This article has been written by Team LawSikho.
Table of Contents
Rajasthan Judicial Service Exam 2020-21 (eligibility and syllabus)
Law Graduates who wish to become members of the subordinate judiciary should write the entry-level exam which is the Judiciary exam or the PCS (J)-Provincial Civil Service-Judicial Examination.
This exam is uniformly divided into 3 stages of Preliminary, Mains and Interview, across all States in India.
The State government under the supervision of respective High Courts appoints members of the subordinate judiciary.
The selection process is further dependent on the yearly vacancies/number of seats.
Judicial services offer several attractive features which include handsome perks and privileges including among others- rent-free accommodation, fuel allowances, subsidized electricity and water supplies, telephone allowances, and bursaries for children’s education.
- Candidates should be a minimum of 23 years of age and not more than 35 years of age (Maximum) as on the specific cut off date mentioned in the official advertisement for the year.
- The age limits are relaxable for various categories of candidates. Refer to the current year’s official advertisement for full details.
- Candidates should have a degree of Bachelor of Laws (Professional) from any University in India, which is recognized as such under the Advocates Act, 1961)
- Candidates should be thoroughly knowledgeable about Rajasthani Dialects and Social Customs.
Phase I Prelims
The Preliminary Examination will be an objective type of examination. 70% weightage will be given to the subjects prescribed in the syllabus for Law Paper-1 and Law Paper-11. 30% weightage shall be given to test proficiency in Hindi and English language. Maximum marks – 100. No negative marking for wrong answers / unanswered questions. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination are not counted towards the final ranking
- Law : Same syllabus as prescribed for the Law Papers I & II for the Main Examination.
- Hindi Proficiency : (Refer to the official notification for details)
- English Proficiency :
- Tenses
- Articles and Determiners
- Phrasal Verbs and Idioms
- Active & Passive Voice
- Coordination &, Subordination
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Modals expressing various concepts – (Obligation, Request, Permission. Prohibition. Intention. Condition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose. Reason. Companions, Contrast)
- Antonyms and Synonyms.
Phase II Main Exam
The Main Examination shall consist of following subjects:
- Law Paper-1 : 100 marks : 3 Hours
- Law Paper-2 : 100 marks : 3 Hours
- Language
- Paper-1 Hindi Essay 50 marks 2 Hours
- Paper-11 English Essay 50 marks 2 Hours
Law Paper (I)
- Code of Civil Procedure, l908,
- The Constitution of India,
- Indian Contract Act,1872,
- The Indian Evidence Act,1872,
- The Limitation Act, 1963,
- The Specific Relief Act, 1963,
- The Transfer of Property Act, 1882,
- Interpretation of Statues,
- The Rajasthan Rent Control Act, 2001,
- Order/Judgment Writing
Law Paper (II)
- The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973,
- The Indian Evidence Act,1872,
- The Indian Penal Code, 1860,
- The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015,
- The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Chapter XVII),
- The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958,
- Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005,
- Framing of Charge /Judgment Writing
Language Paper – 1
- Hindi Essay – Essay writing in Hindi language.
Language Paper – 2
- English Essay – Essay writing in English language.
Phase III
Viva Voce or Interview (35 Marks)
In interviewing a candidate, the suitability for employment to the RJS Civil Judge Post shall be tested with reference to his / her record at the School, College and University, and his / her character, personality, and physique. The questions, which may be put, may be of a general nature and will not necessarily be academic or legal.
Appearing for Viva Voce is compulsory, to be eligible for the final selections ranking. The final selections will be based on the aggregate scores from the main exam and the Viva Voce.
In the personal interview, the candidate will also be asked questions to test his general knowledge including knowledge of current affairs and present-day problems. Marks shall also be awarded for the candidate’s proficiency in the Rajasthani dialects and his knowledge of social customs of Rajasthan.
If you are interested in creating a foolproof strategy for your judiciary preparation, sign up for a judiciary preparation workshop that we are conducting on 14th December for more insights.
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