This article has been written by Stuti Agarwal and deals with the various AI-driven jobs for women which can be undertaken in a remote mode. The article in general also talks about the introduction, impact and advantages of AI in our lives and how it is benefitting the women through various job roles.


After the advent of COVID-19, there has been an increasing demand for remote working culture. Many organisations have opted for a hybrid working culture also which not only helps them save on their travel time but also ensures a conducive working environment and autonomy to the employees. We have seen that there has been an increase in the demand for remote work mode and working professionals who have certain family commitments, medical issues or any other condition which restricts them to step outdoors for employment purposes seek this mode as it widens the scope for their employment. For this purpose alone, COVID-19 has proved to be a blessing in disguise as employers are able to see this side of work mode which helps them retain promising talent by accommodating their work-from-home demands.

Work-from-home as a concept was alien before 2020 and now has become a part of the professional and corporate culture. There have been various softwares which help smoothen the remote working and tracking of work of the employees or help connect with the team mates virtually over a project.

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One major segment of the workforce, that is the “women” have always been questioned with their ability to manage their family commitments along with their work life. As gender biased as this statement might sound, but this is the reality of the society we live in. Though the times have changed or have been changing gradually, there are still certain restrictions which women might face which prevent them from leaving their home and stepping outside for work. Therefore, the remote working culture has come to rescue these women who either have any medical issue, any family issue or even have their maternity commitments. 

AI and how it is believed to break gender bias 

The AI ecosystem is spreading like a wildfire. There is no sector that has been left untouched by AI. With the growing emergence of AI, the new job opportunities that are being unveiled are huge and tremendous. AI is seen to be incorporated in every domain and sector like healthcare, finance, automobile, hospitality, software development, education, legal businesses and many more. Every individual and business organisation in general can gain benefit from this groundbreaking transformation in the tech world. These new opportunities created with the introduction of AI can be seen as a boon for women workers in particular.

AI is simply the integration of technology with innovation and creativity. Women who have a knack for automation and technology, can look to dive deep into the world of endless career prospects that have been created with such technological advancement with AI. Today’s era is booming with job roles which are driven by AI because the organisations want to build an edge over their competitors by strengthening their overall operations from software to hardware. The businesses believe that AI is the new future and they will be left back in the race if not kept well upgraded and not walk beside and with AI technologies. Therefore, new AI driven job roles are on a boom nowadays which can be seen as an opportunity for the workforce which is seeking such AI-driven roles in a remote working environment as these roles do not compulsorily require a person to work from a certain geographic location or office premises. Since this field is completely skill based, the question of gender does not arise. 

The data from the World Economic Forum states that 22% of AI professionals are women. Any male or female having studied the relevant course or have acquired the required skills can take the job role irrespective of any role of gender to play. The organisations, these days, are more output oriented which makes them focus on the core competencies of their employees than to think about any gender bias in this regard. Yes, there are places where gender bias still prevails but thankfully, the tech world has started observing a significant change in the mindset of the people.

Advantages of AI

Did you ever imagine making a portrait of how you would look in your old age? Did you ever think of listening to the latest song in the voice of a singer who is no more? Did you ever wonder about having a software just a click away which can write a poem for you instantly by just typing it? 

Well, Artificial Intelligence is the answer to all the above questions. With the advent of AI, we have been witnessing everything which we didn’t even think about as human beings. This revolutionary technology is obviously human made but this is to make work and labor of humans easier and efficient.

