This article is written by Soma-mohanty of KIIT School of Law, Bhubaneswar.
Table of Contents
Who are senior citizens?
Senior citizen is a word used as a substitute for an old aged person. Senior citizen is generally referred to the persons who have passed through the retirement period or is a pensioner. The retirement period varies in the workplace depending upon the retirement policy of countries.
Senior citizens age in India
When a person who is a citizen of India and has attained the age of sixty years or more irrespective of the job status, is considered to be “senior citizen of India”
Senior citizen age in india for bank
When any person who is a citizen of India and the age of the person is above sixty years, then the person is considered a senior citizen in Indian banks.
Female senior citizen age for banks
When any female who is a citizen of India and the age of the female is above fifty-eight years, then the person is considered a senior citizen in Indian banks.
Problems faced by senior citizens in India
There are certain problems faced by senior citizens because of different factors. Some of these factors are
Economic problems
In India, the pension schemes are variants depending on the rules and policies of their working place. Some of them receive a pension after retirement and some of them are not eligible to get a pension. Thus, after retirement, senior citizens face a lot of problems. Generally, they receive half the money of their salary as a pension. Thus it becomes difficult on their part to manage the cost of living.
Old age is directly proportional to physical strength deterioration. Once a person touches the age of sixty years, their health deteriorates and the medical investment increases. Thus they suffer a lot to maintain their health check-ups, etc. this puts a deep effect on the economic problems of the senior citizens in India.
Physical and physiological problems
The possibility of deterioration of health in senior citizens is more than the younger generation. The senior citizens are more aligned to physical weakness. With age bone deterioration starts and many more changes take place in the body of a senior citizen, thus making them weak physically. In India old aged people are subjected to the economic crisis, thus they are not able to access regular health check-ups.
Psycho social problems
Everyone stays busy in their life either they are stuck with their job problems or a hectic job schedule. Thus, the younger generation does not get enough time to spend with their old parents. Being retired senior citizens do not have much work to do this, they seek for company, they want their children to talk to them. But because of the above-stated facts, not possible and the old aged people are left isolated. Because of isolation they get into depression, they feel the inferiority that they are no longer useful. This causes psychological problems in senior citizens.
As people get well, their physical incapability restricts them to go out and talk to people, this reduces their social interaction. After retirement, it becomes difficult on their part to meet with new people. Friends of their age generally get bedridden or die and this decreases their interaction and ultimately they lose their social life.
Harassment of senior citizens
After retirement, the financial problems arise due to which senior citizens prefer to stay with their children. Most of the children’s attitude changes towards old parents these days. As they are not able to earn for the family anymore, they are treated as a useless person. Most of the children feel they are a burden to them and thus they start harassing their parents. Senior citizens are subjected to ill-treatment each and every time at home. Whenever they give suggestions, they are being shut down with harsh words. In India harassment towards senior citizens is increasing. News highlights popping out are more on the harassment, the senior citizen is subjected to. Senior citizens are to be respected, they have done a lot for the family, society and for country when they were young. Thus they should be treated with care and affection rather than been subjected to harassment.
Senior citizen harassment by daughter in law
In India, daughters are more entitled to their parents rather than in-laws. They love looking after their parents but when it comes to their in-laws they find it as a huge burden on them. When a girl comes to in-laws place after marriage it becomes difficult on her part to settle with the rules and regulations of a new place. Thus a feeling of dissatisfaction arises between the in-laws. The girl would be prohibited to do things, which she feels like a hindrance in her life. There is also a sour relationship between the daughter-in-law and in-laws. But when the in-laws become old and are completely dependent on the daughter-in-law, the past events reflect. Out of revenge she starts as well as harassing them. This situation is increasing in India, so to put a check on it certain laws have been made as well as amended.
Article 25 UDHR
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that every person who is subjected to unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age
Human rights of older people
- The Right to life of older people is to be safeguarded by law.
- The older people are entitled to Right to Liberty, which means that every citizen of India should live his life full of liberty.
