About the seminar
The Stockholm Declaration recognized that man is a part of nature, and life depends on it. U. Thant, the then Secretary-General, United Nations, in Stockholm Conference appealed “Like or not, we are travelling together on a common planet and we have no national alternative but to work together, to make an environment in which we and our children can live a full and peaceful life”.
The present seminar focuses on global and national environmental laws and policies in analyzing the need of different countries to manage and control the bio-diversity, climate change, water and air pollution, land degradation, the depletion of ozone layer and persistent organic pollutants etc. for sustainable development.
We hope that the suggestions, recommendations and resolutions from this seminar will be of immense value and will pave the way for the Academicians, Judges, Lawyers, Policy Makers and Law Makers to come out with viable solutions.
Call for Papers
Research Papers/Articles and Case Studies from legal fraternity are invited for presentation in the National Seminar. Communication of acceptance will be sent to authors for presentation. Co-authorship is allowed, but each author is required to register and pay the registration fee individually.
The Seminar will focus on following Issues/Sub-themes:
- Environmental Law- Principles and Policies in India
- Global Warming, Climate Change and Depletion of Ozone Layer
- Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: Indian Legal Perspective
- Green Economy, Poverty Eradication and Human Resource Development
- Technological Advancement and Environment Degradation
- Protecting the Marine Environment: Role of Environmental Law and Policy
- Biodiversity and Natural Resources at Global and National level
- Protection of Flora and Fauna: National Scenario
- Environmental Issues and Dispute Resolution Mechanism
- Public Participation for Enforcement of Environmental Laws in India
- Environment and the Role of Supreme Court of India
Above identified issues /sub-themes are only illustrative. Participants may select the related topics covered under the main theme.
Important Dates
- Last date for Abstract Submission: March 15, 2018
- Last Date for Communication of Acceptance of Abstract: March 18, 2018
- Last Date for Submission of Full Paper: March 25, 2018
- The abstract and full-length paper must include Title, Author(s) Name & Designation, Name of the institution of the researcher, Mob. No. and e-mail address.
Submission Guidelines
- The submission shall consist of an abstract and full paper.
- An abstract shall not be more than 300 words excluding title and keywords.
- The length of the paper should not exceed 3000 words.
- Footnotes must conform to the authoritative standard, rules of legal citation and must include a description of each authority adequate enough to be understood by a reader.
- Paper should be submitted in MS Word format with the subject “National Seminar on Emerging Issues Relating to Environmental Laws: National Perspectives”.
- Cover-page must contain name, nationality, e-mail, contact number, and name of the college/university along with the address of the participants.
- In case of co-authorship, the covering letter should include details of all the authors.
- Submission of abstract and full paper must be made to [email protected]
- Delegates must submit the hard copy of his/her paper on the day of seminar, at registration desk.
The paper should be in the following format:
- Font Type: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 12
- Line Spacing: 1.5
- Foot Note Size: 10pt
In case of any queries, contact:
Tarun Kumar: 7060471943
Anshuman Sahoo: 7895194740
Basuki Nath Pandey: 7060471936
Ashish Kumar Rai: 9918473419
For further details, kindly refer to the brochure.
National Seminar Brochure ILS IUD March 2018