The following are some of the many advantages which AI bring to the table for making our lives easier and more efficient:

  • Analysing voluminous data in no time: AI is proficient enough to process and analyse huge volumes of data which a human mind is not capable of doing. However, there might be cases where it is not that a human mind is not capable enough to undertake such analysis but the time as an essence comes into picture. It is the time which is saved when we use AI to calculate, analyse or process a certain volume of data which the human mind, if it can process, might take many days to undertake.
  • Diminishing digital divide: We, nowadays, see people who come from a generation which is not considered to be very tech savvy use voice assistants – google voice assistant, alexa or even siri. This helps them undertake tasks on their devices which they probably find difficult to perform on their own. Therefore, such AI helps narrow down the digital divide which can be seen as a result of generation gap or technology advancement that has taken rapidly in recent times.
  • Indirect motivation to humans: There has been a common conception that AI might replace the human force. This misconception alone has made humans work even harder or polish their work and performance so as to not get beaten by the mark of AI. Not only this, with the advent of AI, it has complemented well with the human taskforce to deliver optimised results and highest quality work.
  • Aid in upskilling and reskilling: The AI has been influential in gaining much importance as its role in positively impacting the skill development and enhancement of the workforce across sectors. For example, almost 80 per cent of rural women participate in the agricultural sector alone. Using AI-powered machinery and programmes can prove beneficial to them if investment is made in the upskilling and training of such a workforce required to work with the machines in a supervisory capacity. In fact, AI can help detect the right time to sow seeds, harvest crops, predict yields, and so on for agriculturalists, helping them to upgrade their performance and optimise the results.

AI-driven remote jobs for women in India

Generative AI is a newly developed branch of AI which is very different from traditional AI. The latter works on the pre-established formats whereas the former focuses on creating new content with creative outlook. 

According to a survey by KPMG, 77% of executives believe that GenAI will have the greatest impact on their organisation among emerging technologies. In addition, a significant majority plan to implement GenAI solutions within the next two years, underscoring the rapid adoption and widespread appeal of GenAI.

Generative AI Engineering

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that can produce various types of content, including text, imagery, audio and synthetic data.  Generative AI engineers often work on projects that involve generating text, such as creating AI chatbots or question-answering systems.

A generative AI engineer is a professional who specialises in designing, developing, and maintaining generative AI models like OpenAI GPT, Google PaLM, and Stable Diffusion.

These engineers work on projects which help generate brand new content for the users which is made by tweaking the original content available online. It helps in providing content to the users who can use it as original and prevent them from plagiarism.

Qualifications required for becoming a generative AI engineer is a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and the related technical field. Mathematics is also included as a subject for the qualification. Practical experience is also desired in coding in one or more languages along with in development apps using AI methodologies. Proficiency in Python is one of the most sought after qualifications for the profession of generative AI engineering.

Since the profession basically involves programming and coding which needs a laptop and one’s knowledge of the language, it is a well suited job which can be undertaken remotely. This makes it a desirable pick for women who would prefer doing a remote, work from home, job because of certain conditions faced by them. 

Women engineers can undertake this role as it requires a fusion of skill and creativity. Not only this, the option available for it to undertake in a remote mode also gives women an edge to take it within their comfort zone. Therefore, this can be one of the best roles which is skill-based and helps women be self-dependent and be employed, coming out of and combating the barrier that they cannot travel to an office space daily.

The following are some of the samples of such available work:

Generative AI Solution Architect

An AI architect is a professional who specializes in designing and implementing AI systems and solutions. They possess a deep understanding of AI technologies, algorithms, and frameworks.  Their expertise is specific to the tools and technologies essential for crafting effective AI solutions within the Generative AI domain.

Professionals having a background or qualification in data science or data engineering prove to have an edge over jobs relating to generative AI solution architect. Irrespective of the general solution architect roles, generative AI solution architects have a major role in platform setup, infrastructure architecture, and application-specific work, their responsibilities showcase a specialized focus on the intricacies of Generative AI technologies.

“Layers” or the pillars which build the architecture are:

(1) Data Processing Layer; 

(2) Generative Model Layer; 

(3) Improvement and Feedback Layer; and 

(4) Integration and Deployment Layer.

The minimum qualification requirement is to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Software Engineering, Data structures or any other related technical field also having equivalent practical experience. The experience can be considered in coding in languages like Python, Scala, etc. The master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence opens wider opportunities for jobs as a person gets equipped with advanced knowledge and skills. 

The certification courses like AWS Certified Solutions Architect and Microsoft Certified Azure AI Engineer Associate also provide expert level knowledge. 