- The older people are entitled to Right not to be subjected to inhuman treatment, which means that every senior citizen of India should not be treated inhumanely.
- The older people are entitled to Right to a fair hearing, it means that the tribunal should efficiently look into the matter and give a verdict free from malice.
Laws to protect the elderly
There are certain laws enacted to protect elderly persons from cruelty, ill-treatment and harassment.
Senior Citizen Act 2017
The Senior Citizen Act 2017 was enacted in the year 2007 and it was initiated by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. The objective behind the enactment of this act was to provide justice and maintenance to the senior citizens as well as to look after the welfare of the senior citizens. It aims to protect the life and property of senior citizens. This Act provides shelter for old aged people as old age homes.
Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizen Act 2017 provides maintenance to the senior citizens as well as parents, who are not able to meet up their cost of living. Under The Senior Citizen Act 2017, children, grandchildren as well as relatives are under obligation to look after the maintenance of their parents (father, mother, or both), grandparents.
Any person who was not entitled according to the provisions as mentioned in The Senior Citizen Act 2017, can seek the help of the Tribunals to get justice under The Senior Citizen Act 2017.
Protection of life and property of Senior Citizen
If any senior pass his property it may be movable or immovable to any person in the form of gift and the property is a way of earning to the old person and the person has been promised that he would receive the amount, but after the transfer of property the person was not provided with the promised amount. Then, the transfer of property would be considered void in the grounds of fraud, coercion or undue influence.
Fundamental rights of senior citizens
Laws under Indian constitution
Article 41 of the Constitution of India provides provision for the betterment of old aged people. According to this article, the state is entitled to provide public assistance in the matter of old people under its economic capacity.
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act, 2007
- The objective behind the enactment of this act was to provide justice and maintenance to the senior citizens as well as to look after the welfare of the senior citizens.
- It aims to protect life and property of senior citizens.
- This Act provides shelter for old aged people as old age homes.
- This Act provides economic as well as a speedy trial for the senior citizens to get their right of maintenance.
Certain words mentioned in the Maintenance and welfare of parents and senior citizen Act, 2007 are defined below
- Maintenance
Here providing food, clothing, a place for shelter, medical assistance and treatment expenses are defined as maintenance.
- Parent
Parents including the father as well as the mother. Father or mother can be biological parents, adoptive and stepfather or stepmother.
- Children
Here children refer to son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter. Minors are not included in the definition of this act.
- Senior citizen
Any person who is a citizen of India and has attained the age of sixty is referred as a senior citizen.
- Relative
When a senior citizen does not have a child of their own and there is a legal heir to take up the person’s property or inherit it, would be considered as relative to the senior citizen.
- Welfare
Welfare refers to the availability of necessary amenities such as food, healthcare, etc. to the senior citizen.
Maintenance of parents and senior citizens
The Senior Citizen Act 2017 provides maintenance to the senior citizens as well as parents, who are not able to meet up their cost of living. Under The Senior Citizen Act 2017, children, grandchildren as well as relatives are under obligation to look after the maintenance of their parents (father, mother, or both), grandparents.
Any person who was not entitled according to the provisions as mentioned in The Senior Citizen Act 2017, can seek the help of the Tribunals to get justice under The Senior Citizen Act
Protection of life and property of senior citizens
If any senior pass his property it may be movable or immovable to any person in the form of gift and the property is a way of earning to the old person and the person has been promised that he would receive the amount, but after the transfer of property the person was not provided with the promised amount. Then, the transfer of property would be considered void in the grounds of fraud, coercion or undue influence.
Code of criminal procedure
- In early 1973, there was no provision laid down by the Code of Criminal Procedure for the maintenance of parents. But in the year 1973, Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure was inserted for providing maintenance to parents. Under this section, the parent needs to establish the fact that the person has been neglected by their children or the person is denied of maintenance.
- The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 is secular law, thus it is applicable to persons belonging to any religion or community.
