For a Not So Nondescript Life

Harry Potter is one of the best selling books in the history. What is it that makes it a success? It is a series of fantasy novel based on the adventures of a wizard. It was something not so obvious, it was not a usual story. Now who would have thought about it?

Generally we are fixated with the idea of obvious, the standard list of things, to do well in 10th, 12th, good college, the right girl or the right guy. And there is a list of criteria and conditions to fit in. And that is the end of it.
Think and live beyond the obvious
We don’t live beyond it.

It is okay if you don’t score straight As in School.

It is okay if you don’t find the right guy.

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It is okay if you don’t do well in college.
It is okay, only if you don’t want an obvious life.

It is okay, only if you work hard beyond the obvious.

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