This article is written by Shashwat Kaushik, from CCS University. This article deals with the need for regulating transnational corporations to prevent environmental damage. 


MNCs (Multinational Companies) are enormous organizations that work in various nations. They frequently transport their creation between different areas or have their various divisions – head office and administration, research and development, production, assembly, sales – isolated around a landmass or the globe. In relation to environment degradation is the crumbling of the environment through exhaustion of resources like air, water, and soil; the annihilation of environments; habitat obliteration; the eradication of fauna, and pollution. It is characterized as any change or unsettling influence to the climate saw to be pernicious or bothersome. 

It happens when the world’s natural resources are exhausted, and the climate is undermined by the elimination of species, pollution noticeable all around, water and soil, and quick development in population.

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Environment damage: a rising concern 

Environmental damage has become a typical issue for mankind in recent years. The particular idea of the present environmental issues is that they are caused more by anthropogenic methods than by natural phenomena. Mindless consumption and economic advancement have begun to exhibit poisonous consequences for mother nature. Regardless of this, the speed and want for economic advancement have never stopped. Emphasis has been put on the part of science and innovation as a reason to heal the harm caused to the climate. In this cycle, supportable advancement turned into a trendy expression to battle against human greed and save assets for future generations.

Environment degradation is the degradation of the climate through mindless consumption and depletion of assets like air, water, and soil; the annihilation of biological systems, and the extinction of wildlife. It is characterized as any change or damage to the climate that will be injurious or unfortunate. Environmental degradation is brought about by the mix of a generally enormous and increasing human populace, constantly expanding economic development or per capita abundance, and the utilization of resources exhausting and polluting innovation. Environment damage is one of the ten threats formally forewarned by the High-Level Threat Panel of the United Nations

The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction characterizes natural debasement as the decrease of the limit of the climate to meet social and environmental targets and needs. Natural corruption is of numerous sorts.

Effects of environment degradation

  • Water contamination and water shortage: According to the assessment of the UN, more than 2,000,000 deaths and billions of diseases a year are because of water contamination. Water shortage intensifies these medical issues. Profitability is influenced by the expenses of giving safe water. By imperatives on monetary action brought about by water deficiencies, and by the unfavourable impacts of water contamination and deficiencies on other natural resources.
  • Air contamination: According to the assessment of the UN, metropolitan air contamination is answerable for 300,000—700,000 deaths every year and causes serious medical conditions for some more individuals. Limitations on vehicles and mechanical movement during basic periods influence productivity, as does the impact of acid rain on woods and water bodies. 
  • Solid and hazardous waste: Diseases are spread by uncollected trash and obstructed drains. The health issues from garbage are regularly more confined, however frequently intense. Squanders influence efficiency through the contamination of groundwater resources.
  • Soil debasement: Depleted soils increase the dangers of lack of healthy sustenance for ranchers. Efficiency misfortunes on tropical soils are assessed to be in the scope of 0.5-1.5 percent of Gross National Product (GNP), while auxiliary profitability misfortunes are because of siltation of containers, transportation channels, and other hydrologic speculations. 
  • Deforestation: Death and illness can result from the limited flooding brought about by deforestation. Loss of feasible logging potential and disintegration avoidance, watershed dependability, and carbon sequestration given by woods are among the profitability effects of deforestation. 
  • Loss of biodiversity: The termination of plant and creature species will conceivably influence the advancement of new medications; it will decrease environment flexibility and lead to the deficiency of genetic resources.
  • Air changes: Ozone exhaustion is answerable for maybe 300,000 extra instances of skin disease a year and 1.7 million instances of waterfalls. An unnatural weather change may prompt an expansion in the danger of climatic catastrophic events. Profitability effects may include ocean rise harm to seaside ventures, territorial changes in agriculture growth, and interruption of the marine natural food chain.

