This article is written by Kavya Arora. The author aims to summarise the business development strategies that can be used by lawyers for the growth and development of their businesses. In this article, the author has mentioned various strategies like developing a strong client base, understanding the market trends, investment plans, maximising training and partnership, and other business strategies. The author has tried to formulate and list down the strategies required to act as a guide for lawyers in developing a strong and successful legal business.
Table of Contents
Business development for lawyers means pursuing opportunities that lead to the growth of your practice areas and helping with prospects. It means that you have to build new relationships along with developing strategies that will help you grow your business to new heights. Expanding your practice areas as well as cross-selling your services to your various clients can boost your business expansion as well as its growth. Geographic expansion can also help you with prospects.
Lawyers generally generate and expand their business with the help of their contacts and the relationships they make during the period of their practice. The relationship that a lawyer builds with their client should be based on trust, which takes time as well as expertise. This bond must be evident in your relationship building pattern, delivery of services as well as business development strategies. In today’s time, lawyers who do not get involved in developing their legal business face a disadvantage over others who are actively involved in developing these business strategies. Business development is a mindset that comes with practice and experience which eventually helps you with the growth and success of your business career.
Understanding the landscape
The first step for developing a stable business is to understand the question of “why” behind the business development. It is important to understand its significance and to understand that business growth takes time since it is not a matter of a couple of days. The growth of your business depends on the relationship that you build with your clients as well as the services that you provide them. It is necessary to engage with your clients on the base level and to understand their needs. It is very important to understand what your client wants and it is your responsibility to help them in achieving what they desire.
Business development is one of the biggest challenges that lawyers face in today’s society, especially with respect to small sized law firms. The number of people entering into this business is in abundance and therefore, the amount of resources that people can avail has increased to such a level that the majority ignores the quality of the work they want over accessibility and low prices.
Price sensitivity is the top concern that the majority of the clients have and this results in increasing the constraints on the efforts put in by lawyers in developing their business. The demand for legal services is increasing due to more awareness and globalisation in today’s world. People are becoming more concerned and protective of their space and rights. Lawyers need to capitalise on these demands and they need to boost their efficiency. In order to develop a strong business in this modern world it is very important to develop a strong client base and to let technology, marketing and social media strategies take centre stage.
Who is responsible for business development strategies
For lawyers and law firms, business development means increasing their revenue streams through activities that involve building a strong clientele, expanding the area of practice, cross-selling of services, partnering with capable individuals and firms, maximising referrals and contacts and exploring other possible practice areas and gaining experience and expertise in them.
It is very important that the team of lawyers along with their business development team and their marketing team should focus on making strategies to reach out to the target audience. The strategies and the value that the firm holds should be clear and appealing to its audience. Associates and partners should have a collaborative approach and should be able to convert leads via networking at various social and office events. They should be able to convert their prospective clients and should be able to manage and satisfy the needs of their existing clients.
Identifying the market
One of the most important steps in building a strong business is to have a good sense and idea about the market you are investing your time and money in. In order to retain clients for the long term, it is very important to understand the market in which you are working. Research plays a key role in identifying the dynamics of the legal landscape.
The lawyers must understand the area in which they are providing services and analyse whether that particular market is equipped for that particular area of practice or not. Identifying the market also involves practices such as researching the key trends, engaging with potential clients and identifying the emerging sectors where the business could bloom.
It is equally important for lawyers to research their competitors to analyse their strengths and weaknesses in the same market sector and accordingly work to improve on their weaknesses. It is important to indulge in a trial-and-error method to understand what practices work for the firm.
Defining target audience
One of the key roles in identifying the market is to define the target audience that the firm is looking for in order to develop its business. In order to understand the target audience, one must take into account the demographic factors and the location where one has set up the practice. Location should also be considered when one is thinking of expanding the business. Different sectors of the industry relate to different areas of law, and your chance of growth increases if you identify the correct sector for practising the type of law that your firm should specialise in based on the type of industry and trends in that geographic area.
If the target audience is precise, it becomes easy to develop strategies by acquiring them as potential clients. The marketing and development strategies of these businesses could be tailored according to the needs of the target audience in order to gain their business and trust. It is equally important to understand what are the challenges that the target audience is facing to tailor the solutions in order to resolve those problems.
It is necessary to gather insights on such problems and challenges in order to develop strategies that will help in the growth and expansion of the business. Gaining the trust of these target audiences is of key importance for the lawyers to help them and to provide a solution to their problems. In order for a lawyer to guide them, it is very important that they gain trust in the process and that can only be done through laying out clear strategies.