- Under this Section, married daughters are even responsible for providing maintenance to their parents.
Personal laws
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
The Hindu adoption and maintenance act, 1956 was enacted in the year 1956 in India as a part of the Hindus Code Bills. The main object behind the Hindu adoption and maintenance act, 1956 was to provide maintenance to various family members, which included parents.
According to Section 20 of the Hindu adoption and maintenance act, 1956, if a person’s parents are not able to maintain their livelihood from earning or other property, then is entitled to receive maintenance from the child.
Muslim laws
According to the Muslim Law, it is the duty of both the sons as well as daughter to look after for the maintenance of their parents. The Islamic principle states that as parents are obliged to look after the maintenance of their children, children are also obliged to look after the maintenance of their parents likewise. Parents who are needy can only be protected under the Muslim Act for maintenance.
Christian and Parsi laws
There is no provision under the Christian and Parsi laws for the maintenance of the parents. Thus any parents seeking maintenance would be given justice under the statutory section of Code of Criminal Procedure.
Senior citizens benefit in India
Government schemes for senior citizens
The schemes provided by the Government for senior citizens are
Integrated Programme for Older Persons (IPOP)
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment looks after the running of the Integrated Programme for Older Persons. The main objective of the scheme is to provide a quality lifestyle to senior citizens of India by giving them access to basic amenities like food to eat, shelter to live, medical care for treatment, source of entertainment so that they do not feel isolated. It also provides support for the senior citizens who are actively involved in activities like production of materials, etc by State/ UT Government/Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)/ Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)/ local bodies and the community at large.
Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana
Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana is a scheme of Central Sector, which is funded by the Government of India. Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana scheme aims at providing physical aids and assisted-living devices for Senior citizens who comes under Below Poverty Line (BPL) category.Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana scheme provides free assisted living aids as well as physical devices which are required for sustainability. Under Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana scheme assistive living devices are provided to the BPL holder senior citizens by Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation in India (ALIMCO), who are suffering from disabilities like low vision, hearing problem, loco-motor disabilities. They provide devices like walking sticks, elbow crutches, walkers, crutches, tripods/quad pods, wheelchair, spectacles,hearing aids, etc.
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS)
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) is introduced by the Ministry of Rural Development of India in association with National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP). It is a non-contributory pension scheme. The main objective of Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) is to provide pension to Indians who have attained the age of sixty years and it includes both people who are above the poverty line as well as people living below the poverty line. The pensions received by the senior citizens under the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) scheme is of two types. People between the ages of 60-79 receives Rs 300 as pension and people above the age of 80 receives Rs. 500.
The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana
The Government of India has introduced The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana scheme in the year 2017. This scheme provides security to individuals during their old age. According to the provisions of this policy, an individual on the deposition of Rs1.50,000 would get a minimum pension of Rs 1000 per month and on the deposition of Rs 7,50,000, the individual is entitled to get a sum of Rs. 5000 per month. Every policyholder is eligible to receive the rate of interest on the sum of money deposited.
National Programme for the Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE)
The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has introduced the National Programme for the Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE). The main objective is to provide facilities in the district hospitals. Facilities provided under the National Programme for the Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE) scheme are
- Opening of geriatric OPD
- Opening of geriatric ward at District hospital.
- At the community health center, clinics are opened
- At primary health care, weekly clinics are opened
Senior citizen card India
Various facilities are provided to the senior citizens of India. Thus various states are providing senior citizen cards to the senior citizens so that they can avail the schemes and their benefits provided for their betterment by the Government of India.
- The person needs to be a citizen of India to avail the senior citizen card.
- The person should have attained the age of sixty to avail the senior citizen card.
- The person should produce Government documents as proof showing that the person is a permanent resident of the State.
Senior citizen card online
Certain procedures have to be followed while applying for senior citizen card online
- Online form for submitting the application for applying the senior citizen’s card is available on the official websites of each state.
- The applicant applying for the senior citizens’ card has to attach two photographs of his own to the application form.
