
This article has been written by Stuti Agarwal. The article enumerates everything a Rajasthan Judicial Examination aspirant wants to know. It is your one-stop solution to learn about the syllabus, vacancies, application process, and other intricacies involved during the preparation of this coveted exam. You can also find some words of motivation and strategy building for the journey you are embarking on!

Table of Contents


Entering the judicial services examination is one of the supreme choices in the career of law students. Judicial service is one of the dreams that law aspirants have had since the inception of their careers. With the fame gained, the law field as a career choice has been one of the popular choices of students after school. Due to an influx of aspirants in the legal field, the candidates opting for the judicial services examinations as their career options have also seen a significant increase. Thus, there exists a lot of competition in the judicial services examination, and so the aspirants need to have a study plan in place that particularly suits them and not the popular belief or notion. 

In this article, we are going to discuss the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination and the nuances associated with it. The Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination is one of the popular judicial services exam choices of law students, as its preliminary stage can be attempted even before procuring the degree; that is, candidates can sit for the exam in their final year of college. Other judicial services exams majorly require an LLB degree from the candidates in the application process, mandatorily. This is why the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination has become a popular choice for judicial services exam aspirants, as it saves them a year for them.

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Rajasthan Judicial Services (RJS) exam : an overview

The Rajasthan High Court conducts the examination for the recruitment of civil judges in the Rajasthan Judiciary. The number of posts filled each year in the exam conducted by the Rajasthan High Court varies depending on the vacancies created. The number of posts filled each year is released each year in the form of a notification by the Rajasthan High Court. The last exam conducted was in 2022, pursuant to a notification released on 22.07.2021

The article talks about the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination at length in accordance with the previous notifications released in respect of the same, covering each and every aspect of the same along with the guidance to prepare for the same. There are various questions and confusions in your mind regarding the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination, which will be answered through this article.

The competition in the Rajasthan Judicial Examination is immense, keeping in mind the number of takers and the preference given to domiciled candidates. It should be kept in mind that candidates who do not belong to Rajasthan are, irrespective of their categories, treated under the general category, which puts the domiciled candidates of Rajasthan on a better footing than the others. Not only this, a preference is given to the candidates who have knowledge about the Rajasthani culture or Rajasthani traditions, as questions related to Rajasthan and its customs are put up in the interview stage to gauge a candidate’s knowledge about the same. Candidates have an edge and gain brownie points when they convince the panel of interviewers about their knowledge and familiarity with the cultural background of the culturally rich state of Rajasthan.

Rajasthan Judicial Services (RJS) designation and pay scale

What is the post for which the aspirants do so much hard work? The post of civil judge is the result of all the dedication and hard work that the students who sit for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination get in return. The pay scale for the same Notification No. F. 11 (3) Judi/2002, dated 7-5-2003, published in Rajasthan Rajpatra dated 17-5-2003:


Name of Post


Scale of pay


Civil Judge (Junior Division)




Cum-Judicial Magistrate (F.C.)


If found suitable by the High Court on completion of satisfactory and continuous service of five years from the date of entry and has passed the departmental examination, if any, prescribed by the High Court, then, Rs. 10750-300-13150-350-14900.


Cum-Judicial Magistrate (F.C.)


If found suitable by the High Court after completion of another five years of satisfactory and continuous service. Rs. 12850-300-13150-350-15950-400-17550.


Civil Judge (Senior Division) cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate or Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate


Rs. 12850-300-13150-350-15950-400-17550.


Civil Judge (Senior Division) cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate or Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate


If found suitable by the High Court after Five years of satisfactory and continuous service as a Civil Judge (S.D.) Grade III Rs. 14200-350-15950-400-18350.


Civil Judge (Senior Division) cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate or Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate


If found suitable by the High Court after completion of another five years of satisfactory and continuous service as a Civil Judge (S.D.) Grade II Rs. 16750-400-19150-450-20500.


District Judges including additional District Judges

Entry Level

Rs. 16750-400-19150-450-20500.


District Judges

Selection Grade

Rs. 18750-400-19150-450-21850-500-22850.


District Judges

Super Time Scale

Rs. 22850-500-24850.

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam Application form 

The application form for enrolling in the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination is made available online on the Rajasthan High Court’s official website. The candidates should also read the Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010 (as amended up to 01.07.2021) which came into force with effect from 19.01.2010, for a better understanding of the dos and don’ts regarding their candidature. The candidates must strictly adhere to the instructions on the admit card and the Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010 to avoid any regulatory action against them, which can lead to the rejection of their application, and they may be barred from sitting for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination.

The candidates must declare their eligibility with the utmost care and shall refrain from making a fake representation, as if anything declared related to eligibility is found wrong at a later stage, it may lead to the rejection of a candidate’s application altogether.

There is a nominal fee which is levied on the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination aspirants when they fill out their enrolment form. However, the said fee varies according to the category to which a particular candidate belongs. The following chart shows the fees levied for the application form across categories as per the notification dated 22.07.2021 for the Civil Judge Cadre exam:



  1. General Category or other creamy layers of other backward categories

INR 1000/-

  1. Non-creamy layer of other backward classes of Rajasthan / Economically weaker Sections of Rajasthan

INR 750/-

  1. Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Divyaang category of Rajasthan

INR 500/-

In no event can the application fee for the enrolment of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination be refunded to the applicants once it is paid by them. The only event in which the refund can be processed is if the candidate is not admitted to the examination by the court.

The directions to fill out the online application form were issued by the Rajasthan High Court on 30.07.2021. The candidates are mandatorily required to go through the directions specified thoroughly before filling out the online application form for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination.

Documents required for Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam

We know that the application for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination may have to be submitted in physical form, that is, the printout of the online application form affixed with a recent coloured passport-size photograph, affixed with signature at the specified place, along with such other documents as asked, whenever directed by the authorities to do so.