The average salary of a Generative AI solution architect is considered to be 28 lakhs yearly, in India. 

Women professionals who wish to build a strong CV and wish to work from home can ensure that they have something extra to provide to the company. Having an understanding in machine learning frameworks like PyTorch, TensorFlow; proficiency in Tableau, possessing relevant soft skills can help these women professionals win some bonus points. This way women can pursue this profession via remote working facility and nurture and stabilise their career and achieve financial independence alongside.

Generative AI Data Engineer

Generative AI can automate data transformation processes, reducing manual effort and speeding up the time it takes to prepare data for analysis. 

Data is the new oil, as we all know, and this is why an integration of data science with AI engineering is creating a spur in the market. There is a lot of data which is required to build a successful and useful AI model. Therefore, the roles which help in making an AI data savvy are termed as Generative AI Data Engineer.

A data engineer has a very cumbersome job handling voluminous and complex data. Therefore, introduction of AI in data engineering helps them to aid in their endeavours and help them perform their job in a better manner. This is one of the most useful AI-driven jobs that can be even conducted in a remote environment.

The question will always be whether AI engineering will replace data engineers. The answer is a strict no. AI is just there to assist them in their complex jobs. It helps data engineers to spend less time doing remote mechanical work and focus on the analytical part to increase productivity.

As data is the input which we require to take up a job as a generative AI data engineer, it cannot be compulsorily required to undertake it from an office space. Data can be shared over the internet these days from and to any location, within a click of mouse. This alone makes the job suitable for women qualified to undertake this role from a remote location. Women can look to pursue a career in data engineering as this field is on a boom with an increase in competition in the market. Data analysis and engineering is a very sought after activity by large corporations to read the trends and market behavior in order to capture and expand the untapped potential of their business. Therefore, it is a field which is gaining recognition and shall never lose its relevance and importance.

LLM Prompt Engineer

A large language model (LLM) is a deep learning algorithm that can perform a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Large language models use transformer models and are trained using massive datasets — hence, large. This enables them to recognize, translate, predict, or generate text or other content.

LLM prompt engineering is where we prepare instructions for an LLM to achieve and let it perform the desired and the required results.

It is revolutionary because:

  • It gives a direction to LLM to behave in a certain desired manner which unleashes a slate of million possibilities based on our creativity and vision;
  • Reduce the bias of the LLM by training the model to provide ethical and fair outputs; and 
  • Improve the accuracy and coherence of the LLM by providing clear instructions and contextual information. 

LLM prompt engineering helps in making AI assistance more suitable, workable and more efficient for the users and consumers. Engineering in Computer Science is a way to go for LLM prompt engineering. Specialized courses in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) can also be beneficial. 

Looking at the professional requisites of the profession of LLM prompt engineering, the role can be efficiently undertaken from home i.e., can be worked from home. This makes it suitable for women engineers to undertake the role of a LLM prompt engineer remotely, which doesn’t require them to visit the office daily.

LLM prompt engineering helps to make AI more efficient to serve the users. For women engineers, this role is helpful because it is based on programming and no physical infrastructure is required to undertake the same. It is used in a very wide amplitude which opens a plethora of horizons and opinions for women remote workers to choose from. 

Data Scientist

Data scientists, as the word already suggests, are the experts in dealing with a huge amount of data and interpreting it to yield some useful insights from it. As every organisation needs figures and data for proper planning of its future course of action, the job role of a data scientist becomes very relevant in today’s era. Accurate data and its on point evaluation can benefit the organisation in many ways. 

The accuracy of the data is dependent on its source from where it is taken. The source of information should be credible and reliable. The collected data is then analyzed and its studies are later communicated to the top management for making future policies. 

The scope of data scientists is much wider than that of data analysts. The former engages in more complex tools and models to derive the useful results. 

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence has been on a boom as a career prospect these days. Companies are seeking individuals proficient in core data science and AI concepts and logistics. The field is complex and requires a peculiar educational and skill set to write new age concepts and change the landscape of data handling, interpretation and usage.