Emerging trends
It is pertinent that the lawyers stay abreast with the emerging trends and developments in their sectors. This also impacts the demand for their legal services. They must be aware of the industry trends as well as the changes taking place in their area of work. They must keep themselves up to date regarding the updates in regulations, legislations, technological and political aspects that may affect the requirements of their clients. They must also be aware of aspects that may help in developing new opportunities for their clients or trends that could affect or harm the needs of their clients.
They must also understand the market positioning of their competitors and should be able to get their hands on creative strategies that will help them stand out from the crowd. They must be able to come up with unique value propositions to help with their client needs. This will help them stay abreast with the emerging trends as well as resonating with their target audience.
Building a strong client base
To have a successful business, it is very important that you have a strong and loyal clientele. In order to build a strong client base, one must take time to build a cordial relationship with their clients. It is very important for lawyers who are trying to build a business to make sure that they acquire new clients on a regular basis and to make sure that they keep the existing clients happy in order to ensure repeat business. The business development revolves around the ability of a lawyer to bring in new clients.
It is the most crucial step for expansion of business as well as for the development of a growing business. Lawyers should focus on the skill of bringing in new clients and retaining old clients from day one of building their business. It is also important to focus on fulfilling the needs of these clients as happy clients tend to come back and they also help in growing your business by recommending your services to others. Clients that are looking for lawyers and their services will tend to listen to the people who have taken services from them and have positive feedback to give about the firm rather than trusting lawyers or firms based on online reviews and social media.
How to become client-centred
It is very necessary that the core values of the business are client-centric, not only during the proceedings of a case or during the period of engagement with the client but before and after that as well. It all comes down to making the experience of a client smooth, happy and exceptional. In order to do that, it is very important that you communicate with your client regularly and consistently keep them updated about the happenings of their case and the way ahead. You should always answer any questions or inquiries that your client has and should always make time to clear up their doubts regarding the case or the process involved. It helps in easing up the client and they feel confident about the situation and the case at hand knowing that you have it under control.
You should also be transparent with your client regarding your billing schedule but you should not make them feel that you are doing it only for the sake of money. There should be clear boundaries set out differentiating among these two. You should try to see the situation or the case from the client’s perspective. You should understand where they are coming from, what their background is and what are the possible consequences that they might have to face after everything is over. It will help you to better understand the mindset of the clients and what they are expecting from you. It will also help you in giving a personal touch to each case and make the client feel more connected to you.
You should empathise with your clients and should care for them. If you show the clients through your actions and make them understand through your words that you will be there for them and you are doing your best possible, then it will make them trust you and your judgement more. You should always prioritise the client and their needs and should keep their needs before yours. You should not make assumptions regarding the needs or the wants of the client and should always communicate with them on these aspects. You should stay connected with your clients and should try to get an insight on their experiences.
No client comes to a lawyer just to get their legal issues resolved, rather, they approach lawyers to get peace of mind, emotional support and to get the reassurance that everything will be taken care of. You should make sure that you provide these things to your client and it will eventually help your business to stand out in a big way.
You should always make sure that the client is able to understand what is going on without the excessive use of any legal jargons, case laws or legal provisions. Make them understand in simple and easy terms what is happening in the case. It is also very important that you take regular feedback from your clients and incorporate the same into the daily functioning of your business.
Implementing client feedback
It is very crucial that a business developer and a lawyer ask for the feedback from their clients once provided services to them. You should always measure your client satisfaction and ensure that the scale goes up with every service you provide. If you will measure the satisfaction, you will be able to manage it as what gets measured gets managed. There is also something known as Net Promoter Score (NPS) for law firms, it is a method by which one can measure what clients are likely to spread good words about your firm and will recommend you to their friends and family. There are high chances that they will also provide you with online reviews and with good referrals.
It is also more important to manage your reputation online than managing your offline reputation as in today’s social media culture, if you have bad reviews by client’s online then people are less likely to approach you based on that negative feedback. If you have any negative review or feedback online, you should respond to those as well to understand what went wrong and to assure them that you will work on your short-comings. You should also reply to these negative reviews to make sure that those are not fake comments to put down the reputation of your business and to call out such fake comments. You should ask your former or your current clients who seem satisfied by your services to provide a positive review or feedback about your business online. You should make the clients understand that they are saving their time, money or any emotional stress by hiring you and availing your services.