There are some prerequisites that every candidate shall be ready to fulfill in order to apply for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination for the District Judge post, as per the notification dated 05.01.2023. Following is the list of documents that need to be attached to the application form compulsorily by all the candidates:

  1. Senior Secondary (Class 12th) school passing certificate;
  2. Senior Secondary (Class 12th) school mark sheet;
  3. Higher Secondary (Class 10th) school passing certificate;
  4. Higher Secondary (Class 10th) school mark sheet;
  5. Graduation mark sheet;
  6. LLB degree;
  7. Birth Certificate or Senior secondary certificate for Date of birth proof; 
  8. Passport size photographs – 2;
  9. Identity documents (either Aadhar Card, PAN card, Voter ID card, Passport, or Driving Licence);
  10. Enrolment Certificate with a bar if practising lawyer;
  11. *Original Certificate from District Judge concerned/ Registrar of the concerned High Court/Supreme Court in the prescribed format as ANNEXURE I or ll (with Seal of the concerned Authority) regarding character and length of actual practice of candidate (for District Judge post)
  12. *Certified copies of those ten (10) judgments of which the candidate has furnished particulars while submitting the online application form. (for the district judge post)
  13. Original Character Certificates as ANNEXURE lll of two responsible persons not related to him issued not prior to six months from the date of submission of the application form (for District Judge post);
  14. Original ‘No Objection Certificate’ of the Department for appearing in the examination and proof of length of service (if any) (for District Judge post);
  15. Attested copy(ies) of document relating to Dismissal / Removal / Termination (if any) (for District Judge post);
  16. Certified copy(ies) of Judgement/Order relating to conviction or acquittal (if any);
  17. Certified copy(ies) of registered FIR (if any);
  18. Certified copy(ies) of Charge-sheet filed in a Court of Law (if any);
  19. Certified copy(ies) of the negative final report filed in a Court of Law and order passed thereon regarding acceptance/rejection/present status, if any;
  20. Attested copy(ies) of Order relating to permanently Debarring/Disqualifying from appearing in any Examination or interview (if any);
  21. Attested copy(ies) of Order relating to Professional Misconduct under Advocates Act, 1961 or any other Law for the time being in force (if any);

Note- [*Every practising candidate is required to accompany their application with a certificate in the format prescribed by the Recruiting Authority, from the District Judge concerned where ordinarily the applicant is practising, as to the character and length of the actual practice of the candidate, along with such other documents as may be specified. If the applicant is practising in the High Court, the certifying authority shall be the Registrar of the concerned High Court, and if he is practising in the Supreme Court, the certifying authority shall be the Registrar of the Supreme Court.

Not only this, every candidate shall furnish particulars of 10 judgements (which they have been a part of) of the preceding seven years for the examination for the post of District Judge. He shall produce certified copies of such judgements before the Main Examination, as prescribed by the Recruiting Authority. The Candidate is required to provide particulars of final orders/judgments personally argued by him, not interlocutory orders, bail orders, orders based on compromise or orders of withdrawal of the case.]

Other specific documents required for people applying under a certain category as per the last notification of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination:

  1. A married woman desirous of getting the benefit of reservation in the category of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and more backward classes shall have to produce a Caste/Class Certificate issued with the name of her father, parental address and parental income failing which the reservation claimed for shall not be allowed in light of Circular No. F.15(24)DOP/AIl/75 Jaipur dated 24.06.2008 of Department of Personnel (A-ll), Govt. of Rajasthan.
  2. In the case of a widow, she will have to furnish a certificate of death of her husband from the competent authority, and in case of divorce, she will have to furnish proof of divorce.
  3. Candidates seeking reservation under the Economic Weaker Section of the society have to produce a certificate issued to them as proof of their eligibility from a certain Authority prescribed for the same and recognized under such applications.
  4. Persons with benchmark disabilities shall have to produce a certificate of their disability in a prescribed format duly issued by the Certifying Authority authorized by the Appropriate Government.
  5. Candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC or MBC shall have to produce a caste certificate for claiming the benefit of reservation in a prescribed format duly issued by the competent authority, in case OBC (NCL), not prior to one year from the last date of submission of the application form.
  6. Proof of residency in Rajasthan if taking domicile category reservation under any category.

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam admit card

The Admit Card of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination is made available some days before the Prelims stage. The admit cards are to be downloaded from the Rajasthan High Court website – www.hcrai.nic.in. There is no other way in which the admit cards may be made available.

The details required by the candidate to download the admit card are:

  1. User name (must have been created while submitting the application form);
  2. Password (the same password as created by the candidate during submission of the application form);
  3. Captcha code.

The candidates must carry a printout of the admit card downloaded by them. The candidates must then carry with them the physical copy of the admit card to the examination center. The candidates need to follow each and every instruction written on the admit card to avoid disqualification from sitting in the exam. They should also adhere to the norms specified for the conduct during the examination and strictly not use or attempt to use any unfair means.

Date and place of Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam

The date of conducting the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination is announced by the Rajasthan High Court through a notification. The place where the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination takes place is in two cities in Rajasthan, namely, Jaipur and Jodhpur. However, if, in a particular attempt, the number of aspiring candidates increases beyond the limit which can be accommodated to appear in the examination in these two cities, then the same can be held in any other city as well.

The admit card released to all the candidates mentions the date and center of the particular attempt of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination.

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam vacancies

There are never the same vacancies released in any judicial services examination. The vacancies are the first thing checked by an aspirant of the judicial services exam because they determine the competition which the candidate has to beat by sitting in the exam. 

The vacancies announced each year are divided into various categories. In 2023, the following number of vacancies are expected to be released:


Number of expected posts







Other Backward Classes (OBC)


Most Backward Classes (MBC)


The number of vacancies can be amended and varied after the announcement, through a follow-up notification released by the Rajasthan High Court for a particular attempt at the Rajasthan Judicial Services examination.

It is important to note that for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination, the candidates having a domicile outside of Rajasthan are all categorized under the General Category, irrespective of the fact that they belong to any category such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, More Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections, in any of their respective states. This means that the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination provides preference in reservation benefits to candidates domiciled in Rajasthan itself.

In case the candidates for filling the vacancies in a particular category are not found available, then the same are filled as per the provisions prescribed under the Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010.