The job of a data scientist is analytical in nature which seldom requires a tangible infrastructure to operate and work. Therefore, the job is suitable for remote working. With an integration of data science and AI, it is way easier to work remotely in this field, making it a highly sought after role for women data scientists who wish to work remotely and are not willing to make an office presence. 

A person, including women, can enter into the world of data science by obtaining a relevant degree in data science, computer science or statistics from a certified university to build a strong foundation. Today, even the online platforms offer courses to get people equipped with the knowledge and skills required for the freshers to enter the industry. The individual should have core knowledge in fields like statistics, math and python, for the starters. 

According to the data from Statista, the market size for data science is expected to increase in the coming years. It is expected to be worth $103 billion in 2027 as compared to $70 billion in 2022. 

Further, as per the reports of the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, the rise in data science industry jobs is predicted to be 36% between 2021 and 2031. 

The job opportunities in this field are increasing everyday. With data becoming a major part of the organization’s success, the role of a data scientist is gaining more importance. The nature of the job being such which can be undertaken remotely, it can be a very lucrative opportunity for women who wish to take on remote jobs. Data science jobs are still in a phase of gaining much importance and are expected to gain a boom in the times to come. With the integration of AI with data science, the field is expected to revolutionize data processing and analysis. Therefore, women can look to build their career in this field and can negotiate for a remote role as well.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence Systems Developer

AI is not the same as automation. They, as individual concepts, are very different from each other. However, they can do wonders when they integrate or come together as a single concept.

To understand the concept of integration of automation and AI, we can take an example for clarity. What is automation? Whenever and wherever we deploy a robot, command or a machine to undertake or perform a task in place of a human, it is “automation”. However, this robot or machine shall perform the task as per the inputs or commands set by the scientist and it cannot go beyond that command. However, with the advent of AI and introduction of AI in automation i.e., incorporation of AI into robots or machines, they become capable of taking a decision even when there is a lack of command or program for a task or action. This makes the robot or the machine “intelligent” thus, artificial intelligence is the name.

A good example of this is virtual assistants or AI-powered chatbots. Customer service centers are often bombarded with thousands of emails – too many for a few people to respond to adequately and rapidly within their eight-hour workday. However, AI chatbots answer customer queries instantly, working around the clock to reduce customer wait time. If the chatbot can’t answer a customer’s question, the conversation is brought to a human agent. This helps reduce wait times and backlogs and means the employees can focus on more complex cases.

AI developers use programming languages like Python and R to integrate AI algorithms into software applications. In this role, one has to write code, test it, and deploy it, in addition to converting machine learning (ML) application programming interfaces and making them accessible to existing software.

AI developers create and design AI models and algorithms. A system that can process data, take decisions and analyse patterns to produce desired results.

The distinction between an AI developer and an AI engineer lies in their primary focus, skill set, and responsibilities. AI developers specialise in designing and building AI models and algorithms, while AI engineers focus on implementing and deploying AI systems at scale. 

Women developers and coders can undertake this role and contribute to the automation and AI integration revolution. They can undertake designing, programming, coding and other ancillary jobs which can be undertaken remotely. These jobs require a person’s knowledge of the language and no specific hardware requirement for the same makes it suitable for undertaking it from anywhere in the world and not just a specific office location. Therefore, it makes it lucrative for women engineers to take up this role within the comfort of their homes and be independent at the same time.

Swift Developer

Swift is a general purpose, compiled programming language which is a new age development. It was created by Chris Lattner in 2010 for Apple Inc. It is easy to write and quick to run which makes coding a joyful ride. Also, its safety features make it the number one choice for the coders. 

A swift developer is a person who works closely in iOS development and is also well read with Objective-C, Apple’s earlier programming language. 

The advancements in the tech-world are not unknown. The rapid changes in this field boost the requirement of professionals who can cope-up with its dynamic nature and also provide an edge over other existing variables.

The scope of a career as an iOS developer is widening and nurturing each day. The best advantage for software engineers is that they can work remotely, given that they have the proper skill sets and knowledge. The tech industry is exploding with new career opportunities where the percentage of women represented in tech increased by 3%, in the past five years. 