Importance of networking for lawyers
As a lawyer, who needs to develop their business, you should try to inculcate the habit of interacting with people who have a similar professional objective as yours. You should try to create bonds and relationships with these people and once a strong foundation has been built, you should try to get more out of networking. Networking not only suggests going to important work events but it also means actively getting to know similar professionals and like minded people in other social gatherings, through various communities, bar associations, parties, via LinkedIn, etc. You should also attend events where you believe you can get prospective clients, you can attend events that sponsor or host these types of clients and try to talk to them and build a connection with them at first.
Once you have built a strong foundation with them, tell them about your practice and what kind of services you provide but do not talk to them like you are trying to sell it to them, rather, talk to them like you are trying to make a conversation. Once the trust is built, they are likely to recommend you to some of their friends or family in need. You should also try to network with your fellow attorneys at courts and you should see them as colleagues and not enemies.
You can also get their help and help them in return with client referrals or with sharing of resources. You can also build a brand by using various social media platforms and posting content on a regular basis can help you gather a trusted audience. You can show your expertise and learn from other people with the help of these platforms and you can leverage the connections you build online to get more business for your firm.
You can also take up opportunities and attend legal conferences and try to host or speak at such conferences. This will help in building up your confidence, will promote your name and your business and it could also lead to possible prospects. This will also help you in expanding your professional opportunities and will help you in becoming a better lawyer. You should also stay abreast with the industry trends and what is happening in your practice area to keep the conversation with your peers knowledgeable. If they see a person who is aware about the current trends they will more likely acknowledge you as a knowledgeable peer.
Online networking
People who have similar problems often try to connect with people on the internet through various social forums to get an answer to their problems. They often post their questions over Quora or Reddit to get an answer. You can always drop into these forums and try to get an insight to their issue and provide feedback to them. You might also get your next client because of the knowledge and the help that you provide on these platforms. You can also ask your network to provide you with referrals and they can also help you to connect with people who might need your services. Online platforms act as a good lead generation strategy and helps you to connect with people that might require your services. People usually tend to believe something if it is coming from someone they know and trust. For example, if I were to recommend a law firm to my friend for a particular kind of practice, chances are, they will approach and hire that firm only. Word of mouth is a very important factor in this field of business and it is very important to make sure that you leave a good impression on the people that you network with. Networking will help you in increasing your visibility as a professional and you will be able to create mutually beneficial relationships with your peers that will result in the growth of your business.
Exploring new geographic markets
Business expansion and growth can be useful for firms to gain a competitive edge. For developing your business further, it is necessary that you explore all the possible geographical markets for your business. There comes a time in business when expansion is the only way to get in new clients. Once you have dominated the geographical market in which you are situated, the number of new leads that you will gain decreases over time. Geographical expansion is mainly a strategy that is used by business to accelerate its growth and to create a presence and leave a mark at a new location. There might be other needs as well to expand geographically which is to reduce cost while serving long distance clients or to tap into and acquire a new set of talent.
There could be a lot of financial risk involved with expansion as well and one needs to make sure that they have evaluated the market and the location based on the practice area or the services that they are providing. You should also remember that the new market will be dominated by someone else and it will take some time for you to set in your practice and establish yourself in that area.
Factors to be considered while expanding geographically
Some factors that you should keep in mind could be:
- You should make sure that economically the market is alright for you to expand your business at that time.
- You should make sure that there are possible leads that will come up once you expand your business to that geographical location.
- You can also establish your practice based on the location where you already have existing clients, this will help you in boosting your business at a much better rate.
- You need to make sure that there is demand in the new area for the kind of services you are providing.
Primary advantages of expansion can be access to new revenue streams and if your firm has already gained a lot of brand value in its prior location, it would likely gain similar or more recognition in the new space. You will be bringing the brand and the services to the customers around the world, making it easily accessible to them. You can also gain access to untapped customer bases that were not explored prior or those who have not heard about your services. After expansion to a new location, you must treat it as a start of a new business and should engage in activities like networking, collaborations, attending events, using referrals all over in order to boost your business in the new location and spread the word about your services.
You might also mitigate some risk of going under by expansion as earlier you were relying on a single region for your revenue and this expansion will help you spread the risk and protect the business from extreme economic or specific location wise challenges. It will also help you in expanding and significantly increasing the brand value and reputation. Your business will receive more recognition and more opportunities will be created for your exposure and growth.
You will be able to grow your business on a global scale if you slowly and carefully master the art of expansion. You need to consider these benefits; however, you need to keep in mind the strategic approach that is required for expanding to a new location, you must carefully evaluate all the risks and should adapt strategies that suit you the best. By careful and strategic expansion, you will be able to mitigate the risks, face the challenges and reap the rewards for venturing into new territories.
