This article has been written by Oishika Banerji of Amity Law School, Kolkata. This article discusses the IBPS exam and its importance. 

It has been published by Rachit Garg.


Thinking of appearing for the IBPS examination and you don’t know the tips to crack it? Well, then you are in the right place. If you are reading this article, you must be thinking about appearing for the opportunity-filled IBPS examination. This article will give you certain tips and strategies that you can adapt to successfully crack the IBPS exam and land your dream job with several entitlements walking along with your post.

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IBPS SO selection process 

The selection process of IBPS for the post of probationary officer comprises the preliminary exam, mains exam, and interview.

  1. Prelims: Prelims exam consists of three sections with a total of 100 questions and a maximum score of 100 marks. Candidates are allocated a 60 minutes duration to complete the preliminary exam.
  2. Mains: IBPS SO mains exam comprises a total of 157 questions, of which 155 are of objective type and 2 are of descriptive type. A total duration of 3 hours and 30 minutes is allocated to complete the mains exam.
  3. Interview: Candidates shortlisted in the mains exam will be called for an interview. The total marks for the final interview are 100. The minimum marks to qualify for the interview will not be less than 40% for the general category and 30% for SC/ST/OBC/PWBD candidates.

General tips for IBPS SO aspirants

  1. The IBPS SO preparation process must be methodical and aspirants need to keep the most recent exam pattern in mind. Since the curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, it’s critical to pick the appropriate study materials so that you can comprehend the ideas and practice answering a variety of questions.
  2. Everyone was taken aback by the unforeseen pattern of the previous IBPS SO exam. For this reason, it is pertinent to know the new pattern of questions that were asked in the banking exams from the previous year. Simply put, new pattern questions are the same concepts applied in a different way. Thus, you need to practice them frequently to avoid problems in the IBPS SO 2022 exam.
  3. Candidates could review the IBPS questions from prior years to have a sense of what to expect in the IBPS SO 2022 exam. For the IBPS SO Exam 2022 with the most recent pattern, several coaching centres provide access to all study materials, tests, and video lectures to aspirants. 

IBPS SO preparation tips

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the esteemed IBPS SO exam as part of its recruiting process. A large number of candidates apply each year for this IBPS exam. The competition is intense because there are few openings and a large number of applications. Therefore, in order to pass the exam, students must properly plan their approach and prepare.

Make a study plan

Candidates should carefully read the IBPS SO curriculum and create a study schedule that includes every topic listed in the syllabus. The study schedule should include regular topic revisions and an examination of the question sets from the previous year’s bank exams.

Practice mock tests

The best outcome comes from consistent practice. Given that the exam has a time limit, it is essential to practice within that time limit and adhere to tight time management. Practice mock exams as much as you can to get a sense of the format of the questions. This enhances the precision and speed necessary for each phase and raises the overall score.

Refer to previous year question paper

The candidate might have a precise understanding of the exam format and structure by studying the question papers from the previous year. They will be able to determine which questions are more crucial and which ones are less commonly asked.

Opt for good study material

IBPS SO test prep books of a high caliber are a requirement for aspirants. The right study resources can aid students in covering all the test information for each subject. Covering the fundamentals in all areas should be your primary goal before focusing on improving your speed and accuracy.

Increase reading speed

Newspapers must be routinely read by aspirants. This helps applicants not only increase their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and reading speed, but also helps them keep up with current events in preparation for the exam. Read about themes in business, current events, the economy, and banking.

Cover all important topics

ibps bank exam

Every year, questions are posed on a few topics that are highly popular. Candidates must recognize these subjects and plan accordingly. The areas where they are less proficient must also be determined, and once those areas have been determined, greater emphasis must be placed on them.

Prepare for the mains, along with the prelim exam

The prelims should be your primary focus when you begin your IBPS SO preparation, but you should also be keeping an eye on the mains exam. You cannot afford to save all of your mains preparation for the 20–25 day window between the prelims exam result and the mains exam date, since it will never be enough. You should attempt some mains question types in addition to prelims preparation, since the basic areas for aptitude for both the prelims and mains are essentially the same. Reading frequently would keep your general knowledge section ready.

Regular sectional and mock test practice

The IBPS SO exam measures your conceptual knowledge in addition to your speed and accuracy. In order to measure your preparation in terms of score, it is recommended that you regularly administer sectional tests in all areas after reviewing the fundamentals of each. Additionally, it improves the tactics for choosing the best questions to attempt in the exam, as well as the stamina needed for each phase. Your goal should be to identify and strengthen your weak areas.

Be calm, don’t stress yourself

Although regular practice and preparation are essential, there is a danger that applicants will become anxious and put too much pressure on themselves. Throughout the preparation process, it’s critical to keep your cool and build your confidence.

Section-wise preparation tips for the IBPS SO 

Before preparing for any exam, aspirants must be thorough with the syllabus and exam pattern. While the preliminary examination consists of reasoning ability, quantitative aptitude and English language, the mains examination has reasoning, English language, quantitative aptitude, general awareness and computer aptitude. 

Section-wise preparation tips can be accessed hereunder.

English language 

There are fill-in-the-blank, phrase and idiom, preposition, comprehension passage, spotting errors, and sentence improvement questions in this section. Read daily newspapers or magazines and work on your vocabulary to get good grades in this part.

Reasoning ability

You should concentrate on subjects like puzzles, seating arrangements, inequality, coding-decoding, syllogisms, blood relationships, etc. if you want to do well in this area. By completing sample tests and question papers from prior years, you can practice various reasoning ability themes.

Quantitative aptitude

The vast majority of the inquiries in this part concern subjects like sequence and series, number systems, data interpretation, ratio and proportion, quadratic equations, percentage and average, and simplification. To answer questions in this area more quickly and to perform better, learn shortcuts and tactics.

General awareness

Concentrate on recent events to earn high scores in this assignment. Concentrate on subjects like marketing, questions about the Indian economy, awards and honours, sports, agriculture, the history of banking, finance, the role of the RBI, banking terms, and fiscal and monetary policies. For a refresher on current events, read the newspaper and periodicals.

Short-term preparation tricks for the IBPS examination

A lot of websites on the internet talk about 1 month of preparation for the IBPS examination. A lot of aspirants must be thinking about the same. While it is highly recommended to begin your preparation a little early to not face issues in the end, 30-day strategic prep for this examination is also not impossible. 

The following tricks can be applied in such a case: 

  1. Analysing the syllabus and pattern of the examination.
  2. Get hold of good study materials.
  3. Create a timetable after being fully aware of the syllabus for the examination.
  4. Topic-wise revision and preparation are required.
  5. Taking notes and increasing reading speed is also encouraged.
  6. Picking up new topics for preparation is not encouraged.
  7. Keeping yourself calm is recommended. 

IBPS SO is a highly sought-after position in the banking industry that necessitates meticulous preparation. You can pass the exam on your first try if you have the correct preparation plan. 

Candidates attempting to pass the IBPS SO exam must be familiar with the syllabus and exam format. Using the best IBPS SO exam preparation strategies might help candidates pass the test with ease.

Why wait? Get started.

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