ABOUT Legal Aawaz
Legal Aawaz started their journey on 10th Feb 2018. It was founded by Ashish Badoni and Vipul Chirantan and currently managed by Raghav Gupta, who is the CEO at Legal Aawaz. The Organization of Legal Aawaz was developed to serve benefits in career, academic and in personal aspects to the students of law, management, social sciences and to provide a platform to the media field as well.
Legal Aawaz provides assistance not only to the students but also who are in need and facing problems by providing guidance through email, telephonic conversation and personal interaction. In the past, we have organised various national and international conferences and seminars, Workshops, MUN and moot courts. We have also organised legal aid camps in various remote villages some of them are Udham Singh Nagar, Jonkgao Rishikesh.
Legal Aawaz has well qualified, experienced advocates which provide free assistance to the needy and has a large number of volunteers from different parts of India which organises workshops, Legal Aid Camps, and walks to bring out a change in the society.
Our motto is to raise the issues and problems which are faced by the Human Beings. We raise our voice as per the need of the hour and when required and this time there is need of the hour to organise a seminar on Justice for Human Rights.
Optimistic humanitarian Part of Legal Aawaz sell their book at Amazon bearing ISBN Number 9781717773296, independently published, having all territories (Worldwide Rights), Book has been assigned a free KDP ISBN.
Participation is Open for All
Theme of Competition
- The internet: Using it as an Educational Tool Podcast.
- The internet: Safety and Kids Podcast.
- Internet Safety.
- Tips for Parents in the Digital Age.
- Internet: Understanding the special education process.
- Internet: Helping child make adequate progress.
- Education after high school
Prizes and Certificates
- 1stPrize: Rs. 10,000 + Certificate of Merit + a Plaque.
- 2nd Prize: Rs. 5,000 + Certificate of Merit + a Plaque.
- 3rd Prize: Rs. 3,000 + Certificate of Merit + a Plaque.
- Certificate of Appreciation and Consolation Prizes to 3 Participants.
- Certificate of Participation shall be given to each participant of the Competition.
Essay of participants must be their original work, i.e. the essay should not be published by or in any other publication or medium and should not be partially or substantially copied from any other prior published work of the participant or any other author without adequate reference.
Participant must send scanned copy of duly filled and signed Registration Form to legalaawaz@gmail.com on or before 15th December, 2018.Once the payment has been made, please take a screenshot of the transaction and mail it to legalaawaz@gmail.comSeparate registration needs to be done for co-authors.
Registration Fee
500/- Rs for all the participants
Mode of Registration
Bank Account Deposit Details;
Name – Ashish Badoni
Account Number – 1664000100206455
IFSC Code – PUNB0166400
Branch–Punjab National Bank, Nayagaon, Dehradun
PAYTM – 9997685128
Formatting Details
Word Limit– 3000 words approximate (excluding references). Submissions should be in MS Word-2013/2010/2007 format along with the PDF copy of the same. The essays must be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12 with 1.5 lines spacing and footnoting may be done in Times New Roman font, size 10 with line spacing 1.0. The citation must be strictly in accordance with the Harvard Blue Book Citation style, 19th Edition.
Key Dates
- Last Date of Registration and Fee Submission 15th December, 2018
- Last Date of Submission of Soft Copy of Essay 2nd January, 2019
- Last Date of Submission of Hard Copy of Essay 15th January, 2019
Submission Procedure
The essay must be preceded by an Abstract not exceeding 300-350 word (in separate MS Word Document).The submission must contain a covering letter containing details of the participant such as Name, Date of Birth, Permanent/Residential Address, Telephone Number, Email, Name and Address of College/University, Course pursuing and Academic Year (separate file from the essay document).Participants must send their essays to legalaawaz@gmail.com with the subject of the email as “National Legal Essay Writing Competition, 2018” on or before the last date of submission e. 2nd January, 2019
In addition to that the participants have to send hard-copy of the essay in Two copies at the below mentioned Address:
Shimla Road, Ratanpur Chowk, MalhanGrant, Sardar Colony, Dehradun, Uttarakhand India, 248007, Phone: 09997685128
Note: – Hard copy of the Essay must reach at above mentioned address latest by 15thJanuary, 2019.
Only one essay per participant is permitted. Co- authorship up to three student is permitted, however that shall be considered as single participation.
Jury and Review Procedure
Entries will be reviewed by a distinguished panel of legal luminaries, professionals in the field of law and academicians. Entries will be judged on the basis of Originality, Quality of Analysis and Quality of Research Style and Organization. Decision of the Jury shall be final and binding.
Criteria for Marking
Sl. No. | Criteria | Weight age |
1. | Thoroughness/quality of research | 50 |
2. | Creativity/Originality | 40 |
3. | Logical Representation | 40 |
4. | Articulation of Ideas | 30 |
5. | English/Grammar | 20 |
6. | Footnoting | 20 |
Declaration of Result
The result of the Competition shall be declared in the last week of February, 2019.
Supervisory Committee
Faculty Coordinator: Bhavana Sharma Principal, HIMCAPES College of Law, Badhera, Haroli, Una, H.P.
Avnish Bhatt {Faculty Associate, ICFAI Law College Dehradun, (Director, Youth for Human Rights India)}
Bhavna Batra {Assistant Professor, Amity Law School (Vice President, Amity Law Foundation)}
Pyali Chatterjee – Assistant Professor, MATS Law School, MATS University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Organising Members
Legal Aawaz Founder’s:
Ashish Badoni – 9997685128
Vipul Chirantan – 6262943081
Asst. Director
SADHVI BHARDWAJ- 8120697775.
Raghav Gupta – 7906904541
Prashant Deol – 7500085031
Mohd Taasir Ali – 8077122432
For Further Clarification
Email to: – legalaawaz@gmail.com
Contact Number
Sadhvi Bhardwaj – 8120697775
Ashish Badoni – 9997685128
Raghav Gupta – 79069045
The link of the online registration form