This article has been written by Nilesh Kumar Srivastava.


Artificial intelligence is a technology that is revolutionising the cornerstone of every business. Whether it’s software development, a healthcare centre, a banking institution, an automobile sector, or a legal agency, AI presence is everywhere. Implementation of AI in the operation stage has not only saved a substantial amount of time in production but rather has increased the efficiency in production also. There are various advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of artificial intelligence.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that encompasses a wide range of technologies and techniques. In general, AI aims to create machines or computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. This includes tasks such as problem-solving, learning, reasoning, and understanding natural language.

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One of the key subdomains of AI is machine learning, which involves training computers to make predictions or decisions based on data. Machine learning algorithms can be used for a variety of tasks, such as image recognition, natural language processing, and fraud detection.

Natural language processing (NLP) is another important subdomain of AI. NLP focuses on enabling computers to understand and generate human language. This includes tasks such as machine translation, text summarisation, and sentiment analysis.

Deep learning is a subdomain of machine learning that involves training neural networks to perform complex tasks. Neural networks are inspired by the human brain and can be used for a variety of tasks, such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing.

Computer vision is a subdomain of AI that focuses on enabling computers to see and understand the world around them. This includes tasks such as object detection, image classification, and facial recognition.

In addition to these subdomains, AI also includes a number of other areas, such as robotics, knowledge representation, and planning. AI technologies are being used in a wide variety of applications, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transportation.

AI is a powerful technology with the potential to revolutionise many aspects of our lives. However, it is important to be aware of the ethical implications of AI and to ensure that it is used responsibly.

Here are some specific examples of how AI is being used today:

  • In healthcare, AI is being used to develop new drugs, diagnose diseases, and provide personalised treatment plans.
  • In finance, AI is being used to detect fraud, manage risk, and make investment decisions.
  • In manufacturing, AI is being used to automate tasks, improve quality control, and optimise supply chains.
  • In transportation, AI is being used to develop self-driving cars, improve traffic flow, and optimise public transportation systems.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that AI is being used today. As AI continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and groundbreaking applications in the future.

How artificial intelligence works

To understand the above question, we must first understand the basics of the workings of artificial intelligence technologies. AI primarily feeds on data. On the basis of certain algorithms, AI processes the available data to come to a conclusion to any provided question. The essentiality here is on true and genuine data for better performance. AI decisions can be manipulated by feeding it with biassed data, so it’s really important to train the AI bot with genuine and correct data sets.

Does AI have potential influence in businesses like the legal domain, which rely heavily on versatile human intelligence for advising clients and providing solutions to complex issues related to laws and compliance? The answer is yes. Artificial intelligence has the capacity to provide valuable insights and suggestions on various matters related to breaches and compliance. Even AI deployed in security and prevention of data can have the ability to detect any probable chances of happening to any data breach and it also suggests possible methods for protecting the data from possible cyber crimes.

From analysing a contract to its due diligence, AI is helping in every field. For example, the Kira system uses AI in deep analysis of any contract, which also provides insights on clauses that may lead to misunderstandings and ambiguities. Artificial intelligence has also influenced legal research and writing; a practical example is Manthan Legal, which is providing a legal research and analysis solution, helping lawyers to quickly find relevant data like case laws, statutes, and legal documents. Using AI, we can also summarise a complete judgement in a few paragraphs, which not only reduces our efforts but also saves much of our time. There are various companies who are working as such, like CaseMine, where they provide valuable insights from a particular judgement. Casemine had also deployed a bot named ‘Amicus’ working in the same attributes as ChatGPT of OpenAI but has focused its scope in areas related to the legal domain only.

AI in enhancing legal client satisfaction

In today’s competitive business landscape, customer satisfaction is paramount for any company, including legal firms and service providers. A satisfied customer is not only more likely to return for future business, but they are also more likely to recommend your company to others through word-of-mouth. This can lead to increased brand awareness, a wider client base, and ultimately, greater profitability. Furthermore, a satisfied customer is a loyal customer, and loyalty is essential for any business that wants to thrive in the long term.

There are many factors that contribute to customer satisfaction. Some of the most important include:

Timely and transparent communication: Customers want to feel like they are being kept informed about the progress of their case or project. This means communicating regularly with them, in a clear and concise manner. It also means being honest with them about any challenges or setbacks that may arise.

Expert advice: Customers want to feel confident that they are working with a knowledgeable and experienced professional. This means providing them with expert advice that is tailored to their specific needs. It also means being able to answer their questions thoroughly and promptly.

