This article is written by Aakritee Gambhir, a student of Amity Law School, Rajasthan. It is being republished from A First Taste of Law archives.
My first start at college was my thirst from stultifying summer after a high school into a world freshly coloured with freedom. It was my first time when I had stepped out of my home without my parents. When I first saw my campus I was mesmerized by its serenic beauty. It was 150 acres campus with beautiful surrounding. I had that mixed feeling, a fear of stepping into a new world without parents and the anxiety of indulging into a new lifestyle which I had always dreamt of. When I reached Amity I was very curious to see the hostels as I had to live there for the rest 5 years. The hostels are very huge consisting of five floors.
The first day at college was a new beginning. It was far better what I had thought of. When I first reached my department I saw it read as AMITY LAW SCHOOL. I saw that I was filled with pleasure as it was the place where I started chasing my dreams. My first week went through the registration process, talent hunt, and healthy interactions with the seniors. During this whole process I was hoping I could find some souls that I would cherish their friendship my entire life. My first day at college was an unforgettable day.
During my school days, I have had a glimpse of college life from my elder’s brothers and sisters. I thought that that the college life would offer me freedom where restrictions would be less and threat of teachers would be little. And at last the D-day came when I witnessed my first day at college. The first day at college is considered to be a important one.
The seniors would make the new comers to indulge in strange actions. So the seniors had worked out on their own strategies like stopping us wherever they could fine the juniors: in class, lectures theatres, cafeteria anywhere, everywhere. The introduction given to seniors consisted a specific pattern; it included name, course, place where I belong, and the main question Why Amity? It was fun giving intros to the seniors as it was the only way we could interact with our seniors. It was the first week when I met my 4th year seniors with whom I spent my first year. They were very helpful and fun loving and as our guide too. In this first week of registration there was not very hectic so we explored the campus. The 150 acres campus had lot to offer. It had a neem forest, amphitheater, a big library, lake side and the beautiful surroundings itself. In the evenings we all friends used to hang out at these places.
During the registrations process, we had to choose one foreign language and as I got late the only language left was Chinese. With no other option left I got Chinese as my optional language. I was very excited and anxiously waiting for my first Chinese class.
Finally after all the registration process we began with our academic classes. On our very first day the teachers gave their introduction and the overview to all the subjects which we were going to study through the semester. The first day was not so hectic. It was fun sitting in the classroom with the other classmates and interacting with them. And gradually this schedule continued. My first Chinese class was a new experience though it was funny. The teacher walked in and he greeted the class in Chinese. He taught us a few words in Chinese which were very hard to pronounce. Just after the couple of weeks my birthday arrived. All of my senior friends and some of my classmates planned a surprise for me.
My eyes filled with tears witnessing that. They made me cut the cake.
After a couple of months, the teachers informed us of our approaching mid terms examination. All of us were very scared to give our very first exam in the university. All of us worked very hard for the examinations. Just after the examinations ended rakshabandhan came. The students who lived near by headed for their homes and the students who lived far away stayed back in the campus itself. I was one of them who stayed at the campus and missed my family. But some of my friends who were there with me cheered me and made me happy. As time passed the university was all set for the end semesters examinations. As I was basically a pure science student, so I had a little bit of problem in going through the Arts subjects. But with hard work and passion I gave my exams. On the last day of the exam each and everybody present at the University was very excited. The reason behind it was that everybody was going home after 6 months long semester.
On 18th October our fresher’s party was scheduled by our seniors. It was the most awaited party after we came to college. Everybody started to prepare to look their best at the party. And finally the day came. The party was well organized by our seniors with lots of games and events. That’s how one year ended at amity.
Sometimes I feel that school was a much better place than college, but when I memorize the cheerful memories of college then I think both have different places in our lives. At school we were carefree as bird but at college we are the peak of our career with lots of responsibility n head. There are peer pressures either it could be from our parents or friends but one must learn or should know how to deal with it. At college we would find many types of friends but it depends upon oneself that what habits we adapt from them. This is because in college we think ourself to be matured and go on doing thinks which are against our values and regret them. After staying at hostel for almost 2 years now I have learned a lot. It taught me some good and some bad lessons. The big friends circle now was converted to small one. Living in hostel teaches you the value of family, time, money in short everything. You become more self-dependent.
