In this article, Sarthak Modi of ILS Law College Pune how to obtain a Liquor license in Mumbai.
Liquor license in Mumbai
Liquor is a nontoxic liquid which contains Ethyl Alcohol. It is produced by distillation of grains, fruit, or vegetables that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation. All liquids containing alcohol are known as liquor. There are mainly three types of liquor produced for consumption in India.
- Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) – This term is used to determine western-style hard liquors such as whisky, rum, vodka, etc., which are manufactured in India.
- Beer
- Country Made Liquor – These are indigenous recipes such as fenny, toddy etc.
A liquor license is a permit to sell alcoholic beverages. States don’t want just anyone selling liquor. That is the reason they require restaurants and businesses to apply for a liquor license. Purchasing, possessing, transporting, and consuming liquor without a valid permit is an offence under the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. In Mumbai the excise department issues licence for buying and selling of Liquor.
The licenses can be broadly classified into two
- Wholesale Liquor License – means a person holding a licence in Form C.I.W. II under these rules to sell duty paid country liquor by wholesale. TOD/III under the Maharashtra Country liquor Rules, 1973, to sell country liquor by retail.
- Retail Liquor License – “ retail licence ” means a person holding a licence in Form C.L.III or C.L./F.L/
General guidelines for obtaining Liquor license
What Specific class of License you want?
Wholesale Liquor License
- Wholesale license for wine : Trade and Import Licence for removal a custom frontier.
- Licence authorising the storage and wholesale sale of duty paid country liquor to retail shop.
- Wholesale sale of foreign Liquor.
Retail Liquor License
- Permit room license
- Club License
- Beer Shoppe Licence
- Mild Liquor and wine bar License
- Wine bar License
- Wine Shoppe License
Determine whether you need an on license or an off license
- You will need a license if the liquor you sell is intended to be consumed on the premises. Examples of businesses needing a license include bars, restaurants etc
- You need an off license if you don’t intend alcohol to be consumed at the place of selling it. Examples of businesses that require an outside license include liquor stores, grocery stores and drug stores.
Start as early as possible

- If you intend to open a pub or restaurant serving alcohol, it is important that you start your liquor license as early as possible.
To get approval for a liquor license it takes time in some places as long as a year. Therefore, this should be one of the first considerations when planning your new business venture.
- Complete the required form and provide any required documentation.
- The application will contain details about your business and your personal background.
- Details of your age, your business experience, and a clean personal record may affect the state’s decision to grant you a license.
- You must also include a number of important documents in your application. These include: a certificate of incorporation, a partnership agreement, your company’s constitution, a copy of your proposed food menu, photos or drawings of the exterior of the building and a floor plan of the interior, a code compliance certificate, a copy of the title certificate for the premises.
- Renew your liquor license annually. You must renew your liquor license on an annual basis, which means you have to pay a renewal fee.
- Keep in mind that if you stay with your local agency during the year, you may be entitled to a reduced fee.
- Be aware that your license can be revoked. Understand that your license may be revoked if you violate your local agency’s terms of service. Ordinary offenses include the sale of alcohol to a minor, the supply of alcoholic drinks to customers and to stumble an employee on the premises.
Conditions under which authority grants license
Section 34 – Vendor’s licenses
- The government may, according to rules or a written order give an official permission to give a vendor license for the sale of foreign liquor.
- An entrepreneurial license is granted under the following conditions:
(i) The stock of foreign liquor from the licensee (except for disposal at the store) will be held by him at 12 godowns approved by the government.
(ii) The license holder pays all leases, costs and expenses related to warehouses and surveillance.
Section 35 – Hotel licenses
The government may, by rules or an order in writing, authorize an officer to grant licenses to the managers of hotels to sell foreign liquor to the holders of permits under this Act:
Provided that the government is satisfied that such a hotel usually has a sufficient number of staff members eligible to hold permits.
Such licenses are issued under the following conditions:
- Liquor will be sold to the permit holders living or boarding at the hotel.
- Consumption of liquor sales will not be allowed in any of the rooms of the hotel to which any member of the public has access.
- The hotel license holders must pay the expenses of any officer of the excise institution, if any, for the grant and control of permits on the premises or for the supervision of the issue and consumption of foreign liquor in the hotel.
Wholesale License
- The procedure to obtain wholesale licence for selling liquor is mentioned in Part-III of Bombay Prohibition Act ,1949.
- Anyone who wants to obtain the wholesale licence shall make an application to the Commissioner through the Superintendent of the district in which he desires to establish a warehouse for the purpose of storing the country liquor.