- The application form should be attached with the address proof of the applicant.
- The application form should be attached the age proof of the applicant.
- Then the applicant needs to proceed with the registration process.
- Then after the registration process is completed, it is submitted for verification and once verified the application is approved.
- After the approval, the person gets the Senior Citizen Identity Card.
Senior citizen pension
After retirement or attaining the age of sixty, the old aged people face a lot of economic problems, due to which the Government of India has taken initiative to provide assistance to the Senior Citizens of India.
Post-retirement benefits for employers of the central government
When a Central Government employee retires after attaining the age of retirement in fulfilling the service condition of a minimum 5years would be eligible to enjoy the retirement benefits. retirement benefits are also known as retirement gratuity. The process in which the retirement gratuity is calculated as 1/4th of a month’s Basic Pay is added to the Dearness Allowance (DA) drawn on the date of retirement for each completed six months period of the qualifying service. The retirement gratuity that an employee is subjected to 33years of employment is 16 times of the Basic Pay plus Dearness Allowance (DA), subjected to the maximum amount of Rs 20 lakhs.
National pension system
It is the voluntary contribution system in India. This scheme was designed for government employees only.
Atal Pension Yojana
Atal Pension Yojana was previously called as Swavalamban Yojana. Atal Pension Yojana’s objective is to provide security to the people who would be retiring and to promote savings as well as investment. The Government of India also co-contributes 50% of the contributions made by the subscribers. This facility by the Government of India is only available for the users who are not covered under any Statutory Social Security Schemes as well as is not an Income Taxpayer.
- Any person holding a bank account can be benefited under the Atal Pension Yojna.
- The minimum age of joining Atal Pension Yojna is 18years and the maximum age of joining Atal Pension Yojna is 40years.
How to apply for old-age pension online
The process of applying an application for old age pension online differs from state to state.
The process of application of Delhi is
- For registration of old age pension, the applicant has to visit the official site that is portal of Government of NCT of Delhi.
- Then the applicant has to fill the application which is the Old Age Pension Scheme application as prescribed.
- The applicant needs to fill the Aadhar card number.
- The applicant needs to attach the records required to be scanned with the application form.
- The applicant needs to documents needed to be attached with the application form.
- Then after submission of all the documents required with the application by the applicant, the following documents are to be scrutinized by the District Social Welfare Office.
- The applicant may be called for verification after the submission of the online form.
- After the approval, the applicant shall receive assistance in his bank account.
Indira Gandhi national old-age pension scheme
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) is introduced by the Ministry of Rural Development of India in association with National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP). It is a non-contributory pension scheme. The main objective of Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) is to provide pension to Indians who have attained the age of sixty years and it includes both people who are above the poverty line as well as people living below the poverty line. The pensions received by the senior citizens under the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) scheme is of two types. People between the ages of 60-79 receives Rs 300 as pension and people above the age of 80 receives Rs. 500.
- The applicant applying for the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) should have attained the age of sixty years.
- The applicant applying for Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) should be under the category of the Below Poverty Line (BPL).
- The person holding a Below Poverty Line (BPL) card with multiple disabilities between the age limit of 60-79 years of age are not eligible to apply for Below Poverty Line (BPL)
Indira Gandhi national old-age pension scheme application form
- The applicant needs to get the application from the Social Welfare Department of the specified area.
- The applicant needs to fill the information as provided in the application
- The applicant needs to attach an annual income certificate as well as a domicile certificate document with the application.
- The application should be submitted to the Tehsil Social Welfare Officers. Any applicant belonging to urban areas can directly submit their application form to the District Social Welfare Officer.
- Then the application submitted is verified by the officers.
- Then the District Social Welfare Officer would be recommended by the Social Welfare Department on the beneficiaries to be provided.
- At last the final decision for sanction to be granted shall be made by the committee named as District Level Sanctioning Committee (DLSC).
Tax benefits for senior citizens in India
Definition of senior citizens for income tax
Any person who attains the age of 60 years at any time during a financial year, would be defined as “Senior Citizen” according to the Income-tax Act,1961.