The very interesting thing about amity is that every semester they offer you a different basket course. For example: cooking and baking, yoga, dining etiquettes, etc. Attending basket course classes is so much fun. they are very interesting at times. That’s how I cleared my first semester in Amity.
After stepping into second year at Amity I was bit more groomed up, matured, responsible and sincere in my studies. This year we were taught mooing skills. To learn them we were often taken to the moot court and even for court visits. Though court visits are the best reason behind you get to learn a lot from them. Its the only reason behind my interest in mooting. In the very same year I went for a International Moot Court Competition at Amity Lucknow. One of my senior and my classmate accompanied for the same. We reached till the semi-finals. It was a was a new experience for me. Interesting part being when you stand in front of judges and the feeling of being a actual lawyer.
In April 2014 Amity organized Amity Leadership Fest. Different colleges were invited and every department had their own set of events. Fests are the most awaited events in a university. Many big brands like Harley Davidson many more were the official partners for the fest. It was a 3-day fest with cultural events every evening. As I was from the law department I was in the core committee of the same. With the other members we decided the what events to be held and the other minute details. Organizing events at such level was a very tedious job. Any small mistake can lead to disgrace to the university name. It taught me many managing skills. I also participated in the group dancing competition as I am an average dancer. Our group stood third in the competition. Its fun being a part of the event. This is the time when you meet other students from different colleges and get to learn a lot from them.
Just after couple of weeks the university organized the convocation ceremony for the graduating graduates. The amphitheater was well decorated with all the necessary arrangements made. Its pleasure seeing our seniors again in the campus.
Our university organizes Sangathan sports meet every year. This part of the year is the best. It’s mandatory for every student of the university to take part in one of the events. The best part being classes are suspended for almost a week. The students who play and win go to Amity Noida to compete there. At Amity they nurture talents. Each and every student is given a fair opportunity to show is real colors apart from studies.
In no time I reached my fourth semester. I guess at the end of 5 years I would be having a bag full of memories which I will cherish throughout my life. Life at Amity is so good that it feels like a second home to me. As our campus is located at 54 kms far from the Jaipur city it makes it quite difficult for us to commute to Jaipur so often. The best part of Amity is that it is a pure vegetarian campus. It has everything a departmental store, mess, canteen, juice shop. The weather here is quite pleasant in the evenings.
In rainy seasons the campus looks at its best with greenery all around and lake full of water. There are 24 ducks in the lake which makes it look more beautiful and serenic. There are benches put up on the side of the lake where you sit and relax.
When I go and look back it seems it was only a couple of months ago that I came to Amity. Before coming to Amity I was scared that how would I manage at such a place with strangers all around. But now I am glad to see those same people every day. Without them this college would have been boring. It taught me value of money. Whenever you stay in hostels you realize the value of every single penny. Till now my journey has been great at amity. And I am looking forward for much better in future. I have so stay here for 3 more long years but when I look back these 3 years seem so short. Amity helped me to be a better person than I was.
Continuous mooting also helped me to improve upon my speaking skills. Academically I am an average student. At Amity every student is under the supervision of their respective mentors. They take care of the mentee academic status, co-curricular activity, etc. and keep a strong check on their mentee. Recently Amity Jaipur has introduced semester exchange program in which a student is given a opportunity to go abroad and study for a semester in the abroad campuses of amity. I am planning to visit one of them in my next semester. I basically look forward towards a bright future after graduating from Amity.
Spending 2 years in amity was fun with lots of legal learning and I am looking forward to be a good lawyer at the end of 5th year. A last I would say these 2years at amity till now have probably been the best time of my life, as I got to learn a lot from here not only academically but socially also. I am looking forward to more beautiful moments to be spent at amity in the next 3 years. I know that the journey ahead is not so easy but with such learned teachers and supporting family and friends the road ahead would seem to be easy and smooth. Hardships do come in way but we must learn to overcome them. I personally believe in the principle that First you deserve and then you desire.