Past vacancies in Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam

The vacancies in the past for the District Judge post as per notification dated 05.01.2021 of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination are enumerated in the schedule attached below:


Total Vacancies Announced

General category









23 (out of which 6 posts reserved for women, and out of these 6 posts 1 post reserved for widow woman)

09 (out of which 2 posts reserved for women)

07 (out of which 2 posts reserved for women)

12 (out of which 03 posts reserved for women)

06 (out of which 1 post reserved for women)


Out of the total of 60 vacancies, 03 posts reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities)*




Backlog vacancies 2018-19




Backlog vacancies 2016-17




Backlog vacancies 2015-16


05 (out of which 1 post reserved for woman)

04 (out of which 1 post reserved for woman)

Backlog vacancies 2011-12


05 (out of which 1 post reserved for woman)


*Out of the total of 03 vacancies enlisted for persons with benchmark disability, 1 post was reserved for blindness and low vision, 1 post reserved for deaf and hard of hearing persons and 1 for locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy.

The vacancies for women, including widows and divorcees, are always horizontal, that is, within the category. This means that the selected woman will be adjusted in the relevant category, that is, among the SC / ST / OBC /MBC / EWS / General categories, to which such a woman belongs. The same thing applies to the category of persons with benchmark disabilities.

Vacancies in the past in the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination for the Civil Judge Cadre post are as follows, as per the notification dated 22.07.2021:


Total Vacancies Announced

General category






Benchmark Disability


Up to December 2020

35 (out of which 10 posts reserved for women, and out of these 10 posts 02 post reserved for widow woman)

14 (out of which 4 posts reserved for women, and out of these 4 posts 1 post reserved for widow woman)

10 (out of which 3 posts reserved for women)

18 (out of which 5 posts reserved for women, and out of these 5 posts 1 post reserved for widow woman)

8 (out of which 2 posts reserved for women)

4 (out of which 1 post reserved for woman)



Up to December 2021

14 (out of which 4 posts reserved for women, and out of these 4 posts 1 post reserved for widow woman)

4 (out of which 1 post reserved for woman)


6 (out of which 1 post reserved for woman)




*Out of the total of 05 vacancies enlisted for persons with benchmark disability, 1 (one) post was reserved for blindness and low vision, 1 (one) post reserved for deaf and hard of hearing persons and 1 (one) for locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy and 2 (two) for autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness and multiple disabilities including deafness and blindness in the posts identified for such benchmark disabilities.

The vacancies for women, including widows and divorcees, are always horizontal, that is, within the category. This means that the selected woman will be adjusted in the relevant category, that is amongst SC / ST / OBC /MBC / EWS / General categories, to which such a woman belongs. The same thing applies to the category of persons with benchmark disabilities.  

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam eligibility

Each candidate who fulfills the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination notification becomes eligible to write and appear in the said examination. There is no relaxation in favor of any candidate who does not fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the official notification.

The following is the eligibility requirement for sitting in the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination:


The candidates must be Indian citizens.

Age limit 

The minimum age requirement is 23 years and the maximum age limit is 35 years. However, there is a relaxation of 5 years in the upper age limit for Scheduled Caste (SC), Schedule Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Class candidates (OBC).

Educational requirement 

The applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in law from a recognized law university.

Disqualification for Rajasthan Judicial Services (RJS) exam

In the notification for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination, there are some elaborate pointers regarding the disqualification from appearing in the exam. The following are such disqualification criteria mentioned in the past notification for the recruitment of District Judge dated 05.01.2021 and have generally also been notified under the Rajasthan Judicial Services Rules, 2010:

  1. A person dismissed by the Central Government or by the State Government or convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or any such offence, which in the opinion of the Recruiting Authority renders him unsuitable for appointment in Judicial Service shall not be eligible for appointment.
  2. No person shall be appointed as a member of the service unless he is in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duties as a member of the service. Before a candidate is finally approved for appointment by direct recruitment, he shall be required to appear before a Medical Board which will examine him and certify if he is fit for appointment to the service.
  3. No person shall be qualified for appointment to the Service or being in Service if he has more than one spouse living.
  4. No person shall be qualified for appointment to the service or being in service if he has been dismissed or removed from service by any High Court, government or statutory body or local authority.
  5. No person shall be qualified for appointment to the service or being in service if he was or is convicted for any offence involving moral turpitude or has been permanently debarred or disqualified by any High Court or Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission from appearing in any examination or interview.
  6. No person shall be qualified for appointment to the Service or being in Service if he, being an Advocate, was found guilty of professional misconduct under the provisions of the Advocates Act, 1961 (Central Act 25 of 1961) or other law for the time being in force.
  7. No person shall be qualified for appointment to the Service or being in Service if he has accepted or accepts dowry at the time of his marriage. ln this clause, the word “dowry” shall have the same meaning as assigned it in the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 (Central Act 26 of 19671.
  8. No person shall be qualified for appointment to the service or being in service if he has more than two children on/or after the date of commencement of the Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010 came into force w.e.f. 19.01.2010 (“Rules”). However, the said pointer comes with the following provisos:

8.1. the candidate having more than two children shall not be deemed to be disqualified for an appointment so long as the number of children he/she has on the date of commencement does not increase;

8.2.  where a candidate has only one child from earlier delivery but more than one child is born out of a single subsequent delivery, the children so born shall be deemed to be one entity while counting the total number of children;

8.3. while counting the total number of children of a candidate, the child born from earlier delivery and having disability shall not be counted;

8.4. any candidate who performs remarriage, which is not against any law, and before such remarriage, he is not disqualified for appointment under this sub-rule, he shall not be disqualified if any child is born out of single delivery from such remarriage;

8.5. a child born within 280 days from the date of commencement of the “Rules” shall not constitute disqualification. 

Phases of Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam

The Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination for Civil Judge Cadre is conducted under three different stages. These stages are the Preliminary Stage (Prelims), Mains Stage (Mains) and the Interview Stage. This is a clear and go-ahead type of process to reach the final stage. Minimum cut-off marks are announced in the Prelims which the candidates are required to secure in order to move to the Mains stage. Similarly, the cut-off marks for the Mains stage are announced to reach the final Interview stage.

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam Prelims

The Prelims stage exam consists of an objective type question paper containing 100 questions, divided into 70 questions of law and 30 questions of language (English and Hindi). Each question contains 1 mark without any negative marking. The duration of the Prelims exam is 2 hours. 

