Meenakshy completed her LLB from Bangalore Institute of Legal Studies. Currently, she is working as a lawyer with J. Sagar Associates.
I was looking for some valuable material on the latest trends on law. I have found all that I was looking for in the course details of Diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws from NUJS. The course contents are too lively and practical. Unlike the traditional Law courses which definitely motivated me to enrol for the course.
I have successfully completed this course. My experience with iPleaders while doing this course went really well. The entire unit of iPleaders were very helpful. I never felt like I have put in any amount of extra effort to complete this course. It is iPleaders who provided with brilliant study materials, explained in the easiest language possible.
They arranged for webinars which were full of practical information. I gave the online exam and it went on really well. Everything was done from their end. The back-end team was very prompt in their services. I was more than happy with their services in helping me to complete this course in the most effective manner.
My interest was always in corporate law, so practical implementation of the knowledge that I have gathered from this course is not required in my current job profile. But I must say, the way this diploma course has been designed is far more interactive than any other PGD courses on Business Law that I have ever known so far. The entire journey was very satisfying. It gave me lot of clarity in business law. I’ll definitely refer this course to the qualified business professionals as it will give them lot of value additions and a practical knowledge on how a business should be.

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