Solutions to Environmental Degradation

  • Stop deforestation: To mitigate the adverse effects of environmental degradation, stopping deforestation is crucial for our environmental system. We cannot afford to cut or burn trees down as trees store greenhouse gases, produce oxygen, and are the natural habitat for many animals and plants, which may become endangered if these forests are destroyed. An extensive afforestation campaign should be launched in the interest of environmental protection. We can further make a positive impact through reforestation or afforestation.
  • Government regulations: Governments require intervening and setting a framework whenever there are problems that lead to significant eco-degradation. Governments set high taxes for activities that harm our planet and support environmental-friendly behavior with financial subsidies. These will also force industries and private people to avoid activities that lead to environmental degradation.
  • Fines and punishment for illegal dumping: There should also be high fines for illegal dumping to reduce the adverse ecological consequences. People and industries will continue to dump their trash illegally as they know that even if they get caught, penalties are quite low. Therefore, raising fines for illegal dumping would increase the incentive to dispose of trash at official waste disposal sites.
  • Reduce consumption levels: It has become essential to reduce our consumption levels. Our developed society always strives for the latest electronics, smartphones, and the trendiest clothes, and so on. However, this behaviour leads to huge resource depletion and excessive production of waste. We have to lower our consumption levels significantly to avoid adverse ecological consequences.
  • Reuse and reduce waste generation: We can reduce waste production by using our items and food more efficiently. If we want to get rid of old but still working things, be creative to give it a new look or use it in another way. By doing so, our material things will be used more effectively. If they cannot be put to use anymore, separate them and give them for recycling.
  • Avoid plastic: Plastic waste is a big environmental problem that leads to significant plastic pollution and the degradation of our planet. To cut down plastic waste, avoid buying items with plastic wrappers or packaging, refrain from using disposable plastic bags, cups, plates, containers, cutlery, etc. Instead, bring your reusable stuff, which can be reused several times.
  • Education: Children must know about the adverse environmental consequences of our daily life behaviour and the ways we can improve our ecological footprint. This education should start early in school. Children are usually more eager to learn new things and change their behaviour compared to adults. Children are more likely to act in an environmentally friendly manner when they grow up, and they might also convince their parents to behave in a more ecologically friendly way.
  • Convince Others: We can further enhance our positive impact by convincing other people regarding the importance of behaving in an environmentally friendly way. Tell them what environmental degradation means for future generations and how changing small things in our daily life can prevent these adverse effects.

Transnational corporation regulation concerning environmental damage 

Here, at this point, there is no uncertainty that environmental damage can unfavourably influence happiness regarding human rights. There is likewise no question that such contamination happens because of the exercises of transnational corporations. Sometimes, the encroachment of human rights is the immediate result of environmental damage. 

  • Gas leak in a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, uncovered a large portion of 1,000,000 individuals to hazardous gases and killed a huge number of them. The plant was claimed by an auxiliary of a U.S. company. 
  • In the infamous Trafigura case, a Dutch-based boat enrolled in Panama, which was contracted by a Dutch delivery organization, offloaded harmful material in Cote d’Ivoire, which was then dumped by a neighbourhood worker at around 12 places and also, around the city of Abidjan in August 2006, causing 17 deaths and a huge number of diseases. 
  • The natural damage brought about by the oil tasks of Texaco  (Chevron) in Ecuador, which turned into the subject of an 18 billion dollar judgment in February 2011. 

In some cases, the misuse of natural resources not just causes human rights exploitation straightforwardly coming about because of environmental damage, yet in addition leads to other human rights infringement. 

  • Royal Dutch Shell’s activities in Ogoniland in Nigeria caused monstrous natural harm. A 2011 UNEP report presumed that it could take 30 years to tidy up the harm, and required a billion-dollar asset to begin. What’s more, fights by the Ogoni prompted cruel breakdowns by the authoritarian Nigerian government, including the execution of nine Ogoni pioneers in 1995. 
  • During the activity of a copper mine on Bougainville by Rio Tinto, a British Australian organization, it unloaded huge numbers of huge loads of waste into the Jaba stream. The disagreement regarding the impacts of the mine likewise prompted a drawn-out civil war in which Rio Tinto was blamed for human rights infringement along with the government of Papua New Guinea. 