But any person who attains the age of 80 years would be defined as “Very Senior Citizen” according to the Income-tax Act,1961.
Standard deductions for senior citizens
According to the Budget 2018, certain exemptions are provided to the senior citizens of India such as
- Tax exemption limit for interest income from banks from Rs 10,000 to Rs 50,000.
- Tax exemption limit for interest income from post offices from Rs 10,000 to Rs 50,000.
- The tax break on health insurance as well as medical expenditure is increased.
80c deduction for senior citizen
Every Senior Citizen of India is eligible for the deduction provided under the Section 80c of the Income Tax Act, 1961 according to the provisions of the Senior Citizens Savings Schemes rules, 2004.
Income tax for pensioners
Income tax paid by Senior Citizens above the age of 60
The amount of pension received |
Income tax paid |
When a person receives an annual pension of Rs. 3 lakhs or less |
Nil |
When a person receives an annual pension between Rs. 3 lakhs and Rs. 5 lakhs |
10% |
When a person receives an annual pension between Rs 5 lakhs and Rs. 10 lakhs |
20% |
When a person receives an annual pension above Rs. 10 lakhs |
30% |
Income tax paid by Super-Senior Citizens above the age of 80
The amount of pension received |
Income tax paid |
When a person receives an annual pension of Rs 5 lakhs or below |
Nil |
When a person receives an annual pension between Rs 5 lakhs and Rs. 10 lakhs |
20% |
When a person receives an annual pension above Rs. 10 lakhs |
30% |
Insurance schemes for senior citizens
Certain insurance schemes are introduced for the benefit of senior citizens of India, such as
Government health insurance for senior citizens
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana is a health insurance program framed for the poor needy people by the Government of India. Senior Citizens are benefited by the top-up of Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme (SCHI) over the Rashtriya swasthya bima yojana. Every citizen of India above the age of 60years who are considered as “senior citizens” would be benefited under this. Under this scheme, each senior citizen of India would be provided Rs 30,000.
Varistha mediclaim for senior citizens
Varistha Mediclaim Policy is a health insurance plan that can be availed by the senior citizens of India but the age limit should be between 60years to 80 years. The main objective of the Varistha Mediclaim Policy is to cover a wide range of diseases and to provide insurance for hospitalization.
Varistha Mediclaim Policy provides coverage of Rs. 2,00,000 for critical illness and Rs. 1,00,000 for hospitalization to the senior citizens of India. It also provides assistance to the senior citizens in organ transplantation but the amount to be covered under it is limited. It also provides coverage for ambulance services availed by the citizen of India during emergency. The critical illness that is covered under this policy are cancer, artery surgery, heart strokes, paralysis, and renal failure.
Varistha Mediclaim Policy validity period is one year, it requires to be renewed every year. And once the application for the policy is submitted, the person gets the policy activated within 30 days.
HOPE- Health Of Privileged Elder
Hope- health of privileged elder is a type of policy provided to the senior citizens of India, for the coverage of specified medical treatment and illness.
Eligibility criteria
- The policy can be availed only by senior citizens of India who have attained the age of 60years.
- It is mandatory for the applicant to submit a medical report from an authorized diagnosis center as mentioned by the insurer.
- The diagnosis report should consist of a glycosylated test, urine test, eye test, X-ray reports, etc.
Coverage provided
- Disease specified in the norms of the policy can only be covered under this policy.
- This policy provides coverage only if the person is hospitalised and the treatment is done in India.
- The limitation amount for cashless hospitalisation is Rs. 1 lakh.
The amount that can be covered
- The minimum amount that can be covered under this policy is Rs. 1 lakh per year.
- The maximum amount that can be covered under this policy is Rs. 5 lakh per year.
