Image Source: https://bit.ly/3aS6ZEa

This article is written by Jolly Tewari Associate at LawSikho.

Hey Judiciary Aspirant, 

Are your daily plans and schedules getting in the way of your judiciary preparations? 

Are you having a hard time learning all the sections, staying updated with each amendment, mastering judgment writing while you carry on with your other day-to-day tasks? 

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Finally, getting confused, exhausted and unmotivated so much that you are thinking of throwing in the towel? 

So as said there is a solution to every problem and here it is  – Time Management.

Tackling the HUGE syllabus, hundreds of case laws, statutes and regulations…is not a big challenge anymore.

Completing the exam question paper in time…will be a piece of cake for you.

Still having a life, hanging out with your friends and unwinding yourself even as you are preparing for probably the most serious exam of your life…is what you do. 

If you get good at managing your time, you will not only breeze through this examination but also any challenges that you face in your life will look rather easy—nothing seems so invincible when you become a master of time.  

Effective time management depends on two questions: when to start and how to plan. Easier said than done.

Everyone knows if you’ll do hard work, you’ll certainly crack the exam, but should you use brute force and memorize everything like a damn’d computer? Nope. Instead, you need to know how to use the proper strategy to manage your time properly yet ace the judiciary exam. 

For that, you need to know – What to study and what not to study? What kind of guidance do you need – to rely on one person or more than one?

 All your answers are right here. So, let’s now find solutions to all your questions.

What to study and what not to study?

Some students, especially first-timers, tend to study everything with the hope of scoring better. It may sound like a good idea but in reality, it is only taking your attention away from important topics. Let me explain that with an example. 

My friend, Kartik, who at the moment is in law school, always studies a night before the exam. No matter how bad that habit is (and we certainly do not promote that), he is able to always clear the exam. What he does is he only picks the most important topics and studies them well.

So, what you can do here is, start focusing more on the topics that have a 100% chance of coming in the exam. Don’t know where to start? Become a student of our Lord of the Courses and we will reveal the hot topics to study for the upcoming exams. 

Try to refer to that material only so that you can do the revision later. Do smart study and not bulky study. Refer to that study material and study smart.

You know what to study…what next?

There are some students who know what to study and how to study. 

But when it comes to executing the plan, they fail most of the time. 

So what must be the reason behind this? The reason here is developing a consistent and unbreakable habit. You cannot study one day and then forget about it for the next three days and then come back to it again. You have to study consistently. 

Only then, you’ll be able to retain the information and not waste time re-reading everything. In the initial days, you might feel like giving up but with each successful day, you’ll get closer to your goals. You’ll soon develop a habit and your heart will only ask you to achieve more and more with each passing day.

If you are still in college, it may become difficult to achieve the target.  

That’s the reason why many judicial aspirants look for mentors. 

They join coaching centres.

They hire private tutors. 

All they are looking for is someone who can guide them through this journey.

How a good mentor saves your time

How effective is mentorship when it comes to preparation for different competitive examinations? Right guidance at the right time is the boon for aspirants. There are a lot of people out there who claim that they can help you. But not everyone is qualified for the job. 

You should only choose someone who has himself or herself been able to crack the code and has a long track record in helping others pass the exam. More so, what you have to focus on is having only ONE such mentor on whom you can trust. 

Different mentors will tell you about different materials and reading each one of them will waste a lot of your time, which you cannot afford to at this stage. So, find the right mentor and stick to him only. 

Interacting with lots of people who have cleared the exam turns out to be a futile exercise as a majority of them, rather than giving actual tips, focus upon self-glorification. 

Try to find a real mentor and don’t run for free advice. We, in our course, provide best and personal mentorship from none other than the people who have already walked through this phase and passed it with flying colours.

How to manage your LLB along with your judiciary preparation?

While you’re still in law school, you may find it hard to take some time out of your already packed schedule and prepare for the judiciary. Yet do you know that most of the syllabus for the judiciary is the same that you are already studying in your college – like IPC, CrPC, Indian Evidence Act etc?

If you start studying for the judiciary side-by-side with your regular LLB studies now, you’ll be a step ahead of those who start studying for the judiciary later. After 5 years, the only thing left is to revise, revise and revise. 

Constant revision – the ultimate secret to success

Here’s a question for you – Do you really retain everything by going through it once? 

We can study many things at a time but the challenge is to retain it. And that brings us to the importance of revision. 

The importance of revision is twofold. 

First, it helps you remember what you will otherwise forget. In other words, it can ramp up your memory manifold. 

Second, if you revise your relevant material 3-4 times, it boosts your confidence, reduces your anxiety, and gives you an edge over others. 

For a fact that we learnt from interacting with many rank holders, the trick is to study as much as you can revise before one day of your exam. 

Still confused? 

Look, I understand that the judiciary exam is not only tough but scares even the boldest of ones out there. It’s not an LLB degree exam, after all.

If you are approaching it like a regular university exam, you might not be able to crack it. What you need is a clear-cut roadmap on what to study and how to study, which mock test papers to finish, which subjects to focus hard on… and so on.

So once you are clear with your plans and strategies no one can stop you from your success, now the choice is yours whether to procrastinate or to go and make your dream come true.

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