This exam is conducted on OMR sheets. The official answer key is published by the Rajasthan High Court after the exam is conducted before declaring the result. In various instances, answers officially announced in the key are challenged by students or other stakeholders before the High Court and the decision on the same decides the future course of action of how the answer to a particular question will be treated for evaluation.

Points to remember in the Prelims stage:

  1. A candidate must not prepare for the Prelims only witha complete focus on Prelims per se. The syllabus for Prelims (law section) and Mains (both law papers) is the same. Not only this, there is very little time given in between the Prelims stage and the Mains stage. If a candidate only focuses on Prelims, that is, only with respect to a view of objective type questions, then it will be very difficult to cover the whole syllabus from the subjective point of view for the Mains stage, keeping in mind the time given for conducting the Mains stage after the result for Prelims is declared.
  2. The Prelims stage is an OMR based examination. The candidates should strictly follow the instructions with respect to filling up the details in the OMR sheet as any mistake in the same can lead to rejection of the attempt.
  3. Candidates should also take extra care while filling the answers in the bubble of the OMR sheet as it is often seen that candidates commit mistakes in filling the answers against the correct bubble number, which leads to a problem as OMR sheets are not changed by the examiners.

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam Mains

The Mains stage is the subjective exam. The candidates who qualify for the Prelims stage are eligible to sit for the Mains exam.

The Mains stage is conducted in the form of 4 separate exams, the details of which are contained herein below:




Law Paper – I (Civil Law)


3 hours

Law Paper – II (Criminal Law)


3 hours

Hindi Essay


2 hours

English Essay


2 hours

The Committee constituted by the Chief Justice shall scrutinise the applications of the applicants who are qualified for the main examination and shall satisfy itself before granting a certificate in case the application has been made strictly in accordance with the provisions of Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010 and the decision as to the eligibility or otherwise of the candidates for admission in the Main Examination shall be final. No candidate shall be admitted to the Main Examination unless he holds a certificate of admission granted by the person authorised by the Chief Justice.

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam Interview

The interview stage of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination is reached by a candidate only after clearing the Mains stage. The maximum mark out of which the candidates are marked is 35 marks in the interview stage.

As per the notification released by the Rajasthan High Court, the interview stage of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination typically involves questions based on the personal and academic background of the candidate. Not only this, the interview also includes questions based on current affairs, general knowledge and legal knowledge of the candidate.

The candidates are also marked on the basis of their proficiency in the Rajasthani dialect and their knowledge of Rajasthani social customs. However, this is just an added feature and not the only attribute on which the candidates are marked at this stage. They are also judged on their demeanour, personality and overall knowledge of the questions put up.

After the interview, a merit list of the candidates (category-wise) shall be prepared on the basis of their aggregate marks obtained in the Main Examination and interview, considering their suitability in general.

Action in case of a tie

The general suitability for service of the candidates securing equal aggregate marks in the Main Examination and interview shall firstly be determined on the basis of higher marks obtained in the interview and in case, the candidates secure equal marks even in the interview, the merit shall be determined by giving higher preference to the candidate who was enrolled as an advocate on the earlier date.

Minimum qualifying marks in each stage

The Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination provides for the minimum marks which a candidate needs to secure for recruitment in the post of Civil Judge in order to be eligible for the merit list of the particular stage. These minimum marks required also vary across various categories, as mentioned below:


Minimum Qualifying Marks (Prelims)

Minimum Qualifying Marks in each Law Paper of Mains Stage

Minimum Qualifying Marks in Aggregate in Mains Stage













EWS (Economically Weaker Section)




OBC (Other Backward Class)




Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam syllabus

The syllabus across all three stages of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination for Civil Judge Cadre Post is provided in the official notification issued by the Rajasthan High Court itself. Following is the syllabus segregated for the Civil Judge Cadre post under all three stages, respectively:

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam Prelims

The Prelims stage consists of just one objective type exam which is divided into two broad categories that is – (i) Section for law and (ii) Section for language. The syllabus of law for Prelims contains all the laws, whether civil, criminal or local, of Rajasthan.

The syllabus for the law section is the same as that of the syllabus of law for the Mains exam which is as follows:

  • The Constitution of India  
  • Civil Procedure Code, 1908  
  • Law of Contract & Partnership, 1872  
  • The Indian Evidence Act, 1872  
  • The Limitation Act, 1963  
  • The Rajasthan Rent Control Act & Revenue Laws, 2001  
  • The Specific Relief Act, 1963  
  • Hindu Law  
  • Muslim Law  
  • The Transfer of Property Act, 1882  
  • Interpretation of Statutes  
  • General Rules (Civil) & Order/Judgment Writing
  • Criminal Procedure Code, 1973  
  • The Indian Penal Code, 1860  
  • Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances  
  • Law on Juvenile Delinquency, 2015  
  • The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Chapter XVII)  
  • Law of Probation of Offenders, 1958  
  • Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005  
  • Framing of Charges (Criminal) & Judgment Writing 

The syllabus for the language section (for English Proficiency) of the Prelims exam is as follows:

  1. Tenses  
  2. Articles and Determiners  
  3. Antonyms – Synonyms  
  4. Active Voice – Passive Voice  
  5. Phrasal Verbs & Idioms  
  6. Direct Speech – Indirect Speech  
  7. Modals expressing various concepts – (Obligation, Request, Permission, Intention, Condition, Prohibition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason, Companions, Contrast)
  8. Coordination – Subordination  
  9. Legal Maxims 

In all, the syllabus of law for the Prelims contains all the central legislations from both the civil and criminal sides. There is no such explicit bifurcation in the Prelims law paper though (consisting of 70 marks component) and there is no such division of marks in the paper in this stage. 