Diversifying services
When you are expanding to new geographical markets to explore prospective clients, you can also diversify your services at your new as well as at your old location in order to boost your business. Going beyond your current practices can help you concur and spread your services to new unexplored zones and can also benefit you and add towards your advantage. In this rapidly changing environment and sudden cultural shifts, it is very necessary that legal practitioners adapt to this change and explore various practice areas in order to stay ahead of their competition.
In today’s practice, law is expanding beyond the traditional court practices and there are new avenues created for growth and development which should be explored by lawyers who plan on building and growing their services. For diversifying your services and growing your practices you need to stay on top of all the latest trends going around in the field of law, business, social media and around the globe. You can attend conferences, write papers, connect with like-minded people over the internet, etc. to stay informed about the current happenings.
You also need to develop the relevant skills that may be required for the new area of law that you are going to divulge in, for example for expanding into privacy laws it is important that you are aware about the data policy and protection regulations and you have read and learnt about the same to such depth that you will be able to help other people regarding the same. It is also very important to build your community or your network with lawyers who are also working in these sectors so that they can provide you with valuable insights. Lawyers need to think outside the box and help their clients by providing them a creative and easy way out. They need to make sure that they are well informed and can help their clients to succeed.
Exploring revenue streams for lawyers
Lawyers who are planning to expand their business need to explore various revenue streams in order to generate a good stable income. It will help you in providing you a stable income along with opening new growth opportunities for you. It will help you with client engagement as well. To explore new revenue streams, you can indulge into various other law streams that are connected to your practice, for example, if you have an established practice in technology law, you can also start to provide services related to IP law. This will help you in expanding your client base along with helping you become a one stop shop for all the needs of the client. Diversifying your services will also help in creating additional revenue for your business.
Another way to create a new revenue stream is to leverage technology by providing online legal services or consultation. It will help you be convenient and accessible to all the clients all across the globe without having to spend a lot on relocation or expanding at a new location. You can also build long term relationships with these clients over time and provide them retainer services or develop a subscription based service plan so that you would be able to generate a steady source of income from these clients.
Content creation is another source from which you can generate a good income over time, by writing articles over various sites, by putting out videos and content on social media, one can generate a good income. You can also collaborate with various brands and provide some tips and techniques that you have learnt over the years through social media presence. This will help you with creating a loyal base over the world. You can also host webinars or start a podcast related to the services that you are into and invite various members of the legal fraternity and spread awareness and legal knowledge with the help of this method. This will help you in creating a good brand name for your business and also help you in attracting more clients towards your business.
You can also create legal courses and templates and sell it over the internet. It will help you in creating a passive income and can help out others in need of such templates. You need to assess your revenue streams on a regular basis as per the market trends and the change in economic factors. You need to always make sure that your client’s needs should come first and you are able to help them through any mode of service that you provide.
Investment plans for lawyers
In order to grow financially, it is very important for lawyers to have an investment plan. It is also important for lawyers that are aiming to grow their business and enhance their business development strategies. The most important investment is your legal education and development. It is necessary for the lawyers aiming to grow to invest in good conferences and workshops as it teaches a lot of new skills and techniques to lawyers. Taking advanced courses and workshops can also help in opening new doors and help you evolve in new practice areas. It can also help you with new clients. Investing in continuous and quality education is very necessary for lawyers to stay abreast of all the current trends taking place in the legal industry.
Another area where you should invest is building a good infrastructure for your practice. It is often noted that when the infrastructure and surroundings of your work environment are good, you tend to focus more on your job. It helps you with concentration and you like coming to work on a daily basis. It will make your and your team’s life more comfortable. You should also invest in good technology as it will help you with better client services. You need to invest in software and research tools that will make your life simpler. It will help you in improving efficiency and will streamline operations. You need to invest in digital marketing and creating an efficient website for your business. You need to carry out various initiatives online which will help your website in gaining visibility. It will help you in attracting potential clients and will also strengthen the presence of your business over the net.
You need to invest in a strong team and you need to allocate your resources towards building a skilled support staff. Your associates, partners, helping staff should be the best in business and should be able to handle their cases and workload effectively. You need to make sure that you invest in these people so that they can help you in the development and growth of your business. You need to invest in providing mentorship and professional training to your team in order to help them learn more and stay abreast with the current affairs of the legal field. There is a need to invest in employee satisfaction as it will help your business in attaining its long term goals. Your employees and your team can make or break your business goals, so it is very important to invest in a good team.