Anyone interested in this field can kick start their careers by learning the fundamentals, building projects, gaining real-world experience and then obtaining certification. 

The flexible nature of this job makes women enter into this world which is also well in-demand and scalable. This role, though, seems limited but has a far reaching impact in the market with the ever increasing demand for upgradation in the field and cut-throat competition between iOS and android which makes iOS feel the need to have constant developments in the software to provide an edge to its loyal customers. Therefore, the role remains in high demand and requires employees. As this also isn’t a role relating to a certain office space working requirement, it can be undertaken remotely and help women to take it up, suiting their needs and qualifications.

This career path is very enticing for freshers as well, as it is simple, fast growing and rewarding. 

Business Intelligence Engineer / Developer

They work closely with marketing staff and other stakeholders to gain an understanding of BI goals and objectives to ensure the systems and their capabilities support competitive research efforts that achieve those goals. They may train other staff members on the use of BI tools and programs.

Today, the demand for professionals who can turn raw data into actionable insights is higher than ever before. Data is the main infrastructure which is required to perform this job by the application of mind of the engineer. This makes it suitable for working from a remote set up also. Women engineers qualified for this role can take a chance with this role and try working as a Business Intelligence engineer as it will not only make a great career prospect for them but can also be flexible for them to take up according to their convenience. They can negotiate for working remotely for the same which can help build a career and not restrict them from working for the mere reason of them not being able to attend office in physical mode.

Computer Vision Engineer

A computer vision engineer is someone who helps the computer to have a ‘vision’ or help the computer to ‘see’. It basically gives ‘eyes’ to the computer. You might wonder what this sentence means exactly. This engineering helps incorporate a software which helps in the features such as ‘face recognition’ in your favourite iPhone or to implement a feature or filter in your Snapchat app. Object detection features to make a picture search or other related features also help to optimise search results or the research for a topic.

This is a purely programming based job making it suitable for remote working. Computer vision engineers are not required to be physically present in an office set-up and therefore, these roles can be undertaken from home. This helps in retaining the talent which may not be available within the geographical bounds of an office premises or is not able to attend office in physical mode due to certain limitations.

Computer vision engineers often find clever ways to incorporate artificial intelligence into different domains. The cashier scanning the barcode of the product, a student scanning a math problem using image search options or a newly evolved idea of self driven cars, these all are the gifts of a computer vision engineer. 

These engineers make our day to day routine work easier. But to become one, it is not that of a cakewalk, honestly. One should have at least a bachelor’s degree in the relevant area and in-depth knowledge of languages like Java, C++ or Python. 

The growth in job roles is projected to increase by 15% from 2019 to 2029, as per the US Bureau of Labour Statistics. For women engineers, this role seems very lucrative and promising. Programming and coding are the jobs which can be suitably be undertaken remotely without a compulsion of going to office premises. Thus, women job seekers who wish to work from their home can look for this as a very rewarding career option.

Women stand-out in terms of their creative fervor and an innovative mind-set. They can contribute in the ideation, development and further improvement of the products in the computer vision engineering departments. They can take up coding and development as a direct contributory to the profession even in a remote working mode along with their contribution in the ancillary fields too. Women programmers might find it a lucrative call to work in this industry and help science take over the world.

Algorithm Developer

Algorithm development is more than just programming. Algorithm, in layman terms, means set of instructions required to solve operations. The machines, specifically computers, need pre-determined commands to keep the working steady. A well stated algorithm increases the efficiency of the program. 

The AI system developed by experts depends on previous patterns and commands. Therefore, it becomes essential to meticulously study the patterns and develop the in-demand model to meet the growing challenges of the users which aligns well with the traditional algorithm development. Algorithm developers are in great demand nowadays and have been assisted well with the advent of AI. When core in-depth knowledge meets the innovative minds, radical and groundbreaking revolution happens. 

