Environment law

This article has been written by Mrs Swati Harshal Shirodkar pursuing a Remote freelancing and profile building program from Skill Arbitrage.

This article has been edited and published by Shashwat Kaushik.


A plant as the sole source of nourishment is a nightmare to many around the world. Nowadays, due to heightened awareness of the impact of food choices on health and the environment, there has been a significant increase in the number of vegetarians. Plant based diet means minimising or eliminating animal based food products from one’s diet. A plant based diet has become not just a pivotal healthcare choice but also a concern for a sustainable environment and animal welfare. People are getting inclined towards vegetarian diets mainly because they are easy to digest, wholesome, cruelty free and environment friendly. The abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in plant based foods is essential to the overall well being of the body. An awareness of the numerous health benefits of plant – based diets has encouraged people to take up this dietary shift. Plant based diet offers a diversity of culinary experiences for your taste buds. One can explore a vast array of fruits, vegetables, grains and plant based proteins. Moreover, enjoy a flavorful and satisfying meal while contributing to a healthy planet. 

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Longevity is a topic of great interest for many. Plant based diets are proving to be a positive influence on life expectancy. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a plant based or vegetarian diet is associated with a lower risk of all cause mortality. Plant based diet is associated with a reduction in the risk of several diseases, for example, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease.

Nutritional aspects of plant based diet

Plants are filled with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibres and proteins. Craig et al., 2021 suggest that consumption of aplant based diet is safe for all age groups, even pregnant and lactating mothers. Including fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, beans and nuts in the diet is very important for overall well being. Nutrients obtained from plants are easily absorbed by the body, whether young or adult.

Mariotti and Gardner (2019b), in their article, “found that when replacing animal protein with a mix of protein-rich plant foods (namely legumes, nuts and seeds), a transition towards 100% plant protein could be considered to involve virtually no risk of an insufficient intake of protein, including amino acids. There is no evidence of any adverse physiological effects of the modestly lower protein intake seen in adults consuming vegetarian diets.”  There is a misconception in the western world, that vegetarian or plant based diets lack proteins, calcium and iron. Soya is the richest source of plant based protein. Iron and calcium are readily available in Raggi. Nowadays, Raggi has been incorporated into a ready-mix baby food, for example, Cerelac by Nestle.

Impact on heart health

Plant based diet has proven to play an important role in cardiovascular health, with a lot of studies indicating a positive impact. One such study, carried out by Yokoyama et al. (2014) highlights the significant benefits of plant-centric eating habits. This study shows a connection between a vegetarian diet and blood pressure, providing compelling evidence. The findings explain the potential advantages of regulating blood pressure and enhancing cardiovascular wellness, as heart disease is one of the leading causes of mortality. Fascinatingly, Yokoyama et al.’s research suggests that adopting a plant-based diet could lead to a meaningful reduction in cardiovascular risk factors. This study proves to be a cornerstone in advocating the incorporation of plant centric nutrition for a healthy cardiovascular wellbeing.

Environmental consequences of animal agriculture

Animal agriculture is also known as livestock farming, which includes breeding, raising and harvesting animals and animal products primarily for food production. Livestock farming involves raising and breeding animals such as cattle, poultry, pigs and sheep for meat, milk and egg production. Aquaculture involves the farming of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants. Dairy farming involves the production of milk and dairy products by raising and breeding cattle, goats and sheep. Poultry farming focuses on raising birds like chickens, ducks, and turkeys for meat and egg production. Animal agriculture plays an important role in global food production and supply. However, animal agriculture also has serious environmental impacts associated with it, such as deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. In a study by Steinfeld et al. (2006), the serious environmental impact of animal agriculture was mentioned.

Deforestation is a major concern in animal agriculture, where forests are cleared to create pastureland for cattle grazing or to cultivate feed crops for animals. This is particularly true in the Amazon rainforest.

Greenhouse gas emissions are contributed by livestock farming. Primarily methane and nitrous oxide. These gases are released during fermentation in ruminant animals like cattle and sheep. Feed production and manure management also emit greenhouse gases. Methane has a potent warming effect on climate change.

Water pollution is a critical aspect of animal farming. Water run off from animal farms can contain pollutants like nitrogen, phosphorus, and pathogens. These pollutants can contaminate waterways, even groundwater, and degrade water quality, posing a risk to aquatic ecosystems. The widespread use of antibiotics for disease prevention and control in animal farming has raised concern about the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Regulating pollutant discharges is a crucial step in safeguarding water resources.

Water footprint of plant food vs animal meat production     

The amount of water used by the meat production industry is several times greater than plant based food production. Plant based food products or crops, which include fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, generally have lower water footprints compared to meat production. In plants, the amount of water required per unit of edible product is less compared to an animal food product. The production of meat is associated with a high water footprint compared to plant based food products, mainly due to the intensive nature of animal husbandry, feed production and processing involved. In an article by Mekonnen, Mesfin & Hoekstra, Arjen. (2012) published that the global average water footprint per ton of crop increases from sugar crops (approx. 200m3/ton) vegetables (~300m3/ton) and pulses (~4000m3/ton). For animal products, the water footprint increases from milk (~1000m3/ton), egg(~3,300m3/ton) and beef (~15,400m3/ton). The article also mentions that the water footprint per gram of protein for milk, eggs and chicken is about 1.5 times larger than pulses. For beef, the water footprint per gram of protein is 6 times larger than that of pulses. In conclusion, from a water resource conservation and preservation point of view, it is more efficient to incorporate and rely on plant-based food compared to animal-based food.  The water intensive nature of the meat production industry contributes to environmental challenges such as water scarcity, pollution, and habitat degradation. This shift towards plant-based diet is the need of the hour, it will contribute to sustainable water management practices.

Culinary diversity

Culinary diversity in a plant based diet showcases a wide variety of flavours, textures and cuisines. Compared to animal based diet, plant based food celebrates a wider range of flavours, textures and cultural influences, making it an appealing and vibrant choice for people seeking flavorful and diverse meals.

The culinary traditions and diversity of the Indian subcontinent are mind blowing with their versatile cooking techniques, which bring out a diversity of flavours, textures and tastes that will touch one’s soul, only involving plant-based ingredients and food products. Indian cuisine is very famous for its rich and mouth watering vegetarian dishes. For those who think a plant based diet is only animal fodder or feed, they should try Indian vegetarian dishes.  


The discussion surrounding plant based diets not only highlights an array of culinary diversity but also emphasises the profound impact they have on the environment and the collective wellbeing of individuals. This article advocating the case of embracing plant centric diet is compelling and multifaceted. The evidence presented regarding water conservation and water footprints between plant based food and meat production factually eliminates the dilemma of making the choice for plant based diet and moving towards a sustainable environment. Choosing a plant based diet reduces the strain on freshwater resources, and minimises pollution from animal farming and habitat destruction associated with animal agriculture for meat production. The decision to embrace a vegetarian diet is a powerful act and represents a conscious commitment to nurturing planet Earth and safeguarding its ecosystem. We, as a society, hold the power to shape a more beautiful, sustainable world through our everyday choices. Together, we can make our planet healthier and create a brighter future for generations to come.



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