It has been published by Rachit Garg.


A gang is an organized group usually consisting of young members claiming a specific territory. The gang’s leaders will recruit new members who share money and violent goals like them. Despite having common interests, not everyone who wants to join a gang gets in. 

Different gangs require a series of tests for aspiring members in the form of intense physical activity and other rites. If a person successfully finishes the test, the rest of the group will acknowledge them. They’ll be told what the expectations are for them. 

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In addition, senior members may take the new recruits under their wing while in training. They’ll be instructed in everything there is to know to properly orient them to every activity in which the gang participates. 

Meanwhile, the gang members’ unity is as intense as how popular they are. Because of the bond of brotherhood that has built amongst them, gang members will always support one another regardless of the circumstances. 

According to, there are more than one million gang members in 35,000 groups in the United States alone. Hence, a gang can be dangerous in a community. Gang-related crimes are imminent, including robbery, gang rape, and obtaining illegal drugs. 

Make yourself informed about this threat by checking out more information about gang-related crimes.

Gang-Related Crime Suspects Are Not Always Guilty

There are instances when the police get the wrong people as suspects for a gang-related crime. After all, they often respond to the crime scene after they receive a report. The offense may have happened days ago, making them dependent on statements of their suspects and witnesses after an interrogation. 

Gangs, especially the big ones, can execute a crime without leaving a trace. They’re an organized group and have acquired connections aside from their bond with their members. They’ll use their power to frame someone else up, using threats or bribery to keep them away from jail.

In the United States, roughly 15% of people are convicted for a crime they didn’t do. Significantly, a credible criminal defense attorney can help someone prove their innocence in matters like gang-related crimes. 

Police Force Cannot Arrest All Gang Members For Gang-Related Crimes

The police force arrests people who violate the law to put them in justice. If the offender is a gang member, they cannot capture all of its members. Nevertheless, it’s common for a gang member to take action depending on orders given to them by their leader.

One can tell that it’s premature to conclude that all members are involved in a crime committed by some of their members. Hence, it’s necessary to provide persuasive evidence to claim that the entire gang is responsible.

Moreover, the United States’ first amendment guarantees a person’s freedom of association. It entitles an individual’s right to join an organization with similar interests.

Gang-Related Crimes Are Rampant

Gang-related crimes wreak havoc on a huge scale. After the National Gang Threat Assessment in 2011, the United States Department of Justice also determined that around 1.4 million members of more than 33,000 gangs were criminally active, which is 40% higher than in 2009.

The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) identified that some of the most frequent gang-related crimes are drive-by shootings and other forms of violence.

Gang-Related Crimes Include Dirty Businesses

Gangs managed to become more powerful during the past few years. They established operation areas for prostitution, kidnapping, and other illegal businesses yet bring high profit and lesser visibility.

The most prominent gangs successfully keep their businesses together by alliances with other gangs and politicians. They also acquired an enormous number of firearms out of their income. Some of the biggest gangs in the United States are:


The biggest known gang in the United States by 2015. They originally came from El Salvador and acquired more than 70,000 members. They’re linked with major crimes associated with violence and selling illegal drugs. Last 2012, former President Barrack Obama declared the group an International Criminal Organization.

The 18th Street

This gang is also known as Barrio 18. They have 50,000 members generally associated with murder-for-hire, prostitution, and selling illegal drugs. They’re also linked with the Mexican Mafia, which is another crime organization in the United States.


Gangs are dangerous, organized groups that promote violence. The police force does their best to ward off the threats they pose. Yet sometimes, they convict innocent people because gangs use their power to frame them. It would take a solid and consistent from those in power to expel gang-related crimes altogether.

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