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This article is written by Sayani Das, from Amity Law School, Kolkata.


Web-based life is assuming a critical job in this efficiency challenge in light of the fact that the individuals, who are self-inspired paying little mind to whatever is occurring around them, resemble a gift to the entire world for they are the storage facility of vitality and excitement. They know the stunt of adapting up in this crazy condition and with the assistance of online networking they are having the option to spread their work to keep others propelled and going during these extreme occasions. 

Before this pandemic hit the world, everybody was working on their regular pace. For example- the students were going to their schools and colleges, performing quite well in their activities, appearing for exams and then to again moving ahead to make their future strong. But, this pandemic has brought the whole world to a standstill which in turn has left the students with ample amount of time in their hands. Now, the main task in front of them is to divide the time in such a way so that it yields a fruitful result at the end of the day. They might do so by helping with household work, Netflix, social media. The rest of time can be utilized for doing some online courses, participating in essay or moot competitions, writing some blogs and research papers, etc,. The whole time taken together can lead out to a productive result which is termed as productivity. 

Now, all the students are not equipped with the amenities to participate in some event or have the required knowledge to write a research paper. This gap creates a sense of competition among those who are well-equipped with the amenities and by observing them the other students, mentioned before, feels the urge to do something more productive. This creates a sense of competition between them and the situation leads to the ‘productivity contest’.

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The urge to remain productive during the pandemic is a double edged sword as it also takes a toll on those students who are struggling to cope up during this period. For them, it becomes difficult to continuously witness other students master themselves in doing something productive and move ahead in the so-called racebetween the students.

A culture of rivalry has been taught inside us from the initiation of our youth days. In a class full of students, some are excellent, some are good and some are average. The average sets of students are always looked down because they fail to fit in the competition and eventually are left behind in the race. The mentioned circumstance pushes them into anxiety and creates huge mental pressure which restricts them from performing well.

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, we are left with ample time in our hands. This time provides us with the wonderful opportunity to introspect and take care of ourselves, something that most students of our generation need due to the constant racethat we have to put up to. However, this time has been turned into a contest of productivity and achievement.
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Boon or Curse

Analyzing the present situation, it has been observed to be both advantageous and disadvantageous to the students. Many students have taken this time to their advantage. They have engaged themselves in focussing on school or college related work, recreating new and innovative ideas, trying their hands on something different, digging into their long lost hobbies, watching movies, opening YouTube channels, reading different genre of books, or just laying down and binge-watching their favourite TV shows or YouTube videos.

Through kin observation, it can be noticed that students have taken up this time to learn something new and explore their field of interest.

Nowadays, it’s simple for people and associations to get fixated on the possibility of profitability. 

Be that as it may, what genuinely characterizes profitability? As a rule, efficiency alludes to the demonstration of expanding creation. This can be accomplished either through expanding yield comparative with input, or diminishing information comparative with yield. Instances of the last can incorporate circumstances wherein there is a need to decrease overhead costs, chop down costs, being increasingly effective, improving the main concern, etc. 

In any case, profitability can be a twofold edged blade, despite the fact that not every person sees this. 

Saying this doesn’t imply that the advantages of efficiency ought to be underestimated. All things considered, without a journey for efficiency, individuals won’t be headed to roll out positive improvements and develop oneself. Making yourself mindful of the upsides and downsides of efficiency will assist you with understanding who the adversary is and use it to further your potential benefit through information.

More pay/income – Profitability means more pay or income in light of included yield. At the end of the day, profitability means benefit. The money related advantages can be utilized as a venture, which can go into extension of a business, acquisition of more assets, and different exercises. 

Clearness – At the point when you’re profitable, you’re moving in the direction of an unmistakable objective. It gives you reason and adds to an away from what you have to complete, why it’s significant, and how it should be practiced. 

Quality work – When there is lucidity and heading in your work, it encourages you to produce quality yield. You can work better since endeavors and consideration are incorporated. 

Efficiency gives – Regardless of what region of work you’re in, efficiency gives constantly. At the point when you work, you give food and sanctuary to yourself just as your family. On the off chance that you utilize others and are gainful, it gives assets to your workers. At the end of the day, efficiency brings about arrangement.

