This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho.

You are gunpowder. We just need to provide the spark.

We will do just 10% of the work, you will do 90%. We will push you, we will nudge you, we will show the mirror to you, we will set high standards for you.

But then you have to go back and do a lot of work.

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But the 10% we will do for you will be life-changing. It is like a small spark on gunpowder.

Most people underestimate themselves. So they underestimate what a great coaching program can do for them.

They underestimate so they hesitate to invest in themselves.

Do not be miserly when it comes to investing in yourself. You deserve to do an amazing law course that will set new standards in your life.

What if it turns out that the course is not good enough? What if it’s not what I am promising it is? You have 45 days to try and find out. 100% money back guarantee. You just try it our way for 30 days, just do it, just do whatever assignments we give you, sit through the classes, and it’s my personal guarantee, if you still don’t like the course, we will give your money back if you ask between the 30th and the 45th day. We will even digest the GST we paid to government and the card processing fee. It’s all our risk.
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So far two people asked for money back in the last 10 months. One was an in-house counsel with 10 years of experience. He said he was just trying it but he already knows these things. The course is good, but he needs more advanced material, he said. We gave him a refund.

The other person was a non-lawyer. He had language problems I think. He attended classes, tried submitting assignments which were not at all up to the mark. We tried to help him. But he gave up. We gave his money back after the 30 days period.

However, we have enrolled over 150 students every month, give or take. Nobody else qualified for it. A few people did try to take money back much later though when they could not attend classes or failed to do exercises – and that’s something we can’t allow. Our refund policy is generous enough, but we are not fools.

You need to take responsibility for doing the course. You get 45 days to decide if you like the course or not, but not more than that 🙂

So 2 out of about 1500. Calculate the success rate for yourself.

Are you missing the spark? Do you need someone to light a match on your gunpowder? Is your professional success overdue? Do you want to give some rocket fuel to your growth?

Let’s see what we could do together.

Join us. Here are some courses in which we are taking enrollments. What would suit you well?


Diploma in Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment laws

Diploma in Cyber Law, Fintech Regulations and Technology contracts

Diploma in Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment Laws (PE and VC transactions)

Diploma in Entrepreneurship, Administration and Business Laws

Executive Certificate Courses

Certificate in Labour, Employment and Industrial Laws for HR Managers

Certificate Course in Advanced Criminal Litigation & Trial Advocacy

Certificate course in Companies Act

Certificate course in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

Certificate course in Advanced Corporate Taxation

Certificate course in Advanced Civil Litigation: Practice, Procedure and Drafting

Test Preparation

Judgement writing and Drafting Course for Judicial Services

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