It requires an understanding of the alternatives available for solving a computational problem, including the hardware, networking, programming language, and performance constraints that accompany any particular solution. 

Usually, tech is  a male dominated world but changes are visible. In 2023, a global developer survey showed the percentage of women developers globally which was around 23 percent. The changes in pay parity have also been observed which has inspired many young women to pursue their dreams even while working remotely. 

One can even expect a good salary in the profession along with the flexibility of working from a remote location, making it suitable for women who have constraints on those grounds.

International opportunities

In a global affair, the professional landscape in the field of AI-driven roles has been on a rise these days. With the expansion of the impact of science in the lives of people, AI has a major and dominant role to play. Women across the world are emerging as the flag bearers of the advancement in the field of AI. Through gender diversity in AI, we ensure that the technologies developed are inclusive, equitable, and representative of diverse societal needs and values. We’re used to thinking of machines and technology as entirely unbiased, but that is not the case. If the people developing these technologies have biases, these will be inevitably reflected in the finished product. Therefore, gender diverse people are essential to develop and expand the field of AI.

Some of the remote working opportunities to work with internationally reputed companies in the industry are as follows:

Therefore, after looking at some of the amazing opportunities available for remote working in the field of AI or AI-driven roles, it is imperative that the field is on a boom. Women can tap these opportunities in their favor by undertaking the relevant qualification, degree, programs or certifications. As the world is witnessing a blur in the line of gender inequality in the field of science and technology, it is a great time to capture these remote working opportunities and become independent while also being within the comfort of home.

Women busting the myth, tech is no longer a male dominated industry

When we discuss words like technology, engineer, data, we immediately picture it as men leading the way. But there have been significant changes which are taking place these days. Now, people no longer connote tech with men. There are several women super-heroines that have paved the path for future girls to come and leave a mark in the tech world. They not only fought the societal taboos but also broke the stereotypical thinking revolving around in this field. 

Anima Anandkumar, Senior Director of AI Research at NVIDIA, is one such woman who develops AI algorithms for scientific applications. Regina Barzilay is another wonder woman who is the leading member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

Furthermore, Fei-Fei Li, who co-directs the Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute, is known as the godmother of AI. Shivon Zilis is another profound name in the world of AI, being the youngest person ever to serve as a Board member at both OpenAI and Neuralink.

Now if you see someone disregarding your passion for tech, you know there are several wonder women who did not let others dictate their journey. So, it is the only right time when you buckle up your belts and give your passion and dreams wings to fly away into the world where being a woman is not taken as incompetency in the so-called world of males. 

As there has been a rise in the remote working opportunities for women in the AI-driven industry, the women who have certain constraints in working from office are also able to participate in the professional landscape and become financially independent and improve their living standards. Therefore, path breaking scientific advancements, advent of AI-driven job roles and the upcoming culture of remote working has helped to redefine the professional standpoint of the workforce, impacting women professionals tremendously.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is remote working or hybrid working?

Working away from a physical geographic location or an office premises is known as remote working. Where the employees are given an option to work from home and are required to visit the office once or twice a week as per their mutual agreement, is known as hybrid working model. 

In simple terms, remote jobs are jobs where the candidate is not required to visit the office daily and can work from a place of his/her choice. The concept of remote working gained momentum in the year 2022 when the whole world was shut down due to the deadly COVID-19 virus. 

In hybrid working, the employee is required to visit the office periodically whenever asked to do so. 

Remote jobs are very popular these days as it gives flexibility and comfort which indirectly helps in enhancing productivity as it minimises the hassle of travel, eliminates the time wastage in travelling and also helps employees work in an environment suitable for him/her. There are numerous jobs in every field which are offering remote jobs with good payscale. One, just needs to equip themselves with a strong knowledge base and then sky’s the limit. 

What makes this article relevant if you are a woman who is looking for remote job options? 

We have often seen women facing bias and discrimination in respect to the kind of roles they can take up. Even today women working in tech companies is an alien concept for many. It is heartbreaking to see that even women have the same traditional thinking. If you are reading the article then it means you are someone who believes in coming out of the stereotypical barriers. 

