
Kavya  B. S is currently a practicing lawyer, she previously worked as an associate at IP Lex global services, which offers end-to-end legal solutions in the areas of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property. She has done her LLB from Bangalore Institute Of Legal Studies and has interned with many prestigious law firms.

She completed the NUJS diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws in 2016. Over here she talks about her experience with the NUJS diploma course, and how it helped her career so far. Over to Kavya.

I joined the NUJS diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws while I was in the final year of my law school. I found this course while searching the internet, I saw a video advertisement of the NUJS diploma course and I was very impressed by it, I liked the way things were explained. I looked into the course syllabus and realized that lot of emphasis was given on practical insights into the subjects. I wanted to join the course and I had a tough time convincing my parents, they were skeptical about the effectiveness of an online course. Finally, I convinced them and I join the course almost one year after I first saw the advertisement and my expectations from the course were  not just met but exceeded.

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My own experience with internships taught me that as an intern it’s very difficult to get someone’s attention, the much-needed guidance and handholding are missing.

While interning I realized that people don’t come forward to teach you, you have to figure out things yourself and with the kind of theoretical knowledge, we gain from law schools it’s very difficult it survive in the corporate law field. Acquiring practical skills is most important but also the most difficult. This course bridged that gap and provided me with the much needed practical knowledge and has built up my confidence.

The webinars in this course are very helpful; they put you in direct contact with the most reputed people in the field and give you an insight into their perspective on different concepts.

The most important skill that I gained from this course is writing skills, I learnt to write things in a simple way without complicating the subject. Now I’m able to write on complex legal subjects in a simple easy to understand manner. My drafting skills also improved to a great extent from this course. I even learnt to appreciate and read laws with a perspective of applying it practically, which is very crucial for a lawyer.

The module which I personally found to be most informative was the one on raising investment; it gives an idea about overall functioning of the company, equity financing, debt financing etc.

In one of my jobs, we were dealing with a company which was inoperative since incorporation and we were looking into the financing of that company. The knowledge I had acquired through this module helped me a lot in researching and contributing to that case.

My future plan is not limited to a corporate job or a high paying salary. I want to reach out to the masses and instill confidence in them about the justice system. I want to give something back to the society. I feel writing can help me in this vision, I enjoy writing the most and I want to write a lot. What I learnt from this diploma course would certainly help me in my future visions also. It has taught me to put across my thoughts in a structured manner. I get to publish my work on the iPleaders blog, so it has given me a platform to reach out to a larger audience.

I have mentioned this diploma in my LinkedIn profile and my CV as it adds value to my profile.

I would be more than happy to recommend this course to anyone, I have already referred it to a cousin of mine who is doing CS as many aspects of CS are covered in minute detail in this diploma. Entrepreneurs, startup owners, lawyers or anyone who wants to gain some knowledge about the law can also benefit from this course.


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