In this article, Aseem Nandan of KIIT School of Law, Bhubaneswar discusses whether an e-commerce website in India can sell sex-toys or not.
Sex toys are openly sold in India, however, it is unclear whether it is legal to do so or not. Products categorized as sex toys, may violate obscenity laws and fall within the grey area of law. In this article, we indulge in this conundrum.
Sale Of Sex Toys In India
For a long time, adult lifestyle products have been in the grey market, sold often by the street vendors.
In Delhi’s Palika Bazaar or Mumbai’s Crawford market, one could easily find sex toys as they are so accessible and easy to find. The last couple of years, there’s been an explosion in the e-commerce segment for sale of adult or sex toys varying from all kinds and types of them. According to the survey, most of the sex toys are bought by the male community in our country i.e. 65% whereas, only 35% are bought by the female community.
Section 292 – Law prohibiting the sale of sex toys
Display or exhibition of sex toys in an obscene manner violates the provision of Indian Penal Code on grounds of obscenity.
Section 292 of Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860 deems the sale, advertisement, distribution and the public exhibition of obscene books, sketch, drawing or any other “obscene” object, illegal.
Obscenity is a criminal offence under Indian law which is punishable with imprisonment and fine both.
Do Sex Toys Fall Under Definition of “Obscenity”?
For any object to be considered obscene, it must be
- ‘Lascivious or appeals’ to prurient interests and
- Have a tendency to ‘corrupt or deprave.’
In 2011, The Calcutta High Court addressed the issue whether sex toys sold in India comes under the charges of “obscenity”. The Court held that the charges on obscenity cannot be held as they were not legally sustainable. Just because the toy brings out sexual desires, it cannot be labeled as ‘obscene’.
How Did It Happen: E-commerce Players Dragged To Court

One of India’s largest e-commerce player i.e., “Snapdeal”, was dragged to court in 2015 for selling different types of “Sex toys and accessories.” Delhi-based Supreme Court lawyer, Suhaas Joshi, filed a complaint saying e-commerce players were selling products which were “aiding or promoting gay sex.”
Joshi further said that he wanted to “test the limits of India’s stand on homosexuality and it’s laws” and stated that there was no clarity if such products were legal or selling of such products were legal.
The Snapdeal Case
In Snapdeal’s case, the court asked the police to immediately investigate the matter which was complained about and submit a report to the court.
- It’s a myth that there is any specific set of Indian laws defining ‘sex toys’. There are certain laws that govern ‘obscenity’ and the producers have to keep in mind when they are marketing the products.
Section 292 of the Indian Penal Code prevents the sale of any material or product that is ‘obscene’ in nature in India. But, no statement has been mentioned regarding the ‘Ban on Sex Toys in India’. No clear points have been mentioned or stated otherwise.
- As mentioned by the Indian laws, any individual who sells, distributes, publicly displays or has any obscene material in his/her possession, sketches, drawing, painting, or any obscene material which showcases ‘obscenity’, is punishable with both imprisonment and fine. Therefore, from the above- mentioned view, everything related to sex toys is banned by our so-called democratic government. Still, there is a list of Indian brands which sell various types of sex toys online. Many online Adult websites have been selling these various items in the nation and people have been actually buying them. Statistics show a rapid growth in the number of buyers for adult stuff in India over the last couple of years. The main thing that the retailers or sellers have to keep in mind is the marketing strategy in order to make sure that the products that they are selling are legal in every perspective and are under the guidelines laid down by the government.
- The complaint states that the website was condoning gay sex and was displaying obscene adult products by indexing vibrators and lubricants.
- India is seeing a silent sexual revolution. Men and women both are buying adult products and are experimenting with their sex life.
On The Other Hand
The Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalizes different sexual activities “ averse the order of nature,” also comes into picture in the current scenario. As the act itself is illegal, the toy simply becomes an aid to the illegal activity as well. But, there is nothing to worry about as long as an individual is being private about it. There is no proper law regarding this. A lot of speculation has been around this issue and it’s rapidly increasing growth in India. ‘Sex Toys’ has a wider concept and has even complex importing and exporting policies.
Best Example Of An E-Commerce website selling sex toys
- ‘IMbesharam’, is a company which is currently operating, which sells different types of adult ‘LIFESTYLE’ and sexual salubrity products. Products vary from sex toys, sex kits, edible lingerie, different types of lubricants, different flavours and types of condoms, vibrating rings, etc. online, and the company asserts that they compile with all of the existing rules and regulations of selling sex-toys online in India.