This article provides a deep understanding of the career paths which women can take up which are relevant, rewarding and have limitless growth. This article majorly talks about remote job opportunities for women in the areas where AI has an impact and has made the sector / job easier by its presence and evolution.

What do you mean by AI-Driven jobs?

AI, nowadays, is the buzzword. ‘Artificial Intelligence’ deals with complex tasks which were once believed to be only either done by humans as they require high aptitude, intelligence and logic or were considered undoable altogether. 

The traditional human jobs, when equipped with properly designed models which are quick, error free, sound in handling large amounts of data effectively bring out the newly emerging concept called AI driven jobs. The manner in which AI 

Is AI going to replace humans at work?

No. Definitely not. AI, ultimately, is developed by humans. AI is helpful in eliminating repetitive tasks, having high accuracy which complements the working of humans and optimises it to the core making humans appear more efficient and remarkable. AI is used to enhance the output and productivity levels with the aid of AI. It is very wrong to assume that AI will replace humans in future. Humans have high levels of emotional and creative quotient which is very difficult to inculcate in AI and for this reason alone it is entirely absurd to rule out the role of human work force in the job market. 

How does AI affect the job market?

It is often perceived that AI will replace the human work force and will affect the job market. However, With the advent of AI, the job opportunities have increased and there is a great necessity to reskill and upskill the human force. The job market has been impacted but in a positive manner only.. One can observe the transformation happening in case of job requirements. The job market is looking for professionals experts in handling AI. New jobs have been created in and around the AI sector because at the end it is humans who will develop something like AI and introduce it in the various facets of life to make it easier.

The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report illuminates the dual nature of AI’s impact: By 2025, while 85 million jobs may be displaced by automation, an impressive 97 million new roles are projected to emerge, reflecting a shift in the division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms.

What is the relevance of data in AI?

Data is like the oxygen for artificial intelligence. AI is built on the strong foundation of deeply researched data taken from various sources to bring out useful insights and conclusions. Data helps to study the past trends and patterns to make AI more user friendly.  AI models and algorithms are developed after strict scrutiny of relevant data. Without reliable data, the existence of AI can be proved to be impossible. 

Is AI a good career option for women professionals?

Women are at an advantage since they work in areas that require collaboration between technology and human intervention. They are a natural fit to implement AI at their workplaces, as they are adept at managing data and identifying gaps that can be efficiently filled by AI solutions. However, to ensure that this is possible, companies need to reskill their workforce and train their staff across all divisions and levels. In India alone, companies across sectors such as healthcare, finance, and even retail, are increasingly using AI, which is touted to add $500 billion to the economy by as early as 2025.

What is narrow AI?

It is the most commonly found AI which is also known as ‘Weak AI’. Narrow AI has limited scope and its operations are restricted as it works under a predetermined set of rules. It performs specific tasks unlike super AI. Alexa and Siri are examples of Narrow AI. 

What is super AI?

Super AI or Superintelligent AI is a term that is considered to be highly superior AI algorithms and systems that are capable of performing high functioning actions that possess intelligence like that of a human, or even beyond human intelligence and capacities, in an efficient manner leaving no scope of error, mistake or inaccuracy. It is expected to accelerate technological progress and the speed of conducting any action. Though the concept of super AI is still not a reality or common concept but is expected to take over the world very soon.

What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

Any machine’s ability to think, work or comprehend like humans can be termed as “Artificial General Intelligence”. Emulating the human mind is one of the core features of AGI. Under this technology, the computer, machine or a robot is equipped to perform as a human mind by understanding human behaviour and consciousness. AGI is also known as ‘strong AI’. A very good example of AGI is ‘ChatGPT’.

How can AI be integrated in day to day life?

We don’t realise the amount of tasks which involve AI and makes human life easier. Cab booking applications, voice assistant, weather prediction apps, gaming, chatbots are all AI driven these days. Therefore, the role of AI in today’s life is increasing its impact day by day with the advancement and growth of technology around the globe.

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