A Meat Shop is regulated by the Municipal Corporation Act of that state and the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954.
Whereas, the regulations with respect to the timings of the shop is established in the Shops and Establishments Act of the respective states.
Trade license is required and is governed by the Municipal Corporation of the concerned state where the business intends to be set up. The licensing and Enforcement Department of the municipal corporation- of the respective state- issues a general Trade license.
Apart from the General Trade license, the health department also issues license for the shops dealing in eatables or other commodities.
As per the rules and regulations prevalent in each state, every meat shop needs a trade license.
Also Read: Meat Shops and Slaughter will now need license from centre
Meat Shop Licensing Procedure:
- An application for a trade license can be made either at a Citizen’s service Bureaus (CSB) or through the internet.
- In the case of the application is filed through internet- the applicant can submit the necessary documents at any of the CSB’s after marking the document with the distinct recognition number allotted to his application on the internet.
- For getting a new Trade License from the nearest CSB- An application form is to be submitted at the CSB which is available at the at the CSB for Rs.25/-
- You can also download a form available on our web site and use it for this purpose.
- After submitting the application with the necessary documents, the operator will feed in your details to the computer.
- Processing fees will have to be paid- subsequent to which a G8 receipt shall be given. This G8 receipt will contain the unique “Registration number” which must be memorized and quoted for further processing.
- Subsequent to this, a License Inspector will visit the site for inspection. Once the inspection and approval is complete, an email will be sent notifying the entrepreneur of the same.
- Now the CSB must be approached again and provide them with the “Registration number “. The operator will search for your details in the database using this number.
- If the details are present, the operator will print the Health Trade License and cut a G8 receipt.
- Pay the license fees and processing charges to the operator. The Municipal Corporation officials will then sign the Trade license.
Documents required:
- Copy of sanction plan/ completion certificate / structure safety certificate from registered architect,
- Site Plan,
- Key Plan,
- Water connection and sewer connection,
- Indemnity Bond for Rs.100/-
- Affidavit for Rs.10/7. Copy of partnership deed if any.
Departments Involved:
The departments involved are public heath, Veterinary services and ADC (HQ).
License Fees:
An amount of Rs.500/- per application will be collected as processing charges and Rs.300/- will be charged as the license fees.
In regard to the fees for license processing, Rs.250/- will be collected as the Processing at the time of acceptance of the application form- for the issue of a New License.

Processing Of Meat Shop License
The time prescribed in law for procuring a Meat Shop license(each) is 30 days at the Zonal level and at head quarters level, the stipulated time is for the grant of license is 45 days.
Cancellation Of Meat Shop License
The commissioner may at any time cancel or suspend any license granted if he is of the opinion that the premises covered thereby are not kept in conformity with the conditions of such license or with the provisions of any bye-law made in this behalf, whether the license is prosecuted under this Act or not.
Store Timing Of A Meat Shop
This is governed by the Shops and Establishment Act of the concerned state.
As per the general rules of the Shops and establishments Act, no meat shop or commercial establishments- on any day- be opened earlier than such hour or closed later than such hour, as fixed by the Government, by general or special order- provided that any customer waiting to be at the closing hour fixed can be served during the period of fifteen minutes immediately following such hour must be served during the quarter of an hour immediately following such hour.
The government shall hold an enquiry in the prescribed manner and can fix different timings for different classes and different areas.
Meat Shop License Renewal
As per the act, every meat shop license expires at the end of the year- for which it is granted or at such earlier date- as the commissioner may, for special reasons, specify in the license.
Usually, the licenses must be renewed every year.
- Licenses renewed are valid up to 31st march.
- The renewals happen in the month of April.
- The fees being the same as that of a new license.
- If the license is renewed after 30th April, the late fee charge will be charged as 5% of the fees per month.
- If it is renewed after 1 year, then the late fee charge of actual license fee for each year or part there of shall be paid.
License Renewal Fees
The fees are same as for a new license.
- If a meat shop license is renewed between 1st march & 30th April, there are no late fees.
- If the meat shop license is renewed after 30th April, the late fee charge will be charged as 5% of the fees per month.
- If it is renewed after 1 year, then the late fee charge of actual license fee for each year or part there of shall be paid.
Documents Required For The Renewal Of License
- Original License copy,
- Any other documents, if asked for.
Amendment And Issue Of Duplicate License
All type of amendment applications are processed similar to the issue of new licenses except the issue of duplicate license.
This will be processed from any of the Citizens Service Bureau. For a change in the constitution, full fees which are similar to the new license- except the processing charge- will be collected.
- A duplicate license will be issued on payment of Rs.100/- towards processing charges and on the submission of the required documents- when the original was lost, mutilated, destroyed etc.
- A fresh license with a new license number will be issued and the all license will be cancelled.
- For the duplicate license ‘DUPLICATE’ will be written on the top of the license.
- Rs.250/- will be charged as the fees for the Amendment and Renewal of license.In addition there will be a service charge of Rs.5/
- Rs.100/- will be charged as the fees for the issue of duplicate license. In addition there will be a service charge of Rs.5/
Documents Required For A Duplicate License:
- First Information Report (FIR),
- Indemnity Bond in prescribed format.
Collection Of Trade License
The trade license will be issued by hand to the person concerned at the CSB or can be couriered to the address requested by the person interested in obtaining the license.
This’s all about Meat Shop Licensing and Registration: Complete Legal Procedure for now. Did you find this post useful? Let us know in the comments section. Don’t forget to Share!
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how to get buffalo licence in karnataka pls explain me sir
Meat shop licence online application fil kar sakte h .UP me to uska koi option nhi h Kiya aap bhej sakte h
What are the documents and what are the licences we required.
My name is Saleem Khan
My father name M.F.Khan
I am live in Tonk(Rajasthan)
My request is I am interested for opening Rabbit farming and sale of its meet shop licence
Your blog on fssai food license is well written.
Hi, How to get buffalo sloughterhouse permission in Maharashtra
And What will the documents
Thank you
SIR am from karnataka my name is girisha, are you get the licence of buffalo sir, pls tell me how to get the licence for buffalo this is my no and email pls reply sir 7411007979 and [email protected]
What documents are required for chicken meat shop in Bihar?
What are the documents required for Chicken meat shop ?
We would be like to get a licence of beef for sale
[…] According to the 2011 census, Muslims make up 24% of the total population, numbering around 15,000. There are no special restrictions on meat selling in the town, however shop owners are required to get a trade license. […]
Utter Pradesh me buffalo ke license ke kya rule h(Nagar palika me)
Very well explained. I was searching the legal guidelines for meat license registration for my friend Aslam. Now many of our points are clear.
Thanks Again!
My name is parvez Qureshi
My father name Haji chunnar
I am live in loni gaziabad
My request is meet shop licence
Just out of curiosity, due to the recent ban in UP on illegal meat shops, I searched for an article regarding how to get meat shop license in India… and I landed here.
Pretty well written and detailed description. Good Work !!!