- Then superintendent shall verify the particulars given therein and satisfy himself that the building or rooms of the warehouse for the purpose of sale of liquor conform to the requirements of rule 15.
- The requirements of warehouse premises are also mentioned in the act.
Renewal of bar/shop license
In Mumbai City Restaurants with Grade 1 have been given the facility of obtaining the Bar Licence i.e. Permit room licence for “ON- Consumption” and FL II licences have been given to the shops to sale sealed Bottles for “OFF- Consumption”. The duration of these licences is for one year.
Under what Rule/Act the license is issued
Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules 1953. The license is issued under the Rule 24, 44, 47 and Special Permit Rules 1952 for Beer Bars.
How to Apply
Any person desiring to renew a license shall, thirty days before the date of expiry of license, apply for renewal thereof. Every application shall be accompanied by a challan, evidence of payment of application fee of Rs.25/- and renewal fees as fixed by the State Govt. from time to time.
What documents are to be submitted along with the application
- The licensee desiring to renew the license should apply in the prescribed form along with Rs.1/- Court fee stamp.
- Application fee of Rs.25/- in challan
- Licence fee challan as fixed by the State Govt. from time to time
- Income tax/Sales Tax clearance certificate or affidavit.
- Partnership Deed copy or Declaration regarding no change in the Partnership or status of the institution
- Documents regarding Ownership/Tenancy of the premises
- Licence in Original
License for purchasing, consuming and transporting alcohol
- If a person in Maharashtra is buying alcohol than he needs to be a major (i.e. above 18); as per Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 Section-18. However he cannot consume the alcohol, because the consumption age in Maharashtra is 25 (as per Bombay Prohibition Act,1949- Part VI-A Rule 70D).
- Such a law becomes difficult to enforce as there are very limited ways to ensure that any person who is under 25 do not consume the alcohol.
- Even if he is caught with alcohol he cannot be punished if he is above 18.
- If an individual wants to buy alcohol he first need to get a license from the government.
- He needs to show that license to the vendor before making a purchase.
- A person is allowed to possess only 12 units of alcohol at a time.
Cost of obtaining liquor license
- The temporary club licence or party permit fees for bigger parties (more than 100 people) is Rs15,000. But smaller parties (below 100 people) is Rs10,000.
- For temporary club licences for liquor parties in smaller towns, such as Navi Mumbai, where the population is below 20 lakh, the mandatory licence will cost Rs10,000 for above 100 members and Rs7,000 for below 100 members.
- As per excise department rules, the FL-4 licence is needed to host a private liquor party in a flat or at a resort that presently costs Rs13,000 across cities in the state.
- Consumers must have this licence even if they are drinking with friends in an apartment or a house party organizer can be booked for illegal possession of liquor if he does not have permission to host the party.
- While only if a few friends are together, the consumer should at least have a Rs5 daily drinking permit.
- License fee for permit rooms is Rs. 544,000 and that for beer shops is Rs.150,000.
Digitalisation of Licensing process
- The state excise department also has an online portal and an app ‘’ to grant liquor consumption permits.
- the permit could be obtained by simply keying your Aadhar Card number on the website or the app.
- A digital permit will be provided within few minutes of the application. The applicants can even check the application status online.
- Those applying for liquor permits must be aged 25 and above.
- A one-day drinking for foreign liquor costs Rs 5, country liquor costs Rs 2 whereas the annual permit costs Rs 100 and a lifetime one costs Rs 1,000.
- One can apply only one permit in a day.
- Earlier, applicants needed to go to the excise office to submit documents and pay fees, for getting the drinking permits.
Places where Liquor shops are prohibited
- The Supreme Court in December 2017 had banned the sale of liquor within 500 metres of state and national highways across the nation from April 1,2017 but this order does not prohibit licensed establishments within municipal areas.
- No liquor shop should be established in municipal corporations and municipalities within a distance of 50 metres from an existing place of worship or educational institutions and that a minimum distance of 100 metres should be maintained between such places in all other local bodies .
- No liquor shop should be established within 100 meters of a hospital.
Possession, consumption, or transportation of alcohol in Maharashtra without a permit can get you fined to Rs 50,000 and/or a prison sentence of up to five years.
This was all about how to get Liquor license in Mumbai. Do you have anything to add to the procedural aspect of how to get a Liquor license in Mumbai? Comment below and let us know.