You can also invest in good partnerships and acquisitions for expanding your services to a new location. Forming an alliance with similar people from the legal fraternity will help you in growing your business and is a strong investment idea. It will help you with diversifying revenue, increasing your client base and increasing recognition of your business. You need to allocate your resources in a wise manner and should invest in attracting more clients and rooting for the team’s success.
Therefore, a lawyer who needs to grow their business needs to invest strategically in technology, professional development, their team and employees and creating good partnerships if they want to achieve recognition and growth in this competitive industry.
Understanding the business
To develop a successful business, it is necessary to first understand the intricacies of that business. If you have a good understanding of the business, then you can tailor your services as per the needs of the business and your clients. Understanding the business involves understanding the industry and the market position. It also involves the types of services that are being preferred and what are the potential services that will rise up in the near future. You also have to understand the type of competition in the market and to design your business model accordingly.
By preparing for these situations, lawyers developing their business can proactively figure out the solutions and align their needs as per the strategies and the business objectives required to grow their business. Understanding the business also helps in leveraging and providing for great opportunities for their clients. It also helps lawyers understand the trends of the market place which will in the long run help with clients as the lawyers will be able to pitch in regarding the client’s industry and advise them on the regulatory changes taking place. It is very important to understand and provide insights to the client on various industry trends so that they can stay ahead of the competition and it will also help them in minimising potential risks.
If the lawyers have a deep understanding of their business it will also help them in communicating clearly with their clients as they will be able to pitch in more and engage in meaningful conversations that will benefit the client as well as the lawyers in creating a better client experience. Clients will recognize the lawyers as an integral part of their business strategies if they feel that the lawyer has a good understanding of the business and the market. This will aid in the business development of the lawyer as well as this will help them in expanding their client base and become a part of the modern business environment.
Leverage technology
We are currently a part of an era where the digital world is growing at an unprecedented rate. Lawyers who are still bound by the traditional methods will not be able to survive much in this fast paced society. So, it is very necessary for lawyers who are trying to develop a business for themselves to keep up with the latest changes and trends in the technological world in order to sustain their business in the long run. Nowadays, it is more important to maintain the business of your reputation online than it was 5 years back.
Online presence for businesses used to be a luxury but now it is more than just luxury, it is a way to expand your client base and to globally mark your presence. In order for business to flourish online it is very important that they have a good and functioning website to lay down the types of services provided by the firm, contacts and information about people associated with the firm, values and goals recognized by the firm, feedback provided to the firm by their clients and other important intricacies. This will improve the credibility of your business and will also allow access to potential clients residing globally to reach out to you for assistance.
It is also necessary that lawyers optimise their online presence with the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This will make the business more prominent as it will appear in most searches as having strategic SEO helps in improving the online presence of the business. It will also help in creating a lot of traffic on the firm’s website which can boost the visibility of the business online.
We are slowly navigating towards uncharted territories with technology and the social media culture emerging at a rapid speed, so it becomes very necessary for lawyers looking to develop their business to stay abreast of these trends and create a strong online presence for their business. It is necessary that they leverage these platforms in order to gain clients and to engage with other lawyers. By adapting these techniques and harnessing the power of these digital tools the lawyers will be able to stay relevant with the ever-changing legal and the technology industries.
Building a strong online presence
Apart from having a fully functioning website, it is also necessary that lawyers network and engage via other social media platforms like LinkedIn, X and Instagram. It is necessary for lawyers to engage on these platforms because these social media platforms have become too powerful in the last couple of years. It is very necessary for lawyers to showcase their talent, legal knowledge and expertise on these platforms to attract more clients and to connect with like-minded people and expand their network cycle. It will help increase the reach of your business and can provide you with a dynamic platform to share your views and thoughts globally with a large audience.
It is also important to build a strong and strategic outreach on these platforms with the help of informative and innovative articles, writings or case studies. You can write about the latest updates in the field of law in which your firm provides service and add your two cents in all these pieces as well. It will help you in reaching out to the target audience and help the clients to gain trust in your process and your services. It will also improve your firm’s reputation online and successful lawyers in today’s generation recognize the importance of building a strong social media presence.
It is not necessary that you have to attend events physically to network with like-minded lawyers and businessmen, you can showcase your knowledge and expertise via online networking platforms as well by attending or by hosting various webinars, podcasts, etc. You can interact with potential clients with the help of these webinars, share knowledge among your peers and create meaningful relationships all with the help of the internet.
