This article has been written by Harsha Dhandekar pursuing a Diploma in Content Marketing and Strategy from Skill Arbitrage.
This article has been edited and published by Shashwat Kaushik.
Table of Contents
Today, the world is witnessing a remarkable shift as women freelancers are emerging as frontrunners in adapting to the latest trends and achieving success across various professions. In this article, we will look into hacks as well as tips for female freelancers who are taking on multiple remote projects simultaneously. We will also try to apply some innovative ideas for ease of work.
Club your daily routines and work together
This tip is the easiest one and essential too. One should try to club their work around daily activities such as naps or school hours, which can help streamline your process without any hustle. This will enable freelance women to achieve maximum productivity, use more time for their work and also achieve greater productivity. She should try to analyse your schedule and create a work-life balance that works for her. This will enable her to excel in her profession as well as her personal life.
Can you recognize your realistic work targets
We understand that managing household tasks and working together is a very tough job. Recognise your realistic work targets to avoid any last-minute rush and prioritise their order according to deadlines. Try to streamline all the tasks according to submission dates and give all your efforts to managing them well. This will lead to successful client relationships and make your life easy.
No communication barrier between your family
To ensure a smooth alignment of your work and household chores, please keep all communication crystal clear with your family. Discuss your plans and schedule of work with your family members so that help can be obtained from their end to achieve effective work. Also, you don’t want to sacrifice your family life for the sake of your work promises.
Can you manage all tasks
Wondering how to manage your work tasks and important family events well? Take advantage of the task management tools available so that hassle-free work will be done and the family will be satisfied due to your active participation in family events. Remember that you are not a robot who can manage all the tasks without any errors. For ease, try to get help available in any way, whether it’s human or technical.
Skill add-on
In this digital age, one can only survive if he/she takes up the challenges and proves them best. Make efforts to learn the required skills without causing an imbalance in your work-life balance. Make some allotment for learning new skills in your schedule and practice those skills to get maximum results. Stacking up new skills will help you achieve more in your work as well as help you optimise it efficiently.
Search for collaborative opportunities to grow
If you have work stacked up, then take advantage of local support networks. You can join hands with other freelancers or housewives to optimise your work. You can also avail of internships if possible. This will minimise workload and efficiency will increase. You will be able to learn shared skills. And this will be beneficial for your work partners. Don’t be a one-man army. Be a part of society and responsibly create and help build a strong society with your small steps.
Take mini breaks
Why do you feel burned out or exhausted? Instead, take mini or short breaks more. These breaks will revamp your energy and refresh your mind, which will in turn create more innovative and fresh work. As a result, your work will be appreciated by your client. But these breaks should be for a short period so that you do not need to make up your mind again about the task.
8. Well planned finances:
As a successful female freelancer, you should plan your finances well, including taxes, savings, and expenses. Also, plan for any unexpected event where there will be a need for a lump sum. Never underestimate. Always be prepared for any circumstances. It’s always good to have plan B.
Self-analysis and adjustment
A small pocket of time for self-analysis will give you an overview of your mistakes or skills, which you can improve and try to adjust according to your work needs. Always be on your toes to adjust and adapt immediately so that you won’t lag behind in your schedule.
Small wins are steps to motivation
Small wins should be celebrated more often. These wins will act as motivation for you to achieve more. These wins will ignite the fire within you. Never let go of your will to do more. Extend your wings to fly.
Categorise and group similar tasks together
Always assemble your tasks according to priority first and then regroup them as per task similarity so that time can be saved and work gets finished efficiently without any hassle. This will streamline your flow of work and allow you to use your most allotted time.
Set preferences for highly impactful tasks first
Give preference to highly important and critical tasks first. This will make you decide to handle high-impact tasks first, which will be beneficial to achieving great success towards the completion of the project. This will provide you with breathing space for less impact tasks. Also, your mind will complete these tasks in the minimum amount of time. Effective time management is a key to success as a female freelancer.
Always make use of platforms that are niche
When we use niche platforms for freelancing, it will give us some support as well as safety regarding payments. If we use unverified platforms for freelancing, then our efforts as well as our time will get wasted. Also, we will not receive any benefits from it. So please prefer niche platforms for freelancing.
Negotiate achievable deadlines
As a woman freelancer, discuss every aspect of the project with clients. Additionally, negotiate achievable deadlines to submit your project. Don’t be overconfident or under-confident regarding submission dates. Its impact will be negative if you aren’t able to finish your tasks within the timeframe given by the client. Be wise enough to give your best within the given time frames.
Make use of automation tools
The world of automation is open to exploration, so take a deep dive into it to transform your career. Mould your life as per this advanced era to make progress and take advantage of automation tools to make your life easy. There are so many useful AI tools that make your work a lot easier, as well as make it within a matter of seconds. Polish your past skills and update your work with the help of an automation tool.
Stay updated regarding industry trends:
Always be on your toes regarding updated industry trends. Don’t miss out on any updates or new technology releases that will be related to your industry. This will make you a knowledgeable freelancer and attract you to high-paying clients. Stay updated to win the race.
Take external help for household chores
Balancing work and life is just like walking on rope without support. Managing household chores can take hours if not planned well. If there is any function at your place or any important event which you can’t miss, then take external help to execute these household chores so that work can be done without any problem. You would prefer such help to manage your house well so you can concentrate well on your job. This will also help to minimise your mental stress level. In this way, your personal life won’t be neglected, as you will spend free time with them.
Network strategically
Networking is essential to growing in your field. But networking should be well thought out. Make connections strategically. You can get more and more work from your networks and you can also get help if you get stuck at some point in your work. Strong networking also helps you gain new ideas for your work.
Learn, learn, and learn
Be keen to learn every aspect of your world of work. Never procrastinate. Search and learn, which can be helpful for you to grow. Align yourself with your freelance career, which can make you a well-informed professional and bold in the freelance world. Advance in your professional world by investing your time in learning and staying updated. In this way, you will stand out from the competition and be the achiever of success.
Having said that, going hand in hand with the latest trends is beneficial for female freelancers who are looking to succeed in an ever-changing and challenging industry. Not only do they need to manage multiple freelance projects, but they also need to embed themselves into a digital lifestyle. They should use automation tools, explore mini-tasking opportunities, prioritise human beings, and strengthen networking to achieve long-term success. They also need to upskill themselves to come out of a cocoon of problems and turn into beautiful butterflies to fly in the world with wings of success