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam Mains

The Mains stage consists of 4 (four) exams, which is enumerated as follows:

  1. Law Paper – I
  2. Law Paper – II
  3. Hindi Essay Writing
  4. English Essay Writing

The syllabus for Law Paper – I is as follows:

  1. The Constitution of India  
  2. Civil Procedure Code, 1908  
  3. Law of Contract & Partnership, 1872  
  4. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872  
  5. The Limitation Act, 1963  
  6. The Rajasthan Rent Control Act & Revenue Laws, 2001  
  7. The Specific Relief Act, 1963  
  8. Hindu Law  
  9. Muslim Law  
  10. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882  
  11. Interpretation of Statutes  
  12. General Rules (Civil) & Order/Judgment Writing

The syllabus for Law Paper – II is as follows:

  1. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973  
  2. Law of Evidence, 1872 
  3. The Indian Penal Code, 1860  
  4. Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances  
  5. Law on Juvenile Delinquency, 2015  
  6. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Chapter XVII)  
  7. Law of Probation of Offenders, 1958  
  8. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005  
  9. Framing of Charges (Criminal) & Judgment Writing 

The other two segments, which are the Hindi essay writing and the English essay writing do not have definite syllabus for the same. As per the notification, the topics for preparation can be divided into categories such as:

  1. Rajasthan and its culture
  2. Legal Topics
  3. Contemporary socio-economic issues
  4. Current Affairs and relevant news articles

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam interview

The interview stage of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination contains 35 marks. Candidates who qualify for the Mains stage reach the interview stage. General knowledge, legal knowledge, general awareness, Rajasthani dialect, knowledge about Rajasthani culture and customs etc. are some of the criteria which help candidates in the interview stage. Rajasthan Judicial Services gives an edge to the candidates who know Rajasthani culture and generally about Rajasthan, therefore, good knowledge about the same can help earn brownie points.

Other important pointers as per the notification

The Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination enumerates some of the important guideline pointers to ensure hassle free and confusion free conduct of the exam. Following are some of these important pointers:

Applicability of Right to Information law on the recruitment process under Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination 

Before the conclusion of the entire recruitment process, no information pertaining to this recruitment shall be provided on the application submitted under the Rajasthan Right to Information (High Court and Subordinate Courts) Rules, 2006, and the same could be provided as per rules, only after the conclusion of the recruitment process. The information shall be provided as per the rules on the application(s) submitted within 06 months from the date of declaration of the final result. However, no information shall be provided on the application submitted beyond 06 (six) months from the date of the declaration of the final result.

Prohibition of gadgets in the examination hall 

No candidate shall be allowed to bring/possess/keep with them cellular phone, calculator, Bluetooth or any other electronic / communication device and purse etc. in the examination centre. Candidates are allowed to bring only a pen, pencil, admit card or any other material as specifically directed by the Rajasthan High Court in the examination room. Centre Superintendent / Rajasthan High Court shall not be responsible for the safety of the above gadgets if deposited or kept somewhere outside the examination hall and this shall be done on the candidate’s own responsibility.

Availability of writers 

Every candidate shall themselves write answers to the questions in the examination. However, the facility of Scribe will be provided to such persons as per existing Rules, who are unable to write the answer on their own. Such facilities will not be provided to the persons who temporarily or accidentally get disabled.

Prohibition of the use of unfair means and consequences thereof 

All the candidates shall comply with the instructions issued by the Rajasthan High Court / Centre Superintendent/Invigilator/Officer authorized by the Rajasthan High Court. lf any candidate fails to comply with the instructions given herein or is found using unfair means or  actions in the exam, such candidate shall face consequences as may be taken under the Rajasthan Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 1992.

Consequences of impersonation and other offences in the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination: 

A candidate who is or has been declared by the Recruiting Authority or the Appointing Authority, as the case may be, guilty of impersonation, of submitting fabricated or tampered with documents, of making statements that are incorrect or false, of suppressing material information, using or attempting to use unfair means in the examination or interview or otherwise resorting to any other irregular or improper means for obtaining admission to the examination or appearance at interview shall, in addition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution, be debarred either permanently or for a specified period:

  1. by the Recruiting Authority or the Appointing Authority, as the case may be, from admission to examination or appearing interview held by the Recruiting Authority for selection of candidates, or
  2. by the Government from employment under the Government.

Use of external forces in selection is strictly prohibited: 

No recommendation for recruitment either written or oral other than that required under the Rajasthan Judicial Service Rules, 2010, shall be taken into consideration. Any attempt on the part of a candidate to enlist support directly or indirectly for his candidature by other means shall disqualify him for recruitment herein under Rajasthan Judicial Services.

Points to remember for Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) judgement writing

The aspiration of becoming a judicial officer is one of the key driving factors behind the hustle which the candidates sitting for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination accept with full might. One very important aspect of this examination is the segment regarding Judgement Writing.

The candidates should keep in mind the following pointers for better results:

  1. The first and foremost essential quality which a judgment should possess is impartiality. It should not reflect that the judgment delivered or written has chosen a certain side, in short, it should not drip any bias on the face of it.
  2. The judgment should be reasonable and logical, not just legally but also seem reasonable to a layman factually. 
  3. Maintaining integrity while writing a judgment should not be forgotten.
  4. Reference to relevant laws is a sine qua non, as it makes the judgment legally sound and helps the readers comprehend the reasoning behind it.
  5. The chronology of facts, legal provisions and previous case laws on the subject must be followed, which traces back the writer’s steps in arriving at the decision in the judgment.
  6. The focus of the judgment should be to be justiciable to the aggrieved party, as the end goal of a judgment is to deliver justice.
  7. The principle “justice should not only be done but also seen to be done” should be strictly followed.
  8. The judgment should be of meaning to all the stakeholders in the legal fraternity apart from being of use to the litigant parties.
  9. Simple sentences must be used in the judgment as a verbose and technical text of judgment has a limited reach and the goal of a judgment is to reach out to the masses to act as deterrence.
  10. The text must be direct and precise and should not seem to be beating around the bush.

How to prepare for Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) interview 

The interview rounds of any competitive exam are to judge the spontaneity and smartness of a candidate. The panel of interviewers judge a candidate on the basis of how well a particular candidate presents a mixture of their knowledge, creativity, mindfulness and confidence with their answers to the questions put up. Bookish knowledge is not the only key to cracking the judicial services examinations, or for that matter, any competitive examination. 

It is rightly said that one should be smart and not a bookworm. However, this does not in any way diminish the significance of the knowledge of the law subjects through books and bare acts. That is all important, but not JUST that can ensure one’s selection in the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination. 