With the fast spread of technology and online presence, clients tend to provide any feedback that they have whether positive or negative online. It is very necessary to maintain these online reviews and encourage clients to leave positive reviews and feedback once they are satisfied with the services that you have provided to them. It is very necessary to have positive reviews and feedback attached to your business’s name in order to gain credibility over the digital sphere. If you have any negative reviews, then try and communicate with the clients as to where your services were lacking and what needs of the clients were not met. You should also look out for false or fake negative reviews of your business and try to acknowledge those with proof that they are indeed fake. This will help the business in gaining the trust of potential clients.
Invest in legal tech and automation
Investing in good legal tech is the need of the hour and it is also very imperative for the operations of the business. There are a number of benefits attached to it which ranges from higher productivity to client satisfaction. These technologies help in performing the routine tasks efficiently and it helps in saving cost and time leading to the streamlining of the work in a proper manner. It helps in reducing human error and improves the way in which you carry out your everyday mundane tasks. Creating online client portals helps the clients in being more involved with the case, which gives them a better experience with the business. These portals can help them in keeping a tab as to the whereabouts and the progress of the case. They will also be able to access the documents and upload the documents that are required for their case, making it easily accessible for the team working on it.
These technologies help save a lot of time and effort and creates a better working experience for both the lawyers as well as their clients. These tools act as a substantial investment for the business as they give great results and help in the improvement of the business’s performance and thus the performance outweighs the investment costs. These investments will help you provide more efficient services to your clients and will eventually help in the growth of your business and expansion of your client base.
There are a lot of legal tools available in the market now for improving your work quality as well as for project automation. You can use tools for doing case law research, for document and contract reviews, for due diligence, as well as for legal guidance and marketing. For helping you with case laws you can use the AI-assisted research that is available on Westlaw Precision to give you a jumpstart on your legal research and legal drafting. There are various tools available that provide you with legal templates that help you with guidance on these templates on a clause to clause basis.
There are various document automation and drafting tools which assist you with editing and drafting of your legal work. It helps you with the cutting down of errors in your drafts and provides you with helpful tips to improve your drafts.Document automation tools help you with creating the same boilerplate agreements that are required on a regular basis by your business. Additionally, there are various knowledge management tools as well which assists you with automatically categorising the case and the documents within. All the users will be able to see who has worked on which document and what is the progress on each of these documents. It will create a single platform for all reviews, queries and questions.
Apart from these legal tech tools, you can also use management and financial tools that will help you with the growth and management of your business. You can also track where you are spending the firm’s money and where you can cut costs. It will help you with a better understanding of where you spend your money and what all you can do to reduce your spending and track them. You can also use marketing tools and use proper SEO in order to create a strong online presence for your business. You can additionally use these tools in order to create legal content for your social media platforms and your website.
There are a lot of options available in the market for legal tools, however, firms hesitate to invest in these tools as they believe they will not be able to utilise it to the best of its ability and it would act as a divestment. However, with proper legal research and planning, firms can invest in the right technology which can aid in the growth of their business.
Importance of marketing for lawyers
Creating a strong presence in the market helps in the development and growth of your business as it attracts more clients and helps you with networking and connecting with various people who are in the same field. Irrespective of the size of your business, you need to have a social media presence and a good marketing strategy to help you globally connect with the business landscape. Making clear and actionable strategies helps you with being more proactive and also helps you with new opportunities and minimising new challenges.
Bifurcation of business needs based on size
There are different challenges and strengths of businesses depending upon the size of the business. Therefore, there is a need to plan and strategise for your business depending upon its strength and weakness. The marketing strategies that work for others may not work for your business. Hence, let us look at some of the common challenges faced by businesses of different sizes.
Small size businesses face challenges because of the limited resources that they have, hence they have to rationalise their expenditures and cannot spend a fortune on marketing. They also have to face challenges like brand recognition because they are yet in their initial stages of business hence they still have a lot of scope for creating a brand name for themselves and for people to start recognising them based on their brand name. There is also a lot of competition for these small size businesses as there are a lot of lawyers that are understanding the need to develop their own business. Hence, the competition in small scale businesses for lawyers is immense. However, they can overcome these challenges by creating marketing strategies that are unique for their target audience, can aim to have a personal relationship with all their clients, improve their agility and work on their specialisations to improve business.
