This article is written by Ramanuj Mukherjee, CEO, LawSikho.
Are you careful about what you put in your body, i.e. eat or drink? Most people are. At least everyone gets the concept.
Are you equally careful about what you allow to get into your mind?
Your mind is all you have in today’s world – to succeed, to conceive how your life is going to be and to live it, to be who you want to be in the world.
But what inputs do you give to it?
It is not a rhetorical question. I want you to make a list.
What do you read every day? Do you read low-quality entertainment types information? Do you read social media feeds and engage a lot in pointless arguments? Do you read newspapers?
My father loves to read. He reads 4 newspapers a day. He claims he is very interested in economics, politics, foreign policy, and other complex things. I tried gifting him authoritative books on such subjects, but he never actually gets around to reading those. Not beyond a few pages anyway.
However, he reads 3-4 newspapers a day. It’s just an easier thing to do.
My father is a retired man, and he has no ambition left in life. Lucky for him, because otherwise, this would be a serious handicap.
He also watches the TV for about 8 to 10 hours a day. I am alarmed by the amount of noise, nonsense and just disturbing amount of drama that happens on the box we call a TV. He consumes this every day.

It’s scary for me. However, my father is totally addicted to it. And it’s fine because he is a retired man in his sixties living on a pension. He needs something to engage his idle mind. The TV and newspaper provide a diversion.
However, what if I did the same? I shudder to think where that would take me.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not against entertainment. It is a very important part of our lives and we must make time for it. Music, art, movies, they are essential to our human experience.
However, what kind of entertainment are we talking about here? Art that enhances our human experience, makes us feel deeper emotions, help us to get in touch with our own soul? Maybe intelligent entertainment that really takes your imagination for a leap and opens a new horizon in your mind?
I listen to music every day after I wake up. I am always on the lookout for uplifting, powerful music to add to my morning motivation playlist that can help me to start my day on a high.
I have a melancholy playlist too, and I listen to that when I am free, alone, and need some downtime.
There are many other playlists. However, they are all curated with specific situations and specific goals in mind. I decide what I listen to because it is important to curate what you are putting into your mind.
I do not watch horror movies. These movies are not conducive to the way I want to shape my brain. However, I love to watch movies about leadership, about the human triumph over circumstances and other movies that inspire me or appeal to my aesthetic sense.
I surround myself with books I want to read. I get very less time to read. But I always have a bunch of books on my table, near my bed, one next to my pillow, a few in my phone (kindle app), and other places around me that I frequent.
Thanks to these books, I feel like I am surrounded by great mentors, from whom I can learn new things and get new ideas, unexpectedly, all the time, wherever I go. It will probably take me a while to read all the books, but that’s not the goal anyway.
I read a few pages of these books, randomly, get a new idea, fire up my brain, see if I can implement that in my life. Every small thing I can get, own and implement is beneficial, as opposed to reading thousands of pages and doing nothing.
We should do the same about the people we interact with the most. It is said that you are the average of the 6 people you interact most frequently with. Who are the people you interact with a lot? These are called source relationships.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you, people who are doing great work in their domain, people who are putting themselves outside the comfort zone. That’s a sure-shot way to succeed.
You may say it’s practically very hard to do. How can you surround yourself with great people? Tell me something: who do you follow and connect with on Linkedin? Who do you follow on twitter?
It’s probably exactly what you do in life.
There are people who will add and follow random people.
Then there are others who refuse to accept connection requests from unknown people or do not send connection requests to people they don’t know in real life.
What a waste of a magnificent opportunity.
Here is what I do. I go and find out the people doing the most outstanding things in my area of work. I google. I read up. I identify who I want to connect with. I follow them even if they won’t add me back.
My LinkedIn feed is a wealth of information and insights and opportunities. The people I follow, they expand my horizon.
My twitter feed is not that yet, it’s mostly full of political posts. I am working on changing that.
Every day, I feel more inspired to grow and when I see my Linkedin feed. When I see my twitter feed, I feel drained out or get triggered by outrageous things.
I also add anyone who wants to connect with me unless it seems like a fake or spamming account. Give the universe a chance to work its magic in your life! But on Twitter, I need to curate who I follow. I will probably have to unfollow a lot of people and start following people who are posting positive things.
If you stay in that kind of mindset, you also begin to attract the right kind of people in your life.
How do you ensure that you are surrounded by great ideas, great knowledge, great people all the time?
I know I am a big procrastinator. When I procrastinate, I go to my phone. I start using some app. Social media used to be the usual sinkhole.
However, with time, I am turning it around.
Also, I have been learning Spanish. When I feel like procrastinating, I open my language learning app. My Spanish has become really good. Learning new languages is really good for your brain!
If you tend to eat a lot of junk food, how will you get that under control? Surround yourself with healthy snacks. This is what I do.
Success in life is often about building a system and environment around you that increases your likelihood of success. What are you going to do about it?
One thing you can do, if you are aspiring to become a great lawyer, or trying to enhance your knowledge or skills in a domain of law, is to subscribe to a course from LawSikho. You will get access to the course on your phone, which means you can study anytime you like on the go.
If you are idle anytime, take your phone out and start reading or watching videos.
You will be expected to solve a couple of exercises every week, attend a class, write articles once in a month and publish. Then you are also added on a WhatsApp group with other students. All these will have a tremendous uplifting effect on you.
And if you don’t like it, you can always claim your money back after one month of full participation. We enroll around 120-150 students a month. In the last 6 months, only 2 people wanted their money back. We honor that commitment if you do.
So do not hesitate, it is completely risk-free. Experience the positive effect of adding an amazing course to the mix of your life.
Also, comment below and let me know how else you are going to surround yourself with positive people, amazing ideas, inspiring conversations and everything else you want more of. Even if you don’t join our course, there are things you can do right now to change your life for the better. Let me know what you are upto, and inspire me!
Here are the courses which are open for enrollment:
- Diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws
- Diploma in Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
- Diploma in M&A, Institutional Finance and Investment Laws (PE and VC transactions)
- Diploma in Companies Act, Corporate Governance and SEBI Regulations
Executive Certificate Course
- Certificate Course in Advanced Civil Litigation: Practice, Procedure and Drafting
- Certificate Course in Advanced Corporate Taxation
- Certificate Course in Real Estate Laws
- Certificate Course in Arbitration: Strategy, Procedure and Drafting