The key to success in a competitive exam or any judicial services exam, like in this case Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination, is to balance one’s book knowledge of the law and the language subjects along with general awareness. Beyond general awareness, one should focus on one’s demeanour, confidence, fluency in the language, and most importantly, one’s ability to handle the pressure and stress before the panel of interviewers.

How to prepare for Current Affairs

In the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination, we do not need to pay a very extensive attention to current affairs, as there is no such subject in the syllabus of the Prelims and Mains stages of the Examination. However, current affairs are a determinant factor in the interview stage as the panel of interviewers can delve into a recent issue and ask questions about it. For this, the candidate can prepare by reading a regular newspaper or reading about a particular issue through online articles.

Candidates can also procure material for general knowledge and read articles and other materials on the same. The candidates need to go a step ahead if they get into topics through material for general knowledge as merely knowing the answer to a particular question is not enough to talk about a certain issue in the interview. The knowledge through materials can only prepare a candidate for the questions put up in the written exam but cannot prepare a candidate to express his / her opinion on the same until and unless he/she possesses a deep understanding of the same.

The candidates should also try to prepare their opinions on certain prevalent affairs on the global and national front related to politics, the environment, sports or any social cause. This way they will learn to frame their opinions on issues. They should also practice speaking aloud on a topic and try to speak impromptu on the topics. When they practice speaking aloud, it will boost their confidence and reflect on their personality on the final day.

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam previous year question papers

Rajasthan High Court provides on its website the link which contains previous year question papers for the aspirants’ ease of reference. The link provides question papers for both the District Judge paper and Civil Judge Cadre paper under separate heads.

Books to refer for Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam

There is a plethora of books and an abundance of material for all the judicial services examinations. However, since the pattern of the exam, syllabus and other nitty-gritty of the exam are different for judicial services examinations in different states, there are books dedicated to particular states’ judicial services examinations as well. Therefore, some of the famous books for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination are mentioned below in tabular form:

Name of Books

Authors and Publications


Rajasthan Judicial Service (Pre.) Examination

Published by Law & Justice Publishing Co.

Solved Past Year Rajasthan Judicial Services Exam Question Papers

Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination Preliminary Examination

Written by Anand Prakash Solanki and published by Global Publishing House

MCQ question on various laws for holistic preparation

Minor Acts Rajasthan Judicial Service Examination (MCQs And Answer )

Published by Singhal Law Publications

Multiple Choice Questions for minor acts of the syllabus

TOPPERSNOTES Rajasthan Judicial Services Exam For Civil Judge Cadre Set of Book 8

Published by Toppernotes

Law paper wise set of books divided volume wise (set of 8 books)

Rajasthan Judicial Service Preliminary Examinations Objective – HINDI LANGUAGE

Published by Delight Law Publishers

Hindi language handbook for preparation of Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination

RJS Exam Book In Hindi By Solanki

Published by Delight Law Publishers written by Anand Prakash Solanki

Guide on Hindi language for Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination

Judgement Writing

Published by Universal Law Publishers written by Basantilal Babel

Guide on judgement writing, order writing, framing of issues and framing of charges 

Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam preparation essentials

Any competitive exam requires a lot of mental strength and self belief, if you secure mental toughness, you have won half the battle. At this point in your career, you will find your peers to earn money through corporate jobs and it is natural human nature to have doubts and second thoughts regarding your career choices. The preparation stage, therefore, not only requires hard work and discipline but also needs the mind to be strong. Holding confidence in oneself is the most essential ingredient to sail through the preparation stage.

The aspirants must maintain a positive mindset. It is understandable that you will have your lows, you shall face moments where you feel like giving up, but what matters is how you gather yourself from that point to fight back again to achieve the goal.

How to increase concentration

The judicial services examination requires a lot of hard work, diligence, positivity and concentration throughout the preparation stage of the exam. However, the most prevalent problem which most of the aspirants to the judicial services examinations face is building concentration. These days, it has been observed that our generation is facing a lot of issues in maintaining attention span, which affects our overall concentration levels for any task we do, not just studies.

Candidates pursuing Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination or any other states’ judicial services examination must try to get into a habit of practicing meditation. Meditation is said to help in increasing one’s concentration and also helps in bringing positivity and calmness into one’s day. Not only this, meditation also helps in increasing the retention power of an individual, which also helps in the preparatory stage for competitive examinations.

Mental strength is very important to be maintained during the whole process of preparation for the competitive Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination, especially for the purpose of this article though. There is no set standard rule or process which can be followed by all the candidates for achieving and maintaining a positive approach as there are different factors which affect different people in a different manner. It is completely alright to have ones’ lows and moments of self doubt as competitive examination aspirants do not have a guaranteed result. 

How to deal with distraction

Candidates have a major concern about dealing with the distractions around them during their preparation stage. The types of distractions faced by candidates can be divided as follows, along with their corresponding solutions to tackle the same:

Distractions from peers earning money and moving forward in life 

It is very natural to feel low and distracted by the fact that the peers of the candidate are moving forward in their careers while on the other hand, the candidate is still preparing for an uncertain examination. It is very natural to feel that life is at a standstill and stagnant as compared to other people in the profession. However, at such a time, the candidate needs to focus on the fact that “slow and steady wins the race.” The mantra for feeling low because of uncertainty in life is to have a thought that whatever you are working towards will bring your life at par with everyone else who, at this moment, you feel is ahead of you in life. The thought that the goal you are trying to achieve and are working for will settle your life ahead. This thought itself should be motivating enough to not fall back into the depressing thought and work even harder to achieve the goal one is striving for.

Distractions related to low motivation 

There might be times when a certain attempt does not go well for a candidate. This can be a mode of demotivation for them and bouncing back from that stage is a very important aspect which candidates must learn. Dealing with failures is what one needs to learn to survive in the preparation stage of competitive exams, and thus, this applies to the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination aspirants. Surrounding oneself with people with a positive approach in life is a very important factor which impacts the psyche of an affected person immensely. It is not just a fight within oneself but a fight against people who surround us as there are a variety of people around who affect us in varied manners.

Distractions on social media

It is often seen that people crave something which is denied to them or that they do not have access to. It is, thus, not necessary to abandon one’s profiles on social media, but one should try to refrain from using it during a study schedule. Strict study schedules need to be followed by the candidates. A strong willpower is needed to adhere to one’s study plans and timetables. Abandoning smartphones or social media is no solution. One should rather use them as a treat or reward for fulfilling one’s study targets.