Mid-size businesses face challenges because of their positioning as a number of times they get stuck between small and big size businesses, as they are better in some aspects than a small size business but not so much than a big size business hence they face competition from both ends. However, they can overcome these problems by having a broader range of services that they provide and they can also aim for strategic partnerships with various firms or independent lawyers. This will help them with recognition and development of their business.
Big size businesses face a lot of challenges related to branding across the global nation, expansion of the business globally, maintaining and being innovative beyond a certain point and managing the large number of resources that they have. These problems can affect the growth of these businesses but if managed properly big firms can overcome these problems diversifying their expertise and having a proper team which manages all of these aspects including global reach and brand recognition.
Therefore, in order for any of these businesses to grow it is pertinent that they adapt to the current market trends and practices as it will help them in their growth and not following them and being rigid in your practices can harm the success of their business. Online marketing and virtual networking only aid to the growth of your business and the business should aim at being client centric and should adopt strategies that aim at providing client satisfaction.
Marketing strategies for size based firms
There is a need to understand the resources required for these firms in order to implement the marketing strategies accordingly. Some innovative strategies for these firms based on their size could be:
- For small firms, it is necessary to localise your SEO searches as it will be easier for you to then attract clients in your local area rather than searching for potential clients all over the globe which could be costly and resource consuming for small firms. Additionally, it is very important for small firms to actively participate in community events to increase the firms’ visibility and build your presence and trust within the community. It is also very necessary for small firms to take feedback from their clients and showcase these feedbacks on their social media platforms and websites in order to build credibility and attract potential clients. Word of mouth marketing also acts very beneficial for small sized firms.
- For mid-size firms, it is necessary that they focus on hosting and participating in various webinars and workshops. They can also initiate legal podcasts and invite industry experts to shed light on various legal topics and topics in trend. It is also beneficial for mid-size firms to get involved in strategic partnerships with firms that are providing services in other areas of law. You can also partner up with various business, marketing, PR firms in order to get help with the growth graph of your firm. Mid-size firms can also benefit from referral programs and they should encourage either satisfied clients to refer the firm to their friends, family and acquaintances in need.
- For larger firms, it is very important that the leadership take proper actions and mark their presence on the online platform with the help of the articles that they can write or posting informative pieces about the various aspects of the legal field. This will help them with enhancing the brand value and also attract a number of potential clients. Large firms should also focus on global networking and should work on creating an international presence. They should also organise various legal workshops and conferences on a global platform in order to attract potential clients from around the globe. The main focus of these firms should be on tech integration and they should utilise various technological innovations to the best of their ability in order to enhance the firm’s values.
Good leadership skills
It is often believed that lawyers are bad leaders, and that they are not wired for being good at managing or leading people. The qualities that help a lawyer in being good at their jobs refrains them from becoming better managers or leaders. However, this can be managed and can also benefit the growth of your business. To become a good leader, you must motivate your team and drive the goals of the team from a personal level and put the well-being and the needs of the firm and the team before your needs of personal growth. You need to make strong decisions and be firm on those decisions no matter how hard those decisions are to implement.
You would also need to find a way to get along with your team since then only they will be able to trust you completely and will be motivated and inspired by you and your efforts. You must have clear and transparent communications within your team and you must also learn the habit of delegating the work within the team effectively. You must not micro manage your team and give them the trust and space that they deserve for strong growth and development. It will help them in putting in more effort in their work which will eventually assist in the growth of the business.
You can also opt to hire managers or CEO’s who are not from legal background in order to manage the growth of the business and hence, the lawyers in the team can focus on their work. This ideology is gaining a lot of success and popularity for mid to large size businesses as they have the resources to hire more people to assist in the growth of their business. You can also arrange for proper training for your managers in order to get sensitivity towards their managerial skills and enhance their performance as well.
These training programs will act as an investment towards the growth of your company. It is also necessary to balance the expectations and the priorities of your team and your managers in order to set out some boundaries and a proper system. You need to have regular checks on performance reviews of your team including the managers. There is also a need to define the performance indicators and the job description before hiring someone and test them on the basis of both their legal skills and managerial capabilities.
Good leaders contribute to the performance of their team members and support their decisions. This helps build trust and confidence amongst the team members as they feel their presence and appreciation, which eventually leads to better performance and growth of the business.