Group medical insurance scheme
Group Medical Insurance scheme covers any group/ association/ institution/ corporate body which has more than a hundred people and a central administration point. The policy provides coverage for hospitalization charges. It also provides coverage for domiciliary expenses during hospitalisation. It provides coverage only for medi-claims. The sum insured under this policy varies from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 5,00,000 and the premium package varies from Rs. 175 to Rs. 12,450.
An individual would be eligible to hold the policy if he is between 5-80 years of age.
Jan Arogya Bima Scheme
Jan Arogya Bima scheme is the policy introduced in the year 2018 by the Central Government of India in association with Ayushma Bharat Mission in India. The main objective of Jan Arogya Bima scheme is to look after the primary, secondary as well as tertiary care systems. Jan Arogya Bima scheme covers both preventive as well as promotive health. It aims at providing medical expenses to the people of India including senior citizens too.
Senior Citizen Mediclaim Policy
Senior citizen Mediclaim Policy is provided by both private as well as public sectors. The Mediclaim Policy provides coverage to the senior citizens on treatment, surgery and medical injury. The Mediclaim Policy can be availed by the senior citizens between the age group of 60-80 years. The Mediclaim Policy provides coverage to Rs. 1.5 lakhs. The Mediclaim Policy plan can cover both the person as well as their spouse till they attain the age of 90 years.
Before receiving the facilities of the Mediclaim Policy, the customers’ pre-health check-up would be done and the expenses are to be paid by the customer himself.
- The senior citizen’s Mediclaim Policy covers the expenses of pre-hospitalisation as well as post-hospitalisation in case of accidents as well as critical illness.
- The senior citizen’s Mediclaim Policy provides cashless treatment, which means that the policymakers directly deals with the hospitals to cover the expenses during the treatment.
- In the case of pre-hospitalisation, the Mediclaim Policy covers expenses within 30days before hospitalization. And in the case of post-hospitalisation, the Mediclaim Policy covers expenses up to 60days hospitalization charge as well as expenses.
- The policyholder can claim 25% of the assured sum for the fees of the surgeon, anaesthetist, medical practitioner and consultant.
- In Mediclaim policy an extra service is provided. It covers blood pressure, hypertension and diabetes patients but they need to get a premium package for this by paying an extra sum of money.
- In Mediclaim policy it covers emergency ambulance expense up to Rs. 1000.
- The Mediclaim policy also covers the expenses of the treatment of a chronic disorder. But the policyholder has to pay an extra charge of 10% premium.
- If the policyholder does not claim for coverage for continuous 4years, then the person is given renewal benefit. In renewal benefit, a complete reimbursement of health check-up is offered.
- In Mediclaim policy 10% discount is offered to the person on their spouse’s premium.
- The Mediclaim policy covers Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, joint replacement and knee replacement.
Banking facilities
Special rate of interest
Rate of interest provided to senior citizens on fixed deposits
Bank |
Rate of interest |
1. |
State Bank of India |
6.25%-7.50% |
2. |
Punjab National Bank |
6.00%-7.25% |
3. |
HDFC Bank |
4.00%-7.80% |
4. |
Axis Bank |
3.50%-7.95% |
5. |
ICICI Bank |
4.50%-7.80% |
Senior citizen saving scheme account
The Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS) aims for the betterment of the senior citizens of India by providing them with regular income through long-term savings.
- The applicant can easily register for it.
- Tax benefit is provided to the senior citizens under Section 80c of the Income Tax Act through this scheme.
- The applicant is free to select the package of investment.
- The rate of interest the senior citizens receive from this scheme is generally high.
- There is scope for opening multiple Senior Citizen Saving Account.
Eligibility criteria
- A person would be eligible to hold a Senior Citizen Saving Account, only if the person has attained the age of 60years.
- A person would be eligible to hold a Senior Citizen Saving Account at the age of 55years when he has availed retirement on the basis of superannuation.
- A person who is retired from Defence Service would be eligible to hold a Senior Citizen Saving Account.
- Non-Resident Indians are not allowed to hold a Senior Citizen Saving Account.