Distractions from not achieving study goals 

While preparing for a competitive examination, every candidate sets a particular target for themselves, on a daily basis or for a few days. However, in the initial phase itself, there can be instances when an aspirant is unable to achieve its targets, which demotivates the person. In such a case, one should always review their target set. Sometimes, one should try to set those targets which they are sure of achieving. This will not only boost their confidence but will also help them to gain the zeal to even try to increase those targets gradually and achieve them.

Distraction from failing one attempt 

It is very common to have re-takers of competitive examinations. Similarly, there can be instances where a candidate doesn’t get through a particular attempt and re-takes the exam. It can be seen that a person feels low on motivation because they missed out on the previous attempt. Maybe a candidate feels disheartened because of missing the attempt by a very small margin. Even after all this, the only thing that can keep one moving is the dream of seeing themselves adorning that prefix. Also, a person who has experienced one attempt is always on a better footing than freshers and should try to reap that experience for their better performance.

Strategy for preparation

It is a known fact that there cannot be a standard which can be followed for preparation for any competitive examination as the calibre, skills and grasping power of each and every individual cannot be the same and at par. No two individuals can be said to possess the same set of skills to learn a particular concept. Therefore, the strategies can only be suggestive and can be tailor-made according to one’s own set of skills as self-awareness is essential for the preparation stage of these competitive exams including the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination.

The first and foremost question which arises is the time as to when one should start preparing for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination. The answer to this question is dependent upon the following two situations:

If a candidate is pursuing 5 year integrated program LLB degree

In this case, the candidate should start preparing for the exams from their 3rd year of college, at least. However, if not from the 3rd year, the candidate should definitely start their preparation from the 4th year of their law school. This is because they can extend their law school curriculum for their preparation for the judicial services examination and also strengthen their conceptual clarity for better retention. There are many candidates who appear for Rajasthan Judicial Services examination after their 5 year law school. The Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination can also be given by the aspirants before they have passed their final exams of the last year of law school i.e., when the candidate is in the last year of college and has not received the degree yet. Rajasthan judiciary is the only state which gives such a privilege to judicial exam aspirants. There are various candidates who appear for the Prelims of the Civil Judge Cadre post of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination and come out with flying colours as they are in the momentum of their academic force right in their law school. The candidates in this scenario take assistance from various mock tests available to strengthen their preparation.

However, there is no loss, even if you are someone who has not yet started your preparation and are in the last leg of your law school. In such a case, the candidates are in a state where they can devote their total focus on the preparation and can take assistance from online courses available to guide the preparation of the judicial services aspirants, like one offered by LawSikho. The candidates can prepare well for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination in a year and can sit for the attempt after one year of passing their law school. 

If a candidate is pursuing a 3-year LLB degree

In this case, the candidate should start preparing for the judicial services exam from 2nd year of college for the best results. This is to make sure they do not waste their time after their law school completion and can be ready to crack the judicial services examination at the earliest possible attempt. 

Candidates often also take coaching classes alongside their law school to streamline their preparation for the judicial services examination. The candidates in the last leg of their preparation also opt for test series and other mock exams to strengthen their preparation and prepare them for their exam day. Lawsikho is one of the leading platforms which provide various courses and packages to help judicial examination enthusiasts prepare for the same and make their dreams a reality.

Tips and tricks for Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) Prelims preparation 

The Prelims is the entry stage for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination. The determinants on which candidates are judged in this stage are:

  1. Time management
  2. Legal Aptitude
  3. Hold on Hindi Language
  4. Hold on English Language
  5. Decision Making

There are some mantras that candidates can keep in mind for getting through the Prelims stage and coming out with flying colours:

  1. Habit of reading bare acts: Bare Acts must be thoroughly read by the candidates at the Prelims stage itself which can help them in the following stages as well. Since Prelims is the MCQ stage, it guarantees direct questions from the bare acts itself which helps the candidates score better.
  2. Reading between the lines: To attempt MCQs, it is very important to look for the minutest of the details. For this, the acts must be read with utmost precision. A detail oriented preparation will help candidates crack the Prelims effortlessly.
  3. Practice mocks: The more MCQs one practices, the better prepared he/she gets for the Prelims stage exam. This is because mocks help a person to manage time and help them practice in the same format of the exam which prepares the candidate for the d-day.
  4. Elimination method: We know that there is no negative marking in the Prelims stage of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination. Therefore, the candidates must attempt all the questions in the paper. It is important to go about with the elimination method when one doesn’t know the answer. This helps to make an intelligent guess in the MCQ format of the exam. The elimination method essentially means the trick to intelligibly eliminate each option in the question by putting in reasoning and arriving at a tentative guess of the option for marking as the answer to the question. This helps in making a guess even if a person is not sure of the answer.

Tips and tricks for Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) Mains preparation 

After cracking the Prelims, the Mains stage of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination is to be given by the candidates. The candidates are evaluated on:

  1. Writing Skills
  2. Legal Knowledge and Aptitude
  3. Retention Power
  4. Creativity

The tips to stand out on the Mains stage are:

  1. Increase retention power: The Mains stage, as we know by now, is the subjective exam type paper, for which the candidates need to retain the law and provisions to gain better marks in the law papers.
  2. Think beyond bare acts: For preparation in the Mains stage, candidates need to study beyond the bare acts. They should read commentaries and other books which explain a concept in detail along with the case law references so that they can write a meaningful subjective answer in the Mains law exams.
  3. Practice essay writing: Candidates often take law subjects seriously and ignore the essay writing as they think they can write and handle the same. However, they should not do this. One should practice essay writing as it helps form the flow of thoughts, which helps the brain function on the final day.
  4. Practice writing long answers: Studying a concept is different from attempting to write answers to the questions asked. Therefore, as mocks or as part of practising past year question papers, candidates must practice the same by writing their own answers by putting timers so that they can practice writing in a time-bound manner. Practising this helps the candidates on the final day.

Tips and tricks for Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) interview preparation

When a candidate gets through the Mains stage of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination, the last and the final stage left is the interview stage. The interview stage is the mixture of questions such as law questions, general awareness, intersection of law and current affairs, Rajasthani culture and traditions and other related and incidental topics.