Fostering a growth mindset
It is very necessary to foster a growth mindset within your team and to make them understand that they will learn, grow and change with time. They just need to put in hard work and determination into their work and the results will follow. In order to create a growth mindset, it is very important to follow the below-mentioned points:
- It is very important for the leaders or the managers to implement this technique in their own working style. They need to make sure that they notice the work of their team. They need to create a safe space for their team in order to suggest ideas and for the team to present their respective ideas. They need to look out for employees who should reach out to them on a personal basis to ensure that their ideas are not missed. They should acknowledge the contribution of their team members and should give due credit to them. They should also create a space where it is okay to make mistakes and then learn from these mistakes. It is very necessary for the leaders and the managers to demonstrate the values and beliefs of the firm through their actions.
- There is a need to explain the benefits to your team regarding the growth mindset and becoming a better lawyer or a business person. It is very important for having a growth mindset to practise self-awareness. It is also necessary to face some challenges at your work, this will help in your professional growth and will also improve your learning curve.
- There is also a need to prioritise the growth mindset within your team. It will help the business in attracting lawyers and people who are open to work by themselves and who aim at being the best versions of themselves. It also helps in creating an attractive brand value for your firm and also attracts more potential customers for the growth of your firm.
- There is also a need to evaluate your team regularly on the basis of the growth mindset criteria. You should make this criterion mandatory for your team under performance review. There is a chance that the team works even more actively when they know that they will be evaluated on this basis and the rewards will follow.
- Finally, there is a need to reward those who follow this criteria of growth mindset and work on themselves to polish their skills and also assist in the growth of the company. There is a need to motivate people to overcome the hardships that they face in their work environment and also make efforts to recognize these challenges faced by them and reward them for putting in so much hard work.
Following these steps will help in fostering a growth mindset culture in the people working with and for you and will also help in the growth and development of your business.
Maximise training and partnership
Nowadays, there are a lot of legal tools available in the market to aid the training process of the associates. These tools can help with the problems that associates might face during the training process and can also help to solve their doubts. It also helps in giving a starting point to the lawyers who do not have a lot of experience. Training also helps in building the confidence of such lawyers to kickstart their careers without any hesitation. Training can help the lawyers with preparing a checklist and providing basic information regarding legal topics which are generally neglected. This can help them gain a better understanding of the topic and help them in becoming more knowledgeable and efficient amongst their peers. These training sessions can also help these lawyers by providing in-depth notes by experts on these topics and guidance notes which will help these lawyers in staying updated on these topics.
Training can also help the lawyers with maintaining ethical standards and efficiently represent their clients. It will help in boosting their career which will eventually profit the business of these lawyers. It will not just help the lawyers in staying informed and updated about the legal trends as well as the latest tools in the market but will also help them gain exposure in the industry and will also help them in partnering up with other legal experts from the industry which will accelerate the professional development of these lawyers. Therefore, it is necessary that you invest in good tools, courses, webinars that will help in the professional development of your team of lawyers.
It is very important to create a culture that aids in the development and growth of your business. Though not an easy task, it requires constant efforts and commitment to stay focused, but, once you put your constant efforts into your business, the reward will be in the form of business growth and client loyalty. It is necessary to adopt a proactive approach which not only involves being abreast with the trends but also getting adapted to technological advancement and cultural shifts. It is necessary for the lawyers to genuinely commit to their clients and to set proper expectations from their clients. It is also necessary for the growth of a lawyer and his business to implement the feedback provided by the clients.
Both the online and offline presence of a lawyer is important for a business to grow immensely. You cannot just rely on one of these if you want to get the best results. You also need to make long lasting partnerships in the community in order to move forward and make the best use of your networking skills and referrals. Following a proper strategic approach for the business growth and development acts as the roadmap for success and you as a professional can achieve both personal and professional growth through these strategies. Hence, following the trends, making clients a priority, brushing up your skills, online marketing and socialising can help your business reach sky heights.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What strategies are required by the lawyers for their business development?
Some effective strategies that are required by the lawyers for their business development include networking, maintaining a strong social media presence, online and offline marketing of their business services, optimising referrals, attending various social events, maintaining a strong client relationship and implementing client feedback.
Is client relationship management important for business development?
Yes, maintaining a strong client relationship is very important for business development as it aids in the business’ growth. Retaining clients for a long term also helps in client referrals which are all considered as important factors for developing a business in this field.
Which tools can assist the lawyers in their business development?
Some of the tools which can assist the lawyers in developing a strong business include Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, emails management tools, social media and marketing tools.
What mistakes do lawyers commit in the process of business development?
Common mistakes that lawyers commit while developing their business includes not taking feedback from clients and not implementing those feedback, failing to ask for referrals from their clients and their networks, not leveraging the digital tools, not having a strong online presence, not marketing their business enough and not differentiating their services from those provided by all their competitors.
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