- The co-founder (Raj Armani), said to the newsstands that, “they’re ready to switch the operations if the laws of the nation demand them to do so.”
- They gave this above statement after a report filed by a newspaper stating the websites,, and and stating that they are under the government scanner for “openly promoting and selling objectionable sex products unlawfully and displaying undesirable content on their particular websites.”
- The riveting point here is that IMbesharam, which focuses to be known as the ‘Retailers of the Kama Sutra’, is a US company which has been selling different types of sex toys in India past its e-commerce gateway. It has stated that it also sells Adult sex products through other e-commerce gateways.
- Laws in India are speculative regarding the sale of different types of sex toys and products. The major concern is associated with different types of ways that these products are being sold, demonstrating redolent pictures and graphics elucidation. “OBSCENITY” is a crime which is punishable in India both with imprisonment and fine.
- Different startups are searching for a juridical alternative to bringing different types of sex toys in India.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Is keeping sex toys at home an offence?
No, keeping sex toys at home is not an offence unless the individual is private about its usage and functioning. Every individual has his/her private life and hence, they have the full right to do whatever they want to under those boundations.
Can you import sex toys? Is it legal?
The main question arises here is how to classify which sex toys should be allowed for import and which should not be. From what I know, the obscenity laws of our country i.e. IPC 292, 293 and 294 are speculative when the issue comes regarding the import and sale of sex toys. According to the Calcutta High Court, any product or manual suggesting any kind of stimulation for the enjoyment of sex, if not expressed in any dishevelled language, cannot be stated as obscene. So, yes import of sex toys is legal only if it doesn’t contain any obscene language or objectionable pictures.
Selling of sex toys – Whether any provision of Information Technology Act is attracted?
Yes, a provision of Information Technology Act is attracted. Section 67 of the Information Technology Act bestows publishing of information which is obscene in any electronic form. The section states that whoever publishes or disseminate in electronic form any material which is salacious or tend to bestialize an individual shall be punished on the first conviction with imprisonment which may prolong to five years and with a fine which may extend to one lakh rupees and in the instance of second conviction with imprisonment which may prolong to ten years also with a fine which may extend to two lakh rupees.
How to report instances of sex toys being sold online?
The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (Ministry of I&B) is a branch of the Government of India which is apotheosis body for the establishment and legislation of the rules and regulations and laws which are analogous to information, broadcasting, press and the films in India.
The Ministry is responsible for all the report related to instances of sex toys being sold online. If an individual wants to report any instance of sex toys being sold online he/she could directly contact the Ministry of I&B via phone or via email. The Ministry of I&B will revert back in 24 hours.
The conclusion which can be derived from the above-discussed article is that selling of sex toys manually through street vendors is prohibited and punishable whereas, selling of sex toys online is not banned and punishable as long as the retailer is keeping in mind the marketing strategy and the rules and regulations laid down by the government i.e., ‘Obscenity’ of any kind or manner should be prohibited whether it is in graphical form or physical representation. Laws regarding the online selling of sex-toys in India are speculative.
India is a developing country, both economically and socially and is rapidly pursuing the western culture and its following. Hence, online selling of sex toys is not banned in India.
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You can buy online any type of sex toys in India. safe and secure
Thanks for sharing useful information. Keep it up!
The same thing was happen to me. I ordered adult toy from Ali express the kolkata costom hold my parcel and sent me show cause notice. What can i do to escape from panelty. Please suggest
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sex toys can be sold in legal way only physical selling of toys in open is banned you can buy from its safe and secure
Use of sex toys is llegal in India. If you want to buy sex toys then call us on this no.- 8100428004
We at palika bazaar use to sell it in shop , but you know we are always on cross hires of Delhi Police Even though we don’t display our product in shop still they collect the ransome amount while spying on us . To avoid such thing we have come with our own website , where you can purchase sex toys online . We heard that selling it online is hassle free and legal .
Yes in India it’s illegal but many company’s sale adults products online.
No its not illegal
Sex toys are widely used by the Indian people on a day to day basis. But anything related to sex is a taboo in India and so as this. Hence, physical stores of sex toys are not yet legalized in Indian constitution. One may get punished if caught selling sex toys on the physical stores.
