaration, right to information
brings back into prominence: corruption related issues, Madhu Koda case - New bills underway, right to education bill, Gram Nay lays Bill (this one has already been enacted)
- Taxation reforms: GST, Direct Tax code
brings back into prominence: Income tax, progressive taxation, different sources of revenue to the government, excise duty, customs, transfer pricing, export-import, the balance of trade - Judicial reforms: new bill to reduce caseloads, appointing temporary judges, new salaries of judges
- Courts can ask a person to undergo mental fitness test
brings back into prominence: self-incrimination, narco-analysis - New court fee structure for companies proposed
- LLP act
Well, this is a long list of things already, see what you can do to tackle these. If there is any suggestion as to what could be added to this list, please comment. Also, I plan to come up with another round up in some time, but I shall do that only if this post is found useful. To that end, I shall be glad to get some feedback.