Provision of solutions: Customers want to feel like their problems are being solved. This means providing them with practical solutions that are based on their individual circumstances. It also means following through on your promises and delivering on what you say you will.

Success achieved: Customers want to feel like they are making progress and achieving their goals. This means helping them to achieve the best possible outcome for their case or project. It also means celebrating their successes with them.

Adhering to privacy matters: Customers want to feel confident that their personal information is being protected. This means adhering to all applicable privacy laws and regulations. It also means taking steps to safeguard their data from unauthorised access or disclosure.

By focussing on these factors, legal firms and service providers can create a positive customer experience that leads to satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfied customers are the foundation of any successful business, and they are essential for long-term growth and success.

Does AI, in any way, help in influencing the above parameters of satisfaction? If I had asked the same question around a half century ago, then it might have looked impossible. But today, the answer is yes, by adopting artificial intelligence. Businesses are revolutionising their operations whether it’s legal research or doing a thorough analysis of the contracts. AI is helping in every possible domain. Using AI in the right way has benefitted many legal agencies in increasing operations, increasing their revenue many fold. Let’s discuss the areas in depth where using AI can enhance the satisfactory level of clients in legal businesses:

Round the clock access

Introducing a chatbot backend by AI technology on the website of a legal firm can be an interactive method of indulging with a potential client and bringing insights of his requirements and needs. The insights can also be utilised in framing the offers associated with the need of that client, which is most likely to make a better relationship with the client. In general cases of doubts and queries, a chatbot can also be utilised, clearing the doubts at initial stages that otherwise required the intervention of a human resource. A natural language processing technology is behind the chatbot, which enables them to understand, interpret, and respond like humans. So by using this technology, we can make our business active round the clock for interaction with clients.

Predictive analysis

Predictive analysis is a process where the likely outcome of a particular case can be estimated to some extent even before the legal proceedings begin. Based on the relevant case facts, AI particularly does the processing based on available previous cases and their outcomes and provides valuable insights about the outcomes. This will definitely clear the basic picture of the case, where he is standing and to decide whether to continue the legal proceedings or to choose any alternative methods of resolving the issue. An example in a practical scenario is the Lex Machina, which is used for such predictions.

Documentation management

It’s really a time-consuming procedure to maintain the records of the e-files in a particular directory when the numbers are in good amount. Maintaining the records at the right place is very crucial for eliminating any mess in the time of accessing them. An AI-powered bot can help the legal firm maintain an efficient and organised electronic file directory, which can be easily accessible and found in case of any requirement. A client, also with the permission of the legal firm, can gain access to the document related to his case.

A realtime language translator

Dealing with a client who speaks a different language is often challenging, and using a human translator unfamiliar with legal terms can result in misunderstandings of the context. Using a real-time AI-based translator can help in eliminating the language barrier between a foreign client and the law agency. This technology basically helps the person where his business is expanded worldwide. This will certainly eliminate the dependence on a human language translator and the cost associated with that. A provision of recording the conversation is also available in such an AI-based tool to keep the record of the conversation, which, in case of any conflicts, can be used to clear the ambiguities and misunderstandings.

Legal research

AI revolutionised the concept of legal research, which previously required a sound human resource team, which basically needs a substantial amount of time for doing research on a particular case or legal topic. But using AI in the field of research has revolutionised the system, which not only reduced the time associated with that task but also decreased the dependence on human resources. It also made processing more efficient in terms of results. This will certainly have saved a substantial amount of cost for the clients, who primarily hire a law agency to do compliance-related research.


As we can see from the above parameters, implementing an AI in the working environment of a legal agency is not only cutting the operation cost of hiring human resources, but at the same time is doing the same task in a much less possible time as compared in the case of human agents. As we know, ‘Time’ is one of the most valuable assets in any organisation, so one way or another, it will definitely lead to an increase in revenue. Looking at the perspective of a client, he/she will also be satisfied enough when his task was performed in a much lesser time by using these AI technologies in processing.


Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool through which a legal agency can enhance the satisfactory level of its client. The above examples, like legal research, predictive analysis, document management, real-time language processing, and round-the-clock chatbots, are just a few examples. The real power of artificial intelligence is still in the development phase, like generative artificial intelligence. According to a report by Clio, Highlights from the 2023 Legal Trends Report, the surge in AI technologies, especially generative AI like ChatGPT, has impacted law firms. This technological development enables law firms to interpret, summarise, and generate new insights and information faster than ever before, aiding in enriching client satisfaction with services delivered at super-fast speeds. So from the above instances, we can easily conclude that using artificial intelligence in a legal firm is certainly enhancing the satisfaction level of their clients.



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