Following are a few important things to remember while sitting for an interview:

  1. Ability to hear the question: It is often noticed that people when they think that they know about a particular subject/question put up to them, they rush to answer without letting the other person complete his / her question. This leaves a very bad impact on the interviewers and reflects on the personality of the candidate. Therefore, one should always let the interviewer complete his / her question or sentence before jumping to the answer or replying to the same.
  2. Staying calm: Nervousness before such a big stage of a career is an ingredient which is natural in the recipe for competitive exams. However, being strong and confident is very important for the portrayal of a balanced personality. Therefore, a candidate should always strive to be calm and composed in front of the interviewers.
  3. Understanding the thin line between confidence and overconfidence: The candidates in the interview round should not try to overcompensate for the nervousness they feel. It is often seen that candidates try to pretend to be confident and end up presenting themselves as over-confident. This gives a bad impression on the panel of interviewers and can be detrimental to their interview marks.
  4. Being truthful: When a candidate tries to be pretentious, it is very well grasped by the panel of interviewers. When a candidate does not know a particular answer, he/she must never try to mislead the panel of interviewers, rather he/she should be confident enough to accept the same. Not only this, but the ability to bail oneself out of such a situation is what buys brownie points to a candidate.
  5. Lead the panel of interviewers: The candidates should curate their answers in such a manner which initiates a question out of it. It is a skill which should be practised by the candidates and learned to ace the interview. This way one can lead from the front and channel their interview in an efficient manner.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Rajasthan Judiciary (RJS) exam

Is there any fixed pattern which is required to follow for the preparation of Prelims?

No. The preparation for Prelims is undertaken as per the paper pattern which is notified in the notification for the exam every year. Since, the Prelims stage is a multiple choice question type stage, the preparation is done accordingly as per one’s own study pattern which suits them. There is no set number of hours or schedule as capability of each candidate varies and requires a different strategy to crack the exam.

Can the marks of Prelims secured by me be carried forward for another attempt or it expires in each attempt?

The marks in each stage of the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination expire in each attempt and are NOT carried forward in any circumstance. Therefore, even if you crack the Prelims and move to the Mains stage in one attempt, but somehow fail to crack the Mains subsequently, then next year if you wish to sit for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination, you have to again sit for all the stages starting from the Prelims and thereafter advance accordingly.

How many months before should I start preparing for the Prelims?

There is no standard answer to this question. However, candidates must keep this in mind that preparation for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination people cannot just prepare in a few months. It should be a proper study plan with not just Prelims stage in mind but as a whole including all three stages together. Please refer to the section of the article which mentions the strategy for preparation for detailed guidance.

Is coaching important for successfully cracking the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination?

It is advisable to take coaching or classes so as to ensure consistency in preparation.. It is advisable to enroll in a course or coaching to prepare for the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination. It gives a systematic approach towards the syllabus and creates a regularity in preparation. Furthermore, it can be a tedious job for oneself to handle the pressure of a voluminous syllabus. Not only this, law is a subject where amendments also take place regularly. Keeping track of these amendments. That too of a voluminous legal syllabus as in judicial services examinations, is a very tedious job with chances of missing something or the other. Therefore, guidance is advisable to be taken in order to keep track of the changed and updated status of laws. 

This, however, cannot be taken as universal advice, as people have different abilities and calibres. The advice given is only based on a popular opinion and after coming across the difficulties faced by the candidates actually pursuing or have pursued the preparation of the judicial services examination in the past.

Is there any limit on the number of attempts that a candidate can sit for in the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination?

No, there is no limit in terms of the number of attempts, directly. However, there is an age bar for sitting in the Rajasthan Judicial Services Examination which is mentioned hereinabove in this article. This age bar is also different for different categories.

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  1. Expectations reached. Superb article and great insights. The man himself is an LLB, LLM, NET, JRF qualified. Harsh Keep it up. Please let us know if you have written other articles

  2. Thanku SIR for your guidence .It will really helpfull for any law studen. Sir, Is there any Commerce Student can do Preparetion for the RJS Exam .

  3. Hello sir thanks for your valuable guidance. I m working in court since last 6 year nd now i completing my llb. I want to appear in next GJS please guide me sir

    If any want learn gujrati how is out side of gujarat please contact me my WhatsApp 9374481911 kanti chaudhari

  4. Comprehensive guidance for Rjs .Thank you so much sir for explaining nuances of entire preparation with great precision.

  5. Thank you so much Sir for this amazing article. It was really helpful , specially for beginners. Everything was elaborately explained and the use of lucid language. Very motivating.

  6. Thank you sir for this very informative and helpful article . Everything is explained elaborately and in lucid language.

  7. nice, helps alot to new students who do not know from where and how to start climbing this mountain.. but you guided the best way now ill think how to climb smartly on it not like dumb.. the best thing is that you motivates student to find their own way.. this creates confidence and diversion form tiredness, fatigueness in them.. but i wanna know one thing which created doubt in my mind sir.. as you said make your personal notes which are shortenup as much as all 50 acts in 100 pages or which you might read in 5-7 days.. how can i do so? are you trying to say that- i should leave lot of sections and only have to pick most concrete portions is this u meant or something else? as im totally new started preparing 2 and half months before.. please describe it.. you may contact me here 9166466144 thru wossup or call and email: Avinashkhandal@yahoo.com as i dont use mobile phones much.. so probably i forgets to come online and check your reply.. so please sir.. reply me on my contact details.. and on phone call or whatsap messenger would be best.

  8. Thank you sir for this awesome article. I am a student of National law university too and i also want to prepare for RJS. We also have something common that my name is Harsh too ?. I am in 5th year now and i am preparing for RJS from 4th year of my college. I am very thankful to you for your guidance.

  9. Thank you Harsh Jain for writing this amazing article, never seen such work before. Thank you for your time and energy. Can you suggest me any book which is enough for law papers, or compilation of all bare acts.

  10. […] the important sections numbers and provisions in them in your mind. You can also read my article on How to crack Rajasthan Judicial Services. In this article, I have given few tips on making and learning notes in a better way and how to […]


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