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Orissa Judicial Service Exam 2020-21
Law Graduates who wish to become members of subordinate judiciary should write the entry-level exam which is the Judiciary exam or the PCS (J)-Provincial Civil Service-Judicial Examination.
This exam is uniformly divided into 3 stages of Preliminary, Mains and Interview, across all States in India.
The State government under the supervision of respective High Courts appoints members of the subordinate judiciary.
The selection process is further dependent on the yearly vacancies/number of seats.
Judicial services offer several attractive features which include handsome perks and privileges including among others- rent-free accommodation, fuel allowances, subsidized electricity and water supplies, telephone allowances, and bursaries for children’s education.
(i) A candidate must not be below 23 (twenty-three) years of age and not above 35 (thirty-five) years of age on the date mentioned in the official notification. Age relaxation shall be as per government rules prescribed for the purpose.
(ii) The maximum age limit shall be relaxed by five years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, SEBC and women candidates.
(iii) The maximum age limit in respect of departmental candidates is not more than 39 (thirty-nine) years.
(iv) A candidate must be a graduate in Law of a University or Institution recognized by the Government.
Preliminary Written Examination
(a) Constitution of India;
(b) Code of Civil Procedure;
(c) Code of Criminal Procedure;
(d) Evidence Act;
(e) Indian Penal Code;
(f) Limitation Act;
(g) Transfer of Property Act;
(h) Contract Act;
(i) Law of Succession (Indian Succession Act and Hindu Succession Act);
(j) Specific Relief Act.
Main Written Exam
(1) Compulsory Papers.
PAPER -1 for 150 marks
General English
(a) Translation and retranslation of ten lines each
(b) A short essay of about 150 words
(c) Precis writing consisting of 300 words
(d) 1 (one) passage of about 500 words with 5 questions
PAPER – 2 for 150 marks
Procedural Laws-
(a) The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
(b) The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(c) The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
(2) Optional Papers.
A candidate may choose any three subjects among the following:
(i) Law of Crime & Law of Torts: — 150 Marks
(ii) Personal Law – 150 marks
(a) Hindu Law
(b) Mohammedan Law
(iii) Law of Property – 150 marks
(a) Transfer of property Act, 1882
(b) Specific Relief Act, 1963.
(c) Indian Limitation Act, 1963
(iv) Law of Contract – 150 marks
(a) Indian Contract Act, 1872.
(b) Sales of Goods Act, 1930
(c) Partnership Act, 1932.
(d) Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
(v) Jurisprudence and Constitution of India – 150 marks
Viva-voce interview
Interview shall carry 100 (one hundred) marks. Questions to be asked in the interview may not ordinarily be outside the syllabus prescribed for the main written examination. In the interview, questions covering broad national and international issues and matters of common interest in the field of Arts and Science may also be asked.
If you are interested in creating a foolproof strategy for your judiciary preparation, sign up for a judiciary preparation workshop that we are conducting on 14th December for more insights.
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