Banks offering Senior Citizen Saving Account
- State Bank of India
- Punjab National Bank
- ICICI Bank
- Union Bank of India
- IDBI bank
- Indian Overseas Bank
- Canara Bank
- UCO Bank
- Syndicate Bank
- Central Bank of India
- Allahabad Bank
- Bank of Baroda
- Bank of India
- Indian Overseas Bank
- Dena Bank
Life plus senior citizen account
- A high rate of interest is provided by the Life Plus Senior Citizen Account.
- Life Plus Senior Citizen Account provides unlimited card transaction
- The debit card is provided at free of cost.
- Life Plus Senior Citizen Account provides a money multiplier facility.
- Life Plus Senior Citizen Account provides banking everywhere.
- Life Plus Senior Citizen Account provides free internet banking as well as mobile banking services.
- Life Plus Senior Citizen Account provides the facility of nomination.
- A free SMS facility is allowed.
- Special Senior Citizens Desk
- Special Senior Citizens Desk “life Plus” debit card
Health securities
LIC Jeevan Akshay
This type of policy is based on an immediate annuity plan, which means a person does not have to wait to receive the money after completion of deposits from a certain period of time. This policy can be bought on the deposition of a huge sum of money.
- The premiums are paid in a huge sum.
- The minimum purchase value of this policy is Rs. 1,00,000 (offline).
- The minimum purchase value of this policy is Rs. 1,50,000 (online).
- There is no maximum limit for buying a policy.
- The individual who is more than 85years not eligible to get the policy.
- The individual who is more than 30years is eligible to get the policy.
Private health insurance
These are the private sectors providing private health insurance
ICICI Lombard Overseas Travel Insurance
ICICI Lombard Overseas Travel Insurance is a very unique type of policy with more reliable facilities. ICICI Lombard Overseas Travel Insurance this policy covers urgent medical and non-medical expenses when a person is abroad. This policy of ICICI Lombard Overseas Travel Insurance can be availed by senior citizens of India between the age of 71-85 years. The validity of the policy is 180days.
Benefits provided
- It provides cashless medical service to people abroad.
- The claim benefit covered under this policy for illness as well as the injury is $15,000.
- If an individual is having ICICI Lombard Overseas Travel Insurance, he can claim for the loss of Checked In Baggages as well as handbags.
- The validity of the policy can be extended to another 180 days.
ING Golden Years Retirement Policy
ING Golden Years Retirement Plan is a Regular Payment Deferred Variable Annuity Plan. It is a Non-linked Plan from ING Life Insurance Company.
- ING Golden Years Retirement Plan is a negotiated annuity plan
- This policy has no bonus facility.
- 1% of compound interest is provided to the pension account.
- During the first five years of the policy, the pension account is provided with compound interest of 4% per annum. Then after the completion of the first five years 1% compound interest is provided.
- The premium payment term can be altered easily in this plan.
- Choosing the retirement date depends on the policyholder, the person can choose the date of the payout.
Smart Invest Pension Plan
Smart Invest Pension Plan is introduced by Max Newyork Life Insurance Company Limited.
In this type of policy if offers the scope of accumulation of sum of money through limited pay and the person is not charged with allocation charges. This policy offers up to 300% of the premium as maturity bonus depending on the policy bought by the policyholder.
Aviva New Pension Elite
- In the first year, there is a high allocation charge
- The percentage of the annualised premium of the first year is considered as the maturity addition and it depends on the term of the policy.
Eligibility criteria
- The person would be considered without the term ridder if he is more than 18years and not more than 70years of age.
- The person would be considered with the term ridder if he is more than 18years and not more than 50years of age.
- The person would be considered to have attained the maturity age if he is more than 40years and not more than 80years of age.
- The person would be able to avail annual premium policy if the minimum amount is Rs. 50,000 and there is no maximum limit,
- The person would be able to avail top-up premium policy if the minimum amount is Rs. 1,000 and there is no maximum limit.
