This basic study material on law of torts has been compiled by team Lawsikho. It is our dream to provide accessible and high quality study material to all law students as well as anyone who wants to learn the law in India. This study material has been created as a part of Project Access, which we started to this end.
We found that many students struggle to find good law books in the market. Even if they are available, they are so costly that many law students can’t afford them. Also, they are technical, and it is very difficult for students to understand the text of these books.
We also observed that different students have different ways of learning. Few like to read books and make notes, few would prefer PPTs to understand the concept and revise quickly at the last moment, while few require some videos to understand the concept completely.
To solve all the above mentioned issues of law students, we have compiled and provided notes for Law of Torts here. These notes will be further updated. Consider this as a work in progress which will be perfected over the years. You are welcome to contribute by writing and sharing high quality notes for this cause or suggest any changes in the existing notes if required. You can also ask us at ramanuj [@] to make and upload topics which you think should be added in this compilation. You can also write your opinions or topics in the comment section below.
We request you to also share the question papers of your university/college so we can upload the same here along with model answers, free of cost.
In future we will add similar notes on other subjects, many MCQs, subjective questions, their answers and tips to learn and answer them for exams. To get all the updates you can subscribe to our YouTube channel, Telegram group, Instagram channel and Linkedin page.
- What is a Tort?
- General Defences in Tort
- When are Torts Discharged
- Remedies Available in Tort Law
- What are Joint Tortfeasors
- What is Defamation
- Torts to Domestic Relations
- Torts relating to Immovable Property
- What is Negligence
- Definition of Tort and Characteristics
- Torts and the Cyber World
- Difference between Torts and Crime
- What Constitutes a Tort
- Sources of Tort Law
- Ubi Just Ibi Remedium
- Ex Turpi Causa Non Oritur Actio
- Role of Motive, Intention and Malice in Tort
- Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance
- Capacity for Suing: who can be sued and who can sue under Tort Law
- Act of State as a Defence in Indian Law
- Foreign Torts
- Necessity and Authorities of Necessity as a Defence to Tort
- Inevitable Accident and Act of God as a Defence
- Mistake of Fact and Mistake of Law
- Volenti Non-Fit Injuria
- Private Defence
- Contributory Negligence
- De Minimis Non Curat Lex
- Waiver of Tort Claims
- Bar of Limitations on Torts
- Injunction as a Relief for Claims under Tort Law
- Vicarious Liability by Authorisation and Ratification under Tort Law
- Vicarious Liability in case of Master-Servant relationship in Tort Law
- Vicarious Liability in case of Partners of a Firm in Tort Law
- Vicarious Liability in case of Guardian-Ward relationship in Tort Law
- Vicarious Liability in case of Owner-Independent Contractors Relationship in Tort Law
- Is a Company Vicariously Liable for Tortious Actions of its Directors
- Damages under Tort Law – How to be Calculated
- Liquidated Damages v. Unliquidated Damages
- Specific Restitution of Property for Tort Claims
- The Tort of Nuisance
- Trespass to Land and Dispossession
- Distress Damage Feasant – Animal Rights and Tort Law
- Joint Tort-Feasors and the Laws in India
- Assault as a Tort and Remedies
- Torts Relating to Marital Rights
- Torts Relating to Abuse of Legal Process
- Fraud or Deceit in Torts
- Slander of Title and Goods
- The tort of Passing Off
- Procuring a Breach of Contract
- The Tort of Nuisance- Public and Private
- The Concept of Absolute Liability
- Constitutional Tort
- Tort Law and Environment
- Bhopal Gas Tragedy and Development of Environmental Law
- Medical Negligence
- Death in Relation to Tort
- Liability for Dangerous Premises
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