Landmark decisions on TNC’s

In Charan Lal Sahu Vs. The Union of India Supreme Court of India saw that in common courts, the assurance of measure of remuneration or harms just as the obligation of the venture has been limited by the shackles of moderate standards set somewhere around the House of Lords in Ryland v. Fletcher. The standards laid in that made it hard to acquire satisfactory harms from the venture and that too solely after the carelessness of the undertaking was demonstrated. This kept on being the situation of law, till a Constitution Bench of this Court in M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, formally known as Sriram Oleum Gas Leak case developed standards and set down new standards to manage the new issues emerging in a profoundly industrialized economy. 

In the United States v. Cordova Chemical Co. of Michigan, the United States Supreme Court characterized the immediate and circuitous obligation of parent organizations for ecological damage. 

In Shell v. Tiebo delegates of a Nigerian people group sued Shell for harm from an oil slick in 1987. The oil slick contaminated a stream, which had recently been utilized as a wellspring of new water and for fishing. Individuals from the local area who drank the water after the spill experienced waterborne infections. Moreover, the oil slick harmed swampland, streams, fishponds, and strict altars. Shell didn’t deny the oil slick, however, asserted that it had just influenced a space of about 2.3 hectares of occasional bog and fish pads. It offered the local area 5,500 Naira as ‘ reasonable and sufficient pay’. The Court of Appeal granted the inquirers 6 million Naira in pay (US$275,000 at the authority swapping scale).


The Antarctic treaty (Washington 1959) 

India became a member of this settlement in the time of 1983, the arrangement has had the option to save Antarctica from regional catching, as it has suspended regional cases. This deal denies all tactical exercises in the Antarctic district. This treaty is fundamentally centered around international corporations, likewise to give the opportunity of research and exploration to every one of the members of the nation to this treaty. 

Basel Convention on Trans-limit Movement of Hazardous Wastes,1989 

India joined this treaty in the time of 1992, and India confirmed this treaty, to authorize it in India. This demonstration came to be known as the Indian Hazardous Waste Management Rules Act, 1989. This deal for the most part centers around diminishing the transboundary development of unsafe waste. This present deal’s fundamental objective was to cut down the wellspring of this dangerous waste. It denies any transport of dangerous waste in the International circle, and furthermore to the nations signatory to it. 

Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, (UNFCCC) 1992 

India joined this treaty in 1992 and sanctioned it in 1993. In the time of 1992, there were worries about the development mythology of the nations, with the focus on the classes, separating the nations based on the development tag, as Developed, Developing, underdeveloped and so on. 

However, that wasn’t sufficient, the world had recently begun to see the destructive impacts of carbon dioxide, which lead to this deal to zero on the fossil fuel byproduct, that lead eventually to global warming. The primary target of this settlement was to raise worldwide participation, to help in decreasing the carbon emission byproduct on the planet, and global warming, yet tragically this never occurred, and the rate at which fossil fuel byproducts are here today, have never been before. 

Nations Convention on Desertification,1994 

It was endorsed by India around the same time of 1994. This treaty has the target of participation in the worldwide circle in forestalling desertification in dry season inclined territory, and furthermore centers around the lightening of desertification and its related effects. 

We can see that these deals principally center around global cooperation. These arrangements have recorded down penalties, however, because of the absence of power, lack of funds, and trouble between the international associations and the nations, it is unable to have such an effect, which was expected.


The impact of environmental disasters can be devastating on the social, economic, and environmental systems of a country or region as well as the global ecosystem. Environmental disasters do not recognize man-made borders and threaten the legacy left to future generations of a clean and supportive environment. Because of the interdependency of earth ecosystems, international cooperation is important to prevent, and when disaster strikes, respond to relieve quickly and effectively the effects of environmental disasters. Thus, Governments, International organizations, and communities must work together – at all levels – to lessen the risks associated with environmental degradation and its contributing factors, such as climate change, and ensure that vulnerable people are prepared to survive and adapt. At the same time, companies, organizations, and individuals must also ensure that their work is environmentally friendly and sustainable.


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