New Jeevan Dhara
New Jeevan Dhara policy is introduced by LIC. it is one of the Deferred Annuity plans that permits the policyholder to get regular pension after the depicted term.
Process of premium collection
- It is payable yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, monthly.
- Premium is collected through deduction of salary.
- The premium can be collected throughout the policy until death.
- The single premium can also opt.
National policy on older persons
National policy on older persons aims to provide a better way of living for older persons. It was introduced in the month of January in 1999. It seeks the help of the State to provide financial security, food security, health care, shelter, equitable share in the development, protection against harassment and cruelty. It also ensures that every older person is availing the facilities provided.
- It tries to make people understand the advantages of planning for their old age as well as their spouse’s
- It motivates people to take care of their parents in old age.
- It motivates the non-governmental organisation to provide additional care to older people.
- It takes initiative to take care of the older age people as well as protect them from cruelty and harassment.
- It aims to provide training to the personal assistants who look after the health and care of the old aged persons.
- It aims in creating awareness between the elderly persons to lead productive and independent livelihood.
Implementation strategy
- National policy on older persons makes the preparation of Plan of Action.
- National policy on older persons is involved in setting up separate Bureau for older people in the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
- National policy on older persons forms Directorates of Older Persons in the States.
- National policy on older persons takes public review on the implementation program of the policy.
- National policy on older persons aims to establish an Autonomous National Association of older people.
- National policy on older persons encourages local self Government to participate.
Facilities are given by different departments of government
Departments of Government |
Facilities provided to the Senior Citizens |
1. |
Ministry of Finance |
Health InsuranceThe Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) under this department of the Government issued new provisions for health insurance of senior citizens. Those provisions are
Tax Benefits
2. |
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare |
3. |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
4. |
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions |
5. |
Ministry of Railways |
6. |
Department of Telecommunications |
7. |
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution |
8. |
Ministry of Rural Development |
National council for senior citizens
It was seen that the cruelty and harassment towards the senior citizens was increasing and no proper steps were taken to provide justice to the senior citizens. Thus, the National Council for senior citizens took an initiative to resolve the issue. The National Council for senior citizens advise the Central as well as State Government in providing better provision for the welfare of senior citizens and improve in the workings of the committee.
- It advises the government in the development of policies.
- It advises the government regarding the running of policies.
- It provides feedback on the implementation of programmes.
- It provides nodal points at every national level for solving the grievances of senior citizens.
- It works as an agent between the older people and the Government of India. It hears to their problems and conveys it to the government.
Legal help for senior citizens
With growing cruelty and harassment towards the senior citizens, the Indian Government enacted The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act in the year 2017. It aims to provide maintenance for the senior citizens.
- The objective behind the enactment of this act was to provide justice and maintenance to the senior citizens as well as to look after the welfare of the senior citizens.
- It aims to protect life and property of senior citizens.
- This Act provides shelter for old aged people as old age homes.
- This Act provides economic as well as speedy trial for the senior citizens to get their right of maintenance.
Fast track court for senior citizens
The number of cases are increasing thus the hearings are being delayed. It is seen that people above the age 60years get frustrated because of the pending case. Thus, it increases their mental as well as physical pressure affecting their health. Keeping it in view the Union Government declared that the cases of senior citizens would be referred by the Fast Track Courts (FTCs).
Old age is always compared to the childhood. It is difficult for parents to take care of their children, to meet their expenses but they still do with all their hearts. So the child should always remember what his or her parents have done for them. They need to enjoy the childhood period of their parents. It is their duty to provide their parents with all the facilities they need to. Government is more concerned about the younger generation as they are the pathway to development. But it should not forget the people who contributed their whole life for the government of India and for the country. Thus, the Government is taking necessary steps to develop the provisions for the Senior citizens. It safeguards their right to life, property, etc. The steps taken would make the life of Senior Citizens more swift and they can have access to the facilities easily. The provision for pension, mediclaim policies, exemption in tax are some of the facilities provided to the Senior Citizens from the Government of India. It aims for the betterment of the senior citizens.