Productivity requires ‘strong self-discipline’ and ‘self-motivation’- these are the qualities which have to be innately present within students. Without these qualities, it would not be possible for the students to yield some positive result. This indeed is a curse for the students who are unable to inculcate these qualities.

Being productive in certain situations comes with challenges as well. Distractions are a part and parcel of exposure to numerous things. These include the constant stride of messages and emails, which tempts a person to perform the task even if it is not necessary. Doing unnecessary things might restrict the productivity level and in turn it may push a student to lose the control of the working environment.

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a very big issue with today’s generation. This results in lack of lack of clarity and focus and eventually they tend to get derailed from the actual objective of their life. 

A healthy work-life balance is the need of the hour and this is the only element that we should strive for. This will help the students to stay calm and composed in unrealistic situations as well. To suffice this view it is important to note that- Many of my acquaintances have achieved new heights during this quarantine. Two of them have uploaded short films named PARCELand DIVOC 91respectively. Most of them have written research papers, blogs and also got them published in reputed journals and many of them are still at it. This was all about the advantageous part of being productive.

The genre of law provides many aspects which can help one student to climb up the ladder of success. If not all, but most of the online certificate courses are costly which poses a restriction for not well-being people to avail the same. There are online free courses available, but students tend to avoid those because of the lack of credibility.  

Having personally witnessed the devastating effects of the Cyclone Amphan, it is evident that several students in Kolkata are facing a lot of technical difficulties owing to which they are missing out on important issues and developments. The students, who remain on the outskirts, have to struggle with this network issue every day and this is much evident in the online classes that are taking place. This is often causing frustration among the students and at the end of the day; they are getting laid back and feeling a sense of failure. The students are getting demotivated and demoralised due to this technical gap. Therefore, the constant competition between students to add to their CVs and hold more certificates than others is intern leading to anxiety and frustration. The students are having a feeling of falling behinddue to the comparison culture. Comparison culture is being injected into us from the very childhood days whether concerning formal education or informal education. Due to this, the students feel guilty about their lack of capabilities to cope up with the environment.


It is important that a sense of learning and exploring new things is inculcated into the student culture in our education. However, it is important also to encourage students to take care of their mental and physical health. 

Therefore, in order to help those students that are not being able to cope up with the present unprecedented crisis, some alternative arrangements must be made. For example- 

  1. Webinars can be arranged that encourage students to remain calm and confident despite the problems being faced by them.
  2. It is also important to arrange free webinars in order to allow and motivate more students to join in and learn.
  3. Free online courses should be made more credible. 
  4. The students can be encouraged to join new legal ventures free of cost wherein they can be provided with internships, publications, writing of research papers, blogs, etc. 

My own experience is absolutely not everyone’s, and that is obvious even in the differentiating encounters of the friends I thought would be generally like me. 

However, I think there is something to be said about reconsidering isolate as a chance, not to “excel” or be progressively goal-oriented, yet first holding oneself within proper limits and permitting breathing room, in any event, when it appears to be superfluous. 

While the shame around emotional wellness, particularly inside Asian people group, keeps on showing even in present day ages, it was elevating to see that more individuals are beginning to see the estimation of self-care. 

Through investigating the impacts of isolation on the efficiency of a few Asian understudies, I had the option to get a brief look at that move, which I expect will be something that inexorably inserts itself in the strain of Asian culture to create an all the more understanding and tolerating future.

This blog isn’t to assault those gainful individuals. Indeed, it has nothing to do with them. This is for any individual who feels that they are not doing what’s necessary since they are contrasting themselves with others. The sentiment of blame can be disheartening and it might kill any inspiration you have. Any advancement made in occasions such as these is a triumph. Try not to put yourself down. You’re not in a profitability challenge with anybody. 

Regardless of whether you are attempting to do anything by any means, it’s alright. On the off chance that your rest is whimsical, it is alright. On the off chance that you are feeling on edge constantly, it’s alright. It’s not your shortcoming. It’s absolutely worthy to concede that you are not progressing admirably. Numerous individuals are in comparable positions, me included. 

Some of the time, you may have the inspiration and the assurance however your conditions don’t help. However, inside Asian people group, has isolation been a period of unwinding and self-reflection, or has it become another challenge for profitability and accomplishment?

To put it in a nutshell, it can be concluded that the comparison culture should be eradicated and the students should be given their own time and pace to flourish in their ways!

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