He/she might face a severe loss of money. But people has one option always open in their hand which is the online websites. A lot of online stores are selling various kinds of sex toys and are completely legal. They keep their privacy intact and comes up with discreet packages. People gets their desirable toys delivered at their doorsteps very easily.
In India rarely you can find a physical shop for sex toys. I personally search a lot for Sex Toys but I failed to find one. Then I decided to go for online websites. In India there are approx 150 different website who sale sex toys in India online. The process is same as like other websites, you have to visit there website and choose your desired product and order it. That’s all, after your order confirmation it will take 5 to 7 days to get your parcel in your given location.
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4. You are also requested to refer Notification S.O.No.1056 (E), dated 31.12.1993 as amended time to time issued by the Ministry of Commerce regarding prohibition of are liable for confiscation and penalty under the Customs Act,1962 5. Also you are requested to refer serial no. (i) of the Notification No. 1/1964-Customs dated 18 01 2016 Issued by the Ministry of inance (Dapartment of Revenue) regaruing import of “obscene article” which are liable for confiscation and penalty under the Customs Act n o 1962, In case of any contravention of Customs Act,1962, you are also requested to specifically stete whether you would like have show cause notice and also inform whether you want person before adjudication or otherwise
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ahmedabad customs my parcel bearing and 5000 rupees legal charge
No, Sex toy selling online is not ilegal in India. But we cannot sell these toys in physical shops.
[…] Is Online selling of Sex Toys Illegal in India ?, iPLeaders, Feb 15, 2018 […]
wooooooooooooooow thanks for information
[…] Source: 1 & 2 […]
India is the land where Kamasutra born, here population grows like no other place. Here sex is the most passionate thing & sex for long time has been turned as a method to “Procreate”. Sex is a word which is only reflect silently within 4 walls. Once you out of those walls no other can know whats going on behind the closed doors.
We India’s live in a land where the human count is increasing every second. Here newspapers & news channels are flooded with sex crimes & sexual harassment. Here you can watch movies that harmlessly portraying the use of sex toys. Though no one want to talk about sex in a positive mind of healthy way.
If you can check the record of few years back you barely find people who knows about sex toys in india. The traditional mindset & backward thinking stopping us to utter the word sex, so forget to think about the category of adult sex toys in india. Though its a taboo to india, though internet we are able to reach the sex toys in india.The bizarre minds of India’s now searching for a extra spice to there bedrooms & relationships. Good news is that adult sex toys in india is now playing a major roll to accomplice there erotic desires .
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I think. Still it is unclear whether is legal or illegal?
One can buy sex toys online in India. It is a very easy way to buy. You just go for an authenticate online store and browse the products for men, women and couple. Order the best one for you. First, decide what to buy and for which purpose. is the best online sex toys store in India.
Nice. I click on your website It is mindblowing.
Thanks Ajhar
[…] […]
Using and selling sex toys in India isn’t illegal, but many shy too talk about it openly. There are many stores who sell adult products online and also ship in India.
Using sex toys in India is not illegal.
Using and selling sex toys in India isn’t illegal, but many shy too talk about it openly. There are many stores who sell adult products online and also ship in India.
The correct answer is neither yes nor no. Exactly sex toys are not mentioned anywhere in legally. According to the current law main culprit is “Obscenity & Family Safe”
Yes, I think now the sex toys are legal in India because there are so many website to sell
[…] In the case at hand, the device does not even look like a vibrator. Fairly innocuous, as I mentioned earlier (almost like headphones) and far from obscene (at least in terms of its visual appeal). How then can it qualify as obscene under the logic of the above ruling? Further from a constitutional law perspective, any potential ban on goods has to be balanced against the fundamental right to free speech (under Article 19(1)(a) and the right to trade under Article 19(1)(g). For an insightful discussion around the legality of sex toys, see this piece in the wonderful I-Pleaders blog. […]
[…] 2015,Suhaas Joshi, a Delhi-based lawyer practicing in the Supreme Court, had filed a complaint against and for promoting “gay sex” and selling “obscene” […]
Is carrying sex toys in domestic flight in India is legal. Can I face any consequences ?
[…] use of sex toys is not illegal in India. But there are laws that prohibit distribution, marketing, and sales of products that look […]
[…] use of sex toys is not illegal in India. But there are laws that prohibit distribution, marketing, and sales of products that look […]