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Looking to rent out Country Liquor licence (CL3) in Mumbai. Pls whatsapp me on 9326390498
what is cost of wine shop new licence
Hi sir,
We want to open wine shop in Uran Navi Mumbai
Please text me on 7021486148
Hi I’m pratik From Nanded Maharashtra
I want To Open Wine Shop At Nanded can you help me sir……
Call or Whatsapp 8888201113
We offer surrendered licenses in 2.80Cr ( Including transfer / shifting and all )..If any interested. whatsapp 9373500960
Hello Guys,
We offer surrendered licenses in 2.80Cr ( Including transfer / shifting and all )..
If any interested. Then contact me on whatsapp 7738593913
We offer surrendered licenses in 2.80Cr ( Including transferring and all)..
If any interested. Then contact me on whatsapp 7738593913
whatsapp or call me : 9930847065
FL2, CL2, FL3 license are available in 3.5cr for mumbai
Hii i am planning to open beer shop in Navi Mumbai so if any 1 have license kindly text me on whatsapp 8291154857
Hi we provide wineshop licence in 2.80 cr ( Fixed )
If any person interested.
Then contact on whatsapp 7738593913
Fl2 CL3 licence available
Call me on 8169814167 and watsapp me
I want to purchase FL2 & CL3 licence in Mumbai Western Line upto Borivali, If anyone has please call . email me on 99207 29923
I have country liquor license at Kankavali & wants to transfer and shifting in Mumbai, can anyone help me.
Pls drop an email.
whatsapp me 9930847065
hello sir,
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Hello everyone,
We provide bar and restaurant license F.L3, F.L 4, F.L BR 2. Start to end process wine and beer shopee license. For F.L3 license charges will be 30L and for wine beer shopee license 12L.. And also over all startup with license and bar and restaurant will cost depands on location call for more details. 9370065370 please call only genuien employer and buyer.
Liquor license cost to open shop
How much does it cost to get liquor license to open liquor shop
I am planning to open beer and wine shop in navi Mumbai if someone have licence let me know.
Hi we provide wineshop licence in 2.60 cr
If any person interested.
Then call 9768408357
i wanna talk with you regarding licence
hello sir!!
myself mayur
i am planniing to open a wine shop in navi mumbai or mumbai whichever is in my budget
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I am looking for buyer who interested in wine shop license. kindly contact me if you are interested 9326475014
I am interested in opening wine shop in mumbai or navi mumbai region…
As i am new to this business world i dnt anything about the licence and other processes needed to open a wine shop.. so can anyone giode me.. as am in hurry to open my wine shop as early as possible…
We got FL2CL3 FLBR2 FL4. Intrested client can contact on 8169091342. Respected people careful of there reputation. We entertain buyer or direct agent.
For discussion regarding licence. We can help you . Contact us 8169091343. We have already done in mumbai pune etc. Some are in process. Agents can also try but with direct party. Chain of agents will not be entertained. We have direct contact.
Fl-iii ,wine shop licence ke liye kitna kharcha aata hai,plz guide kare.
Is it possible to acquire alcohol licence without the government granting change of user?
I want a beer shop license who will help me
Beer shop licence available
Call me on 7770053994
Hello,aapka selling price kya hai for beer shop licence.
which location available and how much cost please reply me then i will talk with you.
Still available
Looking for a partner who has a bar and is willing to use my existing license country liqor license.
Pls drop an email
which location and how many budget please tell me then after will dissected
Hi Mr ajay send me u r number
May email
fl2 with cl3 licence available call or whatsapp me for more details
Your contact number please
If anyone is interested in buying liquor licence in mumbai mail me
Email id –
If Anyone is interested in buying liquor licence in mumbai mail me
pls give me ur number
If Anyone is interested in buying liquor licence in mumbai mail me?
Please share your email ID or contact no. I am looking for the one for thane region.
Hi Anubhav
I have not idea about this business but have a will to start this business of wine shop at prime location in city of Aurangabad Maharashtra. currently I have only a commercial plot. I have to start the process from scratch. Please guide where and how should I start.
Call me 7977989648 if ur interested
Can anyone arrange for Liquor license in Mumbai or Thane area.
I’m having a byuer waiting to get it with transfer and shifting.
i want to buy the liquor license for retail business. I want the full cost with all the budget.
Fl2 CL3 licence available
Call me on 7770053994
Cost bataye.
Is it still available??
Call 9004407776
I stay in Mumbai How can I apply for liquor licence were can I apply for this license
For wine shop licence
Beer shop licence call mi….. 7977989648
Mr. More
Transfer, shifting all over maharashtra by legaly
Require wine shop licenses FL2CL3 for Mumbai kindly contact 7021914560
Text me on WhatsApp 8605108868
I want a wine shop license